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  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

  • Welcome to this English lesson.

  • We all know someone who has a test coming up,

  • and there are different kinds of tests in life.

  • In this English lesson, I will teach you

  • four English phrases that you can use

  • to say something to someone

  • who maybe has a test coming up like an English test,

  • or maybe they have a test coming up

  • like a test at a hospital.

  • So, stick around and I'll teach you

  • four English phrases so you know

  • what to say in those situations.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Well, hey, welcome to this video

  • where I'm going to teach you four English phrases

  • that you can use to be able to say something

  • nice to someone before they go

  • and write a test like an English test,

  • or maybe go to a hospital for tests

  • because maybe there is something wrong with their body.

  • But before we get started, don't forget

  • to click that red Subscribe button below

  • and give me a thumbs up if this video

  • is helping you learn English.

  • The first English phrase that I want to teach you

  • is "I wish you all the best"

  • or, there's a shorter form, "all the best."

  • We would use this phrase for someone

  • if they were going in for a medical test.

  • By the way, I just had a medical test

  • done yesterday on my heart.

  • I had an angiogram,

  • and it looks like everything is looking good,

  • so that's nice.

  • But, if you had known that earlier in the week,

  • you might say to me,

  • "Hey Bob, I wish you all the best

  • on your test on Monday"

  • or you might say,

  • "Hey, Bob, all the best on your test on Monday."

  • And that would just be a really nice way

  • to encourage me and make me realize that people

  • are going to be thinking about me

  • while I go through that test.

  • So, you could say, "I wish you all the best"

  • or, the shorter version of it, "all the best."

  • The second phrase that I wanna teach you

  • in this English lesson is the phrase,

  • "I hope things go well."

  • You could also say "I hope everything goes well."

  • This would be a great phrase to say to someone

  • who you know is going to do their driver's test.

  • Maybe you have a friend or family member

  • that wants to get their driver's license,

  • and you know that the next day,

  • they sre going for their driver's test.

  • A great thing to say to them would be,

  • "I hope things go well during your test tomorrow"

  • or you could you say, "I hope everything goes well

  • during your driver's test tomorrow."

  • That would just be a really nice thing to say to someone

  • because what it does, is it communicates to them

  • once again, that you are thinking about them,

  • that you care about them, and that your genuine hope

  • is that they do well on the test

  • that they are going to do the next day.

  • So, for me, I hope for you that things

  • go well everyday while you're studying English.

  • So, that was the second phrase that you can use in English.

  • You can say to someone, "I hope things go well" or,

  • "I hope everything goes well."

  • The third phrase that I want to teach you today is,

  • "good luck" or "best of luck."

  • You might have heard the first phrase before.

  • We say "good luck" to people a lot in English

  • and a more formal version of it would be to say

  • "best of luck."

  • This would be a great thing to say to someone

  • if you are in school and you have a little quiz

  • or a little test that day in whatever subject

  • you are studying.

  • You might say to your friend,

  • "good luck on your test today"

  • or you might say, "best of luck on your test today."

  • Basically, you are wishing them luck.

  • Hopefully they've studied a lot.

  • Hopefully luck or chance doesn't factor in

  • as much as you would think it would.

  • Hopefully, they are really prepared for the test or quiz

  • but you still might say to them

  • "hey, good luck on your test today."

  • Or, "best of luck on your test today."

  • Again, just wishing them well and letting them know

  • that you're hoping that they do well

  • on the test that they're going to do.

  • So, I hope that you guys have good luck

  • when you're studying English and I wish you best of luck

  • as you continue to study English this year.

  • The fourth phrase is a phrase that you would use

  • if you are a religious person.

  • So, let's say you are going into the hospital for a surgery.

  • That's something really really serious,

  • you certainly wouldn't want to say,

  • "good luck with your surgery."

  • That's a little too light hearted,

  • but religious people sometimes will say,

  • "I will be praying for you."

  • So, basically they are a religious person

  • and they engage in the act of prayer,

  • many religious people pray.

  • And they are saying to you,

  • you are going in for something serious,

  • what I will do to support you is I will pray for you.

  • So, that's the fourth phrase.

  • Even in Canada, people who are not religious

  • will sometimes say this phrase,

  • especially if someone is having something serious

  • done the next day or later that week.

  • They might say, "our prayers will be with you"

  • or, "I will be praying for you."

  • So, that's the fourth way to encourage someone

  • or to say something nice to them before they have a test

  • or before they have something major, like a surgery.

  • "I will be praying for you."

  • Another phrase very similar to "I'll be praying for you"

  • is something that's used by non religious people

  • and that's the phrase,

  • "I'll be thinking of you."

  • So, they'll directly tell you that when you are going

  • through with whatever serious thing is happening

  • they will be thinking about you during that time.

  • So, they'll kind of in their minds be thinking of you

  • at the same time you are doing that stressful thing or

  • experiencing that stressful thing.

  • And that is another way that they will show their support.

  • So, they might say, "I'll be praying for you"

  • or, they might say "I'll be thinking of you."

  • The fifth thing you could say to someone

  • as they head into a test or some other

  • stressful situation is you could say,

  • "Oh, I'm sure things will go fine."

  • This is probably the lightest most light hearted way

  • of letting someone know that you

  • are thinking about them when they go through something

  • that might be a little bit challenging.

  • Whenever my son has a test at school

  • and if he is really stressed about it,

  • often times Jen and I will say the night before,

  • "just study hard, I'm sure things will go fine,

  • I'm sure things will go really really well for you

  • tomorrow when you write that test."

  • So, it doesn't necessarily make the person

  • more relaxed but it does let them know

  • that someone else is thinking about them

  • as they study for and as they go through something

  • that is difficult like a test.

  • So, I'm sure things will be fine for all of you

  • as you go through this week as well.

  • Well, hey, that was five things

  • that you can say to someone before they have

  • something like a test at school

  • or before they have maybe a test at a hospital,

  • a serious medical test.

  • I think that these are very helpful phrases.

  • They are very common English phrases.

  • So, generally when I teach an English lesson to you,

  • I look for the things that I would say as a

  • native English speaker and these are all sentences

  • and phrases that I have said and do regularly say

  • when I am speaking English.

  • Anyways, Bob the Canadian here,

  • Again, if you're new to these English lessons

  • please hit that subscribe button,

  • thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and

  • while you're here why don't you stick around

  • and watch a couple more videos.

  • I'm sure they'll help you

  • improve your English a lot.

  • (upbeat music)

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.


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A2 初級 美國腔

5種用英語祝福別人的方法!一堂英語課! (5 Ways to Wish Someone Well in English! An English Lesson!)

  • 37 7
    Taka 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日