字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This video includes scenes of graphic violence. 此影片包含暴力影像。 It's a chaotic day in Santiago, Chile. 在智利首都聖地牙哥,這是一個混亂的一天。 A photographer is using black-and-white film to capture a large anti-government protest and the authority's response. 一位攝影師利用黑白底片來拍攝大型反政府示威運動和政府當局的反應。 He's near the center of the city when he faces a group of soldiers. 他在靠近市中心的地方面臨了一群士兵。 I got closer to see what was happening. 我靠近一點去看發生了什麼事。 People started getting closer to the soldiers and throwing rocks at them. 人們開始靠近士兵並朝他們丟石頭。 The soldiers start shooting in the air. 士兵們開始對空鳴槍。 I didn't realize that one of them had a shotgun. 我沒有意識到其中一名士兵手上拿著霰彈槍。 I started taking photos of him. 我就開始照他的相片。 Moments later, he's shot in the leg by pellets. 不久後,他的腿部遭彈粒射中。 There's video of how the incident unfolded. 有個影片拍到這個事件的來龍去脈。 Chilean government rules say there must be a physical threat in order to use this type of ammunition. 智利政府規定一定要在實體威脅下才能使用這種彈火。 But here's Palavecino Escobar with his camera. 但看看帶著相機的 Palavecino Escobar。 Clearly, he's not a threat. 很顯然,他並不是個威脅。 Here's when he's shot.... then hobbles away. 他就是這時候中槍,然候跛腳逃離。 The 29-year-old says he wasn't doing anything wrong. 這名 29 歲的男子說他並沒做錯任何事。 I never expected that a soldier would shoot at me for taking a photo. 我從沒料想到士兵會因為拍攝照片而開槍射我。 It probably bothered him that I was taking a photo so close to him. 他可能因為我太近距離拍攝照片而感到煩躁。 But this doesn't justify his action. 但這並未合理化他的行徑。 This is just one scene from the anti-government protests that have gripped Chile. 這只是蔓延整個智利的反政府抗爭的其中一個場景。 At least 20 people have died and hundreds injured. 至少 20 人喪命且好幾百人受傷。 Chile's security forces have been accused of misconduct and human rights violations. 智利維安部隊被指控濫權並侵犯人權。 We examined the police and military responses by reviewing videos and photos and talking to witnesses. 我們藉由回顧影片和照片並與證人對談來調查警方和軍方的回應。 Some protesters have rioted. 有些抗爭者騷亂行事。 But many more have been peaceful. 但更多抗爭者是和平的。 Early on, the president declared a state of emergency. 稍早時,智利總統宣布國家進入緊急狀態。 We are at war against a very powerful and relentless enemy who does not respect anyone or anything. 我們正在和強大無情且不尊重任何人事物的敵人對戰。 In our analysis, we saw instances of people being beaten, tear-gassed, and brutally arrested. 在我們的分析中,我們看見了人們被毆打、發射催淚瓦斯並殘忍逮捕。 And one pattern: security forces shooting pellet rounds - or rubber bullets - against nonviolent crowds, like in the case of the photographer we mentioned earlier. 我們也發現了一種行為模式:維安部隊向非暴力的群眾射擊彈粒或橡膠彈,我們剛才提到的攝影師就是個實例。 There's at least 400 of these pellet-related incidents, according to Chile's Human Rights Institute. 根據智利人權協會所言,此次抗爭至少發生了 400 起涉及彈粒的槍擊事件。 This kind of ammunition isn't intended to kill, but when fired at extremely close range, it can still cause serious or even fatal injuries. 這種彈火武器並不是用以殺敵,但若是在極近的距離開槍,還是會造成十分嚴重甚至致死的傷害。 Here's what some of them look like. 以下是相關事件的情形。 I was shot at close range. 我被近距離射中。 On Oct. 22, journalists from Argentina's "Todo Noticias" were covering the protests in Santiago. 十月二十二日,阿根廷新聞台 Todo Noticias 的記者正在報導聖地牙哥的抗爭。 We see police being pelted by rocks and firing back at protesters. 我們看到警察被丟石頭並開槍回擊抗爭者。 And while on air, one of the reporters is shot by a member of Chile's national police. 新聞直播時,其中一名記者被智利軍警成員射中。 Here you can see an officer taking aim. 這裡,你可以看到一名警官正在瞄準。 Are you O.K.? 你還好嗎? They just shot me with a rubber bullet. 他們剛剛用橡膠彈射我。 They shot me with a rubber bullet. 他們用橡膠彈射我。 That same day in Concepción, this man is out after curfew. 同一天在康塞普西翁,這名男子在宵禁時出門。 As the soldiers find him, the camera is rotated. 當士兵們發現他時,攝影機旋轉了。 We've adjusted the footage to keep it level. 我們調整了影像以保持水平。 It appears he's told to stand still. 他似乎被要求不準動。 But the man continues walking towards a soldier. 但是那名男子繼續走向士兵。 A second camera then shows the soldier shooting the man in the leg at close range. 第二台相機接下來拍到士兵近距離射擊那名男子的腿。 We spoke to police conduct and human rights experts, who said the man's refusal to surrender when confronted by the soldiers is grounds for arrest. 我們訪問了警察行為及人權專家,他們說該男子遭軍方對質時拒絕投降可被合理拘捕。 But they did not see a justification for the soldier to shoot the man. 但他們認為軍方開槍射擊男子缺乏正當理由。 As he is led away, a camera captures the bloody wound in his leg. 當他被帶走時,攝影機拍到了他腳上血淋淋的傷口。 But it's not just journalists and protesters getting injured. 不過不只有記者和抗爭者中槍受傷。 Back in Santiago one week later, a human rights observer was also wounded. 事件發生一週後,一名人權觀察員也在聖地牙哥受傷了。 He was from the same group that has been documenting alleged misconduct by security forces. 他隸屬於紀錄維安部隊遭指控的濫權行為的組織。 And he was hit by six pellets. 他被六枚彈粒射中。 The injuries were not severe. 傷勢並不嚴重。 But the fact that he was shot while wearing a bright yellow observer jacket shows that anyone at Chile's protests could be at risk. 但是他身穿亮黃色觀察員制服外套卻依然被槍擊就表示智利抗爭中的任何人都可能有危險。 The United Nations and other human rights groups have launched an investigation into the conduct of security forces. 聯合國及其他人權組織已對維安部隊的執法行為展開調查。 Chile's president welcomed them, saying he has nothing to hide. 智利的總統非常歡迎他們,並說自己並未隱藏任何事。 Hi. This is Nilo, and I'm one of the producers who worked on this investigation. 嗨,我是 Nilo,調查智利事件的製作人之一。 We spent weeks watching hundreds of videos on social media and connecting with sources in Chile. 我們花了好幾週的時間觀看社群媒體上好幾百部的影片並和智利當地資源聯繫。 The gravity of the situation hit me when we found a video showing a photographer who is shot at close range by the military. 在看到一名攝影師被軍方僅距離射擊的影片後我才深深理解到當今局勢的嚴重性。 He continued taking photos during the incident, even after he was injured. 儘管受傷了,他還是持續拍攝該事件的照片。 We do this kind of work to dig into stories that are undercovered. 我們從事這種工作就是為了要挖出這些被掩蓋的事件。 To continue supporting work like this, subscribe to the New York Times. 請訂閱紐約時報以繼續支持我們的作業。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheNewYorkTimes 智利 士兵 射擊 射中 男子 無差別追打、近距離射擊!智利武力鎮壓反政府示威 (Chile's Security Forces Have Injured Hundreds, Here's How | Visual Investigations) 5702 156 Estelle 發佈於 2019 年 11 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字