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BTS is everywhere, and people can't get enough of them.
BTS 隨處可見,而大家永遠看不膩他們。
Please welcome, BTS!
歡迎 BTS!
After finding success in South Korea, they were able to make a huge splash internationally.
Tickets for their global concert tour sold out within hours of being released.
They became the first-ever K-pop act to make a No. 1 album with 2018's "Love Yourself: Tear."
他們 2018 年的冠軍專輯 Love Yourself: Tear 是韓國流行音樂圈首要的代表。
And they're not stopping anytime soon.
Their newest album, "Map of the Soul: Persona," is already looking like it'll be a huge hit.
他們最新的專輯 Map of the Soul: Persona 已經造成轟動。
And of course, people camped outside for days to see them perform live on "Saturday Night Live."
But BTS wasn't an overnight sensation.
但 BTS 並不是一夜竄紅。
It took them years of hard work to get to this level.
BTS debuted in June 2013, and they quickly gained a dedicated fan base thanks to social media.
多虧了社群媒體,BTS 在 2013 六月出道時就有了許多死忠粉絲。
They show a lot of love and appreciation for their fans who they even named A.R.M.Y., which means Adorable Representatives for MC Youth.
他們對粉絲 A.R.M.Y. 疼愛有加,而 A.R.M.Y. 的意思是「值得人們景仰的饒舌青年代表」。
And in 2017, BTS won the Top Social Artist Billboard Award, breaking Justin Bieber's six-year winning streak and making them the first K-pop act to win a Billboard Music Award.
在 2017 年時,他們榮獲告示牌音樂獎最佳社群媒體藝人獎,打敗了已經蟬聯六年的 Justin Bieber,也成為第一組在告示牌獲獎的韓國藝人。
Unsurprisingly, they won again in 2018.
毫無意外地,他們在 2018 年又再度獲獎。
BTS also became the first K-pop band to perform at the American Music Awards in 2017, gaining them even more fans internationally.
BTS 在 2017 年時,成為第一組在全美音樂獎表演的韓國團體,更多來自全世界的粉絲為他們而瘋狂。
But their fans don't just love them for their mind-blowing performances.
They love BTS for their socially conscious music.
他們喜歡 BTS 具有社會警示意義的歌曲。
BTS writes their own music, which tackles complex topics like bullying, mental health, and societal pressures.
BTS 的歌曲都是自己創作,他們會著墨於一些複雜的主題像是霸凌、心理健康和社會壓力。
BTS stands for 'Bangtan Sonyeondan,' or Bulletproof Boy Scouts in English.
BTS 的意思是「防彈少年團」。
According to member J-Hope, the name signifies the group's desire to block out stereotypes, criticisms, and expectations that are imposed on adolescents.
團員 J-Hope 表示,這個團名代表了他們想要阻擋那些施加在青少年身上的刻板印象、批評和期待。
Essentially, they're bulletproof.
Their work is also inspired by literature, art, and even philosophy.
Their music video for "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" references and showcases a few famous European paintings.
他們的 Blood, Sweat, and Tears 音樂錄影帶裡頭就出現了許多知名歐洲名畫。
And their newest album is based off the book Jung's "Map of the Soul," which explores the theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung.
而他們最新的專輯是以瑞士精神病學家 Carl Jung 「心靈地圖學」一書中的理論為基礎創作而成。
Mostly, fans can't get enough of the chemistry among the members.
The band consists of seven members:
and Jungkook.
和 Jungkook。
Since becoming a global sensation, they've collaborated with many famous artists, including American DJ Steve Aoki who remixed "Mic Drop" and collaborated on "The Truth Untold."
在全球掀起炫風後,他們也跟許多知名藝人合作,包括為歌曲 Mic drop 混音、共同創作 The Truth Untold 的美國 DJ Steve Aoki。
On the heels of the remixes, Aoki featured BTS members Jungkook and RM in "Wasted on Me."
緊接著是 Aoki 和團員 Jungkook 和 RM 合作的歌曲 Wasted on Me。
This is the members' first all-English-language song.
BTS also released an alternative version of their song "Idol," featuring Nicki Minaj.
BTS 也發行歌取 Idol 的另一個版本,這個版本和 Nicki Minaj 合作。
The music video received over 45 million views in its first 24 hours on YouTube, breaking the then-record previously set by Taylor Swift with "Look What You Made Me Do."
這支音樂錄影帶在 YouTube 上傳的 24 小時內點閱率就達到 4500 萬,打破泰勒絲 Look What You Made Me Do 的紀錄。
Their newest album features even more collaborations, this time with Ed Sheeran on a track called "Make it Right" and Halsey on "Boy with Love."
他們最新的專輯甚至有了更多合作:和紅髮艾德的 Make it Right 以及和 Halsey 的 Boy with Love。
This collaboration is already blowing up on YouTube.
這些合作已經在 YouTube 爆紅。
With yet another hit on their hands, the sky's the limit for BTS.
只要他們還有一首暢銷單曲,BTS 的未來無可限制。