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Here we're going to count down the top five coolest skyscrapers in the world. This is just in our opinion and it's not based on a public vote or anything sensible like that. Our only rule here is that these have to have been built, they can't be wacky ideas that someone has dreamt up that are never actually going to become a reality.
今天要來介紹世界上最酷的五座摩天大樓。以下排行榜純屬我們個人的意見,並非根據公眾投票或其他統計方式而來。 我們唯一的準則就是,入選的摩天大樓得是已經蓋好的,而非某人瘋狂、不可能成為現實的點子。
Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort, China.
At number five is the crazy looking Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort in China. Built on the Taihu Lake near Shanghai, the building's main structure stands 27 storeys tall and houses 282 standard rooms as well as numerous suites.
第五名是造型很狂的中國湖州喜來登溫泉度假酒店。這座位於上海附近,太湖旁的大樓有 27 樓高,共有 282 間標準房型與多間套房。
Whilst the building may appear to be a horseshoe it's actually a complete oval, as further levels hidden underground complete the form.
Bosco Verticale, Italy.
I really like number four; this is Bosco Verticale in Milan and it's just like nothing I've ever seen before.
The literal translation means "vertical forest" and it's easy to see how it acquired that name.
Bosco Verticale 的直譯為「垂直森林」,看一下大樓本身應該就知道這名字從何而來。
The project is one 18-storey tower and another 26-storey tower planted with over 900 trees across its levels. They help to moderate the building's temperature in summer and winter, as well as attenuating noise and combating some of the city's smog.
這個建案分別由一棟 18 層樓高和另一棟 26 層樓高的大樓組成,兩座大樓上頭種滿超過 900 棵樹。這些樹有助於夏冬兩季調節大樓的溫度,也能隔絕噪音與淨化霧霾。
The design was subject to strict load monitoring and wind tunnel testing to ensure that the trees could not topple or be blown over.
30 St Mary Axe, United Kingdom.
英國的聖瑪莉艾克斯 30 號大樓。
In at number three is 30 St Mary Axe in the UK. Now it's not the tallest building in London by any means but it is, in my opinion, the coolest.
第三名是英國的聖瑪莉艾克斯 30 號大樓。它雖然不是倫敦最高的大樓,但對我來說卻是倫敦最酷的建築物。
Built on the former site of the Baltic Exchange that was destroyed by a Provisional IRA bomb in the early 90's, the 41-storey tower contains six shafts that twist up through its floors providing natural ventilation.
這座大樓的現址原本是波羅的海交易所,不過交易所在 1990 年代已經被愛爾蘭共和軍炸毀。這座 41 層樓高的大樓有 6 個盤繞大樓的通風井,為大樓營造良好的通風效果。
The tower's form widens as it rises, responding to the tight site constraints at street level. The Foster and Partners' design won the prestigious Stirling Prize in 2004, becoming the first building to do so by unanimous judges' decision.
大樓的樓身隨著高度越高越寬,以應對地面狹窄的建築限制。Foster and Partners 憑著這別出心裁的設計拿下 2004 年的斯特林獎,成為史上第一個獲得評審一面倒肯定的大樓設計。
Turning Torso, Sweden.
Second place for me is a slightly left-of-field entry; the 190 m Turning Torso Tower in Sweden. This building was designed to become a landmark for the country and it certainly achieves that.
第二名有些出乎我的意料,它是瑞典的旋轉中心。這棟高達 190 米的大樓,當初設計的目的是要成為瑞典的地標,而它的確達成了。
The tower's twisting structure is formed of nine, five-storey segments that house office space and 147 apartments. It reaches a height of 54 storeys in total.
大樓的旋轉結構是由 9 個五層樓的區塊所組成,整棟大樓共設有辦公空間與 147 套公寓,總樓高 54 層。
Transamerica Pyramid, United States.
Top place for me actually goes to a bit of an older structure; this is the Transamerica Pyramid in the heart of San Francisco.
Completed in 1972 and standing 48 storeys high, the building is an iconic part of the San Francisco skyline and has featured in many films. Its pyramid form rises to 260 m and two fins on the East and West elevations accommodate a lift and stairwell.
於 1972 年完工,樓高 48 層,這棟大樓是舊金山天際線的代表景觀之一,也出現於許多電影中。金字塔狀的頂端高至 260 公尺,東西側鰭狀的建築則有電梯與樓梯井。
The building's floor plate reduces as it rises meaning that only two of the tower's 18 lifts actually reach the top floor. The viewing platform is now closed but visitors can access a 360 degree video feed of the view from the ground floor.
建築的平面面積隨著高度減少,意味著大樓的 18 座電梯中只有其中 2 座可以直達頂樓。目前觀景台已不再開放,但遊客可以在一樓欣賞 360 度的全景觀影片。
Perfect if you're not keen on heights.