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  • A visitor to recently asked about hesitation while speaking English.

  • Pari said this: Please help us to speak in English. We hesitate to speak in English.

  • How can we get over it?

  • I understand completely. I don't hesitate to speak in English because it's my first

  • language. But I often hesitate to speak in French or Spanish because, for me, they are

  • second languages that I am trying to improve.

  • The first thing to do is to prepare. In other words, study English. Learn vocabulary, grammar,

  • and so forth.

  • But you also need to use the language while you are learning it. And I think that this

  • is what Pari is asking about.

  • Even if we are prepared, a common reason that we hesitate to speak a second language is

  • that we're afraid of making mistakes. But we shouldn't be afraid of mistakes. They will

  • happen.

  • Children aren't afraid of mistakes when they're learning to talk. And they learn very quickly.

  • Do they make mistakes? Yes, all the time! But the mistakes don't stop their progress.

  • And it's amazing how fast they learn to speak their first language. Don't let mistakes stop

  • YOUR progress in speaking English.

  • The key is to enjoy speaking in English. Laugh at your mistakes, but also celebrate any small

  • improvements. Have fun as you learn.

  • I know that these tips help because I use them when I try to have a conversation in

  • French or Spanish. Any language learner feels hesitation to speak. Just remember to take

  • risks. Yes, you'll make mistakes, but enjoy speaking and improving in the language.

  • Pari, I'm glad that you asked that question. It's a great question because a lot of people

  • experience the same frustration.

  • So remember these two things. First, be prepared. How? Keep studying English.

  • Second, enjoy using the language instead of worrying about making mistakes. If you keep

  • following these two things, I think that you can overcome your fear of speaking in English.

  • Pari had a great question that I answered in this video. Do you have a question about

  • learning English?

  • Post it at

  • I also want to know what helps you to enjoy speaking in English. Add a comment below this

  • video to share your ideas. Maybe your idea will help other English students to enjoy

  • speaking in English more.

A visitor to recently asked about hesitation while speaking English.


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A2 初級

如何克服用英語說話的恐懼感? (How to Overcome Your Fear of Speaking in English)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日