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This is Shigeru Miyamoto.
If you've played video games any time in the past 30 years, you're probably familiar with his work.
如果你在過去 30 年內有玩過電玩,你應該會滿熟悉他的作品的。
"Donkey Kong", "Zelda", "Star Fox".
《大金剛 》、《薩爾達傳說》、《星際火狐》。
And then, of course, this guy: "It's a me, Mario!"
When Miyamoto makes games, he always tries to do things differently than other designers.
Here he is back in 1998, explaining why he wasn't focused on online gaming.
回溯到 1998 年,解釋為什麼他沒有專注在做線上遊戲。
(Japanese) It's a trend. And I try to avoid all trends.
(日語) 這是個潮流,而我避免追隨所有潮流。
And why he wasn't adding small in-game purchases to "Mario" for iPhone in 2016.
還有解釋為什麼他沒有在 2016 年釋出的 iPhone 版的《超級瑪利歐》裡加入遊戲內購買功能。
(Japanese) Everyone was saying I had to do it... but I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to be told 'that's the way you do it'.
(日語) 大家都說我一定要這樣做...但我不是那種別人說我該怎麼做,我就怎麼做的人。
Miyamoto has helped define a lot of what makes a video game great.
So how does he do it?
(Japanese) I think that first is that a game needs a sense of accomplishment.
(日語) 首先我認為一個遊戲需要讓玩家有成就感。
(Japanese) And you have to have a sense that you have done something, so that you get the sense of satisfaction of completing something.
(日語) 你需要有種你做了什麼的感覺,然後在完成了什麼之後得到成就感。
In 1981, one of Miyamoto's first assignments at Nintendo was to design a replacement for a game called "Radar Scope".
1981 年,宮本先生在任天堂的一份工作是設計一個可以取代 Radar Scope 的遊戲。
It had performed poorly in the U.S., leaving the company with 2,000 unsold arcade units.
Radar Scope 在美國表現得很不好,公司滯銷了 2000 組街機。
And this is what he came up with:
Miyamoto based the story on the love triangle in "Popeye" between a bad guy, a hero, and a damsel in distress.
But since Nintendo couldn't secure the rights to use those characters, Miyamoto replaced them with a gorilla, a carpenter, and his girlfriend.
In later games, that carpenter became a plumber.
And his named changed, from Mr. Video, to Jumpman, and then to Mario, after this guy, the landlord of a Nintendo warehouse. near Seattle.
而他的名字也跟著改變,從 Video 先生,到跳躍者,再變成瑪利歐,以西雅圖附近任天堂工廠的房東起名的。
This was one of the first times that a video game's plot and characters were designed before the programming.
(Japanese) Well, early on, the people who made video games, they were technologists, they were programmers, they were hardware designers.
(日語) 以前呢,製作遊戲的人是技師、程式設計師與硬體設計師。
(Japanese) But I wasn't. I was a designer, I studied industrial design, I was an artist, I drew pictures.
(日語) 但我不是。我是學習工業相關設計的人,我是一位藝術家,我會畫圖。
(Japanese) And so I think that it was in my generation that people who made video games really became designers rather than technologists.
(日語) 我覺得我生在一個做遊戲的人會變成設計師而非技師的年代。
That change in approach came at a key time for video games.
When "Donkey Kong" was first released in 1981, the video game market in North America was on the verge of collapse.
當《大金剛》在 1981 年推出時,北美的遊戲市場正在崩潰邊緣。
It was saturated with a lot of different consoles, and the boom in home computers made a lot of people question why they would want a separate device just to play games.
But the storytelling in games like "Super Mario Bros" and "The Legend of Zelda"—which you could only play on Nintendo's own hardware—helped set them apart as best-sellers.
(Speaking Japanese) When I approach the design of my games, what I have to think about is how I'm showing a situation to a player, conveying to them what they're supposed to do.
(日語) 當我要開始設計我的遊戲時,我思考的是要如何在遊戲情境中告訴玩家該做什麼。
In "Mario" you keep moving to the right to reach the end goal.
In "Donkey Kong" you keep climbing up to rescue the captured princess.
A lot of Miyamoto's genius can be seen in the first level of "Super Mario Bros".
This is probably the most iconic level in video game history.
It's designed to naturally teach you the game mechanics while you play.
If you look at a breakdown, there's a lot of really subtle design work going on here.
Though Mario is usually at the center of the screen, in this first scene he starts at the far left.
All the empty space to the right of him gives you a sense of where to go.
Now this character's look and movement suggest it's harmful.
But don't worry.
If you run into it, you'll just start the game over without much of a penalty.
Next, you see gold blocks with question marks.
These are made to look intriguing, and once you hit one, you're rewarded.
That then encourages you to hit the second block, which releases a mushroom.
Even if you're scared of what it might be, the positioning of the first obstacle makes it just about guaranteed that you're gonna run into this thing.
And once you do, Mario gets bigger and stronger.
And just like that, you've learned all the basic rules in the game without having to read a single word.
(Japanese) What else is there?
(日語) 還有什麼呢?
(Japanese) The last is the immersive quality of the game, being able to feel like it's a world you're immersed in, that you've become a hero.
(日語) 最後一件事是遊戲體驗的品質,確保讓玩家確保玩家能夠沈浸式體驗,讓你覺得你成為了英雄。
(Japanese) That you've become brave. Even if you're actually crying.
(日語) 你變勇敢了,即使你其實在哭。
Immersiveness in a video game has a lot to do with the controls—the more precisely you can move your character, the more you feel like you're part of the story.
And Nintendo has always been a pioneer with controllers.
It was the first to have the classic setup of the directional pad on the left and buttons on the right.
The first to have left and right shoulder buttons.
The first to have a 360-degree thumbstick.
第一個有 360 度搖桿。
And the first to bring motion control to the mass market.
But with 2016's "Super Mario Run", Nintendo, for the first time, made a game for a controller it didn't design: the iPhone.
但 2016 年推出的《超級瑪利歐酷跑》是任天堂第一個為不是自己遊戲主機,而是為了 iPhone 設計的遊戲。
(Speaking Japanese) Over time, not as many people have been playing Mario games.
(日語) 隨著時間過去,玩《超級瑪利歐》系列的人已經不如以往了。
(Speaking Japanese) And we ask ourselves: Why have people stopped playing “Mario”?
(日語) 我們問自己:為什麼人們開始不玩《超級瑪利歐》了呢?
(Speaking Japanese) And for people who played early and then stopped playing, oftentimes it's because the controls got too difficult.
(日語) 而之前有在玩但後來沒有繼續玩的人們,時常是因為操作難度太高了。
The Wii U flopped when it came out in 2012, and Nintendo 3DS sales are far below those of its predecessor.
2012 年推出 Wii U 時表現滑鐵盧,甚至任天堂 3DS 的銷量也遠不如他的前輩們。
But the number of American gamers playing on mobile phones has doubled to more than 164 million between 2011 and 2015.
但美國玩家在行動裝置上面玩的數量在 2011 到 2015 年之間已經兩倍成長超過 1.64 億。
You can think of “Super Mario Run” as a shift from immersiveness to accessibility.
(Speaking Japanese) I think the end result is a game anyone can play, for first-time player to the most experienced ones.
(日語) 我認為最終解答是一個任何人都可以玩的遊戲,從初學者到老玩家。
And that's kind of been Miyamoto's design philosophy from the very start: make fun games that everybody can play.
The rest is in our hands.
(Japanese) These controls direct the characters, the better your eye-hand coordination, the better you do.
(日語) 這些控制鍵控制角色,手眼協調能力越好,你能玩得越好。