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  • >>Matt: Hi everybody. I wanted to talk to you a little bit today about what to do and

    大家好,今天我要向各位說明 當您收到通知

  • what it means if you get the message that we've taken targeted action on unnatural links

    指出 Google 已針對指向您網站的非自然連結採取特定處置時 您該如何處理?這又表示什麼意思?

  • pointing to your site. It's an interesting message and there's a little bit of nuance

    這則訊息很意思 但與這部影片要探討的內容有些微差異

  • to this video so I wanna give you some background and maybe a little bit of historical context.

    因此我要大致為您說明一下背景 或許也會提及一些前因後果

  • Google's primary purpose, the web spam team's primary purpose is to make sure that you just

    Google 垃圾網頁管理小組的主要使命 是要確保使用者取得最佳的搜尋結果

  • get the best search results and that we protect users from having a bad search experience.


  • So first and foremost we're thinking about how do we return the best quality search results,

    我們首先思考 該如何傳回最優質的搜尋結果

  • how do we make sure that we not return spam? So for many, many years, of course, we try

    同時確保不會傳回垃圾網站 許多年來,我們盡可能嘗試改善演算法

  • to do as much as we can algorithmically, we've always been very upfront about that, but when

    前期成效一直很好 但當演算法發生錯誤時

  • an algorithm fails and we're taking manual action, for many, many years what we would

    我們就會採取人為介入處理行動 多年以來

  • do is, more or less, take action on an entire site if it looked like there was a pretty

    我們會視網站的垃圾內容連結紀錄是否良好 會對整個網站適度採取介入處理行動

  • good history of link spam or a pretty bad history of link spam. So something that went


  • on a long time, something that looked deliberate, something that was widespread or looked concerted

    有的垃圾內容分佈廣泛且內容相近 還有各種您想得到的垃圾連結

  • and the sorts of link spam you can imagine might be anything from paid links to blog


  • comment spam to spamming forums to spamming guest books, excessive link exchanges, you

    充滿垃圾內容的論壇和留言板 或是過度的連結交換

  • know, there's a lot of ways that people try to get links. And when we saw a lot of that

    使用者有一大堆獲取連結的方式 當我們發現這種情況惡化

  • going on and it affected our opinion of the entire site, then you would get a slightly

    並且影響整個網站的排名時 您可能就會收到一則

  • different message that would also say unnatural links to your site. Over time we've gotten

    內容略有不同的訊息 通知您有非自然連結連至您的網站

  • more granular and our approaches have become more sophisticated and, so, as a result, if

    我們益發細心,方法也逐漸複雜 因此,如果我們認為您的網站

  • we think that your site, perhaps, overall is good but there might be some bad links,

    整體表現良好 但其中含有部分垃圾連結

  • not all bad links but a portion of bad links then we might be taking targeted action on

    就算不是全部都是垃圾連結 我們仍有可能對這類連結採取指定行動

  • just those links and that can be bad links or links that you might not think of as typically

    但這類連結當中 可能包括您並不認為屬於垃圾性質的連結

  • bad. So let me sort of give you a few examples of that. The same sorts of things that you

    因此我要為各位列舉一些例子 如果您的網站有付費連結

  • would do for action against the entire site, so paid links, blog, forum, guestbook spam,

    或是網誌、論壇、留言板垃圾內容 我們就會對整個網站採取行動

  • but also you can image widget bait, right, if your primary way of trying to get links

    此外還有小工具誘餌 如果您獲取連結的主要方式

  • was I'm gonna produce a widget and that widget had keyword rich anchor text that pointed

    是放置一個小工具 其中包含具有大量關鍵字

  • to a different domain and maybe the user didn't even know that they were getting that as part

    並指向其他網站的錨定文字 且網站訪客可能已計入網站計數器卻不自知

  • of their web counter, they would be linking to something saying Mesothelioma, all those

    那麼他們就會連結到不斷擴大滋生的 各種網頁中

  • kinds of things. Those are the sorts of links that we don't want to count. In addition,

    我們並不想計算這類連結 此外

  • you know, we see a lot of people who, they just want content and so they're willing to

    我們發現許多使用者 只想加入濫竽充數的內容

  • go grab content from some low quality article bank type site, they just want something that's

    他們直接擷取某些劣質文庫網站中的內容 只挪用幾百個字

  • a few hundred words, 300 words, 500 words, whatever. So the site itself might be good.

    或是 300、500 字之類的 這種網站本身可能並不屬於垃圾網站

  • Maybe you have a lawyer and most of the site is good but some directory he's thrown just

    假設有一位律師 他的大部分網站內容皆屬優質

  • a bunch of, you know, article marketing type articles in there or he's promoting one particular

    但我們擷取到的一部分網頁目錄 卻是一堆行銷專文

  • URL, you know, using these article marketing or syndication, article bank type sites or

    或是透過這些行銷專文、聯合發佈、文庫網站 來提升特定網址的排名

  • somebody who's doing health insurance or car insurance or whatever and they're using some

    又或者是有壽險、汽車險之類的專員 使用某種小工具誘餌

  • widget and then that link, that anchor text is very keyword rich. So that might be an

    其中連結的錨定文字 含有大量關鍵字

  • instance when we might not take action on the entire site, so the site itself still

    那麼在這個例子中 我們可能不會對整個網站採取行動

  • might rank normally but we might take action on some of those anchors. So you might not

    因此,網站本身的排名仍會保持正常 但我們會對部分的錨點採取行動

  • be able to rank for the phrases that you expected to be able to rank for. Now, the other reason


  • why you might get this could be possibly because you weren't doing link spam per se, but, for

    還有其他原因也會導致這個結果 可能是他人代您放置了垃圾性質的連結

  • example, suppose someone hacked someone else's site and they pointed anchor text toward your

    譬如說,有人入侵了他人的網站 並將錨定文字指向您的網站

  • site. So maybe you were hacked or maybe they were trying to point toward some, some different

    這也許是因為您的網站遭到入侵 或是駭客將連結指向您網站上的

  • directory on your site. Another one that we've seen is, you know, suppose you're a newspaper

    其他網頁目錄 我們還發現另一種可能

  • and you've written something relatively nice about somebody and then it turns out later

    假設您是一位報章從業人員 為某位人士撰寫較為正面的報導

  • that he's embezzled or he's been involved with a real estate scam or for whatever reason

    但後來東窗事發,他涉嫌侵佔、參與房產詐騙案 或是其他原因

  • he's using a reputation management firm. So the reputation management firm might be trying

    所以他開始雇請名譽控管公司 這間公司就可能會嘗試在報紙上

  • to push up the positive articles on a newspaper or on a news website, something like that.

    或新聞網站等平台上 刊登拉抬聲望的文章

  • So our primary purpose has been to protect users. We haven't been worried as much with

    我們的主要目的是要保護使用者 但我們先前對這類情形還不夠重視

  • okay, is this a link that was reputation management so someone else was trying to push this article

    例如說,這個連結是名譽控管公司放置的嗎? 有其他人嘗試拉抬這篇文章?

  • up or was this someone who is doing paid link spam or something like that? We've just said,

    還是有人在放置付費垃圾連結? 剛剛提到過

  • okay, we don't want these specific links to count. So it hasn't been the case that we've


  • necessarily put it in terms of, okay, we think these are bad links or we think that these

    所以這還不算是我們必須處理的情況 這些連結可能是垃圾連結

  • are links that are, you know, not intentional or not intended to push you up higher on your


  • own maybe it's just some other third party trying to push things; either way we're not


  • trusting these links. So that's a little bit about why you might get that message. So now

    但無論是哪種可能性,我們都無法信任這些連結 所以您才會收到這則訊息

  • the question is what to do about it. So the most simple thing to do is download your links,

    問題是您該怎麼處理呢? 最簡單的步驟,就是下載您的連結

  • uh, Google now allows you to sort by most recent links so certainly that's the place

    Google 現在允許您依時間順序排列連結 我們可以從這裡開始著手

  • where I would start, you know, if you get this message and it's something that just

    如果您收到這則訊息 表示其中所述的情形剛發生

  • happened and we're only sending this to a very small number of sites, so, at least right


  • now, less than 10 sites a day are getting this sort of message. But if you do get this

    至少目前 每天只有少於 10 個網站會接到這類訊息

  • message maybe that's a good time to say, "Okay, what kind of links have I been getting recently?

    您收到這則訊息時 可能會想「最近有什麼連結連到我這?

  • Was I accidentally spamming somebody? Was my SEO trying to do some widget bait or something

    我不小心對其他人濫發垃圾內容嗎? 我的 SEO 嘗試以小工具誘餌

  • like that to get links?" And if that's the case try to get those links taken down, you

    或其他途徑騙取連結嗎?」 如果發生這種情況,請先嘗試移除這些連結

  • know; if you've posted articles or whatever, try to get those articles taken down. A couple

    如果您張貼了文章或其他內容 則請移除文章

  • of things that are new and a lot of what I've been talking about have been covered in a

    我剛剛提到的許多做法都是新推行的 請參閱最近張貼的網誌文章

  • recent, relatively recent, blog post and we'll have a link to that from this video, but there


  • are a couple things that are new since that blog post. So, the first one is, we're trying

    但在網誌文章發表後 我們又推出了許多更新的做法

  • to work harder to actually show you an example of the links that we're not trusting anymore.

    首先,我們盡可能為您具體指出一些例子 讓您知道我們我們繼續信任哪些連結

  • So a lot of people were frustrated because they're like, "Okay, you say you're taking

    許多使用者都感到挫折,認為 「Google 要對我網站上的連結採取指定行動

  • targeted action on links to my site but I don't know which links they are so I don't


  • know where to start looking." And that was fair feedback and we appreciated that so we've

    也不知道該從何處著手」 我們很感謝這些中肯的意見

  • been trying to work on a way whereby when we say we don't trust some links we're gonna

    我們一直設法找出某種方式 能夠在我們不信任某些連結時

  • try to show you one, two maybe three examples of what the sort of links are that we don’t

    為您指出一些我們不信任的連結類型 至少一兩個

  • trust and that will help to guide you in the right direction to take those links down.


  • First and foremost, you should be trying to get those links down and take the pages down

    首先,建議您移除這些連結 以及含有這些連結的網頁

  • that have those links, you know, talk to different webmasters and say, "Hey, you know, could


  • you remove this widget" or whatever it is. I would very much like to see people do a

    提出「煩請移除這個小工具好嗎」這類要求 我們非常樂見使用者為此持續努力

  • long sustained effort on that but if you've contacted webmasters multiple times, you're

    但如果您與網站管理員聯絡多次仍未果 或是他們並未回應

  • not able to get in touch with them, you can't get them to reply and no matter what you just


  • can't get that link quite pulled down, then you can use the second thing that's relatively


  • new and that is the Disavow links tool that we just launched not that long ago. So what

    也就是我們不久前才推出的 「禁止」連結工具

  • does this mean? The Disavow links tool will have a link with more information about Disavow

    功能是什麼? 「禁止」連結工具會提供一個連結

  • but I'll give you a very high level summary. What it allows you to do is tell Google, "I

    其中包括更詳細的功能資訊 但我會向您大致簡述摘要

  • would like you to ignore these links". So you have a list of them from this URL, from

    這個工具可讓您告知 Google 「我想忽略這些連結」

  • this URL, you can even say from this entire domain, don't trust any links from this domain

    您可以依網址、甚至整個網域列出清單 設定不要信任這個網域連往您網站的任何連結

  • to my site. So, if Google has been taking action on your site because there are some

    如果 Google 無法信任您網站上的部分連結 而非所有連結

  • links, not all links, but some links that we don't wanna trust, hopefully you'll be


  • able to see a few examples and then based on that you can go and look through your downloaded

    您可以查看部分例子 藉此檢查您下載的連結

  • links and sort of figure out what the other links are like that and then get as many of


  • them pulled down and then the ones that you can't get pulled down you can go ahead and

    然後將這些連結移除 或使用「禁止」連結工具處理無法移除的連結

  • use the Disavow links tool and say, "Okay, I've tried my best, I can't get them pulled

    您可以這樣想 「我盡力了,雖然無法將連結全部移除

  • down, here are the links that I'd like Google to ignore." And that's the sort of thing that

    但至少可以請 Google 予以忽略」

  • should help with this particular action and then when you do a reconsideration request


  • just make sure to document that as well as possible how you think the links got there,

    然後,如果您想要求重新審查網站 請盡可能附上詳盡資料

  • what the situation was, what you've done to clean it up, you know, if you have Disavowed

    包括您認為連結指向何處、當時狀況為何 以及您的清除方式等

  • some links then mention that too just make sure the people have the context. But that,

    如果您禁止了部分連結 請對使用者說明原因

  • hopefully, gives you a little bit of background on the fact that Google used to take action

    我向各位稍微介紹一下背景資訊 Google 以前採取行動時

  • at a more coarse level, at the domain level, as we've gotten more sophisticated we're more

    作法較為粗糙,以網域層級為處理單位 但我們如今採取更複雜的作法

  • likely to say perhaps individual links don't count and that doesn't have to be a bad thing

    不一定會計入個別連結 假設有一家名譽控管公司

  • if a reputation management firm is pointing to one article on your site, it's not the

    將連結指向您網站上的文章 請不要太擔心

  • end of the world. But if it's something you're concerned about or that you're worried about

    這並不是世界末日 但如果您有所顧慮

  • or that you've seen some examples that Google have been giving that look like, you know,

    或是對於 Google 指出的部分例子感到憂心

  • anything from hacked sites, to widget bait, to paid links then it is worth trying to get

    例如來自遭入侵的網站、連至小工具誘餌的連結 或是連至付費連結的連結

  • those links pulled down and then failing that, investigate the Disavow tool and see whether

    建議您將這類連結移除 並透過「禁止」工具予以調查

  • it will work for you. Hope that helps.

    看看是否可解決問題 希望對您有所幫助

>>Matt: Hi everybody. I wanted to talk to you a little bit today about what to do and

大家好,今天我要向各位說明 當您收到通知


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