字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 GOOD MORNING 是Minecraft約會,我最喜歡的一種約會 我 愛 Minecraft,不,我才沒有上癮okay? Sven! G A M E R S 喔天,不! *笑* It's Minecraft Day! Sven又再次迷路了,大家抱歉,又是另一個必須的拯救任務,離牠遠點Sven! The favorite kind of day. 離那髒羊遠點,過來這 I 傳送,傳送過來啊Sven!!! love 離他遠點!! FORTNI--- uhh I meant..... M I N E C R A F T 喔不天啊,喔天啊,謝謝老天 No I'm not addicted, ök? (yes you are) 待在那,待在那坐下,不要再去跟他講話了 Sven? 你又再次靠近我的狗了(兇),如果再有下一次這麼的靠近... 這就對了 Oh God, no! *titter* 不要在我跟你講話時看著我....我跟你講話時給我看著我! 我是說 *笑*,我的斧頭去哪了? Sven is lost again. Sorry guys. 我會...你知道還有什麼更棒的嗎? 我會放這個,而你知道我會把這個放在哪的,羊先生 Another rescue mission necessary. 水 羊 先 生。給我待在這個牢籠...給我永遠待在這個牢籠裡,Jeb。他這是什麼鬼名字啊? Get away from him, Sven! 好吧,這次我們來真的把它命名為Jeb_ Get away from that s-- dirty sheep! Come here. 因為我想看看到底會發生什麼 Teleport. 這就是它會發生的一切 TELEPORT SVEN! 喔不我拿成另一個東西 GET AWAY FROM HIM 喔對,我拿到了一張海洋探險地圖 Oh God, oh God! Sve-- 不過,首先 Thank God. 要怎麼做? Stay there. 喔好,把這個放這裡,然後打上Jeb_ Stay (Woof)-- Stay there, sit. 然後,對,下劃線 Never speak to him again. Ok,好了 You come near my dog again. *咻* If you so even go close to breathing at this distance. 是誰在射我? That's right. 是誰在往我這射? Don't look at me when I'm spea-- 啊!! LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU, I mean! 你!! Where's my... 你又不是水牛! Where's my axe? 水牛去哪了!! I will pu-- No, you know what? Even better. 啊啊啊啊啊啊 I will put this, and I think you know where I will put it, Mr. H2O Sheep. 水牛?? Mr. w o t e r Sheep. 喔喔喔天 You stay in this prison. 水牛你在哪? And you stay in this prison forever. 哪隻才是水牛? J E B 哪隻才是水牛? What kind of name is-- *breaks into laughter* 啊啊啊 Alright. 天啊我一直偏離主題 Let's name him actually jeb_ this time. 然後,我還改造了一下IKEA塔 (you got the wrong item btw) 它看起來還不錯 Because-- /sudden camera tp's/ --I wanna see what this is all about. (Woof) 我蠻喜歡的 That's what this is all abou-- No wait, I picked up the wrong thing (Took you some time to realize.......) 從遠處來看真的不錯 Oh yeah, I have this ocean explorer map 呃還有什麼? Uh, but... 我改造了地板? (börk) 你們會在乎嗎當然了你們在乎 First. Yeah, what !? pewdiepie在Minecraft裡換了地板? How do you do it? 這超讚的!! Ok, you put this here and then you type 聽好了,你這小壞蛋 (?) Jeb, underscore. 我不喜歡你 And it says 'jeb_'. 我要給你... Ok, alright 喔天啊這超讚的的的的!!! Alrig-- Yayyyyyyyyyyyy Who's shööting me?! 他在換顏色耶!!! Who shoot at me? XDDDDDDDD AAAA 為什麼啊? YOU! He He Ha You are not H2O cow! Where did water cow go? Ok, 好的 (oh noes) 你知道嗎? 我不會說謊,這真的超棒的 AAAAAA 我不會...你知道的 Water cow? 我會在期限前履行承諾的 Oh God! 所以我要餵你第一次,但只餵你足夠讓你存活的量 Water cow, where are you? 好的 Which one is water cow? 不要抱有任何希望 möö 你只能永遠待在那 møø 喔天啊,等等抱歉 Which one is water cow? 我必須...我必須做這個 møø 給我...給我一秒就好 mϕϕ 就快好了 mœ Ok, 我們來餵這群混蛋吧 Ah... 不是你 God, I keep getting sidetracked. 你們哪隻才是水牛? 你們哪隻才是水牛!? Also, I improved the, uh... the IKEA (cuz..... Swedish colors) tower. *WTF* It looks really nice, I like it. (thumbs up) 有隻牛,會有隻幸運的牛可以成為水牛 It's really nice from a distance too. 喔 Okay, 你可以成為水牛,跟我來 Uh, what else? I've changed flooring. 跟 著 我!! Does anyone care? 天啊水牛才不會像你這麼麻煩 Of course you do! 來這裡,ey ey ey ey ey! *seizure* WHAT? 你的命運就是 PewDiePie changed flooring in Minecraft 經過足夠訓練並成為水牛 That's œwsome 進去,進去就對了 baa 這就對了,你是水牛了 Lis-- Listen here you little scoundrel. 我會每天都訓練你 I don't like you. 然後有一天你會長大並成為水牛 (ooooo, friendzoned) 天啊該死 I'm giving this, Okay, 我剛剛在幹嘛? (müsic) Oh MYy G0D 對,對,當然了 THAT'S AWESOME 我的馬Joergen Yayyyy Okay, 我不會說謊,我覺得這還蠻棒的 He's changing colooors *laughs* XDD jeg 喔天啊這遊戲有太多可以讓我分心的地方了 haha 我都不知道我到底在幹嘛,說真的 (how2asthma.mp4) 喔對,我有一件很快就能搞好的事 Why? 所以,如果你拿火藥粉和紙 Ok, alright. You know what? I'm not gonna lie. 也就是用我從紙農場 That was pretty epic. (Felix 2:24) 就是外面那個你能看到的紙農場 I'm not gonna, you know. 呃呃呃...你可以做出 I'll give credit where credit is due. Ok, 所以我是個Minecraft老手 (another börk) 所以我知道... So I'm gonna feed you for the first time in days. 煙火!! But only to keep you alive. 真的假的?? Alright? 竟然!? Don't get any hopes; You're staying there forever. (oof) 他們什麼時候加入了煙火? Oh gosh, wait. Sorry, I gotta... I gotta do this as well. 好,Yep (epilepsy) Just give me one second, I'll just gotta... 如果這真的是你的名字 Ok, let's feed the... these bastards. 你看,他都不... bȃȃ Yeah, 對啊你最好不要看 No, not you. W h o a Which wun is (ocean s0s) cow? 怎麼沒有爆炸?? Which one of you is water cow? 就那樣嗎? (insert Seinfeld theme) Wow GET AWAY FROM ME 那超酷的! One cow-- lucky cow Hey Joergen看看這個! --is going to become water cow. 他喜歡這個! 他喜歡這個! Oh okay, you can become water cow. Sven在哪? Follow me Sven ! 你看這個! FOLLOW ME Sven! Gosh, water cow would not give me this trouble. 過來這 Come here. 小子過來這 Ey ey ey ey ey /dab/ 好,來看看這個 You have one destiny in this life. XD And it's to become water cow. XDDDD With enough training, 他 很 喜 歡!XDD get in. 好了Sven,是時候讓我這個epic玩家出發去epic冒險了 Just get in. Just get in. 通過地域... There you go. 傳送門 You are water cow (?) 我要怎麼...Oh Yeah I'm gonna train you everyday 等會 And one day, you'll live up to become water cow, gosh darnit. 等會見了gamer Ok, where was I? Yes, yes, yes. Of course. 所以在上集,還是在前幾集? Of course, 我試著炸掉這些傢伙的屋子,對吧? My horse. 那並沒有用 Joergen. 不過我有另一個計畫 Ok, I'm not gonna lie. That's pretty epic. 另外,很明顯的你能在地域找到一堆材料 hA 還有像是這些非常重要的烈焰桿 heaăă 我還沒看到任何東西,它們在哪? Oh God, there's so many distractions in this game. I never know what I'm doing. 幫我,天殺的幫我啊 Seriously. 在哪? 到底在哪啊? Öh yȇs, I have one quick thing I really need to do. 哈囉?? So if you take gunpowder, 我能看到的就只有豬,還有白癡地域 (?) and paper which I've been farming from the paper, uh sh--farm (great poetry) 我討厭豬豬 that I have out there. 他們不棒,他們沒有跟西瓜一樣棒(wtf) You'll see the paper farm. 為什麼大家都在看我 *笑* Uh, you can make... Ok, gamers 他喵的我們走吧 Ok, so I'm a Minecraft veteran so I rememb-- 等等這是錯的傳送門嗎? FIREWORKS? 喔對這是錯的傳送門,我的方向錯了!! Nani de frickedickEE 啊啊啊啊啊啊 How? (you just did) 地域傳送門? 更像'什麼屁都沒有' 傳送門 Since when did they add fireworks? hoply poply boply snoply Alright, jeb (with-an-underscore). Okay, gamers,經過三倍的時間 If that is your real name. Look at... 我們終於到了 He doesn-- Yea- yeah, you better not look! Okay, 這就是了 FEUUUU 喔天色越來越暗了,太棒了 WOAAAAAAAAAAH. 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 (2004 flashbacks) 哈ばかやろう (when he broke his ass) Joe tada??? möö Okay gamers, 這將會成為一個史詩玩家的一刻 Where's the explosion? 因為我們要來燒毀這個房子XDDD bắắ 它整棟都是木造的對吧? Is that it? 我希望我能帶Joergen來因為他一定會很喜歡這個的 wowww Joergen喜歡看著別人的房子被燒毀 *dëpressiōn* 這是他最喜歡的其中之一 That's so cool! Ok, 好的gamers Hey Joergen, look at this! 瑞典!!! He loves it! He loves it! blu blu blu blu blu blu (well yes but actually no) Okay, Okay,不要擔心,不要擔心gamers Where's Sven? 喔天我犯了一個大錯... Sven, look at this! 他們是在射自己人嗎小笨笨? Sven! C'mere. Okay, 我要如何做才不會.. Come here, boii. 我要如何做才不會....要從上面開始嗎? Aight. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 從上面開始 (bǒrk) 火都從高處往低處燒,大家都知道的 (好喔 Look at this. 我是在衝啥啊啊啊 (laugh) 喔天啊這裡超暗 He loves ITTT 我好像合法的盲了XD *近日流行的meme* Alright, Sven. It's time for this epic gamer 我必須點亮這裡 to head out on epic adventure 不要擔心大伙們 Through the Nether... 我要離開這了 ....portal. Okay Okay 我們就直接他媽燒了這個地方吧 How do I-- Bin bon bin 哼嘻嘻嘻嘻www Oh yeah. 喔不 Later k-- 喔天 Later, gamer. 啊!! So last episode, 啊!! or a few episodes ago, 喔不可惜了你漂亮的房子 I tried to blow up these guys' house, right? 我正在燃燒,我正在燃燒 It didn't really work out. 我跟房子都著火了 But I have another plan. 好痛QQ Also, apparently you can find a bunch of stuff in the Nether like materials, and like... 喔天這會痛嗎? these blaze rods that are really important. 喔喔我的天我要閃了 I haven't seen anything! Where are they? 呃...喔天...呃 Help me. 好了,gamers Help me, gursh durneet! 為了gaming week Where, like where? GAMING WEEEEEEEEK!!! Hello, a-looking! Minecraft月!!!! *笑* All I see is [zombie] pigs 哼哈哈哈 in this stupid Nether. *吸* I hate pigs! *吸* They're not good. 喔齁 喔齁齁 哈哈哈 Not good like melon freut. *吸* Why is anyone watching? *laughs* 耶~嘿嘿嘿嘿yes Ok gamers! *吸* Here we friggin go. 喔~你要怎麼辦呢? Wait, is this the wrong portal? WO! WO! *succ noises* 你 要 怎 麼 辦!? Ah, it's the wrong portal! *Pewds爆氣* I went the WRONG WAY! 這都是為了Joergen!! (怒) Aaaaaaa 啊天殺的還敢射我啊!? Nether portal, more like nothing-in-here portal. Ok 好的 好的 好的 Okay (oooo) bla! Hoppity poppity boppity snoppity 呃阿 (words of a great philosopher) 呃啊 Ok gamers! 你在射我? three hours later!!! 給我停下 Literally, we are here. 這 很 可 悲 Okay, this is it. 很 可 悲 *succ noise* 喔天啊我要死了 Oh it's getting dark, that's perfect 喔天 he he he he Joergen?? *choke* HAHAHAHAHA Joergen退後! *more choke* *idk something in japanese* 喔天啊我快死了 Jotaro! 啊啊啊啊啊!! *烏鴉* Okay gamers, this is gonna be an epic gamer moment. 沒事的 'Cause we're gonna burn down their house 沒事的gamers,這可是gaming week nope i need to poo in my pants Okay gamers是時候走了 I wish I could bring Joergen to this because he would love to see this. shhut upp wpijdhdfidfahbfswb 喔這就是我所喜歡看到的 Joergen loves to see other people's houses burn down. 哼哈哈哈哈 It's one of his favorite cooks Epic Okay, alright gamers. 按讚,如果你覺得很epic SWEDEENNN is stupid 好的,我覺得這應該是能帶我們回家的那個 plålulålulålupn7r42627iryifyqewiygqef *Pewds 噪音* ewhyriqedgeufguewdgukfe Sven, Joergen 剛剛超epic的 Okay, okay. 不是你 (水羊 : 幹) Don't worry. 剛剛超讚的 Don't worry. Don't worry. 來吧 Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry, gamers! 吃 Oh God, I made a big mist-- I le-- årij, shoot themself. 好的gamers Dummy dum. 呃呃呃呃呃 Okay, so how do I not da-- death? (w0t) Sven, Joergen請轉過你們的頭,因為我有些事情 How do I not death? 必須去做 Do I start from the top? 而我真的不... Yeyeyeyeyeap, 我已受過訓練來處理這個 we start from the top. 我現在必須 Fire burns from top to bottom. 開啟Sicko mode了,羊羊們 Everyone knows this. *史詩級音樂?* What am I doing? 這是必須做的! Gosh, 'ts so dark!e Okay, 我突然好想睡 I'm like legally blind, I coooooook gotta lit up this... 這太瘋狂了 Don't worry, guys! 我的天,你在這裡做什麼啊? I'm gonna leap-- okay okay, let's just burn up this freaking place. 你有什麼貨? Bing bong, bing 垃圾! (商人QQ) yeehEEHEhehe 你在賣垃... Oh no! 史萊姆球! 這還可以 Oh God! 我要買它,我要買個史萊姆球 AAAAAAA 我會買個史萊姆球~ Aaa 喔,請別在意我 Oh no, not your pretty place! 是的我知道,我很有錢,隨便啦 It looks so good! 呃呃呃呃呃 I am burning. 不要因為你很窮而感到傷心 I am burning. I am burning. 最重要的還是Stonks *很有名的meme* I am on fire. 好的給我史萊姆球 I am on fire. I am on fire with this house. 給我史萊姆球,快 給 我 史 萊 姆 球!! It hurts. 我只要一個東西 Oh God, (inaudible) hurt. 呃... Oh, oh God! Alright, I'm gonna bounce. 我要史萊姆球謝謝 Alright, gamers. 我能升級這傢伙嗎? It's Gaming Week! 不你不行 GAMING WEEEEEK 什麼?! 一個史萊姆球賣四個綠寶石?!!? MINECRAFT MONTH! 給我滾開,我吐你口水! Nuahähähähä 喔天 Ye-he-he-he-hess! 他拿走我的錢了x3 Oh, what are you gonna do? 一個史萊姆球賣四個綠寶石!! EOOH, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?! 他喵的離我房子遠點 (viking noises) 你 竟 敢 踩 在 上 面 ?! 為 什 麼 要 踩 在 上 面!? (Joergen QQ) This is for JOERGEN! 給我滾! Ah God, they're killing me! I don't li-- ah... *吐XD* Alright. 我也會把你們給幹掉 Alright. Alright. *吐x2* Alright. Alright. Alright. 雖然原則上來說你們沒有責任 Ok. 我還是會殺了你們 BAHP 但是我不想在Joergen面前殺生 OHP 你也算是...算是他的遠房親戚XDD ohp 不管你是什麼,好嗎? You're shooting each other, It's pathetic! 史萊姆球,史萊姆球,白癡笨笨史萊姆球 Pathetic. Sven, 如果你剛剛看到我所看到的 Oh God, I'm dying. 你一定也會很生氣(`д´) Oh God, Joergen! 所以我是不會告訴你剛剛發生了什麼事的 Joergen, back-up! 我之所以會殺了一群羊 Oh God, I'm almost dead! 是因為 *笑* AAAAAAAAAA 很明顯的你可以將羊染色 'Ts fine. 這樣你就不用 ?@!%*:#? 'Ts fine. 'Ts fine, gamers. 如果你知道我在說什麼的話 (wtf) 'Ts Gaming Week. 但是那裏有一堆他喵的??? (Pewds表達能力100) Okay gamers, time to bounce. 好了羊羊們 Ah, that's what I like to see. 我真的很抱歉 *laughs in mocking* 我希望我們還是能繼續合作 (羊羊們並沒有選擇的餘地) Epic. 天啊為什麼它們全部都還在這? Smash like if that was epic. (do it now) 我真的沒有 *呱* 嗎? Alright. I think this one takes us back home, actually. 我必須分開牠們但我沒有 *呱*? owopwopwopwopwopwopwopwop 我那一定有一些 *呱* Sven! Joergen! It was epic! 我沒有 *呱* Not you. 我就知道我還有一個 (原來是小麥) It was very epic! 天殺的,我可是一個gamer Here you go. 這就是你如何知道,我是個gamer的方法 Eat. 滾出我的視線 Alright, gamers. Uhhh... 你竟敢跟他黏在一起?! mööp Gaaa!! 好,我等等就來處理你 Sven, Joergen, please look away because I have something... 好的 that I have to do. 我需要你們都過來這 And I don't really... 你們都過來這 I've been dreading to do this. 這就對了,小笨笨,你們這群小笨笨 I'm gonna have to, uh... 你們知道嗎? Go slay(?) all of these sheep. BIN BON BIN BON I'm sorry! 天啊我被關住了 I'm sorry! 天啊 It has to be done! 天殺的 Okay, suddenly I feel like sleeping. 我需要地毯! 立刻馬上現在!! Crazy. 好了走吧 My God, what are you doing here? ??? What're you selling? 不要擋我! 我討厭羊羊!!! Garbage! You're selling garba-- Okay, 好了 Slimeballs is okay! 羊羊來這吧,你們這群小笨笨 I'll take a slimeball! 你們這群小笨笨 I'll take a slimeball! I'll take a slimeball! 你們都被書上的老計給騙了 (EUGH) 你們竟然會被最爛的老方法給騙 Oh, do-- Don't mind me. Yes, I know I'm rich. It's whatever. 小笨笨們? Uhhh... Sven你在這做什麼,不要跟這些人講話 Just because you're poor, like don't feel bad. 不要跟這些人講話,我不希望你靠近牠們 It's all about the s t o n k s. 然後我們會再分一區出來 Alright, give me the slimeball. 完美 Gimme the slimeball! Okay, Gimme the slimeball! Gimme the slimeball! 如果我弄對了 I asked you for one thing. 我可以染...我可以把牠們染色 (Heuh) Holy freaky licky deaky (?) Uhh, slimeball please. 這太讚了 Can I level up this guy? No you can't. 所以現在當他們相幹 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (EUGH) 牠們會生出 WHAT? 白? FOUR FOR ONE SLIMEBALL! 呃黃色的? Get outta [the] way, I'll spit on you! 小羊羊? Oh God, he took my money. 問號? Oh God, he took my money. He took my money. 是的 Oh God, he took my money. He took my money. He took me money. 好了,你們就變藍的羊羊吧 Four for one slimeball?! Okay, 好了,太棒了 sT-- Get the frick out of my house. 我喜歡 HOW DARE YOU STAY WHERE YOU STAND? (omgah he step on joergen) 然後我想要紅色的 Get outta here! Okay, 看起來真瘋狂XD I will kill you too. (maybe 'two'?) 啊去他的我要更多藍色的 Technically you're not responsible, but I will do it. 我喜歡牠們 But I don't wanna kill in front of Joergen. You're s-- You're kind. 好的,今天gamers都有東西吃 You're cousins, whatever you are. 感恩羊羊,讚嘆羊羊 Okay. 小笨笨 Slimeball, ba-- Slimeball. Stupid slimeball. Sven, 我跟你說過了不要跟這群傢伙講話,拜託 Dummy dum dum. Y-- Okay, 你們就當黑色的癢羊ㄅ Sven, yo-- If you saw what I just saw, you'd be so angry. 然後,喔不,我沒有染料(dye)了 So I'm not even gonna tell you what just happened. 這代表你們都得死(die) (幽默喔Pewds) So the reason why I murdered all these sheeps, Okay, 我會餵你們好吃的,我會餵你們全部好吃的 hA 但你們都得乖乖的 It's because apparently, you can dye the sheep and then that way you don't have to... 喔不沒染料了 Pee ping poo pling, if you know what I mean? oopsie~ oopsie~ oopsie~ (Pewds很鬧XD) But there's a bunch of freaking... Sven : 幹 (???????????????????????????) 噠啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 Alright, lambs. 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 I'm really sorry about that. I hope we can still work together. Sven我很抱歉!!! Gosh, why are they all still here? 我真的很抱歉!!! Do I liter-- physically no E C H (?) 我們快離開這吧! 我們快離開這些一直蠕動的動物們 I need to separate them and I have no E C H (tf is e c h) 你們可以滾一邊嗎? I must have some e c h 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔! I have no e c h 船 牛 回 來 了 GAMERS! Oh I knew I had one! 船 牛 回 來 了 ! (oh, wheat.) 船 牛 回 來 ㄌ... Goddamn I'm a gamer. 現在滾,現在給我滾 (`д´) So this is how you know I'm a gamer. 我不想殺駱馬 Get out of my sigh-- 喔牠們好詭異喔牠們就這樣消失了欸 (你最好ww) How dare you stick with the m-- Hey, 你們兩個在互搞嗎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) DGEAAAHH 耶穌基督啊Sven? Alright, I'll deal with you in a second. Sven你不能 Alright. 天啊 I need you all to come over here. 噁啊啊啊 Y'all come over here. 好吧沒事的,沒事的 That's right, dummy-dums. 我剛剛是在做什麼? You're a bunch of dummy-dums, you know that? 喔喔喔我知道了x3 Bing bang bing bong. 所以現在,我們終於可以... God, I'm locked in now. Gosh, dammit! 我們終於可以...我在說瑞典語 I need carpets, A 來完成IKEA塔了 I need carpets, A S 讓它成為榮耀 I need carpets, A S A 成為...它本來就該有的樣子 I need carpets, A S A fricking 好的,羊羊們 I need carpets, A S A fricking P! 剪剪剪剪剪 I need carpets, A S A fricking P P! (hA, goteem) 讓我剪 Alright, here we go. 然後... Put it! Ey ey ey ey ey ey ey ey Get out of my way- I hate SHEEP. 我沒有要幹嘛,我沒有要對你做什麼 Okay, alright. Sheep, c'mere. 你這垃圾 Dummy-dums. You're a bunch of dummy-dums. 你這廢物,你們都是廢物 You fell for the oldest trick in the book! 沒有給我任何東西 Oldest trick in the book, and you fell for it. 至少你們不像 Jeb (水羊在角落QQ) Dummy-dums. 想想看吧至少你們不是Jeb Sven, what're you doing here? Don't talk to these guys. 喔天啊,你們也長太快了 Don't talk to these guys. 你們都夠了,不要再長了 I don't want you near them. 夠了,我說停了 I'll do another section here, perfect. Okay, 現在我們來完成IKEA塔吧 Okay. 該怎麼做呢? So if I get this right, I can dye them. 然後為什麼呢? Oh mee frickin lickeedickee. 喔我的天,IKEA塔超美der (yo tf) 我熱淚盈眶了 That's awesome. 我從來沒遇過這麼衝擊和充滿意義的一刻 So now when they fricc, 但這真的很美 Uhh, they'll make whit-- 如果你們在我的Minecraft伺服器經過我的家 Ehh (absent seizures) 你們一定要來看看IKEA塔 yellow babies, question mark? (;)) 沒在騙你們的 Yes, alright. 我們來唱歌吧♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ You guys be blue. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Okay, alright. Awesome. 喔! 對了! I like this. 我忘了給你們看看我有個游泳池 And then I want red. 這超讚讚的,快看我還有跳台 They look so crazy! Okay Ah, frigg it, I'll do more blue. 然後,最棒的地方 I like blue. 它是由岩漿提供動力的ww (?) Alright, today gamers eat. XDDD Thanks, sheep. *吸* Dummy-dums. (how r00d >;( ) *吸x2* Sven, I told you not to talk to these guys, please. Yeah
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 PewDiePie 水牛 笨笨 minecraft 地圖 傳送 我發現一個海洋寺廟在Minecraft!(史詩) - 第11部分 (I FOUND an OCEAN TEMPLE in Minecraft! (epic) - Part 11) 53 3 原 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字