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  • Ok, so you,

    譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang

  • are a 4 billion year old meat robot.


  • Yeah, you heard me right.


  • In fact, as you're made of 30-ish trillion cells,


  • and each of those have their own task,

    事實上,你是由 三十多兆個細胞組成的,

  • you're a robot made of trillions of mini robots-


  • you are a mega-meat-bot!

    你是個機器人,由數兆個 迷你機器人組成——

  • And your mission, for the past 4 billion years or so-


  • and for as long as you keep playing this game of life-


  • is to safeguard the code.


  • To duplicate it. To pass it on.


  • The thing is, you're rubbish at copying your own code.


  • Every time it's copied, errors crop up.

    重點是,你實在很不擅長 複製你自己的編碼。

  • Not good when an error makes a robot worse at surviving,


  • but sometimes a mistake helps them survive...

    當錯誤會讓機器人的生存能力 變差時,並不是好事,

  • and they pass that glitch in the code on-


  • that's evolution in a nutshell, right?

    它們會把編碼中的 這個小問題傳下去——

  • Which means you're not the result of some fancy design, I'm afraid.


  • You're a result of billions of years of bad copies.

    這恐怕就意味著,你並不是 酷炫設計出來的結果。

  • Go you.

    你是數十億年做爛的複製品 所產生的結果。

  • Another reason you're not totally awesome


  • is because that megabot of yours often breaks down.

    還有一個理由可以說明 你不是那麼讚,

  • Fortunately,

    因為你的那個 超級機器人常常會失靈。

  • cardiologists, immunologists, microbiologists- all the "ists"-


  • have spent centuries figuring out our sensors and wiring


  • so if something does go wrong, they can usually fix it.

    花了數世紀的時間去了解 我們的感測器和線路,

  • Where they struggle, though, is when the machinery turns on itself-

    所以有什麼地方出錯時, 他們通常都可以修復。

  • when a copying error leads a cell to start dividing uncontrollably,

    但,會讓他們很費力的就是 機器自行啟動的情況——

  • to grow and multiply into a tumor.

    也就是複製錯誤造成細胞 開始不受控制地分裂、

  • That's cancer.


  • And sadly, even with the might of our modern medicine,


  • some cancers evade treatment.


  • But this is where a new band of biologists step into the story:


  • The "Synthetic Biologists."

    但,此時就要輪到 一群生物學家登場了:

  • These biohackers are mashing up science, medicine and engineering


  • to rewrite the code and fix the un-fixable.

    這些生物駭客會把科學、 醫學,以及工程給混合起來,

  • Biohackers are going into a patient's genetic code

    重新寫過編碼, 把不能修好的部分修好。

  • and reprogramming their own immune system


  • to recognize cancer cells and destroy them.


  • It's called CAR T-cell therapy, and it's awesome.


  • See, you're constantly under attack by pathogens-

    這就是 CAR T 細胞療法,它很棒。

  • single-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi.


  • Despite deciding, back in the day,


  • to stay solo and not 'avengers assemble' like you did,

    儘管早些時候 那些病原體決定要持續單飛,

  • those pathogens see you, in all your mega-meat-bot glory,


  • as a fortress ripe for the plundering.

    但它們把你這個 壯觀的超級肉製機器人,

  • Thankfully, you've got a security team in place to battle these invaders-


  • your immune system-

    謝天謝地,你還有個準備好 對抗這些入侵者的保安團隊——

  • and some of it's top guards are your white blood cells.


  • They trawl the darkness that is your inner space,

    團隊中的頂尖警衛 就是你的白血球細胞。

  • checking the IDs of any cells they pass...

    它們在黑暗(也就是 你的內在空間)中捕獵,

  • although they're not name badges,

    只要遇到任何細胞, 就會上前確認它的身分,

  • but rather protein fragments on the cell's surface called antigens.


  • There are two types of these guards: T-cells and B-cells.

    而是細胞表面的 蛋白質片段,稱為抗原。

  • T-cells check those antigen IDs using special claws-

    警衛有兩類:T 細胞和 B 細胞。

  • receptors that lock with a particular antigen.

    T 細胞會用特殊的爪子 去檢查那些抗原的身分——

  • If they find a match, they attach and they release toxic chemicals


  • that burst open the invading cell's membrane.

    如果發現符合的對象,它們就會 附著上去,釋出有毒化學物質,

  • Their B-cell workmates create antibodies-


  • loads of small proteins,

    它們的工作夥伴 B 細胞會創造抗體——

  • little claws that latch perfectly onto a particular antigen,


  • marking them for destruction.


  • These two comrades have got your back


  • and your immune system is brilliant at spotting and fighting pathogens


  • that invade from outside.

    你的免疫系統很擅長 發現從外界入侵的病原體,

  • However,


  • they're not so good at spotting your own cells that have gone rogue.


  • The antigens on cancerous cells don't look weird,

    如果是你自己的細胞叛變了, 就不見得會被它們發現。

  • they look a lot like your own cells,


  • and the T's and B's aren't programmed to attack them.


  • The usual way to deal with cancer is to try to cut the tumor out,

    T 細胞和 B 細胞 不是設計來攻擊它們的。

  • or turn to radiotherapy and then chemotherapy

    要處理癌症,一般的 做法是把腫瘤切除,

  • to destroy or block the growth of cancer cells,

    或是做放射線治療, 接著是化學療法,

  • but if it's a blood cancer, if it's floating around your whole body,


  • you can't do that.

    但,如果是血癌,如果 癌細胞在你全身四處流動,

  • And if the blood cancer actually starts in your white blood cells-


  • those key guards in your immune system-


  • you'll really struggle to spot it.


  • That's the case with acute lymphoblastic leukemia,


  • and that's where CAR T-cell therapy is kicking butt.


  • The biohackers are reprogramming a patient's own immune system

    那就是 CAR T 細胞療法 能大顯身手的時候了。

  • to recognize particular antigens- those particular protein fragments-

    這些生物駭客會為病人 自己的免疫系統重新編碼,

  • on the cancer cells.

    讓它能識別出 癌症細胞上的特定抗原——

  • To do it, you first need millions of a patient's T-cells


  • Then, to get a T-cell to do something different,

    如果要做這種治療,你首先 需要病人的數百萬個 T 細胞,

  • you need to replace its normal code with something new,

    接著,要讓 T 細胞去做不同的事,

  • something you've designed.

    就得要把它的正常編碼 換成新的編碼,

  • What synthetic biologists can now do with DNA is super cool-


  • they use a computer to put together their own sequences of bases-

    現今,合成生物學家用 DNA 能夠做到非常酷的事——

  • the chemical letters that spell out the DNA-

    他們會用電腦來拼湊 他們自己的基礎序列——

  • then they model what that new genetic code will do on a computer

    即拼出 DNA 的化學字母——

  • and then make those sequences on a DNA printer-

    接著,他們用電腦建模, 模擬新的基因碼能夠做什麼,

  • yeah, that's a thing!-

    接著用 DNA 印表機 來做出那些序列——

  • printing not with ink, or with a plastic polymer like in a 3D printer,

    對,DNA 能印出來——

  • but with those fundamental building blocks of life,

    不是用墨水來印,也不是 像 3D 印表機用塑料聚合物來印,

  • with those A's and C's and T's and G's.


  • The new code they designed for a T-cell has 3 key instructions:

    也就是 A、C、T、G 這些字母。

  • 1. It tells it how to recognize and kill a cancer cell.

    他們為 T 細胞設計的新編碼 會帶有三項重要指令:

  • More specifically,

    一、編碼會告訴 T 細胞 如何識別和殺死癌症細胞。

  • how to modify an antibody-

    更明確來說,就是 如何修改抗體——

  • what the B-cells make to latch onto a target antigen.

    B 細胞要製造什麼 來鎖住目標抗原。

  • The antibody is modified to make a new receptor

    抗體被修改後, 會製造出新的接收器,

  • that can detect the particular antigens on the specific cancer.


  • 2. It tells it to make copies of itself when it finds that cancer cell

    二、編碼會叫 T 細胞在找到 那種癌症細胞時,進行自我複製,

  • and 3. It tells it to survive in the patient's body.

    三、編碼會教 T 細胞 在病人的身體中存活。

  • To get this new code into the patient's T-cells,

    要把這種新編碼 放到病人的 T 細胞中,

  • you use a vector-


  • it's something that will easily infect the T-cell

    它很容易感染 T 細胞,

  • and carry that bespoke DNA in with it.

    且會隨身帶著訂製的 DNA。

  • And voila! One CAR T-cell.

    然後,看哪!一個 CAR T 細胞。

  • The name comes from a fire-breathing monster from Ancient Greece,


  • that had a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's tail.

    牠有獅子的頭、 山羊的身體、蛇的尾巴。

  • It was called "Chimera"- a name that has now come to be used

    牠被稱為「喀邁拉」,現在 這個詞已經漸漸被用來意指

  • for something that contains two or more different types of tissues or cells.

    含有兩種以上不同型 組織或細胞的東西。

  • As this newly engineered cell's genetic code is part T-cell, part antibody,

    因為這種新設計細胞的基因碼 有部分是 T 細胞、部分是抗體,

  • it's a "C"himera and it goes in search of the cancer's "A"ntigen

    它就是喀邁拉(C 開頭),它會去 尋找癌症的抗原(A 開頭),

  • using its new "R"eceptor.

    用的是它的新接收器(R 開頭)。

  • Before you put the multiplied up T-cells back into the patient,

    在你把繁殖出來的 T 細胞 放回病人身上之前,

  • you give them a mild dose of chemotherapy to wipe their existing T-cells.

    要先讓病人進行微量的化學療法, 把他們既有的 T 細胞消滅。

  • Then you simply reinsert the now modified T-cells-

    接著,你就只要重新置入 修改過的新 T 細胞——

  • the CAR T-cells-

    CAR T 細胞——

  • and they follow their normal DNA programming to move and search.

    它們就會遵循它們一般的 DNA 編碼來移動和探尋。

  • However, thanks to their new butt-kicking code,


  • they've changed what they're looking for:


  • they're now on a mission to find the cancerous cells and destroy them.

    現在,它們的任務 是要找到並摧毀癌細胞。

  • Unlike conventional chemical-based drugs


  • that get used up or excreted from the body pretty quickly,


  • CAR T-cells are living drugs that stay in the patient's bloodstream for years.

    CAR T 細胞不同, 它們是活的藥物,

  • That's a huge pro.


  • The flip side is that they're expensive-


  • each CAR T-cell treatment is bespoke to the patient-


  • and it's more difficult to get them to work with common cancers

    CAR T 細胞治法都是 為病人訂製的——

  • like breast or lung, because you need a specific antigen on the cancer cells

    且不太容易把它們 用在一般的癌症上,

  • for the CAR T-cell to target-

    比如乳癌或肺癌,因為癌細胞 上面需要有明確的抗原

  • and it's much easier to find that in blood cancers.

    來當作 CAR T 細胞的目標——

  • It's still early days, though,


  • and there's an exciting future for CAR T-cell therapy.


  • Researchers like Dr. Martin Pule and his team at UCL,

    CAR T 細胞療法 有著讓人興奮的未來。

  • are working on improving the leukemia and lymphoma treatments even further,

    有些研究者,如馬丁普爾 和他在倫敦大學學院的團隊,

  • and there's recently been some promising work on solid cancers.

    在努力進一步改善 白血病和淋巴瘤的治療,

  • Thanks to CAR T-cell therapy,

    近期,針對固態瘤, 也有一些前景看好的研究。

  • the survival rate for B acute lymphoblastic leukemia has improved hugely

    因為有 CAR T 療法,

  • -nearly all patients go into remission-

    B 細胞急性淋巴性白血病的 存活率大大改善了——

  • which means that leukemia cannot be detected anymore-


  • and most patients stay in remission.

    這就意味著,無法 再偵測到白血病了——

  • Biohacking is here,

    且大部分病人 會保持在緩解的狀態。

  • and it can reprogram your own genetic code to enable your mega-meat-bot


  • to do things it's never been able to do before!

    它能夠為你自己的基因重新編碼, 讓你的超級肉製機器人

Ok, so you,

譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang


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