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  • Nowadays, something actually scary is very hard to come across. Movies have lost it almost

  • completely, with the occasional exception of such gems as Sinister, and games' attempt

  • athorrorare pretty much laughable. And then, a simple little indie game called

  • Slender made its debut about two years ago.

  • There's barely anything to the game itself. Your mission is simple, should you choose

  • to accept it (since for some reason you just can't turn your ass around and jump over the

  • bloody fence): You go around a dark forest at night finding eight pages stuck to various

  • things such as trees, rocks, or broken down trucks. Simple enough, right? Except all the

  • while, as you collect more and more pages, you have a mysterious, tall figure following

  • you, coming closer and closer with each passing moment.

  • I still have never been able to pinpoint what exactly is so terrifying about this game,

  • but whatever it is, it works. As you progress, the music becomes more known, you start hearing

  • static as Slender Man comes closer to you, and the screen will occasionally blink in

  • and out if he's close enough. The worst part of it is it's literally impossible to find

  • him; you just know he's there.

  • Because of the nature of the game, its gameplay is very simplistic; you run. And run. AND

  • RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Oh, and click to get the pages. For what the game is, however,

  • there's nothing more that's even needed except the barebones type of gameplay that you'll

  • actually find. Once again, this is horror through and through, and survival horror at

  • that; besides, shooting Slender Man would be a futile effort since he would probably

  • just chew them up in his spirit demon god mouth and spit them back at you in the form

  • of acid. Really, the only thing that can fight Slender Man is Chuck Norris. And possibly

  • Kyle Katarn.

  • If you enjoy horror or random games, give Slender a try, because unless you're made

  • of steel I can guarantee that this'll get a scare or two out of you, and maybe, just

  • maybe, even a yelp of terror. So this is Jon from CGRUndertow wishing you good Slender:

  • The Arrival, and good Dead Space, or whatever makes you happy.

Nowadays, something actually scary is very hard to come across. Movies have lost it almost


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CGR Undertow - SLENDER:八頁》PC版評測 (CGR Undertow - SLENDER: THE EIGHT PAGES review for PC)

  • 137 2
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日