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The traditional Japanese inn "Ryokan" is more than just a place to stay
You can lounge around in cotton Kimonos called "Yukata" or soak in mineral baths until you feel 10 years younger
Each Ryokan room and meal is different offering a real only in Japan experience
It's a place where you can try well-prepared seasonal Japanese cuisine
The inside often impresses wood to "Tatami" bamboo the natural world inside
Welcome to a Japanese Ryokan
I'm here in Fukushima Prefecture to show you some of the best Ryokan. now a Ryokan is usually built in the middle of
an Onsen, An Onsen is a hot spring naturally coming from the ground and these Ryokan have a lot of attractions:
There's food. There's culture. There's tradition. There's the "Tatami" rooms and then there's the bath, the Onsen baths
We have an entirely separate episode for that
Where exactly is Fukushima Prefecture?
It's a few hours north of Tokyo stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the mountains and plains on the other side
Fukushima is Japan's third-largest prefecture, and it's loaded with everything that you need for an adventure
We'll go to 13 amazing hot spring towns around Fukushima, all with their own style and charm and
Focus on the traditional Japanese Inns called Ryokan, and they're delicious, "Kaiseki" cuisine
We start this one at "Dake" Onsen and one of my favorite Ryokan called "Hana kanzashi"
The inside is cozy and beautiful
The Tatami lined hallways passing gardens and windows lined with Japanese "Washi" paper
This is a typical room at "Hana Kanzashi" perfect for two
There's a private bath overlooking a rock garden
This is a room for a family of four the Onsen bath here takes up most of the back its outdoor and covered
The natural hot spring water from the ground contains a lot of minerals giving it a milky white color
It's the ultimate room for a relaxing holiday away from it all
Welcome to "Ohkaw-So, "Ashinomaki" Onsen
Ryokan sit at the river's edge by a mountain
The lobby is spacious and beautiful
Water flows under the walkway inside the building
The Japanese-style rooms are just as lovely. A Tatami room with a spacious window a Japanese "Kotatsu" by
Kotatsu is a heated table the blanket keeping the heat under it a divine experience in winter
Stay warm relax and enjoy the view
During my visit to "Tsuchiyu" Onsen, the snow came down adding a spectacular layer of white to everything around the town
The town wraps around the river where the hot spring water flows freely it has a beautiful turquoise color to it
This is hotels "Sansui-So" where I spent the night
Here's my room come in make yourself at home
There's no bed here yet
But after you change into your Yukata and make your way to dinner the Ryokan staff will prep your room for your return
The Futon setup service is something that's always impressed me about staying at a traditional Japanese Inn
He can make up the Futon in about a minute
When I come back from dinner, I'll be able to go right to sleep if I like
Dinner at a Ryokan is a real treat. It's "Kaiseki Ryori" or traditional Japanese cuisine served in many courses
This is the complete layout so you can see just how beautifully prepared it is
Even for Japanese it's a lot. Staff will explain to you what everything is as well as include a menu
Staying at a Ryokan can be a little pricey, but with the meal and service you can see its value
It's an experience you simply don't want to pass up local A5 grade "Wagyu" beef and Sukiyaki
Beat the raw egg then dip the beef in it
The taste is amazing you won't be disappointed
I ordered the local sake
It really is a meal that hits all five senses
Wow now this is a meal fit for a king the entire layout is here
And I don't know where to start
I've been in a Ryokan many many times before and every time I do
I'm just overwhelmed by the amount the variety of food and the amount the volume of it all it's actually not as much as it looked
it's all out on the table usually they bring it course-by-course and you start from the
Starter and then move on to the different dishes
But we put it all together just so you can see just how amazing it is each season has its own special
ingredients has its own special food so the meal changes by the season and this is just incedible
I don't even know where to start
This is a Fukushima's brand-name "Shamo Chicken" coming from the neighborinng Kawamata
This chicken is very chewy and delicious. Chef shows the autumn cuisine. He's prepared using local ingredients
That's a big attraction about the "Kaiseki" cuisine at Ryokan trying the flavors of the area
The presentation also uses the colors of the season, brown, yellow, orange and red
When he's finished it is as much art as it is food
And to end it all I returned to my room all set up for me
It really makes me happy to see my Futon magically set up for me every time
I spent some time relaxing in the lobby a check out and talked to the manager about communicating in English
The staff is working hard to learn English
They can speak English a little bit. That's right
So international visitors can relax about language barriers
They can feel comfortable staying here
The Ryokan has guides in English to answer all questions, too
I moved on to Kawachi, Yanaizu Onsen which had a lovely Tatami room overlooking the river and bridge
In a "Aizu-Wakamatsu" is Ryokan "Harataki" at Higashiyama Onsen
I got a look into the kitchen to see just how they prepare the food for so many people everyday
The head chef is preparing the fish soup stock fresh
It takes hours of preparation every day to make every meal here a chef is making "Negi Toro" from tuna
Next he blowtorches the fish
The menu changes by season so for three months the menu is basically the same
They're using Fukushima beef for the "Shabu-Shabu" dinner
For people staying a second night the menu changes a bit reflected in the plate color
Each day at guests days the menu is altered a little
There aren't many guests staying longer than two nights
The staff also makes accommodation for guests with dietary requests these plates here of chicken instead of beef or pork
The head chef oversees the operation like a general great attention and effort is made to make sure that the meals are perfect
When finished they're transported to the restaurant where they are presented to the guests along with the starter and side items
The fire is lit and after a couple of minutes. It's time for some "Shabu- Shabu". I went straight for the beef
I always go for the "Goma", sesame sauce over the "Ponzu" the two sauces that accompanies Shabu-Shabu
It's really good
I added the vegetables and Tofu after but that's my style
This Ryokan also has a buffet. So you can help yourself to soup rice and other items. All of it made with local ingredients
You can go back to your room after dinner or for guests only hit the Onsen bath at night
Many Ryokan open their baths the day trippers
At night you can sometimes have the whole bath to yourself a real benefit to staying the night
An hour away is "Toryu-Kan", "Yunokami Onsen". This is a family-run Ryokan, smaller and more personal
The rooms have names let's tour this amazing Japanese-style room
The Futon is already set up because this room is dedicated to sleeping and evening Yukata on the pillow
The room next door could be considered the living room
In the front is the bathroom the sink separated from the toilets
Oh, in these apples go in the bath behind this steamy door
That's right this room has its own private Onsen bath great for families the shy or people with tattoos
I always change for dinner
It's sometimes hard to find a Yukata in your size, but this will do the Tatami socks are a nice touch
Let's go to dinner
The chef at Toryu-Kan works hard from the morning to prepare dinner each day
Top grade A5 Wagyu beef is on the menu seared at high heat
The inside is still rare beautiful coloring to the meat
I can't wait to try it
Depending on the season, what we get in or how it looks changes so
which means we have to change the dishes accordingly
Each Ryokan has its own unique style Toryu-Kan's "Kaiseki" cuisine really fits the season
It's polite to pick your glass up with two hands when staff pours the beer for you
Here's that Wagyu surrounded by sauces and garnish adding a lot of color
It just melts in your mouth
Meals added Ryokan always leave you satisfied, and that's the Fukushima traditional Japanese end story
Away from the city out in the countryside
Sure, you can also have Western meals and hotel experiences in Japan
like here Ura-Bandai
and you can certainly go local, too
there's a charm to every room a
uniqueness to every
experience that makes staying at a Ryokan on the ultimate must do because basically a Ryokan is where you can feel the
soul of Japan
Next time we'll take an immersive look at the Japanese hot springs the baths the traditional ends and the Kaiseki cuisine in
360 virtual reality video
Take a closer look around and feel that experience by navigating around the smartphone screen your monitor or VR goggles
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