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  • Daddy Pig's Old Chair

  • School roof has a hole in it

  • We're going to have a jumble sale!

  • Announces Madam Gizelle

  • The money we raise will pay for a new roof

  • Everybody has to bring something to the sale

  • Everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale

  • You can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore

  • *snort* What should we bring?

  • Later, Peppa is in her bedroom

  • Choosing a toy to give to the jumble sale

  • Mr.Dinosaur she decides

  • Everybody gasps and George burst into tears

  • You can't give away Mr.Dinosaur, says Mummy Pig

  • Okay, I'm going to give Mr.Dinosaur

  • Waaaaaaaaaaaa

  • You really have to choose one toy

  • And it will help pay for a new school roof

  • Why don't you give your old Jack in a box, suggests Daddy Pig

  • Oh! Okay, agrees Peppa

  • Now it's your turn daddy what are you going to give?

  • Why don't you give your old Jack in a box?

  • Okay, now it's your turn daddy

  • Daddy Pig is not sure

  • What about your old squeaky chair? suggests Peppa helpfully

  • But it's very old and valuable says Daddy Pig

  • Hee hee, says Mummy Pig

  • But that's an antique

  • But Daddy Pig, It's worthless

  • When Mada GIzelle arrives in her truck

  • Mommy Pig, Peppa and George give their everything to take to the jumble sale

  • Naughty Mummy Pig gives her Daddy's squeaky chair too

  • Daddy Pig will never notice She whispers to Peppa

  • I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale

  • Here they are

  • It is the day of the jumble sale

  • They're are lots of things to buy

  • Mummy Pig wants to buy some fruits and vegetables

  • Daddy Pig wants to buy a chocolate cake

  • Peppa!, says Miss Rabbit

  • How about buying this chair?

  • It's a bit of rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood

  • But Daddy says it's very old and worth lots of money, says Peppa

  • It's a bit of rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood

  • Hello Miss Rabbit

  • All Peppa's friends have given something to the jumble sale

  • Suzy has given her nurse's outfit

  • Pedro has given his balloon

  • And Candy has given her skipping rope

  • I gave my nurse's outfit

  • I gave my parrot balloon

  • I gave my toy monkey

  • Ooop Ooop!!! *All Laughing*

  • I will miss my Jack in a box, sighs Peppa

  • I will miss playing as nurse, says Suzy sadly

  • Peppa's friends all think they will miss their toys

  • So, they buy them back again

  • Can I buy this jack in a box please?

  • Look what I've bought, snorts Daddy Pig

  • It's an antique chair to match my old one

  • Oh Daddy Pig! ,laughs Mummy Pig

  • It matches your old one because it is your old one, snorts Peppa

  • Look what I've bought It's an antique chair

  • Yes Daddy!! that's because it is your old chair

  • Shhhh Peppa!!

  • But Miss Rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it, says poor Daddy Pig

  • Fantastic News, says Madam Gizelle

  • We have raised all the money we need for a new school roof

  • Hoooray!!

  • Everybody cheers!

  • Thank you Daddy Pig

  • We have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof

  • Ho ho! You're most welcome!

  • Hoooray!!!!

Daddy Pig's Old Chair


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B1 中級 美國腔

豬爸爸的舊椅子 - Peppa Pig的故事。 (Daddy Pig's Old Chair - Peppa Pig Stories)

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    eunice4u4u 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日