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  • - I shouldn't have been out that night in the first place.

  • I had too much to drink but I was still

  • driving myself home to be with Melissa and the kids,

  • not that they'd notice me.

  • Things just hadn't been working out for me lately

  • and I'd seen the bottom of too many beer bottles that night.

  • I drove the back way home in an effort to avoid any cops.

  • That was a bad decision.

  • The rain was heavy

  • and the winding mountain roads were slippery.

  • Then suddenly, I took the sharp turn too quickly

  • when this hitchhiker appeared out of nowhere.

  • I only had a split second to make a decision.

  • Swerve off the cliff side to avoid hitting the hitchhiker,

  • or pray that my brakes could save us both before

  • (car crashing)

  • I had another decision to make.

  • Do the right thing, call the cops,

  • and get slapped with vehicular manslaughter,

  • or save my career and my marriage.

  • I pushed the hitchhiker's corpse off the cliff side

  • and drove away, promising myself to forget about that night.

  • But that was two weeks ago.

  • The drinking had gotten worse.

  • I hadn't slept in days and Melissa knew something was off

  • but the only proof of my accident

  • was this crescent shaped scar that had appeared on my hand.

  • The images of the hitchhiker

  • caught in my headlights haunted me.

  • I took a swig from the flask

  • I had tucked under my driver's seat.

  • Yeah.

  • I learned nothing that night.

  • I was parked in front of a burned out house

  • in the town of Harbor.

  • It was my assignment for the day.

  • I'm an insurance claims agent.

  • All the more reason to drink, right?

  • I took another Harvey swig, grabbed my clipboard,

  • and went to inspect the home.

  • A glamorous life, I know.

  • The job was simple.

  • Walk through the house, snap a few photos,

  • keep notes on anything unusual.

  • But nothing unusual ever happened on the job.

  • Until today.

  • I was somewhere in the middle of the house,

  • scribbling down some thoughts about a snapped beam

  • when I heard a loud thud.

  • (car crashing)

  • The thud sounded exactly like my car hitting the hitchhiker

  • but nobody was supposed to be within 50 feet of the house.

  • It was taped off with warning signs

  • covering every entrance onto the property.

  • I looked around, trying to catch sight of the trespasser

  • but it was difficult to see anything

  • a few feet beyond where I stood.

  • There was a glimpse of polished black shoes

  • that stepped out of sight the second I laid eyes on them.

  • I couldn't explain why, but I felt a chill pass through me.

  • I tried to muster up some form of bravado in my voice.

  • Is someone there?

  • This is a closed site, I called out, and listened.

  • Just more slow, deliberate footsteps

  • on the crushed rocks surrounding the house.

  • Hello?

  • Still no response, but at that moment,

  • a figure stepped into view directly in front of me

  • at the other end of the house.

  • My blood went cold.

  • The face that stared at me wasn't a face.

  • It wasn't human at all.

  • It was a massive white waxy flesh.

  • An eyeless head with a gaping mouth that leered at me.

  • I couldn't define it but in that moment,

  • I knew whatever the hell this thing was, it was here for me.

  • The Looksy.

  • An image came into my brain.

  • A warped memory of my accident,

  • but this time, the corpse of the hitchhiker

  • was on his feet, stumbling towards me,

  • his broken jaw rasping out a stuttered phrase.

  • - If you yourself can not release,

  • then it will come to take a piece.

  • The homeless man lunged at me.

  • A terrible shriek coming from him

  • as I snapped back to the present.

  • Back to the Looksy.

  • It beckoned me, but I was frozen with terror,

  • unable to move.

  • He began to shuffle, slowly coming for me.

  • And there was that memory again

  • of a rotting hitchhiker stalking around,

  • reaching for me.

  • Why couldn't I force it from my mind?

  • A new sound interrupted my horror.

  • Something off to the side.

  • My eyes flickered over to a shattered window

  • praying that help was coming

  • but all I caught was a flash of brown rags,

  • something hurrying around the house.

  • The Looksy snarled, as if a (mumbles) threatening its haunt,

  • rushing to meet the threat.

  • The two beasts slammed into one another,

  • outside of my view.

  • All I could see was glimpses, picking up dust,

  • their ugly snarls and growls snapping at each other,

  • rattling the frame of the house as they bodied each other.

  • I panicked.

  • Spotting a narrow path that led to

  • the opposite side of the property

  • hoping, maybe, there was a way I could escape,

  • whatever the hell was going on.

  • I willed my legs to move, scurrying as fast as I could

  • for the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Then suddenly, it was quiet.

  • I couldn't hear either of them and that terrified me.

  • I froze, trying to figure out what I should do

  • when a jagged spear of wood whipped from behind me

  • ripping through my shoulder and pinning me to the wall.

  • I screamed in pain, struggling to get free

  • but, I knew it didn't matter.

  • Help wasn't coming and I wasn't getting out of there alive.

  • I never should have survived the car accident

  • and this was fate catching up with me.

  • I whimpered in pain, trying to see where they were

  • finally realizing they had me trapped.

  • The Looksy was standing outside the house

  • waiting for me with a twisted smile

  • and the ragged loping thing was right behind me

  • breathing on me.

  • I knew that the (mumbles) had come to finish

  • what the tree branch had started.

  • The hunk of wood was yanked out of me,

  • dropping me back to the ground.

  • I groaned as blood pulled beneath me

  • staining the floor black.

  • I closed me eyes, accepting what was coming

  • as the wooden spear jabbed down again,

  • this time dead center in my back, erupting through my chest.

  • It was already dark in that burned out house

  • but it was getting darker by the moment.

  • The life pulsing out of me with each beat of my dying heart.

  • The last thing I heard were the footsteps

  • of the Looksy as it approached me.

  • Its yellow, sharpened teeth

  • closing around the back of my neck with a sickening crunch.

  • I looked down to my hand.

  • The crescent shape scar was growing,

  • slowly turning into a circle, completing itself

  • until finally, everything went black once and for all.

- I shouldn't have been out that night in the first place.


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睇睇睇VS蘇特|"Full Circle"|Crypt TV Extended Universe|Creepypasta(恐怖片) (LOOK-SEE VS SOOT | "Full Circle" | Crypt TV Extended Universe | Creepypasta)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日