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Daddy Pig's Old Chair
School roof has a hole in it
We're going to have a jumble sale!
Announces Madam Gizelle
The money we raise will pay for a new roof
Everybody has to bring something to the sale
Everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale
You can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore
*snort* What should we bring?
Later, Peppa is in her bedroom
Choosing a toy to give to the jumble sale
Mr.Dinosaur she decides
Everybody gasps and George burst into tears
You can't give away Mr.Dinosaur, says Mummy Pig
Okay, I'm going to give Mr.Dinosaur
You really have to choose one toy
And it will help pay for a new school roof
Why don't you give your old Jack in a box, suggests Daddy Pig
Oh! Okay, agrees Peppa
Now it's your turn daddy what are you going to give?
Why don't you give your old Jack in a box?
Okay, now it's your turn daddy
Daddy Pig is not sure
What about your old squeaky chair? suggests Peppa helpfully
But it's very old and valuable says Daddy Pig
Hee hee, says Mummy Pig
But that's an antique
But Daddy Pig, It's worthless
When Mada GIzelle arrives in her truck
Mommy Pig, Peppa and George give their everything to take to the jumble sale
Naughty Mummy Pig gives her Daddy's squeaky chair too
Daddy Pig will never notice She whispers to Peppa
I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale
Here they are
It is the day of the jumble sale
They're are lots of things to buy
Mummy Pig wants to buy some fruits and vegetables
Daddy Pig wants to buy a chocolate cake
Peppa!, says Miss Rabbit
How about buying this chair?
It's a bit of rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood
But Daddy says it's very old and worth lots of money, says Peppa
It's a bit of rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood
Hello Miss Rabbit
All Peppa's friends have given something to the jumble sale
Suzy has given her nurse's outfit
Pedro has given his balloon
And Candy has given her skipping rope
I gave my nurse's outfit
I gave my parrot balloon
I gave my toy monkey
Ooop Ooop!!! *All Laughing*
I will miss my Jack in a box, sighs Peppa
I will miss playing as nurse, says Suzy sadly
Peppa's friends all think they will miss their toys
So, they buy them back again
Can I buy this jack in a box please?
Look what I've bought, snorts Daddy Pig
It's an antique chair to match my old one
Oh Daddy Pig! ,laughs Mummy Pig
It matches your old one because it is your old one, snorts Peppa
Look what I've bought It's an antique chair
Yes Daddy!! that's because it is your old chair
Shhhh Peppa!!
But Miss Rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it, says poor Daddy Pig
Fantastic News, says Madam Gizelle
We have raised all the money we need for a new school roof
Everybody cheers!
Thank you Daddy Pig
We have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof
Ho ho! You're most welcome!