字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You may have been told there's no use crying over spilt milk. 可能有人跟你說過「牛奶潑了,哭也無益」。 But what if that's wrong? 但如果那是錯的呢? What if crying is the secret to feeling good? 如果哭泣是讓心情變好的秘訣呢? Yeah, right! 最好是! All tears are produced by the lacrimal glands located above each of your eyeballs. 所有眼淚都是由位在眼球上方的淚腺所製造的。 They continuously supply the tear fluid that's wiped across the surface of your eye each time you blink. 淚腺會持續製造淚液,在每次眨眼時抹過眼球表面。 Excess fluid drains through the tear ducts into the nose, which is why you get snotty when you cry. 多餘的淚液則經由淚管流到鼻子,這也是哭泣時會流鼻涕的原因。 There are three different kinds of tears. 眼淚可被分成三種。 Number 1: Reflex Tears 第一種:反射性眼淚。 These happen when something gets in your eye, like dust or onions. 這種眼淚會在有東西跑進眼睛裡時產生,如灰塵或洋蔥。 Tears build up to flush the irritant out. 眼淚會生成以將刺激物沖出。 Number 2: Basal Tears 第二種:基礎眼淚。 These tears are always there. 這種眼淚永遠都在。 When your eye starts drying out, like if it's very windy, you'll produce these tears to keep the cornea, the surface of the eye, well lubricated. 當眼睛變乾,像是在風很大的時候,淚腺就會製造這些眼淚來讓角膜,也就是眼睛表層,保持水潤。 And number 3: Emotional Tears, or what we call "crying." 第三種:情感眼淚,或我們所稱的「哭泣」。 These are caused by the limbic portion of the brain, which controls emotion, memory, and arousal. 這是大腦邊緣系統所引起的,它是大腦掌控情緒、記憶與性慾的部位。 But why do feelings make us cry? 那情感為何會讓我們哭泣? All tears contain enzymes and proteins, but emotional tears are different. 所有眼淚都含有酵素與蛋白質,但情感眼淚不同。 They also contain hormones, like pain-relieving endorphins, the big daddy of pleasure-causing chemicals. 它們也含有賀爾蒙,如減緩疼痛的腦內啡,也就是掌控愉悅心情的老大。 That's why you can feel so good after a big cry. 這就是大哭之後,心情會變很好的原因。 And when we're in high-stress situations, crying may help to lower the levels of stress in the body by getting rid of stress hormones. 當我們處於高壓狀態時,哭泣可以除去壓力賀爾蒙,來幫忙降低身體的壓力程度, As well as activating the parasympathetic nervous system, 同時活化副交感神經系統, that's a system that slows your heart rate, helps you rest and feel calmer. 這是可以降低心跳率,幫助你休息以及冷靜的系統。 According to researchers at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands, watching a sad film could actually improve your mood—but only if you cry. 荷蘭提堡大學的研究者指出,看悲傷的電影可以改善心情,但前提是你要哭。 To test this, I'm holding the first showing of the "Feel Bad Cinema Club," where we'll be watching some tearjerkers. 為了測試這項研究,我要舉辦「心情差電影社」的第一次觀影活動,來看一些催淚電影。 The Dutch study concluded that, if a participant cried during the film, they were first left feeling depressed, 該荷蘭研究表示,如果受試者在電影過程中哭了,他們首先會感到沮喪, but 90 minutes later, they reported that they were in a better mood than before they watched the film. 但 90 分鐘後,他們回報說自己的心情比觀影前來得好。 Who's cried? 有誰哭了? I feel relaxed and calm. 我感到放鬆且冷靜。 Tears were rolling down the cheeks. 眼淚簌簌地從頰上流下。 It was uplifting. 這蠻振奮人心的。 I felt like I'd had a good release. 我覺得好好地釋放了情緒。 I feel like I should have cried, but also I didn't. 我覺得應該哭的,但我沒有。 Once I'm over it being sad, like I feel better, I think. 一旦從悲傷的情緒中恢復,我覺得我好像好多了。 So if you cry, it can leave you calmer and in a better mood than before. But what about when we cry around other people? 如果哭了,可以讓你冷靜下來,並讓心情變好。但如果是在別人面前哭呢? Does it just make them uncomfortable? 那只會讓別人感到坐立難安嗎? Humans are social animals, and tears act as messages between us. 人類是社交動物,而眼淚可作為彼此之間的一種訊息。 When someone cries, it's easier to tell how they're feeling. 某人哭泣時,比較容易辨別對方目前的情緒。 For example, babies cry to let us know something's wrong. 舉例來說,寶寶用哭聲來讓人知道出問題了。 And in adults, tears emphasize how strongly we feel about whatever is making us cry. 成人方面呢,眼淚可以強調我們對於讓我們哭泣的事態嚴重性。 Tears can build relationships, too. 眼淚也能建立人際關係。 Helping someone when they're crying can break down barriers and bond us more closely. 幫助正在哭的人可以打破隔閡,讓彼此更親密。 On the other hand, if someone felt embarrassed or alone while crying, they're more likely to say that the tears made them feel worse. 另一方面,若某人在哭泣的時候感到尷尬或孤獨,他們則較容易覺得哭泣讓心情更差。 People who had support from friends and family when they cried often say they feel better afterwards. 哭泣時有朋友或家人支持的人,通常表示哭過之後他們心情變好了。 The same is true when people feel they gained valuable insight from shedding tears. 同樣的,當人們在流淚時獲得寶貴見解時,心情也會變好。 Crying can be a great healer, stress reliever, and even good for bonding with friends—if you do it right. 如果「哭得正確」,哭泣可以療癒心情、紓解壓力,甚至增強你和朋友間的親密感。 So, if you want to have a good cry, don't hold back. 所以呢,如果你想大哭一場,那就盡情哭吧!
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 眼淚 變好 賀爾蒙 情感 眼球 製造 愛哭鬼是你!?研究證明哭泣會讓你心情變好! (Crying Can Make You Feel Better: Crazy Science) 13083 420 Mackenzie 發佈於 2020 年 01 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字