字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 My name is Indy Neidell. Welcome to the Great War. 我是Indy Neidell,歡迎收看the Great War。 We left off last time with the Austro-Hungarian Empire declaring war on the kingdom of Serbia, 我們上週在奧匈帝國向塞爾維亞王國宣戰下結束, and you can find links to that episode below and to our special Prelude to War episodes. 本週我將以幾封電報做為開場。 I'm going to begin today with a couple of telegrams. 現在,俄國方面非常害怕奧匈帝國將拓展他的計畫, Now, in Russia there were real fears that Austria's plans might extend to more than 不再只是懲罰或暫時佔領塞爾維亞,俄國擔心塞爾維亞將會失去主權。 just Serbian occupation or punishment- Russia thought Serbia might actually lose her independence. 很明顯的奧匈帝國已經動員了3/4的軍隊, See, Austria had mobilized three quarters of her army, way more than enough to deal 這個數量遠超過對付塞爾維亞所需,所以在7月29日,當奧匈軍開始轟炸貝爾格萊德時, with Serbia, so on July 29th, as Austria began bombarding Belgrade, Russia partially mobilized 俄國也動員了部份的軍隊以便預防萬一。 her army just in case. 但沙皇並不想要與承諾幫助奧匈帝國的德國開戰, The Tsar, though, did not a war with Germany, who had pledged to support Austria, and he 所以他發了封電報給他的表親德皇威廉,其翻譯內容如下: telegraphed his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm, in English, “To try to avoid such a calamity 『為了避免陷入一場歐戰災難中,我以我們過去的友情拜託你,希望你儘可能的阻止你的盟友,避免他們做的太過頭』 as a European war, I beg you in the name of our old friendship to do what you can to stop 沙皇署名〈尼基〉。同一時間德皇也傳了封電報回去寫著: your allies from going too far.” He signed it “Nicky”. At the same time, the Kaiser 『我正盡最大的努力用我的影響力勸導奧匈帝國直接與你達成一個滿意的結論』, was telegraphing back “I am exerting the utmost influence to induce the Austrians 而這封電報署名〈威利〉。 to deal straightly to arrive at a satisfactory understanding with you.” This was signed 然而就在同一天,德國艦隊開始動員,而英國以派遣艦隊前往北海戰鬥位置作為回應,以避免可能發生的攻擊行動 “Willy”. 現在,就在這個時間點下,兩個彼此同盟的法國與俄國紛紛向英國施加壓力, However, that same day the German fleet began to mobilize and in response the British 要求英國公開聲明當德國攻擊法國時,英國會參戰, fleet was sent to its war stations in the North Sea in case of a possible attack. At 但英國,由其是外交部長愛德華·格雷爵士並沒有作出任何承諾。 that point, the allied pair France and Russia were putting pressure on Britain to declare 好,接下來是重點, that in case of a German attack on Russia's ally France, Britain would join the war, but 德國祕密的告知英國,如果英國保持中立的話, Britain, especially the foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey, wouldn't commit. 除了法國殖民地外,德國將不會奪取法國領土,但這代來了反效果。 Important stuff now. 這等於是向格雷爵士承認了德國不論如何都會向俄國開戰。 Germany told Britain in a secret message that if Britain remained neutral, Germany would 7月29日在沒有宣戰的情況下,俄國徵集了將近6百萬人,而軍隊已經朝奧匈帝國邊境出發了。 take no territory from France except her colonies. This provoked the opposite effect though, 而到了7月30日下午5點,俄國開始總動員,沙皇最後之所以簽署這項命令是因為德軍開始部分動員, showing Grey once and for all that Germany was committed to going to war, no matter what. 讓沙皇很擔心波蘭前線的來不及備戰。 Against Russia. 這真的陷入了一些混亂當中,德國總理貝特曼·霍爾維格發了電報給維也納高層, In Russia on the 29th there was no declaration of war, but a draft of nearly six million 要求他們別針對俄國進行動員,但同一天德國參謀總長毛奇卻發了一封電報給奧匈帝國參謀總長康拉德, men began and the army was already moving toward the Austrian border, and it was at 要求他馬上展開動員。所以到底是誰說了算? 5 PM on July 30th that the Russian general mobilization began. The Tsar finally signed 而接著德國向俄國發出了最後通牒,要求俄國在24小時內停止一切針對德國與奧匈帝國的軍事準備行動, this order because of partial German mobilization and his worries about being unready on the 而這個要求被拒絕了。 Polish front. 你們可以發現情況真的陷入一團亂了。到了7 月底,各方勢力的軍隊都開始向他們的政治領袖施壓, It all actually got a little confusing here; German Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg telegraphed 因為許多政治領袖本身是反對戰爭的。 Vienna NOT to mobilize against Russia, but the same day, German chief of staff Moltke 但由於軍方擔心軍隊無法及時準備妥當,所以都希望能越早採取行動越好。 telegraphed his opposite Austrian number Conrad to mobilize at once, so who was really in 在7月29日,德國準備好了要發給比利時的最後通牒。 charge? And then, Germany sent Russia an ultimatum to stop all war measures of any kind against 甚麼?比利時?你們可能會問為什麼是這個既小又中立的比利時?以下是理由: Austria and Germany within 24 hours. This was rejected. 如果德軍跟俄國開戰,他不得不擔心法國會從背後發動攻擊,因為法國與俄國是同盟的關係 You could see that this was becoming a real mess. But at the end of July all of the various 因此這裡出現了你們可能已經等很久的行動 ─ 『施里芬計畫』 armies were pressuring their political leaders. Many of the leaders were against the war, 阿佛列·馮·史里芬在1891年到1905年間擔任德國陸軍參謀總長, but the armies were afraid of being unready and wanted to move as quickly as possible. 而這個計畫就是他為了預防同時與法、俄兩國開戰而設計的, On July 29th, a German ultimatum to Belgium was prepared. 法國將會在極短時間內被擊敗,好讓德國可以用全部軍隊去執行攻擊俄國的這個艱巨的任務。 What? Belgium? Why little neutral Belgium? you ask. Here's why: 因此德國將借道比利時與荷蘭針對法國北部發動一場迅速的攻擊行動, If Germany was going to war with Russia she could not help but be worried about France 這完全繞過了德法邊界的防禦重地,並一路由北方席捲巴黎。 invading her from behind, because again- France and Russia were committed allies. So here 不過毛奇將這個計畫精簡了一些,他跳過借道荷蘭這點, was the idea- the moment you've all been waiting for... the Schlieffen Plan! 但整個計畫仍舊是打算在6周內奪下巴黎以避免兩面作戰,關於這件事我們以後會更加深入的探討。 Alfred von Schlieffen had been the Germany army Chief of Staff from 1891 to 1905 and 但比利時是中立國,而且英國跟他有簽署條約,因此英國在7月31日詢問了法國與德國雙方, here was his big idea in case of war with both Russia and France: France would have 問他們是否會尊重比利時的中立,法國回覆說『是』,但德國沒有回應。 to be knocked out immediately so all troops could focus on the more daunting task of attacking 因此英國最後發出了他自己的最後通牒,如果比利時被攻擊,英國將會參戰。 Russia, so Germany would make a swift attack through Belgium and Holland into Northern 而這些國家的民眾瘋狂般的參軍,民族主義狂熱到爆走的地步, France, completely bypassing the heavily defended Franco-German border and sweeping down into 舉例來說,法國社會主義領導者尚·饒勒斯, Paris from the north. Moltke streamlined the plan a bit by skipping Holland, but the idea 他鼓吹著全歐洲的勞工階級一起來阻止戰爭,結果在7月31日遭到暗殺。 was to take Paris within six weeks and thus avoid a two front war. We'll go into this 諷刺的是,這件事實際上在整個歐洲所引起的震撼比法蘭茲·費迪南大公被暗殺還強烈, in more depth later. 而這也顯示了在法國,民眾正充滿著參戰的熱情。 But Belgium was neutral and Britain had a treaty with her, and on July 31st, Britain 許多人希望針對40年前普法戰爭法國戰敗這件事進行復仇。 asked France and Germany if they would respect Belgian neutrality. France said yes, but Germany 回到俄國與德國。 did not respond, so Britain eventually sent an ultimatum of her own; if Belgium were attacked, 在俄國動員後第二天,德國也跟著動員了。這個提案在德國國會大廈中以『純粹自我防衛』這點被提出來, Britain would go to war. 理由是因為對方先動員了,為了預防萬一所以我們也得動員。 In all of these countries people were enlisting like crazy. 而這是德國軍方高層所能夠說服德國民主派同意動員的唯一方法。 and nationalistic fever was going off the rails. In France, for example, Jean Jaurés, 在8月1日傍晚,德國大使向俄國遞交了宣戰布告。 leader of the socialist party who was appealing to all the European working classes to stop 這是因為俄國拒絕了德國要求降低戰備的最後通牒。 the war, was assassinated on the 31st. Ironically, this actually caused more shock around Europe 而事實證明德國大使明確的給了俄國兩種版本的宣戰布告, than Franz Ferdinand's assassination did, but it showed that in France there was a great 其中一個宣稱俄國拒絕回應德國, deal of enthusiasm for the war. Many people wanted revenge for the loss against Prussia 而另一個則是宣稱俄國的回應是另人無法接受的。 over 40 years earlier. 而這種外交上的錯誤就是所有人都該避免去犯的。 Back to Russia and Germany! 德皇一開始要求只攻擊俄國,但毛奇說服他這樣做是不可能的, The day after Russia mobilized, Germany also did. This was presented in the Reichstag as 因為絕大多數軍隊都已經佈署在西線了, purely defensive. We have to mobilize just in case, because they did first. This was 而且在當天傍晚,德軍已經進入盧森堡確保電報線路與鐵路了。 pretty much the only way that the Germany military high command could get the social 如今開始了,在8月2日,德國軍隊在經歷了40年的和平後第一次跨越邊境入侵法國, democrats to agree with mobilization. 雙方在邊界上發生了數次小規模交戰。到了傍晚7點,德國向比利時下達最後通牒, And on the evening of August 1st, the German ambassador gave Russia the German 要求比利時開放邊界讓德軍通過,但比利時拒絕了。 declaration of war, which resulted from Russia rejecting the German ultimatum to stand down. 在8月3日,德國向法國宣戰,當天還佔領了俄屬波蘭的三個小鎮。 Actually, as it turned out, the German ambassador actually gave the Russians two versions 到了8月4日,德軍侵入比利時境內,而英國為此向德國宣戰。 of the declaration of war, one that claimed Russia refused to respond to Germany and one 許多原本在英國的反戰人士,突然之間轉變成非常支持戰爭。 that said the Russian response was unacceptable. 舉例來說,格雷爵士如今相信如果出手阻止德國的話,整個歐陸國家都將會失去獨立。 Yep. That's the kind of thing you want to avoid in the diplomatic service. 8月3日在地中海區域,雖然沒有參戰,但鄂圖曼土耳其帝國開始在達達尼爾海峽佈署水雷, The Kaiser at first ordered an attack on only Russia, but Moltke convinced him that this 而我們在往後幾周將會更常看到他們。 wasn't really possible since most of the army was already committed in the west, and 那麼塞爾維亞呢?我指的是這整件如滾雪球般的事件是起因於塞爾維亞與奧匈帝國間的紛爭對吧? that evening, German troops entered Luxembourg to secure the telegraph and the railways 我保證下週我們會針對這點進行更深入的探討。 Here we go: on August 2nd, German troops crossed into France for the first time in over 40 在歐洲大多數區域裡,人們對於這場大戰非常的樂觀,他們都深信自己會獲勝。 years, and there were several small border skirmishes. At seven that evening, Germany 即使在當下有數百萬名士兵正一步步邁向戰場, gave Belgium an ultimatum- give German troops free passage through Belgium. Belgium refused. 大多數人仍相信戰爭會在聖誕節前結束。 On August 3rd, Germany declared was on France, and that same day occupied three towns in 例如俄國軍方高層要求全新的打字機,但卻被以『戰爭可能無法持續夠久好將這比支出由該處支付』。 Russian Poland. On August 4th, German troops entered Belgium and Britain declared war on 也因為這樣,所有指揮官的戰爭計畫都是要求進行大規模的立即攻擊行動。 Germany. Many of those in England who had been anti-war, were suddenly very much for 原因是『既然能馬上就能獲勝,那就沒必要節省資源來應付之後的戰場了。』 the war. Grey, for example, now believed that if Germany wasn't stopped then all European 而這裡的癥結在於,戰爭相關人士他們回顧的是比較短暫的戰爭,例如普法戰爭, national independence was just a fiction. 但他們真的該回顧的是美國內戰,才能理解現代戰爭將會是既血腥又漫長的。 In the Mediterranean, the Ottoman Empire began mining the Dardanelles on the 3rd, although 好,到了8月5日,德意志帝國遇到了軍事上的第一個阻礙,『列日市』。 the Turks were not yet going to war. We'll see more of them in a few weeks, but what 當天德國無法攻占屬於該城市的12座要塞中的任何一座。 of Serbia? I mean, this whole thing snowballed because of issues between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, 魯登道夫打算在7號攻佔列日市,但為了讓德軍得以前進,那些要塞都必須一一佔領下來。 right? Well, we're going to get to that in more depth next week, I promise. 德國只花了數天就將他們的重型火砲帶到前線來,而這點非常重要。 In much of Europe, there was huge optimism about the war. Everyone really thought that 我們可以看到法國與比利時在所有戰略要衝都設置了大量的要塞, they were going to win. Even though by this time there were several million soldiers marching 這些要塞造價非常貴而且都有重兵防守,但這場戰爭所展現的第一件事就是砲兵科技的進步。 around Europe this was still the war that would be over by Christmas. The Russian high 重型榴彈砲可以從十英哩以外的地方轟炸整做要塞,完全不用擔心有可能遭受任何反擊, command, for example, asked for new typewriters, but were told that the war would not be long 這讓要塞宛如待宰的羔羊般束手無策。 enough to justify the expense. And because of all of this, everyone's military 因此這些要塞在1914年受到攻擊後都很快就陷落了,花費在他們上面的金錢與努力全部付諸流水。 plans called for huge immediate attacks, since there seemed no point saving resources for 那麼,讓我們回到正題,在8月6日奧匈帝國正式向俄國宣戰,而當日塞爾維亞向德國宣戰。 later when you could just win right now. 如果你想知道上周發生了什麼事你可以點選這裡觀看上周的影集, But here's the thing, the wars people looked back on were short wars like the Franco-Prussian 讓我們知道你們喜不喜歡這個頻道,如果你們有任何問題或想法,歡迎在下方評論區提出來。 war, but they really should have looked at the American Civil War to get an idea of how 如果你們在其他社交平台像是FB或Twitter跟隨我們,你們可以學到更多有關一次世界大戰的知識。 long and bloody modern warfare was going to be. 我們有各種幕後的花絮以及各種背景故事的資訊可以與你們分享。 Alright, on August 5th, the German Empire reached her first serious military obstacle- Liege. That day the Germans failed to take any of the 12 forts of the city. Ludendorf managed to enter Liege on the 7th, but taking the forts was necessary for the German advance. Germany brought in her big guns and this was accomplished in only a few days, and THIS is really important. See, France and Belgium had strategically placed fortresses all over them. They were very expensive and heavily defended. But one of the first things the war showed was the technological advance in artillery. Heavy howitzers could bombard fortresses from ten miles away without real fear of retaliation, and the fortresses were just sitting ducks, so all of the fortresses attacked in 1914 fell very quickly, and all the money and effort to build them up was for nothing. So, to bring us up to date: on August 6th, Austria-Hungary officially declared war on Russia and Serbia declared war on Germany. If you want to know what happened in the last episode click right here. Let me know how you liked it and if you have any questions, comments or thoughts put them in the comments below. Now if you follow us on the other Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter you can learn more about the Great War. We have behind the scenes footage and all kinds of other background informations for you.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 德國 俄國 法國 比利時 塞爾維亞 帝國 兩線作戰中的德國與施利芬計劃 I 大戰--第二週 (Germany in Two-Front War and the Schlieffen-Plan I THE GREAT WAR - Week 2) 148 5 黃耀霆 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字