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I'm here in Potsdamer Platz, a public square in the center of Berlin where east and west once met.
In the years following the second world war, Germany was divided between the allied nations.
Britain, America, and France occupied West Germany or the Federal Republic of Germany, the FRG.
East Germany became a satellite state of the Soviet Union known as the German Democratic Republic or GDR.
Germany's capital, Berlin, was situated deep within East Germany but was similarly divided with American, British, and French sectors in West Berlin and the Soviet sector in East Berlin.
Beneath my feet is a line, which demarcates where an impenetrable border once stood.
It was called the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin Wall divided the city for 28 years.
柏林圍牆把城市分隔兩邊達 28 年之久。
It was constructed on the 13 of August 1961 to prevent the movement of people from communist East Berlin and East Germany into democratic West Berlin.
這道牆於 1961 年 8 月 13 日建設,為了防止人民從共產主義的東德和東柏林跑到民主主義的西柏林。
A Border already existed, but this new physical barrier meant that the city was completely separated.
The speed at which this happened came as a shock to residents from both sides.
Its construction parted families, destroyed buildings, and changed the entire cityscape.
Here are some of the original Berlin Wall sections on display in Potsdamer Platz.
When the berlin wall was first constructed it was formed of bricks, barbed wire, and concrete blocks.
But by the 1980s, large section of it was much more sophisticated.
但在 1980 年代,有大部分的圍牆加強了防禦。
L-shaped reinforced concrete slabs like this one were lined up alongside each other to create a solid structure over 3 meters high.
L 字型的鋼筋混凝土厚塊,像這塊一樣再並排排列,以形成 3 米高堅固的圍牆。
However, the Berlin Wall was not just one wall; it was two.
With an area of land in the middle known as the "death strip."
This contained watchtowers, alarmed wire mesh fencing, and anti-vehicle obstacles.
All patrolled by armed guards and their dogs and illuminated by floodlights.
Despite these complex fortifications, over 5000 successful escapes took place, through the border system between 1961 and 1989.
儘管有多重的防禦工事,但在 1961 年至 1989 年間仍然有 5000 名成功翻牆逃離至西柏林。
The total length of the Berlin Wall, through the city and around the outskirts, was over 155 km in length.
柏林圍牆貫穿城市和市郊,它的總長為 155 公里。
That's 96 miles long.
達 96 英里之長。
Surprisingly, these sections here are some of the few still standing in Berlin.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, individual sections were dismantled and sold and can now be found in over 100 locations all over the world.
1989 年柏林圍牆倒塌後,不同的部分都被拆卸及出售,而現在可以在全世界超過 100 多個地方找到這些殘塊。
This section of wall was acquired in 1991 by Imperial War Museums and can now be found outside Imperial War Museum London.
這部分的圍牆是帝國戰爭博物館於 1991 年時買下,而現在不用到博物館就可以看到了。