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  • I remember my first day of high school it was really scary it was a new school

  • new people and I was really shy. I tried to overcome my shyness so that I could

  • become popular. My goal was to you know become one of the cool kids, join a

  • sports team, get invited to parties you know... One day at lunch I tried to find

  • somewhere to sit, and I sat with the cool kids.

  • They all stared at me like they like they just glared at me and they thought

  • it was strange for me to sit at their table cuz like at my school I was sort

  • of known as like "the Weirdo". I don't know why they thought I was weird.

  • I tried to join their conversation but they all ignored me. Then the next day one of

  • the cool kids, she was like one of the most popular

  • girls in school, her name was Mona. Mona asked me if I wanted to hang out with

  • her after school and I was confused to why she was talking to me. I said, "yeah."

  • We became really close afterwards. We would share secrets. We would hang out after school.

  • Two more people came along and we became like a really close group. The four of us,

  • we were inseparable. I think we were like the friends that

  • everybody wanted. Like we would always hang out after school, go to the mall, the

  • movies parties and it felt really great. It just felt nice to have all the

  • attention. But I sort of changed. I started to become like a really mean

  • awful person. I was really mean to people and I thought that maybe it was Mona who

  • changed me because she was known to be a really mean to people. She would always

  • talk about people behind their backs. I remember I asked her one day why she

  • wanted to be my friend and she felt sorry for me

  • and she wanted to help me try and become cool instead of this weird loser loner.

  • I didn't know how to react to that. Afterwards I told her that I needed some

  • time away from like the crew and her especially, because I needed to find

  • myself because the person that I was being it like it

  • wasn't me it was this version of Mona. Afterwards I found myself again and

  • things are better now. I made new friends and I learned from that experience and

  • learn to find myself again.

I remember my first day of high school it was really scary it was a new school


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A2 初級 美國腔

我變得很受歡迎,它改變了我 (I Became Popular and it Changed Me)

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    eunice4u4u 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日