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NATO is turning 70, and there were high hopes for a drama-free celebration, but this year's summit turned out to be a little more complicated than expected.
NATO 即將滿 70 歲,人們原本很期待今年會有個零鬧劇的慶祝活動,不過今年的高峰會最後反而比預期的複雜。
Macron said that the alliance was experiencing what he called brain death.
You just can't go around making statements like that about NATO.
你不能隨便對 NATO 作出那樣的評論。
It's very disrespectful.
Nobody needs NATO more than France.
沒有誰比法國更需要 NATO。
As tensions within the alliance keep playing up publicly, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is having a bit of an identity crisis.
I don't think we're looking at the imminent breakup of NATO.
我不認為現在的局勢是 NATO 即將解散。
What we're seeing at the minute is a debate about what the alliance is gonna be in the next 70 years.
此刻我們看到的是關於這個結盟組織的下一個 70 年走向之辯論。
The big question for NATO today is, does it need to change to remain relevant?
今天 NATO 最大的問題是,他們是否需要改變以保有持續的關聯性?
NATO's banner flies proudly.
NATO 的旗幟自信地飄揚。
NATO has evolved over time, from a 12-member group formed in 1949 and focused on protecting Europe from the Soviet Union to the 29-member global security organization it is today, conducting a range of security missions around the world.
NATO 隨著時間不斷進化,從一個成立於 1949 年,目標為保護歐洲免於蘇聯侵害的 12 國團體,到如今是擁有 29 個成員的國際安全組織,並在全世界執行一系列維安任務。
The alliance has always been based on the same principle of a collective defense.
An attack on one member country is an attack on all allies.
The benefits are enormous.
You're in NATO and your country is attacked, then all of the other countries are bound by treaty to come to your defense as well.
你是 NATO 的一員而你的國家遭受到攻擊,那麼其他所有成員國受到條約的約束,都必須來捍衛你。
Here's where things get tricky.
The concept of a collective defense rests on the idea that everyone is on the same page about who the enemy is.
In the early days, the enemy was clear, the Soviet Union.
Since the foundation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the communists have gained not one foot of new territory in Europe.
Today, it's not so simple.
I think, though, that the main fundamental shift is this big question that Macron has brought up, so is Russia our enemy?
No, is his answer.
Is China our enemy?
No, is his answer.
I suppose, then, the question from the other allies is, well, what are they?
One way the organization is evolving is by shifting some of its resources to things like cybersecurity and space.
But that collective commitment to defense costs money, and money has become a big reason for tensions.
It's not right to be taken advantage of on NATO and also, then, to be taken advantage of on trade, and that's what happens, and we can't let that happen.
The issue has been called burden-sharing or the idea that member countries should all pay their fair share.
Fair burden-sharing underpins everything that we do.
The U.S. has been seen as the leader of NATO, and it spends more on defense than the other members, which President Trump and others say is unfair.
美國一直被視為 NATO 的領導者,而他們在國防上的開銷比其他成員都多,川普總統及其他人表示這並不公平。
NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations.
NATO 成員們最終必須貢獻他們相應的份額並履行他們的財政義務。
For context, Trump isn't the first president to raise the issue.
Everybody's gotta step up, and everybody's gotta do better.
But he is the first to suggest he might not defend some NATO allies if they don't pay up.
不過他是第一個暗示,若有 NATO 成員國不付錢,他有可能不會保護這些國家。
In 2014, NATO countries formally agreed to spend 2% of their GDP on defense by 2024.
2014 年,NATO 成員國正式同意在 2024 之前將國防預算提升至 GDP 的百分之 2。
In 2016, only four of the 29 allies were spending that much.
2016 年,29 個成員中只有 4 個國家達到這個標準。
Now, the White House says that number's up to nine.
現在,白宮表示該數字已攀升至 9。
Still, there's no penalty if countries don't make the guideline and not everyone is expected to reach the 2% by 2040.
然而,若是成員國沒有達到這個標準,也並不會有處罰,而且並不是所有國家都預期可以在 2040 年達成百分之 2 的標準。
There's been an impetus again to start investing in defense.
It's very expensive, you have to take money away from things like hospitals and schools, which is not necessarily popular, so that's been difficult for governments.
Different countries have different priorities.
Some are more willing to invest in defense than others, and those riffs are a manifestation of fundamental disagreements over how the alliance should operate.
Just take Trump's decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.
Turkey, which is also a NATO member, moved into the region.
同樣是 NATO 成員之一的土耳其便進入此區域。
This all happened without consulting NATO allies, and NATO members were split on how to respond.
這全發生在沒有和 NATO 盟國商量過的情況下,而 NATO 成員間也對於該如何做出反應產生分歧。
NATO plays things very cool.
NATO 表現得非常沉著。
They are an alliance of 29 countries.
他們是一個由 29 國組成的聯盟。
Over the years, NATO's become very good at balancing the interests of all of those countries.
經過這些年,NATO 對於如何平衡各國間的利益變得非常在行。
Certainly, Macron's comments have shaken up what would've been, what they hoped to be a more sedate affair.