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  • *Intro music*

  • Hey guys from me and my forehead.

  • Yeah, my bangs were just not behaving themselves today,

  • so that's why I look like an anime version of Arthur the aardvark.

  • *cries internally*

  • Probably my most asked question on YouTube comments and on Instagram is:

  • How do you find your style...and also do your parents know about your youtube channel?

  • Today, we're answering ONE of those questions! :D

  • Basically, over the past ten years, I've taken myself from

  • this fashion disaster to

  • this fashionable disaster.

  • So I thought I'd share some tips from my fashion evolution from finding your style to feeling comfortable

  • and confident in the clothing that you wear

  • and how to turn fashion from something that you might kind of dread,

  • putting an outfit together every morning,

  • to something that you could take pride in and something that makes you really excited like it does for me!

  • So, let's jump into the video! Step number one,

  • and yes, I did break this down into steps because I am a hoe for lists. Your girl loves some good organization. ;)

  • So, step number one is to assess your current wardrobe.

  • Now I want you guys to start with your own wardrobe

  • because it can be so intimidating to, like, jump off the deep end into the Interwebs

  • and try to figure out like, from scratch what your style is,

  • so, I think the best place to start is looking at the clothes that you already wear and that you already love

  • because that's gonna give you a good hint to what you actually feel confident in.

  • I also feel like most of us have a couple pieces that we really love

  • that are kind of pointing us in a direction of style,

  • but we just haven't brought the rest of our wardrobe around to fit those, like, a few pieces that we love,

  • so I would suggest you guys do an experiment.

  • For two weeks, try tracking all the clothing that you actually wear.

  • There are a couple of ways to do this.

  • First of all, you could move the clothing that you've worn to a clothing rack if you have it.

  • You could move it to the front of your closet.

  • You can also turn around the hanger hook on all the clothing that you've worn

  • or if you don't do laundry that often like me, you can literally just put it in the laundry bin. :D

  • Once you have this sample of clothes that you actually wear,

  • you can start looking at what those clothes have in common.

  • Are they a certain fit? Do you really gravitate towards like, an a-line silhouette or a loose pair of jeans?

  • What about the color scheme?

  • Do you gravitate more towards pastels or do you tend to reach for your black and white clothing the most?

  • Is there a certain brand whose quality and fit of clothing you actually find yourself wearing a lot?

  • And lastly, something that a lot of people overlook is what is the comfort level of that clothing?

  • Some of us love to be comfortable and love to be able to run around,

  • so, that is something that you should be honest with yourself with

  • and take into consideration when you're forming your style.

  • I definitely grew up with the misconception that you just have to like... suffer

  • and be incredibly uncomfortable in order to be fashionable and that's not, like, the direct correlation.

  • I feel like that's where a lot of us have a bad relationship with fashion because

  • we'll buy the, like, stilettos or the bodycon dress that frankly, we're not comfortable in

  • and then, like, beat ourselves up for not wearing it,

  • when in reality, like you should be looking at your style from what fits your life.

  • You shouldn't, like, have to change to fit your clothing, y'know? *wink*

  • So after looking at your wardrobe,

  • you have a couple ideas of the things that you lean towards naturally

  • and the clothing that makes you feel the best.

  • Whether it's a color scheme, silhouette, fabric, brand, etc.

  • So you're ready to dive into the next step, which is finding inspiration.

  • This is the fun part where you can get out your phone and your laptop

  • and scroll through Instagram and Pinterest and old movies and old magazines and runway shows

  • and call it research because

  • *ZOOMS* technically it is.

  • Instagram and the Instagram explore page are a huge resource for trying to find your style,

  • but before we get any further into this section, I want to say that we are looking for style inspiration,

  • not a reason to hate ourselves

  • and those things are sometimes a fine line on Instagram.

  • Do I wish that I had Summer Mckeen's face and Avery's dog and Jesus' abs?

  • Abso-FUCKING-lutely. Don't we all?

  • But, me looking at a pretty girl's Instagram

  • and wanting my face to look like her face is not called fashion inspiration,

  • that's just called hating on myself for not being born with different features.

  • I know it can be hard sometimes but when you're looking for fashion inspiration,

  • try your best to separate this persona and like, the seemingly perfect life of

  • somebody online who's wearing it with the actual outfit and just seeing like, is that good fashion?

  • And would I feel confident in that outfit?

  • *shrug*

  • That's all that matters.

  • So obviously, Instagram is a huge source of inspiration,

  • both for fashion and just like, photography styles.

  • I really like to use my explore page,

  • but I know the explore page algorithm can be like, really weird for some people

  • you spend three hours scrolling through memes on Instagram ONE TIME

  • and that's your entire feed for the next like three years.

  • Also, just Emma Chamberlain is like, always on my explore page... I'm like: WHY?

  • So, if you have a screwed-up explore page, I would suggest creating a new Instagram account

  • that's just for fashion and inspiration and you don't look at memes on that account.

  • Then, on your explore page, you should just get more fashion inspiration from similar accounts

  • and then, you just have this endless resource for more fashion images that you might like.

  • I'm gonna on the screen now a bunch of my favorite Instagram accounts for inspiration

  • and I will also link them down below if you guys are looking for some people to follow.

  • You guys know I'm not a personal fan of Pinterest, but you can also look there and make your Pinterest board

  • or whatever the kids are doing these days. *talking as if she's a middle-aged woman*

  • I think Pinterest just skipped my generation, like, it's a 30 year old mom thing or a thing for 17 year olds,

  • and I'm just in the middle and Pinterest was not cool when I grew up.

  • I was a Tumblr gal personally. Tumblr is also a great resource!

  • Although tragically, you can no longer look at female presenting nipples,

  • which was really my main use for Tumblr so...

  • Old magazines and movies are also great resources

  • AND

  • would you believe it, physical bookstores?

  • If you go to the fashion section of a Barnes and Nobles,

  • they have the coolest coffee shop books with like, collections of fashion photography.

  • Recently, I found this book about all of the fashion designers that had been in movies

  • and like, talking about the costume design behind them and

  • I just like, oh, it broke my heart. It was like my two loves were colliding. It was too much for me.

  • So, whatever inspiration source you choose, think critically as you're looking at each of these photos.

  • If there's an outfit that you're not attracted to, before you scroll past it, think about, what do I like about that?

  • Is this neon color a little bit too loud for me, or are these barrettes a little bit too quirky and teenager-y for me?

  • And do I have a little bit of a mature-er style?

  • *questions use of english*

  • Do I not like this gingham in her outfit and what is wrong with me???

  • because gingham is the BEST print.

  • No, if you don't like, you know, that is fine by me (or is it).

  • Do as you please. *secretly judging*

  • Ask yourself: What about your style is different from that photo that you don't like?

  • And the same thing for the images that you do like.

  • Think about: Is this a really flattering fit on her? Do I like the color scheme in this photo?

  • Those are all things that can point you in the right direction towards what your style might be.

  • So, whatever inspiration source you choose, save up all of your photos on Instagram,

  • you can like, create a saved folder on Pinterest, you can do a board.

  • If you have magazines, you can cut out your victims and pin them to the wall

  • like the fashionable serial killer you are.

  • Point is, you want like a mood board/collection of all of your favorite outfits

  • so that you can zoom out beyond just one or two outfits

  • or one little trend and see what style are you generally drawn to.

  • At this point, It could go one of two ways. You have either found your perfect style.

  • You are perfectly drawn all to girly twirly dresses or you were perfectly drawn towards like edgy dark colors.

  • which might be some of you, which is incredibly lucky and then there you go. That's your style!

  • But for the rest of us, it's probably gonna be a mix of things, so from there,

  • I would suggest refining your mood board a little bit. Go through each Individual photo that you saved

  • or that you cut out and really ask yourself. Is this something that reflects my personality?

  • Is this something that I could see myself wearing? Is this something that fits into my lifestyle?

  • From there, you can zoom out again. See if it's a little bit more cohesive.

  • Like honestly though, you do not have to box yourself into one style. I've been doing this for so long,

  • I do not have one particular style,

  • but the mood board is more just to get an arrow pointing in a general direction.

  • Like, do you have a little bit more of a mature style? Do you have more of a trendy style?

  • Do you like some bold colors and patterns and silhouettes

  • or do you like something that's a little bit more minimalistic?

  • You can combine styles! Honestly, there's where you find your own style.

  • It's like combining all these elements from different styles that you like

  • and then it creates something entirely new. That's your own, and that's the whole point of this whole thing!

  • Now that you have your mood board and a sense of your style,

  • that brings me to step number three, which is buying clothes.

  • Ooo, this is our favorite part.

  • *H O N K*

  • Get in loser, we're going shopping.

  • Even though you're probably feeling real good about your new style and you want to buy a whole new wardrobe

  • I would recommend *p l e a s e* do not do that

  • Impulsively buying yourself a whole new wardrobe is how you end up with a whole wardrobe of clothes

  • you don't want to wear like a year down the line.

  • So I recommend choosing the five pieces on your mood board that appear the most often

  • and that you think are the most vital to your style. Before you go shopping, make sure you list out the five pieces,

  • attach inspo images if you want, just so when you go shopping, you don't get distracted by like

  • flashy, trendy, on sale items.

  • You are on a mission to buy the five things that you wanted from your mood board list.

  • Once you find those perfect five items, you can take them home,

  • wear them with your new wardrobe for a couple months, keep developing your mood board

  • and assessing whether this new style works for you and then three months down the line,

  • you can buy another couple pieces and keep building up your wardrobe and your new style.

  • And that brings me to section number four, which is:

  • Practice. Practice. Practice.

  • *sounds of beads tumbling onto the floor*

  • *goes through all five stages of grief*

  • People do not think of fashion as something that you need to practice,

  • they just think of being stylish as something that you're born with

  • and it is, absolutely, not.

  • Just like you would not expect a surgeon with zero training to be able to operate on you,

  • you shouldn't expect yourself to have this, like, amazing, celebrity level style of fashion

  • when you haven't given yourself any time to practice.

  • Hopefully this won't take as long as med school,

  • but start out by giving yourself 10 to 20 minutes every morning

  • or if you have roommates like when I was in college,

  • I had so many roommates that I would just like, write down when they were gone

  • and I would spend that time putting together outfits

  • because I didn't want other people around judging me when I was trying on like a bunch of different things.

  • Putting together an outfit is a process and really, the only way that you can figure out

  • what your style is and what looks good together is through trial and error

  • and that's how I learned like, the majority of my sense of style

  • is just every morning waking up putting together an outfit,

  • realizing that it doesn't look like how it looked in my head and it's absolutely hideous,

  • and then slowly switching out pieces, trying on a new pair of shoes, adding a belt,

  • changing out my earrings, adding a new jacket, until the outfit looks balanced and it looks good.

  • Related to that, make sure you give yourself adequate time to shop.

  • Spending more time shopping does not mean that you buy more clothing,

  • it means that you're giving yourself extra time to find the perfect piece of clothing.

  • I was like a very weird shopper growing up and I really still am.

  • I would go to the mall for like 4 hours *laughing*, try on tons of outfits.

  • I was SO annoying to all of the fitting room employees, they're like, "when's she gonna buy something?"

  • I would spend so long at the mall, going through all of these stores, trying on all of this clothing

  • and I would usually not buy a single thing. (ffs ashley)

  • BUT it really helped me develop my sense of style

  • because I knew from trying on all of these new pieces of clothing what I liked, what fit me,

  • and then when I did make a purchase, it was thoroughly informed like, your girl did her research!

  • Not giving yourself enough time to shop is also a huge reason that we end up

  • with shit that we don't like in our wardrobes because we like, bought it on impulse in a sale

  • or we didn't really take the time to think about it.

  • So unfortunately, I don't have like, a definite conclusion to this.

  • There's no point that you're gonna reach where you're like

  • AHA!

  • I found my style!

  • It really is a process, and even I am still deeply in the process of trying to find my own style

  • but over months and years as you continue to exercise your critical eye for outfits

  • to really think about what suits you and what doesn't.

  • You're gonna develop your own unique sense of style and I don't know! That's so exciting!!!

  • *geeky laugh*

  • That was really geeky, sorry, I get excited about fashion sometimes. :D

  • My last section that I'm the most excited to talk about is


  • So many of us have a really cool, adventurous sense of style.

  • We have these outfits in our heads that we wish that we could wear, but we just don't feel confident enough to.

  • It'll sound stupid to a lot of people, but I'm here to tell you that wearing an outfit that you love and

  • changing up your style is something that is scary and it's something that takes courage in a very specific way.

  • Putting effort into an outfit is a way of going out into the world kind of vulnerable

  • because these days, it's so cool to not care and to not put effort into anything,

  • but dressing your best is a way of saying

  • Hey! I woke up and I cared today!

  • I cared so much and I put together this really cool outfit and please just don't insult me about it. :(

  • That was why I was so scared to express my style in high school for a while

  • Like, everybody from my dad, to my calc teacher, to my classmates would comment about my outfits.

  • Even like, compliments and well-meaning comments can...

  • kind of hurt when you're like, experimenting with something.

  • Like, when you wear dress for the first time and then your mom's like,

  • "Oh," like, "somebody's dressing up today."

  • Yes! I am! I am! I changed, okay! It's hard to change sometimes, and you should be proud of me for that!

  • So anyways, if you guys are scared to wear what you actually want to wear,

  • I like, completely feel you,

  • but I also wanted to give you guys some of my tips for how I overcame that over the years.

  • So, my first tip is to ease yourself into your new style piece-by-piece.

  • Sometimes, people just take a while to adjust to change

  • but eventually their image of you is gonna catch up with your image of yourself.

  • For me, it took like a year of dressing up for people to realize like,

  • "Oh, that's just Ashley now. She just likes fashion."

  • By senior year, I could pretty much wear like, anything. I could wear heels, I could wear a dress,

  • like, I could be the most extra person ever and people were just like,

  • "Oh, okay," like, "that's Ashley. She's doing her thing."

  • So like, for me, I wanted to start wearing heels to school but like, nobody in my high school ever did that

  • because it was fucking high school and why are you wearing high heels?

  • I don't know. I wanted to express myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I started out by wearing these little booties that were like three inches tall on the heel,

  • and they went by a little bit less noticed because they were like boots and they weren't open toe heels

  • and then gradually, I like, worked my way up to a little bit of a higher heel and a little bit of a fancier shoe.

  • Even though probably nobody cared that much, like,

  • that was my way of slowly introducing the heels into my wardrobe

  • My next suggestion, especially if you aren't surrounded by people who really love and appreciate fashion,

  • is to make your own little space to enjoy it.

  • That's honestly how I got started on like, my whole YouTube journey was really just that

  • I wanted a space to geek out about fashion and to show off my outfits because

  • I didn't feel like I had that outlet with my family and friends

  • and now it's honestly easier than ever. You can start a blog, if anybody still does that.

  • You can make your own Tumblr page, you can make your own Instagram or your own Youtube.

  • Especially if you're surrounded by people who don't really appreciate your style

  • it can really boost your confidence to find a place online

  • where even just a couple people are appreciating the outfits that you put together.

  • And my last tip is that fashion is so subjective, and just because somebody doesn't like your outfit,

  • does not mean that it's not a damn good outfit. *sassy finger action*

  • You know who never gets roasted on their outfits? Jimmy Fallon.

  • You know who always gets roasted on their outfits? Lady Gaga.

  • Who is the fashion icon? It's Lady Gaga.

  • Sometimes, it can be hard to put yourself out there with fashion,

  • because you know if you wear like, a hoodie, nobody's ever gonna make a comment about it

  • But if you dress up for once in something that's f u n k y and s p u n k y,

  • TONS if people are gonna make comments about it.

  • But that doesn't mean if the funky outfit makes you feel better

  • that you should go back to wearing what you were before.

  • It's great that people have different senses of style and different opinions on things,

  • just know that like, no matter what anybody says about your outfit,

  • that doesn't change how you feel in it and how you feel about it

  • and how proud you should be that you are wearing what you want to wear! :D

  • Thank you so much for watching, and I really hope that if any of you guys are trying to get into fashion

  • or you want to change up your style that this inspires you to do so!

  • I'll see you guys next week. Bye!!!

  • *outro music*

*Intro music*


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B1 中級 美國腔

如何找到自己的風格+自信穿出自己的風格 (how to find your style + the confidence to wear it)

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    siqi.chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日