字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Playing around with nuclear weapons in videos is fun. 在影片裏拿核彈來玩,是挺好玩的。 There's a visceral joy in blowing things up, 畢竟在炸掉東西的時候有視覺上的滿足, and a horrifying fascination with things like fireballs, shockwaves, and radiation. 還有一種可怖的魅力, And while it does help put our destructive power in perspective, 例如⋯⋯火球,衝擊波和輻射。 it's not the best way of understanding the real impact of a nuclear explosion. 但是讓我們只看到破壞力有多大, This isn't about city stacks of TNT, or about how bright an explosion is. Nuclear weapons are about you. 並不能夠最清楚地告訴我們核子爆炸真正影響。 So we've partnered with the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement 這裡,並不是要說明城市要用多少TNT 堆砌出來, to explore what would really happen if a nuclear weapon were detonated in a major city today. 或者這個爆炸有多燦爛 Not nuclear war, just one explosion. 而是核子武器,是跟你息息相關的 *Intro* 所以,我們連同紅十字與紅新月運動 We begin our story in the middle of downtown in a major city. 去發掘一下,若今天一顆核子彈落在一個大城市時,會發生什麼事。 People are going to work, studying for exams, are lost in their thoughts and daily lives. 不是講核子戰爭,就只是一個爆炸。 Right here a nuclear weapon is detonated and time freezes. (Kurzgesagt 招牌音樂) (譯者按:看這影片以前我完全不知道核子彈可以造成這樣的損傷。願平安與和平歸於廣島和長崎,乃至世界!) The first phase of the explosion happens within less than a second. 故事從這大城市的市區開始。 In a millisecond, a ball of plasma hotter than the Sun appears and grows in a fireball to more than 2 kilometres across. 人們為上班營營役役,為考試奔波勞碌, Within this ball, everyone is just gone. 迷失在他們的腦海裏,或者其他日常生活。 Think of water dripped on to a very hot pan. 就在這裏,一個核彈引爆了。 A sizzle, and then there's nothing. 時間頓時停止了。 Most buildings, cars, trees, tacky sculptures and people... 爆炸的第一階段 ... all evaporated. 已經在少於一秒內開始了。 First, the flash: an intense tsunami of light washes over the city in an instant. 在千分之一秒內的一瞬間,比太陽還熱的電漿球忽然閃現, If you happen to have your head pointed in the direction of the explosion, 並迅速形成了跨越兩公里的大火球。 it renders you blind for a few hours. 在這個火球的裏頭,所有人就這樣消失了。 The heat of this light produces a thermal pulse, 想像一滴水落在熱鍋上, so energetic and hot that it just burns everything as far as 13 kilometres from the detonation site. 噝噝一聲,然後就歸於無有。 What this means is that everything in an area of 500 square kilometres that is able to burn, starts burning. 壯麗的瓊樓、無數的汽車、蔽天的大樹、宏偉的雕像、芸芸眾生⋯⋯ Plastic, wood, fabric, hair, and skin. 全部,都蒸發了。 If you happen to be in reach of the thermal pulse, one moment, you're on your way to work, 首先,那如海嘯一般的扎眼閃光,頃刻間沖洗著整個城鎮。 the next moment, you're on fire. 如若你雙眼不幸的對著閃光, Now the second phase begins. 可以讓你致盲幾小時。 It happens in a few seconds. 那閃光的熱力形成強大的熱脈衝, Most people will now first notice that something is wrong, 強大而灼熱到可以引燃原爆點方圓十三千米的每一寸土地。 but it's already too late for hundreds of thousands. 這意味著,在這500 平方公里的範圍內, The flash is followed by the shockwave. 能燒著的, The heat and radiation of the fireball create a bubble of superheated and super-compressed air around it 全燒著了。 that's now expanding explosively. 也就是塑料、木材、紡織物、毛髮和皮膚。 Faster than the speed of sound, 如果你在這熱脈衝裏頭, creating winds stronger than hurricanes and tornadoes. 這一刻你在上班的途中, Human infrastructure is no match for its power. 下一刻 Most major buildings within a kilometre of the fireball are just ground up down to their base. 你就著火了。 Only steel reinforced concrete is able to partially resist the pressure. 現在進入第二階段: In the surrounding parks where retirees feed the ducks, 它在幾秒內發生。 trees blackened and smoldering from the heat a second before snap like toothpicks. 很多人在當下已經察覺到事有蹺蹊, If you're outside, you get tossed away like a grain of dust in a tornado. 但對於數十萬計的百姓來說,為時已晚。 The shockwave weakens as it travels outwards 那閃光,是伴隨著衝擊波的。 but still, about 175 square kilometres of houses collapse like they're made of cards, 那火球的熱力和輻射,使得過熱和超壓縮的空氣包圍著它, trapping tens of thousands of people who didn't have any time to react. 如今在爆炸性地膨脹。 Gas stations explode and fire spread throughout the rubble. 比音速還快,形成了一個 A mushroom cloud made from the remains of the fireball, dust and ash 比颶風和龍捲風還強的風浪。 rises kilometres into the sky in the next few minutes and casts a dark shadow over the ruined city. 人類的基礎建設,與它龐大的能量相比,根本不堪一擊。 This violently pulls in fresh air surrounding the city, 火球一公里以內的一切瓊樓玉宇將統統被夷為平地, destroying more buildings and providing an abundance of oxygen. 只有鋼筋混凝土能夠勉強抵受那巨大的衝擊。 It depends on the city what happens next. 在附近的公園,那退休老人餵鴨子的地方, If there's enough fuel, fires may turn into a firestorm that burns the rubble, everybody trapped in it 前一秒已經變黑和冒煙的大樹,都像牙籤一樣倒下來。 and people trying to flee the devastation. 如果你在外面的話,你會像一粒微塵,在龍捲風中被吹起來。 Up to 21 kilometres from the explosion, people just like you rush to their windows to take pictures of the mushroom cloud, 那衝擊波在往外前進的時候雖然會逐漸減弱, unaware that the shockwave is still coming at them, 但還是有175 平方公里的高樓大廈 about to shatter their windows and create a blizzard of sharp glass. 就像是撲克牌做的,倒下來。 The third phase begins in the coming hours and days. 將未能反應過來的幾十萬人,困在頹垣敗瓦之中。 We're used to the idea that help will come, no matter the disaster. 加油站大爆炸,火勢在石堆之中傳遞。 This time is different: a nuclear explosion is like every natural disaster at once. 一個從火球的殘骸、塵埃、和灰燼的蘑菇雲在幾分鐘內上升至幾公里的高空, There are hundreds of thousands or millions of people with serious injuries: 在碎瓦頹垣上形成一個黑壓壓的陰影。 lacerations, broken bones, serious burns. 這個將旁邊的空氣劇烈的拉進去, In the next few minutes and hours, thousands more will die because of these injuries. 把更多的大樓摧毀,還有為火焰提供氧氣。 Countless people are trapped in collapsed buildings like in earthquakes or blinded by the flash, 下一步發生什麼事,因城市而異。 deaf from the blast wave and unable to flee through streets impassable with rubble and debris. 若燃料充足的話, They're terrified, confused, and don't know what's happened to them or why. 它甚至會形成一場大火災,燃燒地上的石堆, Most likely, many hospitals have been leveled along with all the other buildings 還有所有困在裡面的,和嘗試逃離這困境的人。 and most medical professionals are either dead or injured, 達到爆炸21 公里外的地方, along with everyone else. 人們或許會拿起手機,跑到窗前拍下蘑菇雲, The survivors lucky enough to have been in metro tunnels or standing in the right place to be unburned and unhurt 懵然不知那衝擊波衝著他們而來,而快要震碎玻璃,形成海量的玻璃碎片。 won't have truly escaped harm yet. 淒慘的第三階段將會在以後幾小時到幾天發生。 Depending on the type of weapon, where it explodes and even the weather, 我們習慣了,無論災難多大,總會有人幫助我們。 an awful black rain can begin, 而這一次,可是非常不同。 with radioactive ash and dust descending on the city, covering everything and everyone. 一個核爆炸,就像所有自然災害一次過發生。 The invisible, malicious, silent horror of radiation takes its turn. 數以十萬計,甚至百萬計的人受到重傷: Every breath carries poison to the lungs of the survivors. 創傷、骨折、嚴重燒傷。 Over the coming days, the people who receive the highest doses of radiation exposure will die. 在之後的幾分鐘到幾小時, There will be no help, not for hours or maybe even days. 成千上萬的人會因這些重傷而一命嗚呼了。 Civilisation doesn't operate when there is a total breakdown of infrastructure. (耳鳴) Roads are blocked, train tracks warped, runways cluttered with rubble. 數不勝數的人像地震一樣被困在瓦礫之中, No water, no electricity, 或者被刺眼的閃光弄盲了, no communication, no stores to replenish supplies from. 或者被刺眼的閃光弄盲了,被衝擊波弄聾了, Help from surrounding cities will have a hard time entering the disaster zone 在充滿碎石、殘骸,無法通行的街道上無從逃逸。 and even if they can, the radioactive contamination will make it risky to get too close. 他們驚怕,不知所措,不知道發生什麼事,更不知道為何落到如此境地。 After a nuclear attack, you're on your own. 很可能所有醫院都跟其他大廈一樣被夷為平地, So, bit by bit, people emerge from the rubble on foot, 而大多的醫療人員都跟其他受害者一樣遇難或重傷。 contaminated with radioactive fallout, carrying what little they may have left. 那些在捷運管道裏待著的倖存者, They are slow, in pain, traumatized, and they all need food, water and medical treatment fast. 或者站在一些不會被燒焦或弄傷的地方, And the damage done by a nuclear weapon doesn't end when the fires burn out and the smoke clears. 還沒有真正的脫離險境。 The hospitals in the neighboring cities are under-equipped for a disaster of this scale 因應核子武器的種類,在哪裏爆炸,還有天氣不同, and overwhelmed with tens or hundreds of thousands of patients with serious injuries. 甚至會下一場可怕的黑雨。 In the weeks, months and years to come, 放射性的灰燼和塵埃緩緩下落城市之中, many of those who survived will succumb to cancers like leukemia. 覆蓋著所有物件,和所有人。 The reason no government wants you to think about all this is because there is no serious humanitarian response possible to a nuclear explosion. 輪到那不可見的,惡毒的,寂靜的恐怖------輻射了。 There's no way to really help the immediate victims of a nuclear attack. 每一口氣,都帶著毒素到倖存者的肺部裏去。 This is not a hurricane, wildfire or earthquake or nuclear accident. 接下來的幾天,暴露於最大量的輻射物將會身亡。 It is all of these things at once, but worse. 他們將不會獲得援助。不只是幾小時,甚至是幾天。 No nation on earth is prepared to deal with it. 當基礎建設完全癱瘓,文明是不可能運作的了。 The world has changed in the past few years, with world leaders again 道路被堵住,路軌變形了,跑道被碎石亂堆在其上。 explicitly and publicly threatening each other with nuclear weapons. 沒有清水,沒有電力,沒有通訊 Many experts think the danger of a nuclear strike is higher than it has been in decades. 更遑論讓人們獲得生活必需品的超市了。 Governments tell their citizens that it's good that we have nuclear weapons, 鄰近城市的援助將會很難進入災區, but it's bad when anyone else gets them. 就算他們可以成功進入,放射性污染會讓靠近災區變得太危險。 That it's somehow necessary to threaten others with mass destruction to keep us safe. 在一場核子攻擊之後, But does this make you feel safe? 你只能自生自滅. It only takes a small group of people with power to go crazy or rogue, a small misstep or a simple misunderstanding 漸漸的,人們從石堆中爬出來, to unleash a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. 步履蹣跚,被放射性落塵污染, Exploding stuff in videos is fun. 帶著他們所僅存的每一件物品。 Exploding things in real life, not so much. 他們舉步維艱,疼痛萬分,精神萎靡, There is a solution though! 而且統統需要食物和水,並亟待治療。 Eliminating all nuclear weapons and vowing never to build them again. 而一顆核彈所產生的傷害並不止於 城市的洪洪的烈焰和瀰漫的煙霧, In 2017, almost 2/3 of all the world's countries, 鄰近城市的醫院更是沒有處理此等災難的準備, supported by hundreds of civil society organizations and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement 但充滿著數以萬計(或十萬計)受重傷的病人 agreed to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. 在未來的幾週,幾個月,甚或幾年, It's not about who has nuclear weapons and who doesn't. The weapons themselves are the problem. 很多倖存者都會受到癌症,尤其是白血病的折磨。 They are deeply immoral and an existential threat to all of us. 各國政府都不希望你想到這些的其中一個原因, No matter what country you come from, no matter what political side you find yourself on, 是因為一個核子爆炸發生以後,是不可能提供恰當的人道救援的。 we need to demand that they disappear forever. 沒有辦法能夠幫助這些亟需幫助的原爆受害者。 This will not happen without pressure. 這不單是一個颶風、山火、地震或核洩漏, If you want to be part of this pressure, there are things you personally can do too: 這是這四個的合體 Visit notonukes.org to learn more about nuclear weapons and what you can do about them. 但可能更糟。 *Outro Music* 世界上沒有一個邦國已經預備好處理這些事情。 *QUACK* 在這幾年來,世界瞬息萬變, *Outro* 大國領袖清楚地、公開地以核武器震攝對方。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 核子 火球 閃光 爆炸 城市 核武 如果我們用核彈炸掉一個城市呢? (What if We Nuke a City?) 439 19 Jason Luo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字