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5G is here, connecting and powering our world in unprecedented ways, especially when human lives are at risk or when traumatic situations arise.
5G 時代來臨,正以前所未有的方式連接、驅動我們的世界,特別是在人類的生命受到威脅或當災害發生的時刻。
Next-generation emergency response vehicles use 5G and IoT.
下一個世代的救護車將會使用 5G 和物聯網技術。
These connected vehicles enable uninterrupted and secure real-time data transfer and voice-to-video communication when doctors and EMTs only have minutes to stabilize and save a life.
Real-time voice and video streaming allows surgeons to guide long-distance robotic surgery, eliminating communication delays that could endanger the patient.
The future possibilities that will transform healthcare are many.
But the impact of this technology will be felt across industries as massive IoT connects at least 1 million devices per square kilometer.
Combining 5G and IoT can minimize the impact of unforeseen catastrophes harmful to smaller signals.
結合 5G 和 物聯網能夠將意料之外的災難對於微弱訊號的影響降到最低。
When natural disasters, cyber-criminals, or blackouts attack mission-critical power systems, smart grids powered by 5G and sensors provide a resilient infrastructure that enables emergency responders to act fast to keep the public connected and safe.
當自然災害、網路犯罪或停電攻擊關鍵任務電力系統時,由 5G 和感測器提供電力的智慧電網就能提供您一個能夠讓緊急反應者快速反應、彈性的基礎設施以確保網路的連接與安全性。
Cognizant's vast experience in digital enables carriers and industries to create new value with next-generation IoT solutions powered by 5G.
Cognizant 在數位方面大量的經驗能讓電信業者、產業,因 5G 驅動的新世代物聯網解決方案創造新的價值。
Make the next move with Cognizant.
與 Cognizant 一同邁向未來。