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  • In Ukraine recycling culture is just emerging.

  • That's why we need education and partners here.

  • But there are changes, and that's cool.

  • Better yet, young people have a demand for a better life.

  • Responsible people and responsible business must come together to promote recycling.

  • That's how Coca-Cola and I created Zero Waste School to teach and unite young generation.

  • In two years, 150 schools have been trained.

  • After that, schools became agents of cultural change.

  • Eco-style living is the responsibility for the future of your country.

  • I recycle, do you?

In Ukraine recycling culture is just emerging.


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A2 初級

分揀的真實故事:克里琴科基金會主任阿琳娜-諾森科。 (Справжні історії сортування: Аліна Носенко, директорка Фонду Кличко)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日