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    你的logo放這ok得絲嘎 And have your logo put right here!

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    喝不胖啤酒 Light beer

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    親愛的比比 My dear

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    黑啤問號圖 我也不知道這在幹嘛 I dont even know the purpose of this

  • Hello everyone! Welcome to Taiwan Bar

    哈囉大家好 歡迎光臨臺灣吧 Hello everyone! Welcome to Taiwan Bar

  • Today we're going to talk about Taiwan's modernization

    今天要跟大家聊聊臺灣的現代化 Today we're going to talk about Taiwan's modernization

  • Which might bring to mind

    說到臺灣的現代化 Which might bring to mind

  • Liu Ming Chuan in the Qing Dynasty

    很多捧姚一定都能想到 Liu Ming Chuan in the Qing Dynasty

  • and Chiang Ching Kuo's Ten Major Construction Projects

    清朝的劉銘傳還有快樂蔣經國的十大建設啦 and Chiang Ching Kuo's Ten Major Construction Projects

  • What about this gap in between?


  • Hmmm...Let's pause for a second and think about this

    啊中間咧 What about this gap in between?

  • Ahem! Why is this gap always ignored?

    呃 我們暫停兩秒想想這個問題 Hmmm...Let's pause for a second and think about this

  • The Modernization under Japanese rule


  • In 1895

    咳咳為什麼我們常常會忽略這段空白呢? Ahem! Why is this gap always ignored?

  • Japan took over Taiwan according to the Treaty of Shimonoseki

    蛤 什麼空白

  • Japan took this island in the middle of nowhere

    就是日治時期的現代化 The Modernization under Japanese rule

  • and tried to turn it into a twinkle, twinkle little star

    1895年 In 1895

  • How I wonder what you are

    日本剛以馬關條約接手臺灣 Japan took over Taiwan according to the Treaty of Shimonoseki

  • So they made Taiwan modernize with them

    衝到這鳥不生蛋的小島上 Japan took this island in the middle of nowhere

  • But before explaining

    試著讓臺灣變身閃閃惹人愛 and tried to turn it into a twinkle, twinkle little star

  • why we're so unfamiliar with this gap

    ♪ 閃閃惹人愛愛 ♪ ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪

  • We're gonna have to say what's in the gap first

    一定要拎著臺灣跟著日本一起現代化 So they made Taiwan modernize with them

  • Ahem!


  • Here we go!

    不過在解釋 But before explaining

  • Taiwan's modernization under Japanese rule

    為什麼我們對這段歷史這麼不熟 why we're so unfamiliar with this gap

  • included the visible change of infrastructure

    我們就先來填滿這段白花花的空洞吧 We're gonna have to say what's in the gap first

  • and also the invisible change of lifestyle

    咳咳 Ahem!

  • In terms of infrastructure

    開始囉 Here we go!

  • First we're going to talk about Goto Shinpei's Urban Planning.

    談到日治時期在台灣的現代化 Taiwan's modernization under Japanese rule

  • For example

    不外乎眼睛看得到的建設 included the visible change of infrastructure

  • the Governor-General's Office

    跟眼睛看不到的生活習慣 and also the invisible change of lifestyle

  • which is now the Presidential Office Building

    在建設方面 In terms of infrastructure

  • Also

    第一個就是後藤新平大力推動的都市計畫 First we're going to talk about Goto Shinpei's Urban Planning.

  • You get the point


  • In addition

    沒事 沒事

  • the two major harbors that led to Taiwan's economic take-off

    例如 For example

  • (Garsh!)

    當時的臺灣總督府 the Governor-General's Office

  • The Port of Kaohsiung and the Port of Keelung

    也就是我們現在的總統府 which is now the Presidential Office Building

  • Along with the omnipresent Bank of Taiwan

    除此之外 Also

  • And the ever-so-famous Guishan Power Plant


  • These were all built by Goto Shinpei


  • Recruited by Goto


  • Hasegawa Kinsuke designed the Western-line railway


  • Besides the infrastructure


  • the change of lifestyle


  • and customs were highlighted in the modernization as well


  • Japan considered foot binding


  • the queue hairstyle

    你懂的 You get the point

  • and the use of opium as the Three Vices of Taiwan

    另外 In addition

  • As for the use of opium...

    像帶領台灣經濟高飛的兩大港口 the two major harbors that led to Taiwan's economic take-off

  • You can smash that link to review everything about that

    (高飛) (Garsh!)

  • After the Qing Dynasty collapsed in 1911

    高雄港跟基隆港 The Port of Kaohsiung and the Port of Keelung

  • People started snippin' them queues

    一直到現在每條大街小巷的台灣銀行 Along with the omnipresent Bank of Taiwan

  • and freein' them shoes

    以及每個人嘴裡的龜山發電廠 And the ever-so-famous Guishan Power Plant

  • In 1915


  • the Governor-General of Taiwan

    都是後藤新平時代下的產物 These were all built by Goto Shinpei

  • used the Baojia system for...

    在後藤桑的招攬下 Recruited by Goto

  • And this reformation was successfully carried out under the police

    長谷川謹介規劃的縱貫鐵路小火車 Hasegawa Kinsuke designed the Western-line railway

  • Since girls didn't need to bind their feet anymore


  • they could work harder

    除了看得到的建設以外 Besides the infrastructure

  • and contribute more to Taiwan's economic growth

    生活方式與風俗習慣的改變 the change of lifestyle

  • (a-hyuk!)

    也是台灣現代化的一大重點 and customs were highlighted in the modernization as well

  • Aside from eradicating the three vices

    日本將纏足 Japan considered foot binding

  • Japan also stressed the importance of being punctual and obedient

    辮髮 the queue hairstyle

  • First, about punctuality

    跟吸食鴉片視為台灣的三大陋習 and the use of opium as the Three Vices of Taiwan

  • The Governor General introduced the concept of a 7-day week

    那關於吸食鴉片的部分 As for the use of opium...

  • and set Sunday as a day off

    大家自己點進去複習一下啦 You can smash that link to review everything about that

  • So all the peeps who used to bust their asses off 24-7

    1911年滿清政府半垮台以後 After the Qing Dynasty collapsed in 1911

  • started to have downtime

    斷髮的風氣有如滔滔江水般席捲全臺 People started snippin' them queues

  • and though

    連放足也跟著潮到滑倒了起來 and freein' them shoes

  • "Hmmm...what am I gonna do with all this spare time?"

    1915年 In 1915

  • partay!!

    臺灣總督府 the Governor-General of Taiwan

  • And thus all kinds of recreational activities started to pop out

    趁勢利用保甲制度 used the Baojia system for...

  • partay!!

    全面啟動 啊拍謝講錯

  • Besides the week system


  • Japan also brought in the Standard Time System

    這運動在警察大人的監督下也就如火如荼地展開啦 And this reformation was successfully carried out under the police

  • With the introduction of Greenwich Mean Time

    女孩兒不再需要纏足 Since girls didn't need to bind their feet anymore

  • The concept of time changed from the Chinese Sexagenary cycle

    就更能用力地工作 they could work harder

  • into stuff like"eight p.m."

    也有助於台灣的經濟高飛 and contribute more to Taiwan's economic growth

  • ...or so

    (高飛) (a-hyuk!)

  • In terms of obeying the law

    除了漸漸改善的三大陋習以外 Aside from eradicating the three vices

  • With the support of Baojia system

    日本也把守時守法守秩序一起帶到臺灣來 Japan also stressed the importance of being punctual and obedient

  • the police kept it sooooo peaceful that

    首先是守時的部分 First, about punctuality

  • People in Taiwan didn't even need to lock their doors at night

    日本帶來星期制 The Governor General introduced the concept of a 7-day week

  • The Governor General also introduced the Western law system

    而且規定星期日要休息 and set Sunday as a day off

  • so Taiwan's judiciary evolved from the guillotine


  • to a modern system with judges and lawyers

    於是原本一年到頭工作得死去活來の云云草民們 So all the peeps who used to bust their asses off 24-7

  • (Take double the payback!)

    開始有了閒暇時間 started to have downtime

  • In the early years

    開始想 and though

  • these new rules were forced on the Taiwanese by the police

    放假沒事 我要做啥 "Hmmm...what am I gonna do with all this spare time?"

  • But after a while

    打鐵 partay!!

  • People got used to it

    也開始發展一些有的沒有的休閒活動 And thus all kinds of recreational activities started to pop out

  • and became punctual and obedient on their own

    打鐵 partay!!

  • Let's clarify something real quick

    除了星期制 Besides the week system

  • Ano...

    日本也帶來分分秒秒的時間制度 Japan also brought in the Standard Time System

  • Everyone seems to think that

    在格林威治標準時間的引進下 With the introduction of Greenwich Mean Time

  • calling Taiwan a "Ghost Island" is a new thing...

    原本「午時一刻」的這種時間觀念 The concept of time changed from the Chinese Sexagenary cycle

  • The plague was a serious problem

    變成今天我們習慣的「晚上8點」 into stuff like"eight p.m."

  • at the beginning of the Japanese rule

    的這種方式 ...or so

  • You might get to Taiwan

    而說到守法的部分 In terms of obeying the law

  • and immediately want a free return in 7 days

    警察「大人」在保甲制度的灑破下 With the support of Baojia system

  • So even a hundred years ago

    把臺灣變得好闢斯 the police kept it sooooo peaceful that

  • people were already calling Taiwan

    幾乎達到「夜不閉戶」的狀態 People in Taiwan didn't even need to lock their doors at night

  • To solve this public health issue

    總督府也引進了西方法律制度 The Governor General also introduced the Western law system

  • the Governor General put in work

    於是臺灣便由包大人虎頭鍘 so Taiwan's judiciary evolved from the guillotine

  • to set up public health and medical systems

    轉變成近代法官或是什麼 王牌大律師之類的司法環境 to a modern system with judges and lawyers

  • The National Taiwan University Hospital was founded

    (十倍奉還) (Take double the payback!)

  • aka the TGG Medical School at that time

    臺灣人早期 In the early years

  • Also

    無力抵抗日本大人的淫威 these new rules were forced on the Taiwanese by the police

  • the Baojia system was in charge of supervising health ed

    後來時間久了 But after a while

  • As a result

    習慣以後 People got used to it

  • the Taiwanese became more civilized

    也就這樣養成安分守己 守時守法的好習慣 and became punctual and obedient on their own

  • That's why you don't see us spitting on sidewalks


  • or dropping doo-doos whenever, wherever

    這裡我們要來小小澄清一下 Let's clarify something real quick

  • Also

    阿no Ano...

  • the mortality rate dropped a lot

    話說這個鬼島 Everyone seems to think that

  • The population of Taiwan grew from 3 million people

    大家似乎以為是最近的事情 calling Taiwan a "Ghost Island" is a new thing...


  • Uh...

    日治初期 The plague was a serious problem

  • Okay, we now know that

    瘟疫問題非常嚴重 at the beginning of the Japanese rule

  • many antique and prestigious architectures we see nowadays

    可能今天才剛到臺灣 You might get to Taiwan

  • along with the change of lifestyle

    七天後就被宅配回家啦 and immediately want a free return in 7 days

  • A huge part was due to the Japanese rule in the past 50 years

    所以早在歡樂的100年前 So even a hundred years ago

  • Well... besides beingaccidentallyforgotten by the KM...

    臺灣就曾被日本人稱作 people were already calling Taiwan

  • by the ca--mpus


  • Another reason is because the Japanese Rule

    為了解決鬼島臺灣的衛生問題 To solve this public health issue

  • was in essence a colonization

    總督府非常積極地 the Governor General put in work

  • And that makes many people unwilling to admit the good parts

    建立公共衛生和醫療制度等等 to set up public health and medical systems

  • For example

    除了成立台大醫院的前身 The National Taiwan University Hospital was founded

  • Both at work and in education

    也就是臺灣總督府醫學校以外 aka the TGG Medical School at that time

  • It was obvious that the Taiwanese were excluded

    同時 Also

  • Japanese people not only occupied most of the government positions

    也動員保甲來監督各種衛生教育與規定 the Baojia system was in charge of supervising health ed

  • For the same position

    這些制度不僅增加民眾的水平兒 As a result

  • Taiwanese people got paid much less

    這些制度不僅增加民眾的水平兒 the Taiwanese became more civilized

  • In terms of education

    像是不會隨地吐痰啦 That's why you don't see us spitting on sidewalks

  • Taiwanese people either went to worse schools

    或是不會到處便便 等等 or dropping doo-doos whenever, wherever

  • or couldn't even go to schools

    並且 Also

  • In addition to this unfair treatment

    還大幅降低了死亡率 the mortality rate dropped a lot

  • Agricultural exploitation was even worse

    使臺灣的人口得以從日治初期的300萬人 The population of Taiwan grew from 3 million people

  • Remember Kodama Gentaro and Goto Shinpei?

    暴增到660萬人 to SIX POINT SIX MILLION

  • They thought sugar manufacturing not only attracts investment

    額 Uh...

  • it's also the foundation of a colonial economy

    說到這邊 相信大家都可以感受到 Okay, we now know that

  • So Goto went to Nitobe Inazo

    今天我們看到的許多 百年工法尊榮獨享的建築 many antique and prestigious architectures we see nowadays

  • who later wrote

    以及潛移默化的生活習慣 along with the change of lifestyle

  • to um...

    很大部分都是源自於過去50年的日治時期 A huge part was due to the Japanese rule in the past 50 years

  • reform the sugar industry


  • The next year

    欸 除了過去國民 Well... besides being “accidentally” forgotten by the KM...

  • the Imperial Conference passed the

    國民教育可能長期不小心忽略以外 by the ca--mpus

  • "Taiwan Sugar Business Encouragement Rules"

    另外一個原因就是 Another reason is because the Japanese Rule

  • which restricted sugarcane sales to certain corporations

    日本殖民統治的本質 was in essence a colonization

  • The price was directly controlled

    造成今天很多人不願意正視日治時期的成就 And that makes many people unwilling to admit the good parts

  • No matter how bad the price was

    例如 For example

  • Taiwanese farmers had no choice but to suck it up

    日治時期的台灣在工作或是教育上 Both at work and in education

  • This kind of colonial injustice

    都出現很明顯的排擠現象 It was obvious that the Taiwanese were excluded

  • left sad Taiwanese farmers with happy Japanese capitalists

    除了日本人「口尼幾蛙」地壟斷大多數政府的職位以外 Japanese people not only occupied most of the government positions

  • And the consequence of this exploitation

    平平做同樣的工作 For the same position

  • led to the saying

    臺灣人就是「蘇咪媽線一」地拿比較少錢 Taiwanese people got paid much less

  • Al-righty


  • After telling you about both the exploitation

    在教育方面 In terms of education

  • and how Taiwan was modernized under the Japanese rule

    臺灣人不僅念的學校比較差 Taiwanese people either went to worse schools

  • We have finally bridged the 50-year-gap!

    有時候想讀書也不一定有得讀雷 or couldn't even go to schools

  • Back to our topic

    除了這些不平等待遇以外 In addition to this unfair treatment

  • When we look back at this part of history

    農業上的剝削更是逆風高飛 Agricultural exploitation was even worse

  • Either overpraising

    記得兒玉和後藤這對好麻吉嗎 Remember Kodama Gentaro and Goto Shinpei?

  • or denigrating Japan's influence on Taiwan

    他們認為製糖可以吸引投資 They thought sugar manufacturing not only attracts investment

  • is actually harmful for a full understanding of this period

    也是發展殖民經濟的基礎 it's also the foundation of a colonial economy

  • Both can easily lead to bigotry

    於是後藤桑找上了新渡戶稻造先生 So Goto went to Nitobe Inazo

  • and make us victims to our own preconceptions

    寫了份改良糖業的 who later wrote

  • Like seeing a hot chick on the street


  • but when she turns around

    對糖業 to um...

  • (a-hyuck!)

    做一些改良 reform the sugar industry

  • Uh...

    隔年 The next year

  • Okay, that's all for today

    帝國議會立馬通過了 the Imperial Conference passed the

  • Let me finish this brandy

    《糖業獎勵規則》 "Taiwan Sugar Business Encouragement Rules"

  • And we'll see you next time!

    裡面規定甘蔗只能賣給指定的株式會社 which restricted sugarcane sales to certain corporations

  • Bye!

    價格直接受到會社控制 The price was directly controlled

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