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  • Harry Kreisler: Welcome to a “Conversation With History.” I’m Harry Kreisler of the Institute of

  • International Studies. Our guest today is Anders Aslund who is a Senior Fellow at the Peterson

  • Institute in Washington D.C. His new book is Russia’s Capitalist Revolution. Dr. Aslund,

  • welcome to Berkeley.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Where were you born and raised?

  • I was born in [...?...], a small industrial town in Sweden.

  • Looking back, how do you think your parents shaped your thinking about the world?

  • Well, they had pretty clear ideas of the importance of freedom, democracy and market

  • economy.

  • Was there a discussion of great interest around the dinner table about the Soviet Union, or

  • about international politics?

  • Yes. Something quite important was that my mother, who was a dentist, had a colleague who

  • was from Latvia, so I learned about the repression of the Baltic people at the end of the Second

  • World War, very much firsthand as a child from this dear colleague of my mother.

  • Living and growing up in Sweden, was there a greater sense of the forbidding of the Soviet

  • Union so close?

  • Sure. Sweden always had a pretty strong defense because it was neutral and because the Soviet

  • Union was so close. So, there was always a sense that there was a threat.

  • What did you major in as an undergraduate and then in your graduate studies, and where did

  • you get your degrees?

  • I had my main degree in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, then I had

  • another degree in Russian/Polish history from Stockholm University, and I’ve done my doctorate at

  • Oxford.

  • What was your doctorate on?

  • Private enterprise in Poland and East Germany, why did the private sector survive and how did

  • it function.

  • When did you complete your degree and begin your formal role as a professor in relation to

  • the history of the Soviet Union? What year would that have been?

  • Well, you can say that I worked on Russia ever since 1972 when I started doing Russia, actually

  • at Uppsala University in Sweden, and I traveled to Russia the first timeor the Soviet Union in

  • 1972. And of course, to go to the Soviet Union then was a shock. It was a terrible third world

  • place. It was not only third world but it was cold, dirty, dark.

  • Once you had your economics training what impressed you the most? Was it the stagnation

  • and decay of the economy, the failure of the economy, or was it more the lack of political freedom?

  • Well, something different. I’m generally interested in political and economic systems and you

  • can say that the Soviet Union was quite different as in an economic system but culturally it was not

  • so far away. So, it was quite comprehensible at one level. At the other level it was just closed.

  • Students watch this program, in addition to the general public, and so I want to talk a little

  • about what skills are required to do what you do. What is the best training? It sounds like you have

  • to know everything from math, to Russian, to comparative history.

  • Yeah, I think that this is the kind of studies that I specialize in, where it’s more eclectic, that

  • you need a bit of everything and not going deeply into mathematical models, or such things. So, I

  • dowhere you have more the use of many different kinds of knowledge, a bit of politics, a bit of

  • economics, quite a bit of history, and also languages.

  • And it would seem that you need all of those together because it seems like you can really

  • misunderstand things if youre just looking at the economics.

  • Indeed. I think this was the big mistake for a long time, when U.S. knowledge about the Soviet

  • Union was dominated by CIA people who never visited the Soviet Union, because the analysts, they

  • stay home, it was the daring agents that were out on the spot, and they were, of course, not

  • contributing to the analysis.

  • Your book is subtitledWhy market reform succeeded and why democracy failed,” and so I

  • want to walk you through the main points, and let’s talk, first of all, about the situation during the

  • Gorbachev period, because your analysis requires looking at various things and one is this question

  • of Gorbachev and his inability to reform the system. Talk a little about that because we in the West

  • thought he would be able to do more than he wound up doing, although he did a lot.

  • Yeah. I think that the fundamental problem was that the Soviet Union was deep frozen. It was

  • too petrified. So, there was a change [...?...] at the top and at the bottom but nothing could ever

  • change, and then Gorbachev and a few of his colleagues thought that this is not good enough, we

  • can change, we have to change. And first they tried with some economic reforms and they realized

  • that nothing happened because everything was sabotaged by the overwhelming bureaucracy that was

  • really the true dictator in the Soviet Union, and they did what they wanted. I’ll give you one

  • example. One month after Gorbachev had come to power – I was working at the Swedish embassy

  • then – I went up to see a top official, the Soviet minister of agriculture, and I asked him what one of

  • the first decrees about agricultural reform that had been issued by Gorbachev actually meant, and

  • this senior official said, “It doesn’t mean a damned thing. Why should I bother about a decree

  • signed by the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? He’s not my boss. I

  • work at the Ministry of Agriculture.” So, I thought that this was one of these old fogies who would

  • soon lose out. Nothing of the sort. He just advanced. So, the point was that the bureaucrats felt

  • secure. They could attack even the Secretary General of the Community Party.

  • But in some areas Gorbachev did a great service, for example in foreign policy, because he

  • made it possible for the Soviet empire to endhe set the conditions for that happening.

  • Yeah, and you can also say that he saw that there was some low hanging fruit to be picked up in

  • foreign policy. So, his most successful period in foreign policy was really the first two years or so,

  • when he managed to get the INF Treaty with the U.S. – that is, the Treaty on Intermediary Nuclear

  • Forces in Europe. And this was very important, a breakthrough in 1987, and of course, Gorbachev’s

  • personal very high standing and the very good relations that he developed with virtually all countries

  • but partly I think that it was because he enjoyed it most of all because he saw this as a lever to do

  • the much more difficult changes that were needed at home.

  • And in a way, his failure over and above his skills, his skill set, which I think youre suggesting

  • was not as good as the ultimate in some respectsthat his failure that he saw himself as a reformer

  • and the system could not be reformed.

  • Indeed. His ultimate failure was that he thought that Communists could be reformed and it

  • could only be destroyed. On the other hand, if Gorbachev hadn’t tried to reform it, it would not

  • have gone away as peacefully as it did. So, he did a great service but his service was based on his

  • misunderstanding, and he doesn’t seem to understand it even today.

  • There’s a theme that runs through your book, which were going to touch on right now and

  • then were going to pick it up again, and that is the role of external actors. And it’s very important

  • to the foreign policy debate here, whether the Reagan policies with regard to Star Wars, the defense

  • challenge, pushed the Soviet Union off the cliff. What is your take on that? Is it a contributing

  • factor, or there were too many internal contradictions so this would have happened anyway?

  • The outside world was important, and of course, Star Wars was an important part of it, but I

  • think the fundamental issue was that Gorbachev and his allies felt that the Soviet Union was falling

  • ever more behind and something had to be done. So, I think it would be wrong to pick one specific

  • issue, but you can say that the Star Wars idea was very much a wakeup call.

  • Now as a comparativist, somebody who looks at different economic and political situations to

  • understand the course that revolution takes, there is a tendency to want to equate what’s happening

  • in Russia with what happened in China. Let’s talk about that. Why are the two cases so very

  • different, which is an argument you make in the book?

  • Well, theyre very different for many reasons. You can say that China started in a crisis

  • situation. Deng Shaoping came in when everybody thought that something must be done

  • differently. Gorbachev came in at a time when almost everybody thought that nothing must change.

  • And in the Soviet Union the officials didn’t obey, in China they were still afraid and they obeyed,

  • because they were not as firmly in charge as they were in the Soviet Union, and even today China’s

  • GDP per capita is one-quarter of Russia’s, in current dollars. So, China is a much simpler and

  • poorer economy, then [?] you can go about it in different ways, and part of that was that threequarters

  • of the Chinese worked in agriculture, to compare with one-quarter in the Soviet Union, or

  • less. So, they were totally different. In China you could leave the state owned industrial side. In the

  • Soviet Union you had to hit the industry hard because that was more than fifty percent of the

  • economy. In China you had manual labor and the actual entities of production were relatively

  • small. In the Soviet Union you could hardly find a cow shed without four hundred cows, everything

  • was large scale in the Soviet Union, so you had to break it up, and that made it so much more

  • difficult to reform in the Soviet Union. Also, Soviet products in manufacturing were awful. Living

  • in Moscow in 1985, you could buy only a few things that were available and of western quality, salt,

  • mineral water, vodka, bread, hardly anything else. And all these other products that were produced,

  • if it was cars, or if is was household machinery, or clothes, it was useless, while in China they didn’t

  • produce all that much, at the time when the reforms started.

  • Before we talk about the revolution and how the levers of power were seized to make the

  • economic reform possible, I want to ask youbecause you had this unique opportunity to be both

  • an observer analyst but also a participant, and not just by your many visits but you actually at a

  • critical point were advising the then Russian government. Talk a little about that. Does your work

  • as a scholar greatly enhance your insight, and do those insights have important policy implications?

  • I think it is quite important to see how things are actually being done, and in particular what

  • you can do and what you can’t do. For example, if you see the Prime Minister of Russia and youre

  • acting as a policy advisor, not as a foreign dignitary, then you do take more than fifteen minutes of

  • his time. You have a clear message, you want to get it through, and you want to get more meetings.

  • So, then you have to be focused, sharp, clear. There’s no time for a lot of nuances, certainly not

  • exceptions. You have to have a policy message and you must have strong arguments for it so that

  • you can convince the policy maker. And of course, it’s important, also, to see how the government

  • operates, simply how the mechanism of a government functions, what works and what doesn’t work,

  • and that’s often quite surprising. For example, in Russia, on the one hand things are very formal, on

  • the other hand many of these formalities, but not all, can be thrown overboard in certain

  • circumstances.

  • And you have your feet in terms of your scholarship in both the economic realm and the

  • political realm, and before we talk about the differences in the revolutions, is there a difference that

  • you would make as an analytical observer between politics and economics, and economic policy and

  • the policies related to political reform?

  • Well, I would emphasize that the economists are more keen on being aboard in actual

  • economic policy. You can say that there’s more demand for economists in government jobs, while

  • it’s more uncommon that political scientists go for political jobs, outside of foreign policy.

  • Is that because economists have better theories?

  • No, I would say it’s because there are simply more functions of government that require

  • economists, as simple as that.

  • Okay. So, what we have in this period of the end of Gorbachev and then the rise of Yeltsin is a

  • revolutionary situation. Talk a little more about it. You touched on it, but what made it really

  • revolutionary upon which a good leader could take action?

  • Well, you can say that a revolution is when the constitution order ceases to function, and when

  • you go beyond the roles [roads?]. Some people argue that there must be violence. I would argue

  • that is not part of it. So, the fundamental issue is that the institutions cease to function, and that

  • means two things. One the one hand, it means that very little can be done by the state, there is no

  • state capacity. Typically the bureaucrats are just sitting and theyre rolling their thumbs and are not

  • working. And the other issue is that nobody stands up, if the [?] top policy makers are making

  • fundamentally new decisions. So, this is the time when you can think big but you can’t think small.

  • You can’t do the small things, you can’t improve the healthcare system, but you can change the

  • constitution.

  • And the situation was truly revolutionary because the Soviet empire collapsed, the regions, the

  • provinces, were not submitting money to the treasury, so there was a real opportunity and it was

  • seized by Yeltsin. You enumerate the elements of what a leader, a true leader, in a revolutionary

  • situation should do, and you believe that a lot of this happened between October ’91 and January

  • ’92 under Yeltsin’s presidency. Let me just enumerate these items that you mention in your book.

  • Your ideas must be clear, simple and relevant; the ideas must be translated into a set of policy

  • actions; the political leader must take the lead and make authoritative policy declarations; the leader

  • needs to appoint a group of policy makers who can execute the reforms, you must have

  • parliamentary support, and there is a brief window of opportunity for extraordinary politics.”

  • Yeltsin saw that and acted in a way, in most instances, along these lines. Is that correct?

  • Yeah, very much so, and you can see it particularly in Vasic [?] and part of Izmamars [?] where

  • he discusses the events as a revolution. He saw what he thought was truly important and he

  • emphasized these two things, to dissolve the Soviet Union and to undertake market economic

  • reform. What he did not understand was what to do about the political system, because he thought

  • that the political system somehow worked. He wanted to have a new constitution but that was not

  • his prime issue.

  • And so, let’s look first at the economic revolution. Walk us through briefly the steps that were

  • taken, and the goal is very clear, a market economy, and there are clear indicators of what that goal is

  • like when you reach that point.

  • Yeah. So, it was very much an idea that we have to do it now, if we don’t do it now well fall

  • into complete chaos, and we don’t know what will happen. The danger of civil war was always in

  • the background and the economy was truly collapsing. And the idea was also not to do something

  • that was original but to do something that was standard, and a standard market economy, you can

  • say, raised on three pillars, free trade and pricesthat’s the first. The second is privatization. You

  • need a predominance of private property. And the third is reasonably stable prices, to get the state

  • finances and monetary policy under control so that inflation is limited.

  • And these were all done in this environment, but what about the reactions you get when you

  • do this, I mean if you had had a different leader? Because you have chaos, you have a kind of

  • breakdown of institutions, but the consequences of what youre doing as policy is unclear at the

  • time. Correct? The theory tells you itll work but that’s different than convincing people that it will

  • work.

  • Yeah, and of course, therere many problems and shortcomings. The first is that the old elite

  • knows different things, they know a socialist economy and they think that this is wrong, they say

  • that this is unprofessional, and they put forward all their outstanding economists. So, the only

  • problem was that it was the wrong economics that they knew. So, that’s part of it, and then you

  • have all the politicians who have come up in one way or the other, in the revolutionary chaos, and

  • they think that they should have the top jobs because they did the revolution. And now instead,

  • there are people who knew economics who are getting the top economic jobs, which makes them

  • very upset. And then you have a lot of operators who utilize the chaos to make money for themselves.

  • That actually turned out to be the biggest danger, but eventually all these forces

  • colluded and caused a lot of trouble.

  • One has the sense, as you read through your book, that there is really an evolution of the

  • economic groups that rise and fall. We begin with the insiders who benefit, you move to the

  • oligarchs, and so on, but for whatever reasons there was a resiliency within the Soviet Union so there

  • was movement forward. How did that happen? One would think that at any one point one of these

  • groups would have stopped the revolution in its tracks.

  • Yeah, and also there werelet me take one thing. I spent a lot of time in December ’91 in

  • Moscow, and I walked around, and the people had a sense that the sword of Damocles was hanging

  • over them and that a terrible catastrophe would come over them. So, they were all of a sudden very

  • kind. Moscovites are normally not very kind but they were kinder than ever before because they felt

  • that there was a great danger hanging over them, and the stranger thing was that everybody

  • continued to go to their jobs. Soon enough they didn’t get salaries but they continued to go to their

  • jobs anyhow and they didn’t really work, but there was an amazing social calm which, of course, the

  • authorities tried to maintain. But this was the backdrop, so while events were very dramatic on the

  • surface it was surprisingly calm. After 1990 there were no mass demonstrations. It was a social

  • demobilization. When the prices were liberalized nobody took to the street. It was the same in

  • Russia as everywhere else. If you liberalized the prices, you changed the paradigm. People

  • understand that it’s something new, theyre worried, but they don’t take to the streets.

  • And is this because under the Soviet system they had become passive? Is it something with

  • historical roots in Russian character and culture?

  • No. On the contrary, this is the dynamics of a revolution. In February 1990, Moscow saw the

  • biggest demonstrations. The liberals, the democrats, had 500,000 people out in demonstrations a

  • couple of times, and their opponents, the hard line Communists, had 300,000 people out in

  • demonstrations, in February-March 1990. That was the time when people were mobilized, but

  • when things were getting more complicated most people felt that they didn’t know whatand

  • therefore they became demobilized, and this is typical of a revolutionary situation, that in the midst

  • of a revolution people get demobilized.

  • Let’s go back now to this theme about external intervention. We talked about it earlier with

  • regard to the fall of Communism. What kind of grade do you give the West and the United States

  • during this very important period of the implementation of the economic revolution? Were we

  • intervening at the right time or not? Did we provide the critical aid and advice when it was needed?

  • The West didn’t do anything at all. There werethey suggested [?] but there was no concrete

  • aid. During the first year of radical market reforms in Russia the West didn’t help in any way at all,

  • and this was clearly a U.S. policy. George Bush, who was President at the time, thought that it was

  • not popular to provide the financial support to the outside world. If you take the Desert war that

  • took place at the same time it was entirely financed with contributions from other countries, mainly

  • from Saudi Arabia, that Jim Baker, then the Secretary of State, traveled around the world in order to

  • collect. So, it was very much Bush who said, no, we don’t do this. And another was that they didn’t

  • want to talk to the Russians and suggest that. In Washington the dominant interest was the

  • Treasury that said, “We want our money back. We want the Soviet debt to be serviced.” It was

  • serviced and in fact, the Soviet Union has paid back more on its old Communist debt than has been

  • given in Western aid. And this is in the height of a systemic change, in the early ‘90s. So, the West

  • simply took a back seat and it’s in the early stage that you can really do something. And also, this

  • was when the economic crisis was at the worst, and the West only provided some humanitarian

  • assistance but didn’t help the reforms at all.

  • Now Yeltsin really made a difference, and I think that your discussion of himalthough you

  • fault him on some things, and well talk about the political failures in a minutebut in terms of the

  • economics he followed your criteria. And so, I guess the question is, what made the qualities of

  • leadership in him? What was it about him that led him to act according to address the problems of

  • this revolutionary situation? And then what does that tell us about the importance of an individual,

  • a personality, in changing the course of history?

  • Of course, Yeltsin was very intelligent, and he was very well read. The last time I met him,

  • which was in 2004, I asked him what he was doing and he said, “I’m reading one book a day,” and

  • particularly he read history. So, he knew, for example, of the Russian revolution of 1917 extremely

  • well himself. And Yeltsin was one of these rare people who was at the same time intelligent and

  • intuitive. He just felt what was the right thing to do. Nobody could really understand how he

  • reached that, because Yeltsin was by and large a man of few words. He didn’t present his argument.

  • He said, “This is the issue,” then he listened to people who discussed [it], and then he came to the

  • conclusions, which always confused people. But he was one of these few true heroes, a man who

  • stood up, drew the conclusion, took the lead himself, and had an enormous civil and physical

  • courage, and he was a very jovial, pleasant person by character, obviously a manic depressive

  • character, not that he was sick but that he was sometimes very manic and sometimes very depressed,

  • which I think is typical for these outstanding heroes. So, he was at his height when the crisis was

  • really severe. Whenever there was a severe crisis he had a tendency to wake up and come to his own,

  • and then he was absolutely unstoppable. So, he had an enormous psychological strength, and that’s

  • why he could draw these radical conclusions and carry it out, and of course, in the early ‘90s he was

  • enormously charismatic.

  • And that’s what I was just going to ask you about. So, he was a populist attuned to where the

  • people would be if there was actually a functioning democracy in Russia.

  • I wouldn’t say populist. He was a popular leader. He was one of these people who could go

  • out and look at a crowd, and feel them, and work them up. It’s the kind of ability that Bill Clinton

  • or Mike Huckabee have. So, he had a tremendous political scale. Give him a crowd and he will take

  • the lead.

  • And were all these characteristics, in addition to seeing the way to go, very important in

  • bringing it all together so the reforms happened?

  • Yeah. Yeltsin was, of course, crucial. Without Yeltsin I think that Russia would have ended up

  • in complete chaos. So, there was nobody but Yeltsin. He was the only plausible leader, and of

  • course, Yeltsin was very Russian in so many ways, but he was also intelligent and had this intuitive

  • scale of using his intelligence. And of course, he loved elections. Whenever there was an election he

  • knew how to campaign, and he won time and time again, March ’90, March ’91 – sorry, March ’89,

  • and also the presidential elections in June ’91. And when he was quite ill still, in ’96, when he

  • decided to run for president, he started from 3% popularity rating and he won reasonably on his

  • election.

  • Now when you give out the grades on political reform in the Soviet Union marks are not high.

  • Where did Yeltsin go wrong in terms of implementing democratic reform?

  • Well, the fundamental mistake was in August ’91, and it’s easy to understand. Yeltsin at the

  • timehe prohibited the Communist Party. That was the real revolution. And he thought that was

  • essentially what needed to be done. He had the parliament, he had just been elected democratically,

  • Russian presidentsthat institution was there, and there was a Soviet Russian constitution that

  • could easily be amended so that one could get it reasonably right. But the problem was that this

  • constitution and the parliament that had been elected one and a half years before was not

  • democratically elected, so it didn’t really represent anything. So, therefore Yeltsin soon realized that

  • the parliament turned against him after a little bit more than half a year, never to come back again.

  • So, what he should have done is dissolve the parliament. It was clearly notno particular

  • constitutional ground for it, but at that time Yeltsin could do absolutely everything. The parliament

  • would have voted with acclamation for his own dissolution, if Yeltsin had asked for it, but Yeltsin’s

  • sense was, “The parliament works, the political system works, so I need to concentrate on these two

  • other issues, dissolution of the Soviet Union and the economic crisis. I can’t do everything at once.”

  • And the kinds of things that didn’t develop were a successful multi-party system, as a result of

  • this? A new parliament might have been a place where that could happen.

  • Indeed. So, what was needed was essentially proportional elections with a threshold for

  • representation that all the successful east central European democracies have done, early founding

  • elections that would strengthen the parties, and also that the parliament was relied upon to do

  • legislation. Another foolhardy thing Yeltsin did in that regard was that he asked for one GS right

  • [?] to rule by decree so that he could take very man [?] in not all [?] decisions by decree, and as a

  • consequence these decrees were not well founded and the parliament didn’t have any meaning for

  • occupation, so therefore it started doing things that were outright harmful.

  • Steven Fish who’s on the faculty hereyou cite him as saying, “Too much oil, too little

  • economic liberalization, and too weak a national legislature.” Do you agree with those points as

  • adding to the mix here in creating the situation where there isn’t take-off in the democratic

  • revolution?

  • Yeah, well, at that time it was only the weak legislator that was a problem. Later on, we have

  • too much oil. In the 1990s the oil price was so low, so that was not much of a concern.

  • Was it inevitable that Yeltsin’s mistakes with regard to reform pave the way for a Putin, if not

  • the Putin?

  • No. I think that the selection of Putin was quite accidental, and it’s not at all clear how much

  • Yeltsin was really involved in it himself. So, it was a coterie of close advisors to Yeltsin who pushed

  • for Putin, and Putin acceptedor Yeltsin accepted Putin. It was not Yeltsin’s proposal. And the

  • fundamental mistake here that Yeltsin did was that he did not dissolve the KGB fully. He divided it,

  • and weakened the KGB, but what has happened now is that the old KGB has largely come together

  • again.

  • So, we are left, after your tour de force here, of an analysis of both these revolution, one that

  • succeeded and one [that] didn’t, were left with a contradiction which is, a market economy has been

  • put in place by all objective measures but democracy and a democratic reform has not taken hold,

  • and can the Soviet economy move forward unless there is an adjustment with regard to

  • implementing the democratic revolution.

  • Well, as I see it, Russia is now one of the richest countries in the world that is not a democracy.

  • The other countries up there are seven oil countries, small ones, and Singapore, and possibly

  • Malaysia. Otherwise all countries that are this wealthy are democracies. So, this is an anomaly. So,

  • from this grouping we immediately see that it’s easy in smallin oil dominated countries to

  • maintain a dictatorship, but Russia is not small, Russia is a big country. So, I think that whenever

  • the oil price just moderates a little bit we will see that the regime collapses, and one reason is that the

  • dominant concern in all east central European democracies is corruption. Therefore the incumbent

  • government almost always loses an election in these new post-communist democracies, and Russia

  • has a bit more corruption than they. So, I think that when the old revenues dry up ever so little

  • there will be a sharp reaction against the corruption, which is truly outrageous in Russia today.

  • In the meantime, talk a little about how Putin has moved to consolidate his power and

  • authoritarianism in the system.

  • Putin has done this very systematically. What he did immediately was that he hit on the big

  • media oligarchs that control the big television channels and brought them under state control, and

  • what he also did immediately was that he brought the regional governors under state control, and

  • then he has taken virtually all power out of the parliament. He has systematically manipulated elections

  • at all levels. Russia has a lotor had a lot of elections all the time, as regional elections

  • were held at various times, and they became evermore manipulated. Leading candidates were

  • nullified for no sensible reason, in the last minute businessmen were told not to provide money for

  • candidates that were not supported by the government, etc. And eventually in 2005, Putin managed

  • to make the governors appointed. So, now Russia has a senate that is appointed, governors are

  • appointed, a Duma that is totally manipulated by the government, or the Kremlin, and the

  • government itself is not very important. So, Putin really rose [rode?] through the presidential

  • administration and through the various secret police services, and media are strictly controlled, nongovernmental

  • organizations are strictly controlled, have to be licensed, so if they really carry out the

  • prohibition of a non-licensednon-governmental organizations, three-quarters of them will have to

  • close down. And financing is controlled by all kinds of means, mainly illegal, and foreign interaction

  • with independent sector is being brought to a halt. So, it’s a very systematic authoritarian role but

  • not very hard. There are some political prisoners but not many, and there are a number of killings

  • but not many.

  • Does he remain popular amidst all of these changes, and if he does, is that because of the oil

  • money which might pass when the price goes down?

  • Well, the question here is what is popularity. When the media are controlled and present him

  • as a great hero who does everything for the people, and no negative publicity on Putin is allowed on

  • main mediayou can find it on the internet, and in serious books, etc. – and then Putin also

  • controls most of the opinion poll organizations. So, what does the popularity mean? If I were asked

  • in Russia today if I support Putin, I would say, “I love him,” because you presume that people who

  • work with opinion poll organizations work for the secret police also. So, there is no reason to pay

  • any attention to what opinion polls say about such sensitive issues, nor do we know if they are really

  • true, as with regard to the last elections. There have been big claims that ten, fifteen million votes

  • were added in the Duma elections in December. So, we simply don’t know these things, so

  • therefore I shouldn’t take it seriously. If you look upon the opinion polls that are produced, Putin’s

  • popularity is between seventy and eighty percent.

  • So, let us pick up this theme of the West, and U.S. foreign policy in this new phase. What do

  • you see as the opportunity here, the contribution that the Western economic powers, that U.S.

  • foreign policy, might make toward a positive evolution of the Soviet Unionof Russia?

  • Well, there is one fundamental number. The U.S. today has only five percent of Russia’s

  • foreign trade while the European Union has fifty-two percent. So, the U.S. is not very important to

  • Russia today. The U.S. remains important in one regard, and that is a nuclear arms agreement and

  • such matters. So, the relationship between Russia and the U.S. is, you can say, almost entirely

  • strategic and nuclear, and nothing else. Of course, other parts of the relationship need to be

  • developed, more integration. Russia has become a member of the W2 [?] on which is a good way to

  • become a member of the OECD, and also amazingly, the U.S. has not managed to get the agreed

  • bilateral investment treaty ratified by Russia. The U.S. Senate has ratified it but thirty-eight other

  • countries have managed to ratify it. And the of course, American companies don’t invest directly in

  • Russia from the U.S., they use their foreign subsidiaries, because they are covered by much better

  • investment protection treaties than U.S. companies are. And I think that the big thing that needs to

  • be done todayit is to restore the arms control regime that the current U.S. administration has paid

  • very little attention to, with abandoning the anti-ballistic missile treaty of 1972, and then recently

  • Russia has responded by suspending the treaty on conventional forces in Europe, and there are other

  • treaties that Russia may very well abandon now. And this is, of course, not in U.S. or any other

  • global interest.

  • Does the mixture of Putin authoritarianism, the oil wealth, lead to a situation which should

  • give us concern about future Russian foreign policy?

  • Yes and no. It’s, of course, not healthy. On the other hand, it’s not very aggressive. Russia

  • does nothing to reform its military. The Kremlin throws more 1970s arms on them,

  • intercontinental and ballistic missiles that they can’t use, similar with the aircraft carrier, and nuclear

  • submarines. They stay in a time warp and do things that you did in the 1970s. It has not moved

  • on. We should be worried if Russia undertook serious military reforms, developed rapid deployment

  • forces, and developed smart arms. They don’t. And so, that is actually somewhat reassuring. What

  • we should be concerned about is a massive corruption at the top level today in Russia, and if I take

  • one example, the confiscation of Yukos Oil Company. That was one hundred billion dollars that

  • moved to the state. And this is divvied up in one way or the other by the top government officials.

  • So, we are seeing a larceny that probably has never occurred anywhere in modern times, and this

  • means, also, that Russia buys politicians. We can see how Gerhard Schroeder was bought by

  • Gazprom, a Russian gas company

  • This is the former chancellor of Germany going to work for the Russian gas company in

  • Europe.

  • Yeah, immediately after he had the jump [?]. And there had been one president and one prime

  • minister of Lithuania who have been ousted because they had taken money from big Russian

  • companies. So, when you have a country, a government that pursues corruption as a government

  • policythat’s something that we should be worried about, not by Russian arms. That’s not what

  • theyre using today.

  • How do you compare Putin with the other two that weve talked about, Gorbachev and

  • Yeltsin, as a leader? Is he a man of his time, or was it just contingent that he came to power and

  • rose, or was it inevitable that somebody like that would come to power?

  • I don’t think that it was inevitable, and of course, he’s different in every regard. Both

  • Gorbachev and Yeltsin were men who loved the West, perhaps too much. They shared Western

  • values and wanted to be as much part of the West as possible, but they didn’t know the West very

  • well. Neither of them spoke foreign languages, they came from the provinces, they hadn’t spent

  • much time abroad. Putin, on the contrary, speaks foreign languages, he knows the West well and he

  • doesn’t like it. He’s quite contemptuous of it. His view is that the West is decadent and stagnant.

  • He praises China far more, he likeshe’s really kind of a growth Darwinist. He likes high growth,

  • he doesn’t like weakness, and the West, to him, is just weak. And it’s a totally different attitude.

  • Both Gorbachev and Yeltsin were quite open about what they wanted to do. Putin is extremely

  • closed. I met Putin three times in the early 1990s at meetings in St. Petersburg and I don’t

  • remember him. He’s a person who doesn’t leave any impression, who is just discreet, a person who

  • doesn’t show his cards. And of course, both Gorbachev and Yeltsin wanted to open Russia and to

  • build democracy. Putin says that he wants to build democracy, he speaks in a Jeffersonian way, but

  • he does the opposite. So, there’s a systematic lying in whatever Putin does.

  • One final question. What do you think are the lessons here for other transitions that we will

  • be confronting in other parts of the world, or is the Russian experience really unique?

  • I don’t think that it’s unique, and the fundamentalist view is that if you phase a revolutionary

  • situation, then you have to front load the change. So, for example, the Ukraine after the Orange

  • Revolution should have dissolved the parliament and held new parliamentary elections immediately.

  • Then they would have come a better foot, I think that they will manage even so, but that would have

  • been a better start, so that one should never say wait a little. If you wait, you lose. That’s the

  • fundamental insight about a revolutionary situation. Then which papillars [?] are, we have

  • discussed. They need to be introduced immediately and one shouldn’t wait. And revolutions have a

  • wayRussia now is in the post-revolutionary destabilizedstill post-revolution stabilization, when

  • people are tired of politics and want to make money instead, when the economy is coming back.

  • And then it’s much easier to restore an authoritarian rule, which Putin has done quite successfully.

  • Dr. Aslund, I want to thank you very much for being here, discussing your book, and I want

  • to show your book one more time because I think we can’t do justice to all that you cover in this

  • book. So, thank you again for being with us today.

  • Thank you very much. My pleasure.

  • And thank you very much for joining us for thisConversation With History.”

Harry Kreisler: Welcome to a “Conversation With History.” I’m Harry Kreisler of the Institute of


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與歷史的對話--安德斯-阿斯隆德。 (Conversations With History - Anders Aslund)

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