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Nope, this is not a video about urban camping.
It's about 5G testing, and yes, why the best 5G experience you can get right now is on the streets of the biggest U.S. cities, in a camping tent, with a fan, and a cooler.
這是部關於 5G 測試的影片,沒錯,現在你想享受 5G 的速度,就得到美國大型城市的街上,帶著帳篷、電扇與保冷箱。
I'm dead serious about the cooler.
It's all gonna make sense soon, I promise.
But first, some 5G basic.
首先,一些 5G 基本知識。
5G is the network that comes after 4G, or LTE, and it's gonna be so fast, it's gonna knock your socks off.
5G 是在 4G (或 LTE) 後推出的網路服務,速度會快到讓你無比震驚。
People are crazy hyped about 5G and all of the innovation it's supposed to bring.
人們對 5G 與它將帶來的創新都感到十分興奮。
All four of the U.S. carriers, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile, have just started rolling out 5G in pockets of the U.S.
全美四家電信商 Verizon、AT&T、Sprint 與 T-Mobile 才剛在美國推出 5G 服務。
To get real 5G, you need a new phone.
為了用 5G,你得買新手機。
The $1,300 Samsung Galaxy S10 5G is one of the first, and it's available on all the carriers.
三星 S10 5G 版本要價 1,300 美元,上述四家電信商皆可購得。
So, over the last few weeks, I packed up my gear and embarked on a 5G testing tour.
過去幾週,我收拾行囊,開啟了我的 5G 測試之旅。
I hit up four U.S. cities to test all four of the U.S. carriers' 5G networks with Samsung's new phones.
我帶著三星的新手機,前往美國四個城市,來測試四家電信商的 5G 網路。
That's what I'm doing here in Chicago: testing Sprint and Verizon's network.
這就是我現在於芝加哥的任務,測試 Sprint 與 Verizon 的網路。
Turns out 5G is freaking fast, when you're outdoors, and you're standing in the right spot, and it's not too hot out, and the stars are aligned just right.
結果 5G 速度真的超快!但,只有在室外、對的地點、不會太熱且星星排列在完美位置的時候。
Right here in Chicago, I'm getting crazy fast speeds on Verizon's 5G network, and got even higher speeds in Denver last week.
在芝加哥時,Verizon 的 5G 網路超級快,在丹佛甚至還測到更快的速度。
On speed tests, I've been getting around 900 megabits per second.
在速度測試的軟體上,結果高達 900mbps。
That's about 25 times as fast as the average LTE download, an that's at least nine times faster than my home wifi.
這大約是 4G 網路的 25 倍,家用 wifi 的至少 9 倍。
In Denver, I got even faster speeds.
In some spots, I hit 1,800 megabits per second.
在某些地點,我測得 1,800mbps 的結果。
It was nuts.
I've been able to download a 10 gigabyte file in two minutes and 40 seconds, the whole latest season of Stranger Things, or 2.1 gigabytes: 34 seconds.
我可以用 2 分 40 秒就下載一個 10GB 的檔案,而下載整季最新一季的《怪奇物語》,也就是 2.1GB 大小的影片,只要 34 秒。
On LTE, that can take an hour.
用 4G 可能要下載一個多小時。
A 2.5 gigabyte game on 5G?
用 5G 下載一個 2.5GB 的遊戲呢?
50 seconds!
只要 50 秒!
Right now in the U.S., no matter where you are or what network you're on, only downloads use 5G, so if you upload a video or a file, you'll get 4G speeds.
現在美國不論哪家電信商,只有下載會用 5G,上傳影片或檔案時,只會有 4G 的速度。
Once the networks evolve, those uploads will get faster too.
Here in New York City, on T-Mobile's network, I've been getting closer to 300 to 400 megabits per second, not as fast in Verizon in Chicago and Denver or AT&T, which I tested in Atlanta.
在紐約市,使用 T-Moblie 的網路,我測得大約 300 至 400mbps 的速度,不如在芝加哥與丹佛的 Verizon,或亞特蘭大的 AT&T。
But still fast enough to download that 10 gigabyte file in just under five minutes.
但仍然夠快了,可以在五分鐘內下載 10GB 的檔案。
In my tests, AT&T and Verizon tied for the fastest speeds.
在我的測試中,AT&T 與 Verizon 的速度旗鼓相當。
I wish I could tell you those speeds are everywhere, and the coverage is wonderful, and the world has changed forever.
But no.
Here in Chicago, it's crazy fast, because there's a Verizon 5G node, or cell, right there.
在芝加哥,網速超快,因為有 Verizon 的 5G 基地台,就在那。
See that?
That's what broadcasting the signal.
But when I move my tent up the block, say 400 to 600 feet, I get no 5G signal, only 4G.
但,當我移動帳篷到街區另一段,大約 400 至 600 呎 (120-180 公尺) 外,就沒有 5G 訊號了,只有 4G。
Same thing happens with T-Mobile's network in Manhattan's Lower East Side.
T-Mobile 在曼哈頓下東區也有一樣的情形。
And when I go indoors, I drop right back to 4G.
當我進到室內,訊號馬上掉回 4G。
This is because of the types of 5G being implemented right now.
這與目前使用 5G 種類有關。
The type currently being used by Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile is called millimeter wave.
Verizon、Verizon 與 AT&T 目前使用的種類叫做毫米波。
It's very fast but only covers shorter distances and doesn't penetrate walls, concrete, or other obstacles.
The other type is called mid-band 5G, and it's being used by Sprint, which just launched its 5G service here in Chicago.
另一個種類稱為中頻 5G,為電信商 Sprint 在芝加哥所使用。
It's not as fast, but it has much wider coverage and better signal penetration.
In this spot, I'm getting around 300 megabits per second on Sprint's network.
在這個點,我用 Sprint 的網路測得大約 300mbps 的速度。
I can take my tent anywhere in the city and get coverage.
I can even go inside my hotel lobby.
And while the speeds are not blistering, it's still pretty decent.
I downloaded the latest season of Stranger Things in three minutes and 20 seconds.
我只用 3 分 20 秒就載好了最新一季的《怪奇物語》。
Yeah, it seems pretty crazy that right now you have to be outdoors or in a camping tent to get 5G signal on at least three of the networks.
現在看來,我們得在室外或在帳篷裡,才能收得到三家的 5G 網路。
As the carriers or the networks add more spectrum, it should improve.
This brings me to the biggest problem of them all: the heat.
Throughout my testing, the Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile Galaxy 5G phones would get very warm, due to the hot summer sun and sometimes one or two download tests, and the phone would just turn off 5G and go back to 4G.
測試過程中,Verizon、AT&T 與 T-Mobile 三家的網路會讓手機溫度升高,因為夏天的太陽與下載測試,而此時手機會直接將訊號切回 4G。
Yep, bye-bye signal.
沒錯,掰掰 5G。
This didn't happen with the Sprint version.
但 Sprint 的網路就沒這個問題。
At times, I registered the phone getting over 100 degrees with this laser thermometer.
有時候,我甚至用雷射溫度計在手機上測得 100 度以上的高溫。
The tent provided much-needed shade, and a fan or air conditioning actually seems to cool down the back.
But a few minutes in the cooler helps the most.
In fact, engineers testing these phones have told me they use ice as well.
Another solution?
Just use 5G at night.
晚上再用 5G。
A Samsung spokeswoman says, "this thermal management is done, by design to minimize energy usage and optimize battery performance."
"As 5G technology and the ecosystem evolve, it's only going to get better," she added.
她也說「隨著 5G 科技與系統的進化,情況會變好的」。
We're clearly at the starting line of this so-called 5G race.
我們目前僅在 5G 比賽的起跑點而已。
It's very early days, and very not ready for you.
But even just the first taste of the speeds make me excited about what's to come: blazing fast connections, even when you're not roughing it in the wild.
儘管現在只有初嚐到 5G 的網速,我已開始期待未來發展,就算在室內也能輕鬆使用 5G 網路。
Should have gotten the two-person.