字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 No! Oh my god- he's still tough! 不!我的天啊 他太強了 Oh my god- he's flying! OW! 天啊 他飛起來了 Joergen! Joergen! Good morning, gamers!!! 各位玩家們 早安!! Welcome back to another episode of Minecraft! 歡迎來到新一集的Minecraft I know! 我知道 Surprise! 大驚喜! Look at IKEA tower.. In all it's glory. 看看IKEA塔 多麼神聖阿 So beautiful.. 太美了 Subtitles by Mochi Doodles ;o 00:00:36,960 --> 00:00:38,360 我們靠近結束階段了 We are nearing the endgame. :C(Oof) 上次我們打敗了凋零 We beat the wither last- 我稍微整理了一下 -battle.. I've cleaned up a little bit. 然後下一個是終界龍寶貝~ But, next up... Is the EnderDragon, baby. Minecraft 的最終BOSS. 之後我們會拿到一大堆東西 The final boss of Minecraft. After that, we go get a bunch of cool stuff, aswell. 所以現在是時候要做準備了 So, it's time for us to prepare for that. 我們的下一步要增加我們的村民 Our next step is to increase our village. 快生bebe MAKE MORE BEBE!!! 00:00:58,620 --> 00:01:01,160 我做了一個超天才的裝置 I have this genius contraption, right? 玻璃這裡有個小洞 So, there's a little hole here in the glass.. 然後把船放在這 And then you put a boat here... 最後 我們會在這裡抓到村民寶寶 And then eventually, we'll catch a baby! That's right. 我將會抓住你們所有的小孩 I'm gonna catch all your children. 波濤... Riptide.. *抽氣* *gasp* 感覺"波濤"好像不錯 I think Riptide is pretty good.. "波濤"...什麼是波... Riptide.. What is Ripti- 32顆?! 32?! 怎樣你覺得我很有錢嗎嗎? NANI!? DO YOU THINK I'M MADE OF MONEY?!? 我想"波濤"可以附在我的三叉戟上 I think that's another thing I can put on my.. trident. 所以說我可以用波濤的三叉戟快速移動? It means I can use the trident as a means of (fast) transportation? 呃...好歐 Uhhh.. Yes please! Sven我的錢在哪? 我現在就需要它 Sven, where is my purse? I need it now! 把我的錢給我 Give me my purse! 我覺得我沒有足夠的錢 I don't think I have any money left.. 不~~我又變窮鬼了 Nooo.. I'm poor again.. Oh god 我得跑到很遠的地方跟村民交易 Ugh, God. I'm gonna have to trade with people far, far away. 好吧 我的東西給我 Okay, give me my stuff. 我有多到爆的南瓜 I have an insane amount of pumpkins OK Sven Okay, Sven! 你跟這些貓咪在幹嘛? What are you doing with all the cats? 爸爸要去...出差! Daddy's coming- gotta go- business trip! 天 如果我可以使用... 我愛死三叉戟了 Damn, if I can use the- I love the trident. 我們要往南走很遠 We gotta travel far in the south 也許我可以在南方綁架一些人?..... Maybe I should kidnap these people in the south? 00:02:02,940 --> 00:02:04,100 IKEA鳥? IKEA Bird? 我剛剛是看到IKEA鳥嗎?幻覺? Did I see IKEA Bird..Or am I crazy? IKEA鳥! IKEA Bird! 你不能... You can't... 哦~天殺的 Ahh god damn it. 好吧 你可以跟我走 Alright fine you're coming with me Ikea Bird! 你如何偷偷摸摸地跟著我的? How did you stick?? with me?? 你怎麼做到的? How did you do this stop STAPHH!! 雖然有點可愛就是了 Lowkey kinda cute thooo..... 00:02:22,780 --> 00:02:23,280 哦糟糕了 *Cute Chuckle* 哦 沒事 One thing I wanna do 我想做一件事 At some point 如果可以的話 ... 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:30,020 我想蒐集遊戲裡的每隻怪 Is try to collect every monster in the Game. 因為很明顯的 你可以... Cause apparently you can Phoot 你可以把所有怪抓進船裡 You can put any monster in the game in a boat. (Basically kidnapping) 00:02:37,220 --> 00:02:38,680 所以我們可以把終界龍放進船裡 *More cute chuckling* 上船! So.. We're put the Enderdragon in a boat. 00:02:41,480 --> 00:02:43,940 但我想你真的可以把凋零抓上船 Get in the bohhoha 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,100 這會是我們下一個小目標 *More Cute Chuckling* 哦 天 I think you can actually put the wither in a boat (big brain???) IKEA鳥不見了 -Gasppp- 這會是我玩這遊戲的最終目標 Thats gonna be the next- 把所有生物放進船裡 Oh Godd!! 所以這是其中一個我交易過得最大的村莊 Ikea Bird is gone.(Insert Crab Rave here) 這裡是我賺錢的地方 That's our goal through this playthrough 我養家活口的地方 Every creature in a boat 你都沒有更新你的交易清單 Soo this is the biggest village I have ever traded with (correction cheated with ;0) 都過幾天了! So this is where I make my Stoinks? 天啊 Its been days!!! ( IKEA鳥2號 被刺死了 ) My GOD!! Noooooo!!! NUUUUUUU 他碰到了仙人掌 He ran into a cactus (he a dummy dum) IKEA鳥! Ikea Bird -回憶- -Flashbacks- 哦~不! Awww NOOOO!! IKEA鳥 Ikea Bird(R.I.P) 給我 GET 上 IN 船!! THE BOAT!!!! 你跟我走 You're coming with me 如果有人反對 If anyone has an objection 去叫警察吧 Feel free to call the cops 為什麼~~IkEa鳥~~~ WHYYY IKea BiRd 為什麼.... Whyhaha 你以為我在跟你說話嗎? Oh Was I tlaking to you?? 跟你的朋友說再見吧 Say bye to your friends IKEA鳥就像我的父親 (Weird sound) Ikea bird was like father to me 我愛他像愛我媽一樣 I love him like my mother 原本一切都很順利的 boat it's not that hard what is this place the Netherlands why 直到那時.. are we riding in a boat don't ask stupid questions 上船啊! No 這不難阿 it was like a father to me the way he would trade me melons for a discount I 這是哪裡?是地獄 felt truly like I belonged he was irreplaceable there will never be 為什麼我們在船裡? 不准問問題! another man like Hey wakey-wakey get in the boat get in no listen Nooo!Noooooooooo~~!!! get in the boat or I'm gonna shove this bed somewhere you're not gonna like it 他就像我的爸,他總是高價收購我的瓜 thank you what happened to your friend 讓我備感溫馨 nothing special hey no hard feelings right trust me this 他是無可取代的 is 100% safe I've done this before go to the boat you think I'm ready 再也不會有個人像他一樣 my neighbor's gonna just just press it just trust me so do you think that guy 嘿~~ is good still gonna trade me a riptide about three hours I know you can plate 太陽曬屁股囉~ wet damn we're fast you can place eyes and then that's a really fast way to 給我上船! actually transporting another with ice and a boat so apparently you can take 上去 one of the farmers and place him in your automatic farm and he will replant the 聽著 給我上船 不然我把你的床拆了 seeds I don't know if that's true or not but I mean if that's the case that's 你不會喜歡的 right that means I get free labor uh don't worry about the new guy guys don't 謝謝 worry about him don't don't even look at it how much do you want to bet he 你的朋友怎麼了? doesn't have riptide anymore no baby come on guys okay he still has replied ...... so that's okay yeah he's like whoa guys guys it's raining potatoes this is crazy 沒事 don't worry man I'm just preparing your little a little new adventure all right 不要有壓力好嗎? enjoy your new home and job 20 well what in the world oh my god it's raining yes 相信我 這百分之百安全 我有經驗 this is perfect and even real what are you doing in my house 給我上船! guess this against the rules to kick you out all right you can stay just like be 我沒跟你開玩笑 nice how does this work oh my god Oh spen did you see that wait 我的鄰居會... what oh my god that's awesome let me get away whoa 就..相信我吧 this seems very dangerous I don't know why anyone would do this no oh my god 你覺得那個村民還會賣"波濤"給我嗎? you what Allah ah all my friends look what a great job he did I'm flying 已經過了三小時了 away I'm out of this to disguise and beyond I'm gonna find uragan again I'm 我知道你可以.. gonna find that kea bird oh my god it's snowing up no are you kidding me ah 哦天 我們前進速度好快! this is the worst episode of all time I have a sign bed and I'm not afraid to 你可以在地獄裡放冰塊 use it if anyone come near me what are you guys even yes finally 船就可以在地獄裡靠冰塊快速移動 haha woohoo yeah the circle of life continues little 所以好像 child follow me little child now we place another boat trap we refill the 可以把農夫抓進你的自動化農場裡你替種田 food and more baby will come what what are you doing here 我不知道那是真還假 haha alright let's put some more potatoes and carrots 但如果那是真的 he's the electrician he's just making sure it's all running thanks thanks mr. 我就 我就可以不用做這些事了 peepee really appreciate it 呃 guys just like food raining from ceiling does anyone know where that comes from 不要在意這個新人 this is so strange suddenly my pants feel like they are hot 不要在意他 更不要看他 9 - look he grew up curse of vanishing ok you guys are just getting greedy now 我跟你打賭他沒賣波濤了 yes that's what I like to see alright gamers I am back they're all 沒小孩?拜託.. farmers now come on you're my destined new farmer we're gonna have a great time 好 他還有賣"波濤" 真好 together I'm so glad no one is going to escape my prison unless I willingly 你看他:"哇 各位 現在在下馬鈴薯雨欸!" escort them out okay don't look don't talk to him don't talk to him spend a :"太瘋狂了" look at him he's bad man very bad man look who doesn't have a job huh well we 不要擔心 兄弟 我只是在規畫你的未來 will sort that out for you buddy don't worry about it 好了 享受你的新家和你的工作 just follow me in here yes yes oh you're lonely okay I give friend I'm 哇嗚! very generous man people don't understand you know actually I think you 多好啊 should be alone for no reason whatsoever despite the fact that I don't like you 我的天啊 在下雨了 and I don't like your bold fit where is your face there it is okay 太完美了 well that's all I got a safe that's all the reasons I need let's replace my oh 我都沒注意到 look who's already started huh from the boat hey what a loser what a nerd 你在我家幹麻? hopefully this won't get overrun by zombies I have protected at this time 我想這違反了你不能進某人家的規則 let me see oh if you like the boat so much why don't you why don't you try 呃 你可以留著 但保持友善 this so basically he will work for me and I will sell him his own crops 要怎麼做 now that stinks so whatever hijab he does for me I will sell it back to him OMG how did you escape get back in chamber that's right shame on you so the idea is 阿 to just expand the whole the whole way like infinite I want to have as many as Sven你看到了嗎? possible keep making bet back 等等 yeah and eventually will have it will have infinite Bibby Wallach you're not What? supposed to be a shepherd you're not even supposed to be come out of here get OMG 這太棒了 away from him you don't love him that's right you're supposed to be a farmer ah 讓我脫掉... ha ha looks like we caught the big one boys how did you even get there 哇嗚 into the cell why do I enjoy this so much 我覺得醬很危險 為什麼有人會這樣做? why does making villagers go into this I don't know what Hey look at him I don't 不!! know why I liked any other they're all brothers and sisters even more they're 我的老天 你這 our family of pain they're our family of so look who decided to become farmer huh 為什麼你要這麼做喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔! okay all right look like anyone's opinion can just 我的朋友 看他做得多好 change huh what is he doing give me back my money that's my money 我要飛走 我受夠這一切了 damn alright yeah that's right give me all your money okay one disappeared 飛向宇宙 浩瀚無垠 that's so crazy it's time to finish up a tower of llama wives Tower of llama the 我要再去找Joergen 找IKEA鳥 most ambitious project I have there we go Thanks 我的天啊 上面在下雪 just stay there thanks bro see you in forever 我飛得多高...我的天 there you go should we make a tower of cat maybe wake (趴) up feeding time he's like no I want to sleep oh god oh god we have to eat this 不不不不!!!! the first time we get to eat that relatable moment when you're dragged out 你在跟我開玩笑嗎? of bed because carrots are raining from the sky all right come on guys make more 啊啊啊阿啊啊! baby okay so I like my house I really do but I think it's what do you think your 這是有史以來最慘的一集!! again I think it's time we update it it's looking a bit small in comparison 我有一張床 我不會客氣的 to everything else we have around this 如果有人膽敢接近我 and I want to make it like a traditional Swedish house I think that could be 呀! really fun as well but to build we must first destroy man this feels weird this 你們到你在做什.. house has been here longer than almost anything in this playthrough that feels 太好了!! this feels so strange 終於! oh my god it's so sad analyst away I didn't expect to be feeling feels so I 生命的循環是無止盡的 had this house for so long Hey look who caught a couple babies huh 小孩 跟我走吧小孩 yeah oh no it's just your kids oh don't worry I'll take good care no Charlie's 重新放上一隻船陷阱 gaping get their boats child you're coming with me 我們重放食物 生更多小孩 don't think so child look at this that's the one thing that's been with us in 你在這裡做什麼? number one tree of life wait why do I hear a tiny one oh my gosh 好 我們放進更多馬鈴薯和胡蘿蔔 why does everyone make him pay I didn't ask for this congratulations guys 他是工程師 確保機關有用 謝謝 damn I'm rich now oh it's all working so well look at that things are going well 謝謝 peepee先生 for once in an episode not really actually but oh look he's teaching his 非常感謝你 child to be as worthless as his father come on all right : "大夥 這裡有食物從天花板而降! 這從哪來的呀?" I don't really have the materials to to build a house I want to build so it's I :"這太奇怪了 我的下面突然好熱" gamers last episode I blame peepee poo-poo oh my god he's hiding from me 看 他長大了 消失詛咒 now what spawn zone and why did I just spend 15 pounds on it last episode I 好了 給你們夠多食物了 said pee pee poop who was healing then with her pigs healing him 這就對了 這就是我要看的 are you kidding me the pigment healed him 好的玩家們 我回來了 you guys healed him but I was wrong they actually started us a great decoy and I 他們全都變成農夫了 feel like the only honorable thing to do from my mistake my miscalculation is to 你將成為我下任農夫 我們會有很美好的時光 make a memorial for all the pee pee poop was out there that fought all the brave 我太開心了 people poo poos that fought and died so we could defeat the wither that's why I 沒有人可以逃出我的監獄 want to build a quick little memorial it won't be anything fancy but something to 除非我同意送他們出去 了解? represent each torch represents one peepee poo-poo this is actually one of 不要看他 不要跟他說話 一眼都不行 Sven the first things I ever build in Minecraft I was like hey gorgeous it 他是壞人 非常壞 looks pretty cool I'll just place a bunch of them down it's surreal to do 看是誰沒工作呀 this like 10 years later just but for all the wrong reasons why people 我會幫你找個工作的 兄弟 別擔心 oh my gosh I can just right-click 跟我 來這裡 why hasn't no one told me 哦 你覺得很孤單?好我幫你找個朋友你 there it is like a beautiful whoa that actually looks though and I 我非常慷慨 大家都不知道 missed a spine okay gamers as a final ending for this 你知道嗎 我覺得你應該自己待著 episode I want to do something with Jorgen we're gonna write out so I don't 沒有任何原因 know if this works but someone made it I'll put his imprint in the description 事實上是我討厭你 so that if you put down a diamond block and a nether stall named Petey pie which 我還討厭你的光頭 你在看哪 哦好 of course I just happen to have on me and then throw a sword on it 這就是我要說的 it should create a pewdiepie boss throw them as a star and then a sword did I 這就是為甚麼 not do it oh it worked oh my god it's cherry pie it's berry pie 換我的... in Minecraft but wait I am PewDiePie Oh God 哦看!是誰在船裡開始耕種啦! pizza pie has a lot of health don't hurt me Petey pie please oh no it it how is 多麼魯蛇!多麼怪胎! this even possible so I'm playing on the easiest difficulty No 希望這次他不會被殭屍殺了 oh my god it's still tough oh my god he's flying out you're it again no I 這次我做了個保護機制 don't want to hurt you yard again don't hurt me 讓我看看 哦既然你那麼喜歡這艘船 I need to drink milk oh wait I'm fine no no I love your yard 你為何 為何不試試這個 gate don't do this to me y'all guys stop fighting we can be together I love you 基本上 他會幫我工作 然後我再回賣給他 please don't make me do this back off peopIe oh my god 夭壽讚 I'm going for hardcore DPS oh this is so Oh back off sweat back up find water 所以他為我做的 我會再賣回去給他 through these I don't want to hurt you you're the only one that I haven't 你怎麼逃了? killed no we're gonna look so evil it's evil Sven 滾回你的牢房!就是這樣!羞羞臉! stop stop sled oh my god the knock-back 所以我想擴建牢房 到無限多個 oh shit what is he doing oh my god oh 我要越多越好 繼續生小孩! god what else couldn't read if I possibly have up oh my god of course yeah~ it's what that she hey wait what they should follow me all my loved ones are 最後 我們會有無限多的寶寶 back but they're fighting against me there you go you're in what they're now What? what their sheep damn he's fast oh my god stop it berry pie Oh stops 你不該變成牧羊人的 water sward stop it pit if I get it 你甚至不應該在... oh my god ten out of ten yes headphones where do I 出來 你不愛他 put them getting up with them on my head how do I use the chair oh my god oh my 這就對了 god oh my god oh my chair how do I put on there oh my god and I can change 你應該要變成一名農夫的! music that is so cool wait let me get the chair bag Bob's orbit gone 哦吼吼~看來我們抓到大的了! what oh my god I can ride their chair what yeah Bob's one Oh big for Baba BIP 不過你是怎麼進去的 Bop Elbe River deeper deeper deeper BIP Bop our trip 進入地窖 papow oh alright gamers ha ha ha look at me Sven we're gonna beat the 為什麼我很享受這個過程?為什麼? ender dragon in this chair thank you so much 讓村民坐牢讓我很.. mech Macke Stein for creating this that's amazing 我不知道為什..哈 看看他 hope you guys enjoy this episode if you did smash like subscribe check out the 為什麼我覺得他們兄弟姊妹讓我感覺很微妙 merch of course to support the series oh my god it go fast oh my god it can't do 他們是痛苦的一家人 一家子都水深火熱... this okay alright that's it see you guys bye 哦 看看誰轉職成農夫啦~huh?
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 PewDiePie 小孩 村民 凋零 農夫 椅子 我發現一個PewDiePie Boss在Minecraft!(真實)--第26部 (I found a PewDiePie Boss in Minecraft! (Real) - Part 26) 88 2 原 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字