字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 One of the biggest challenges is feeling confident posing in public. 最艱難的挑戰之一就是自信地在公共場合擺 Pose 。 Usually at landmarks you are fighting between different family members and couples and kids. 通常在旅遊景點,你必須與其他家庭成員、情侶和小孩爭搶位置。 And sometimes you might feel kind of awkward, like "what do I do with my hands, what do I do with my feet." 有時候你可能會感覺尷尬,像是不知道手該怎麼擺,或是腳該怎麼站。 It could be quite an ordeal, and I totally get it. 這可能會蠻煎熬的,我完全理解。 Today we're going to practice a few of the tips I taught you in my "How to Pose" video. 今天,我們要來練習幾個在我之前的教學影片中提過的拍照秘訣。 In the video I taught you how to pose to look, taller, leaner, and longer, and more confident when it comes to posing. 在先前的教學影片中,我教過要如何擺出看起來更高、更瘦、更自信的姿勢。 Be sure to follow me on Instagram to join this month's giveaway. 記得追蹤我的 Instagram 帳號,加入這個月的免費獎品活動。 I'm giving away a Polaroid camera like this, so all you have to do is follow me at @FashionbyAlly. 這次送出的獎品是這台拍立得。而你只需要追蹤我的帳號就可以了。 Hopefully at the end of this video you'll be a pro at all these poses. 希望在這支影片的最後,你可以完美掌握擺出這些姿勢的技巧。 How to feel more confident is by just practicing. 要找到自信的第一步是多練習。 Just pose in front of a mirror. 多在鏡子前。 Try different poses. 試試看不同的姿勢。 One of my favorite poses for monuments is adding a walking shot. 在景點前面拍攝,我最喜歡的姿勢之一就是一種像是在走路的感覺。 So I like to walk left to right, or walk towards the camera, or diagonally. 你可以向左向右走、向鏡頭走、沿著對角線著走。 It just makes your legs look longer, and leaner, and I look taller. 這會讓我的腿看起來更長、更瘦,也讓我看起來更高。 If you're not a fan of showing off your face in photos, you know it's quite hard sometimes to control your face and your body at the same time. 如果你不喜歡在照片中露臉,你覺得有時候同時控制臉部表情和身體可能很難。 So what I love to use is a hat. 我會推薦你加上一頂帽子。 So I will put the hat on, and I'll usually turn around look at the monument, and then put both of my hands up. 我通常會戴上帽子,轉身看著風景,然後把雙手舉起。 And I'll hold on to the hat like this. 像這樣抓住帽子。 Or you can also look up to the side and hold on to the brim of the hat in the back and just smile at the camera. 或是,你也可以看向一邊,用後面的手抓著帽簷,並對鏡頭微笑。 By not having your face in the photo, it can make more of the focus on the monument than you. 照片中少了臉部,就更能凸顯出景致。 Pose number three is all about the hashtag "follow me." 第三個姿勢就是關於主題標籤「 follow me 」的。 If you've never heard of it before, it's a whole series of photos where women are kind of leading you through different exotic locations and bringing you on to this travel adventure. 如果你沒聽過它的話,基本上它就是一系列的照片,裡面看起來就是一個女生在帶領你去一些充滿異國風情的地點,帶著你去到這些地方冒險、旅行。 You can hold on to the back of your hat or you can look straight ahead or just smile. 你可以露出你帽子的後面、看著前方、或微笑。 Come with me! 跟著我走吧! Whenever I go to a very famous monument or landmark, I feel like it's so chilly outside, super windy, and usually I wish I had a scarf. 當我去到一個景點或古蹟並覺得外面很冷或風很大的時候,我都會很希望自己有一條圍巾。 Take a few shots where you're just kind of playing around with your scarf or just kind of throwing it over your shoulder. 你可以試著拍幾張你擺弄圍巾自然的照片,或是把它丟到你的肩膀上的動作。 I think this is a really fun pose that anyone can do. 我覺得這是一個所有人都可以做到的有趣的姿勢。 If you're enjoying the video so far, be sure to subscribe to my channel. It's totally free. Just click the red button here or down below, and you can join my YouTube family. 如果你喜歡今天的影片,可以訂閱我的頻道,這是完全免費的,只要點擊下方的紅色按鈕就能加入我的 YouTube 大家庭。 In my last how to pose video a lot of you ask me "how do you control your face in photos, like how do you give off such great expressions." 在我的上一個拍照教學影片中,很多人問我該如何控制臉部動作,像是如何拍出自然的表情。 A trick really is to just think about something positive in your mind, and I will usually smile and they'll look upward. 這個秘訣就是去想著一些正向的事情,通常我會微笑並向上看。 A fun pose a try is to take a step forward and leap, and kind of do a little skipping step, and that will add a nice little fun pop to your photo. 下一個姿勢是向前跨出一步,像是在跳格子的感覺,這個會讓你的照片變得更豐富有趣。 Ah! Being in nature is so relaxing. 啊!在大自然之中真是太放鬆了。 One are the biggest reasons why I love traveling it's just escaping the city life. 其中一個我愛旅遊的原因就是它能讓我逃離城市生活。 Whenever you're traveling and you want to take a nice photo in nature, what I would recommend is not being afraid to get into the flower bush. 當你想在自然景點中拍照時,我的建議是別害怕進到花叢中。 Let it surround you. 讓它包圍你。 Let the flowers frame your face. 讓花去修飾你的臉部。 This is your chance to focus in portrait shots. 這是一個人像拍攝的好機會。 My tip here is to think of something relaxing. 我的秘訣是去想一些放鬆的事。 You can hold on to the flowers, pick a few, you can put some in your hair if you like. 你可以拿著花、拿一些出來,如果你喜歡也可以把一些放在頭髮上。 I like to kind of hold the flowers and then kind of look up and smile. 我喜歡拿著一些花,看著上面然後微笑。 I also love just like playing around with my hair 我也喜歡稍微擺弄、整理一下我的頭髮。 San Francisco is best known for its colorful Victorian houses and colorful walls. 舊金山最著名的就是色彩繽紛的維多利亞時代的房子和牆壁。 Today I'm going to show you how to pose in front of a wall or mural like this. 今天我要來示範如何在牆壁或壁畫前擺 Pose。 And when it comes to posing, I love to lean against a mural, kick one leg up, or to cross my legs over. 在擺姿勢的時候,我習慣往壁畫的方向靠,踢起一隻腳,或把兩腳交叉。 And this is a great pose to elongate my legs and to look taller. 這樣的姿勢能讓我的腿顯長,也讓我看起來更高。 So what I would recommend doing is trying to match your outfit with the mural or wall. 我也會建議你把你的穿搭與壁畫做搭配。 So I have this really gorgeous rainbow top that I've been loving, and I actually matched it with a garage door. 我有一件我很喜歡的很漂亮的彩虹色上衣,我就有用它與一個車庫門的顏色搭配過。 Yay! So you've made it to the end of this video. Comment down below and let me know where are you most excited to travel to, and some of your other photo struggles, I would love to help you guys out. 耶!你已經看到影片的最後了,歡迎你在下方留言,讓我知道你最期待的旅行地點在哪,或是你拍照時遇到的問題有哪些,我很樂意給予你們一些幫助。 Be sure to send me your photos on Instagram. Tag me @FashionbyAlly, and maybe I can critique your photos and give you more tips. 記得把你的照片傳給我,標註我 @FashionbyAlly ,也許我能給你的照片一些建議或其他秘訣。 I love you guys so so much, and I will see you guys in my next video. 我很愛你們,我們下支影片見。 Bye! Hello, can you teach me all your cute poses? 拜拜!嗨,你可以教教我你是怎麼擺出你那些可愛的姿勢的嗎?
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 姿勢 照片 秘訣 景點 臉部 壁畫 好想當網美!拍照跟著這樣擺 Pose! (How to Pose for Pictures! 8 Travel Pose Ideas for Instagram!) 8373 344 Helena 發佈於 2019 年 12 月 04 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字