字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 GOOOD MORNING GAMERS 早上好啊!!玩家們!! okay okay k k k mending.. 好 好 I have it finally... after 3 episodes please 好 好 please just sell me ur mending 經驗修補 我有了 i've been tryHA 終於 都第三集了 YeS 求你了 求你賣我經驗修補。我已經... YES 總算鎖定了 it's locked in 謝謝你 thank you 所以我再上一期其實已經拿到了 大家不在意啊 Felix~ So I had it last time.. 我都已經弄到了 結果他換交易了。 現在我才算是弄好了 "NO-ONE CARES FELIX!" 謝謝。 好的玩家們,今天我們有好多事情要做 I-ITS JUST THAT I HAD IT! 首先我給你們看... aNd then he changed it! 我再急著刷書的時候 我們有兩個新朋友了呢~ 兩隻小貓咪~~~ nOW I HAVE IT! Sven一直再盯著他們 Ulla Britta(貓的名子) 其他兩隻我也不知道該叫什麼名子 thank you.. 你們幫我取吧 評價多的來決定 Alright gamers, today we have a lot of stuff to do.. 這一個村民已經鎖定了 因為我們已經和他交過易了 就是這樣 First off I wanna show uhh... while i was desperately 我們還有造人屋 一點屁用都沒有! tryna find the books... we have 2 new friends! 所以我們得重新弄了。 肯定會有一點點改動。 2 new kitty cats! 稍為一下下就好 mROW 我們只要把這個窗戶給擋起來~ 這樣別人就看不到裡面發生什麼事了(邪惡) so i've just been keeping an eye on em 就...就那麼一點點小細節 大家不需要知道的(邪惡) Ulla Britta... i don't know what to name the other ones. 好奇怪阿 怎麼大家都消失了(殺人啊啊) 村民都消失了 You guys uhh.. gimme names and i'll i'll uh top comment 大家都看不到了阿 村民可是會靠杯的 如果你打了村民 那他就會給你漲價 decides. WE HAVE YOU 所以他們自己搬走了挺好的 我就不用去打他們了 LOCKED IN PLACE. 為什麼我背包永遠是滿的!!(憤怒) 我每次玩的時候都是 我不知道為啥...無解 This guy's not gonna change his profession because we 好的這兩個 你們...看他們已經喜歡彼此了 這簡直完美 traded with him, that's how this works.. 他們就做為我們的預備村民了。 你們就是我的亞當夏娃 We have the frickin chamber, 你們看 看他現在是普通村民了 你們兩個我要看好了 WHICH IS NOT WORKING AT ALL. 你們都會幹的 So we're gonna have to redo it.. 我不管你們喜不喜歡 反正你們都要給我上 都給我造人 There's gonna be a couple changes around here, 噢~我也順便建了豬豬雕像 Just for a brief moment, 痾痾痾我們還要幹大事呢 we're just gonna COVER UP this window.. 好的 來這裡 So no-one else can see... what's happening.. 我們這個原理是讓他們待在這下面 Just some minor detail. No-one needs to see what happens in th- 我不知道這能不能成功 that's so weird! everyone just "disappeared"! 沒有人試過這種造人體位阿 all the villagers! 然後把這個放這 這個放這裡 這個放這 然後我們把他們給推下去 While no-one could see it! 給我進洞啊,噢完美,不! Apparently villagers gossip, so if you hurt someone.. 我要怎麼把兩個人給同時弄進去 They'll give you worse prices.. 來吧! So that's lucky that they just... "left" and I didn't have to hurt them. 快啊! 厚 WHY AM I ALWAYS FULL OF STUFF? 關上 Everytime I play it's like... 這簡直浪漫啊 你們要永永遠遠在一起了(怕) 來生出一整坨城市出來。你想想看 I DON'T KNOW WHAT... AAH... 我是不給你錢!但我可以...快點 你為什麼不給我待再洞裡 okay so these two, You luck- see they already like each other! 我就這點要求 This is.. this is perfect.. 對! They're gonna be our new breeders. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 對!! You guys are gonna be like Adam and Eve. 哈哈哈 Yeah, see, see, Now he's a normal villager. 好的 玩家們 他們兩人卡再造人洞裡了(笑) I'm taking no chances with you two. 造人洞?(笑) yOU WILL FRICK. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Brad還在這裡確保他們能夠好好上 給他們點道德支持 Whether you like each other or not, this is gonna happen. 現在!我們要在上面放個發射器 把食物送進去 因為他們造人是需要食物的 This is happening I mean.. 然後...痾..我不知道...。 你看 我覺得他們開始有這麼一點...噢抱歉抱歉抱歉 o-oh yeah I built the pig statue 那我就把線路給連到這裡吧,往上三格。 然後這樣 我們把發射器放上 it d- it doe- it w-w-er we're doing EHmore important things 面朝下 okay so here we are 就像這樣 The idea is, that they're gonna stay here.. 噢不,我卡在造人洞了 I dunno if this works.. 不!!!!!!!! No-ones tested out FRICKING method.. 啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! Then we're gonna put this here, this here, and this here.. 得把他們再次推到造人洞~ And then we're gonna have to somehow... get them down there. 推到造人洞裡~ gET IN HOLE. Oh! perfect! 我推著兄弟們到造人洞裡~ nOOOO 給我進洞啊 進去阿 進去進去洞裡~ How am I going to get both of them in there? 耶 哈哈~~ cOMEONNN! COME ONN! 進去我的造人洞~ oh- 簡直棒呆了 cLOSED! 嘿 我知道花這麼多時間弄這個有點蠢 但這肯定是值得的 相信我。 this is so romantic! You will be together forever! 好的 我們放些... You will populate an entire city! (what thats- wh- no) 腐肉吧 THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCE! 這有用。太好了 I WILL PAY YOU! i won't pay you... BUT I CO- you can... 然後把我們準備好的馬鈴薯拿出來 COME ON! you.. why cant you stay in a hole? 然後給他全部放進發射器裡,就像這樣 I don't ask for a lot.. 我覺得他好像... yyES, YYES (敲)噢 抱歉 *wheeze* HAHAHAH!! 這樣是要壞事 對巴? okay gamers 好了 哈!我甚至不用靠近你!魯蛇 They are stuck in the hole of-of frick...sion? 耶~~我就是喜歡他這點 We have Brad making sure they actually do it... (ew) (愉悅) y'know, for moral support! (oh) 我就是想讓他在地洞裡當個... now what we're gonna do is we're gonna place a dispenser 偷窺小變態 that will.. make.. uhh... food... fall down. 現在我們就能夠見證趴趴趴了 cause they need food. 發射馬鈴薯! uhh... to frick. 我還以為他會一直發射... and.. uh. I don't know how exactly... 發射馬鈴薯 Look! I think they're already getting al- 這真的好煩啊 Oh sorry... sori sory s0rri soray 我是不是要搞什麼中繼器之類的? I guess i'll wire it to... go.. here? 好的,我得找個方法把它搞成可以... Soo... three up. 持續輸出的電路 And so. We will place dispenser, 很順利吧 對吧? Looking down. 它同意。 As such. 好的 OH NO IM STUCK IN FRICK CHAMBER (PEWDS GET OUT) 現在電路一直在持續輸出了 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 這個一點也不符合能量守恆原理 我要怎麼停下來 AAA- AAAAH 喔 我懂了。 gotta... push em down the frick hole! 如果我...如果我用按鈕呢? ♪ Push him down the frick hole! ♪ 對吧 ♪ I push my bois down the frick hole! ♪ 不,這樣沒作用 ♪ Get down in the hole, get down, uh! ♪ 得在提高一點 ♪ Get down in the get down hole, uh! ♪ 然後停下 wOOHOO! YEAH! HAHA! 只要再次按下它 Get in the frick hole! 這根本起不了作用 Absolutely stunning. 如果我有拉桿的話 我就可以... It wi- it will... I know it's kinda silly to... spend all this time.. 然後拉上就是停了 on this... IT WILL be worth it. Trust me! (no) 這簡直蠢到可能會成功唷 alright let's just put some uhh... rOtTen fLEsh 好的,我感覺我弄出來了(也太強) AND IT WORKS. Excellent. 因為現在我們有持續的信號了 Uhh.. let's get all our favorite... our finest.. 然後把它打開 嚴格來講是關閉這個裝置 P O T A T O E S 然後就是持續的信號了 這樣就停了 Put em in the dispenser, As such. 最強金頭腦 I think I would prefer if he like.. 來試試吧 Goes a littl- (hit) OH! Sorry. 好的,我想我弄好了 That's probably not good right... 老天 你們這些紅石工程師們要小心啊 There we go. HAAA 來試試吧Brad I don't need to go NEAR you, loser! 真的成功了 耶~~(笑) yEAHAHAEAAAS! That's how I like him. 把紅石搞好的感覺真棒 I just want him to be like a total creep.. in the ground.. 來開始造人吧! Now we can witness the love making. (pewds omg) 沒錯 享受馬鈴薯吧~~~ SEND IN DA POTATOES! 他們的反應就...發生什麼事? I thought it would continuously... 為什麼天上會掉馬鈴薯? send in potatoes.. 別擔心 他們在那裡試看不到我們的。 This is super annoying..! Maybe i need uhh.. 造小孩!!! some sort of repeater? 現在開始等待吧~ ok, so I need to figure out a way to make it... 痾 讓我...收拾一下下 constant pulse... 那我們就等了是吧。好吧那就等吧 it's going good, right? (Brad: no..) 在此同時 HE AGREES. (brad: what no) 我覺得... So now signal is constantly pulsing, 是時候了 This doesn't make any sense tho... I kinda- how do I stop it? 我要開始來試試這個經驗修補的玩意了 oh i see. if ice- if i- 也許我把它看得... maybe if i had a button then.. 看得很重。什麼? right? Uhhh.... nope. that doesn't work. 所以我們有了這個超強的三叉戟了 對吧 It needs to be a higher tick(?). 我們想留著的 但是最終總有一天會壞掉 And to stop it... just click it again. 我頭上還插了只箭 nope.. that doesn't work at all... 噢 我的鑽石劍呢?耶 先給他附在我們的鑽石劍上 If I have a lever though, I can just.. bink! 應該會花不少經驗值 但這絕對是值得的 and then activate it to stop it.. 我們把經驗修補給它放上 THIS IS SO DUMB THAT IT MIGHT JUST WORK... 然後現在... okay.. so i think i figured it out.. (u sure dis time poods?) 嘿嘿~真的有東西刷出來了耶 cos now, we g- we have a constant pulse going.. 然後領取經驗 and then we turn it "on" which is technically off... 也許要在PeePee PooPoo身上試試 應該可以先殺掉幾隻的對吧 And then it's just a constant flow which..will make it stop. 你看到了沒有 劍的耐久補上去了 big brain, let's try it out. 抱歉了PeePee PooPoo okey i think i uhhh... I think I did it! 我的天,全部都是已經煮熟的豬排 因為他們都是被燒死的 (creeper, aww) Mann.. you redstone engineers better watch out! 噢,也太可憐 Let's try it out... Brad-man.. 我為什麼在笑! There it-h-its working! 所以我從PeePee PooPoo上弄來了經驗 不歸我 全都流到劍裡,這樣劍的耐久就是無限了。 AHAHAHA 不過我就不會升級了 When you figure out redstone, it feels so 這是個問題 (cut) good.. 我一直聽到他們@#!#但是就不... lET THE FRICKING BEGIN! 趴趴趴和趴趴趴 That's right... (weird voice) enjoy those potatoes.. 你懂我說什麼嘛? They're like, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" 我知道我不該在這裡的 但是快點啊你們倆 "Why is potato run from ceiling?!" 你們得... don't worry... don't worry.. he cant see us from he- they cant see 我回來的時候你們最好給我生出個小寶寶出來 我就這點要求 us from here... 我覺得已經可以確定... *inhale* 這十分的失望,這造人機器是不管用的 我也不知道為什麼 MAEK BAYBAH!! now we play the 也許和他們被困在地底下有關呢? waiting game.. 哇噢 uhh.. lemme actually.. lemme clean it up.. 他們吐出來了多少啊? i guess we just gotta uhh wait for to... VERY 64個。 WELL. WE SHALL WAIT. In the meantime, I th- 看來你們不喜歡馬鈴薯唷? ink it's 如果你們感覺很失望 想像一下我是什麼心情 dang time.. 00:08:43,600 --> 00:08:47,140 也許我們要採取一種自然一點的方式 希望他們有點動作 That I start utilizing this mending thing. 你幫別人造了個造人屋 你以為他們起碼要會感謝你一下呢 Maybe i over... evaluate it? 你睡得舒服嘛? what the- 我的天。 So we have this badass trident, right 在找一張床啊!! That we really want it, We wanna.. keep this. But it will 哦! BREAK EVENTUALLY... I have an arrow in my skull. 哦!