字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, everyone, welcome to Taiwan Bar. 哈囉,大家好,歡迎光臨臺灣吧。 Today, we're going to talk about the social movements in the 1920s. 今天要跟大家聊聊 1920 年代臺灣的社會運動。 Social movements back then were kind of similar to those nowadays. 當時的社會運動跟今日的有些許相似之處。 Of course, the most active role has always been students. 當然,其中最活躍的角色一直都是學生族群。 The cradle of Taiwan's social movements, however, was not Taiwan, but the de facto capital of Japan⏤Tokyo. 然而,臺灣社會運動的發源地其實不是臺灣,而是在日本帝國的首都,東京。 During the rule under Emperor Taishō, social movements in Japan swept through the country. 大正天皇年間,日本國內的社會運動已經橫掃全國。 Uncles, aunties, gramps, and grannies⏤everyone was on the street, protesting. 左鄰右舍、公公婆婆無一不上街抗議。 Taiwanese students in Japan were influenced by this kind of democracy, making Tokyo the place for Taiwanese people to absorb new ideas. 當時在日本留學的臺灣人受到了民主思潮的洗禮,使東京變成臺灣人在海外吸收新思想的溫床。 Under the rule of Goto Shinpei, Taiwan was not only modernized with Japan; people also gave up armed protests. 在後藤新平因地制宜的治理之下,臺灣除了被拎著一起現代化以外,也漸漸放棄了武裝抗日。 [In] Today's episode, let's talk about how social movements blew from Japan to Taiwan. 我們今天就來聊聊社會運動是如何從日本傳到臺灣的。 Here we go! 開始囉! After World War I, national self-determination became the coolest kid on the block. 一次世界大戰後,民族自決變成了最熱門的想法。 So, the Governor-General thought, "Woah, before we lose Taiwan to this self-determination thing, we'd better assimilate Taiwanese ASAP." 所以總督府心想:「哇,比起民族自決可能會失去整個臺灣,倒不如盡快對它實施同化主義。」 So, the way they ruled Taiwan changed from special ruling to assimilation. 因此,他們治理臺灣的方式從特別統治改成了內地延長。 But the story wasn't as easy as that. 但是事情才沒那麼簡單。 Out of nowhere came Lin Cheng-lu, saying that emphasizing Taiwan's unique character would be better than assimilating it. 林呈祿突然出現,表示:與其同化,不如強調臺灣的獨特性。 So, protests started going another direction, and out came the Petition Movement for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament. 所以整個運動峰迴路轉變成「臺灣議會設置請願運動」。 What's that? 那是什麼? Well, you smarty little pantsy probably could tell by the name, can't you? 嗯,聰明的你們從名稱就應該猜到了吧? Instead of being assimilated, the Taiwanese pled to set up its own parliament to rule on their own. 比起被同化,臺灣人聲稱要設置組織獨立議會進行自治。 Yeah! Self-determination! 耶!自治主義! At this point, the Governor-General was speechless. 這個時候, 總督府無言以對。 When we treated you differently, you asked to be the same. 當我們給你們差別待遇時,你想要和日本人平起平坐。 When we treat you the same, you want self-determination? 當我們要平起平坐時,你們卻想要自治? Come on! 拜託! Taiwanese intellectuals in the 1920s were always one step ahead. 1920 年代的臺灣知識分子永遠走在時代尖端。 Avant garde and totally rad! 既前衛又了不起! Anyway, they pled to set up their own council. 總之,他們請願要設立自己的議會。 In 1921, Lin Hsien-tang and the others started to fight for Taiwan's self-determination. 1921 年,林獻堂等人開始向日本國會爭取臺灣自治。 The Petition Movement for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament went on for 14 years with... uh... no avail. 而這個「臺灣議會設置請願運動」總共持續了14年卻都沒有成功。 In the process, however, many political elite were cultivated and raised the public awareness of the Taiwanese even more. 過程中卻培養了許多臺灣的政治菁英,更喚醒了臺灣人的自覺意識。 Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese. 覺得「臺灣是臺灣人的」。 Looking back at the 1920s, that was the time when... unarmed protests was a new thing we possessed. 回顧 1920 年代,當時非武裝抗爭是我們新獲得的東西。 It's hard to detest because the outcome was the best, you know? 無法反抗,因為成果很了不起,懂嗎? Compared to Korea at that time, the Taiwanese were much more polite. 比起當時的朝鮮,臺灣人客氣多了。 Koreans not only wildly engaged in armed protects against Japan, they also assassinated Ito Hirobumi, the guy who signed The Treaty of Shimonoseki. 朝鮮族不只狂野地以武力對抗日本,還成功地刺殺簽署馬關條約的伊藤博文。 That's what I call K-pop, pop, pop, pop! 那才能叫做是瘋狂韓流呀! Besides the heated discussions overseas on whether to set up councils or not, Dr. Chiang Wei-shui also diagnosed Taiwan as a culturally malnourished brainless jellyfish... 除了海外熱烈討論是否要設置議會,蔣渭水醫生也替臺灣開了個診斷書,認為臺灣是文化素質不良的水母腦⋯⋯ You, dumb dumb! 你笨笨! ... having large but empty brains, all they had was kindness and naivety, along with other Confucianism values. ⋯⋯大腦袋裡什麼都沒裝,只有和善與天真以及溫良恭儉讓的儒家思想。 If they could grow a bit more knowledge and self-awareness, they'd still have the chance to not be miserable. 如果他們能夠長點知識並有自覺意識,至少就還有機會不鬱鬱寡歡。 Therefore, Dr. Chiang Wei-shui proposed founding the Taiwanese Cultural Association. 因此,蔣渭水醫生提議成立臺灣文化協會。 And Mr. Lin Hsien-tang, the biggest sponsor to Taiwan's social movements, volunteered as the manager of the association. 而身為臺灣社會運動最大贊助者的林獻堂先生也挺身擔任協會總理。 Both of them dedicated themselves to helping Taiwan transform. 兩人致力於協助臺灣改革。 After the Taiwanese Cultural Association was founded, they published newspapers, delivered speeches, organized summer camps and even theater. 臺灣文化協會成立以後,發行了報紙、舉辦各種演講、規劃夏令營,甚至劇場活動。 They also helped Taiwanese break bad habits like opium-smoking and superstitions. 他們也幫助臺灣戒除諸如吸食鴉片、迷信等陋習。 Among this was an interesting group called "Mei-tai Group". 其中有個叫做「美臺團」的有趣組織。 They used the latest technology to play educative movies around the island. 他們利用當時最先進的科技在全島巡迴播放教育性電影。 So, kind of like the Taiwan Bar during the Japanese rule. 可以說是日治時期的臺灣吧。 Out of the various activities, the most influential were the cultural speeches. 在形形色色的活動中,最有影響力的就是文化演講。 More than 300 speeches in 365 days, gaining more than 200,000 views! 一年 365 天超過 300 場演講,總觀看率超過 20 萬人! That's more than any of our recent videos; we gotta step it up! 這比我們任何一部近期影片都還多,我們得加把勁了! And that's why social movements in the late 1920s were so highly-participated. 這也使 1920 年代後期的社會運動參與率能這麼高。 Hold on; let's clarify something real quick. 等等,先快速澄清一下。 [Japanese] Ano... [日語] 這個嘛⋯⋯ Now when we speak of the communist party, people seem to think it's a China thing. 我們現在講到共產黨,人們似乎都認為那是中國的東西。 But back in the Japanese rule, there was also a communist party in Taiwan. 但在日治時期間,臺灣也有一個共產黨。 In 1928, the Taiwanese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai and brought back to Taiwan by Xie Xue-hong. 1928 年,創意於上海的臺灣共產黨被謝雪紅引入臺灣。 The TCP was dedicated to speaking out for the proletariat, but this class conflict was even more rad than self-determination. 臺灣共產黨致力於替無產階級發聲,但這種階級鬥爭的想法卻比自治路線還要激進。 The invasion of radical ideas was one of the reasons why social groups were divided into radical and moderate groups. 激進思想的滲入也是漸漸將社會運動分裂成激進派與溫和派的原因之一。 Social groups that were supposed to fight together for Taiwan started holding each other back. 當初為了臺灣而共同奮鬥的社會團體開始互相扯後腿。 Even when Chiang Wei-shui reminded the Taiwanese that, 即使後來蔣渭水提醒臺灣人: Comrades stick together, hey! Together we are strong, hey! 「同胞須團結、團結才有力」 Taiwan still couldn't avoid being brought down by this internal strife. 臺灣卻還是無法避免被內鬥拖垮的命運。 Besides that, the Governor-General still had to deal with all sorts of social movements. 除了內鬨以外,總督府還要應付各種不同的社會運動。 Even though they didn't bring out tanks to run over anyone, they still had a few tricks up their sleeves. 雖然他們沒有開坦克車鎮壓人民,但他們還是暗藏了不少詭計。 Trick number one: Turning the Enemy Against Each Other 第一計:離間計 In 1922, General Den Kenjiro gathered a few social movement leaders including Lin Hsien-tang to discuss establishing a Taiwanese parliament. 1922 年時,總督田健治郎找來包含林獻堂在內的幾位社運人士,討論設立臺灣議會的事情。 Although they didn't reach a consensus at the end, the Governor-General started spreading rumors that Lin had taken a bribe to stop social movements. 雖然雙方最後未達成共識,但總督府卻開始散播謠言,聲稱林獻堂已經收賄,準備停止社會運動。 Many people were brainwashed by these rumors and believed Lin was a traitor, 許多人被這些謠言洗腦,相信林獻堂是叛徒, making the biggest sponsor of social movements, Mr. Lin Hsien-tang, very sad and very lonely. 這讓身為這起社運最大擁護者的林獻堂非常傷心且寂寞。 Trick number two: Kill with A Borrowed Sword 第二計:借刀殺人 The Governor-General asked Koo Hsien-jung, along with all the other gentries who were powerful and wealthy, and put together a group called "The Powerful". 總督府邀請辜顯榮以及其他有權、有錢的士紳階級, 組成了稱為「有力者大會」的組織。 "The Powerful" accused the leaders of the Petition Movement of having ulterior motives and urged the silent majority to come forward. 「有力者」大力抨擊議會設置運動的領袖別有用心,呼籲沉默的多數臺人站出來。 Social movement leaders, on the other hand, called themselves "The Weak" to fight against "The Powerful". 而當時的社運份子則自稱「無力者大會」,正面迎擊「有力者」。 Trick number three: Bring Out the Po-Po's! 第三計:叫警察! In 1923, in order to keep the Petition Movement rolling, Chiang Wei-shui and his squad wanted to assemble a League for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament. 在 1923 年,為了讓議會請願活動順利進行,蔣渭水等人想要組成臺灣議會期成同盟會。 But Governor-General wouldn't budge. 但總督府怎樣都不願意妥協。 So, Chiang went off to Tokyo do it. 所以蔣渭水就前往東京執行。 After finding out, the Governor-General was pissed. 總督府發現了之後,氣憤無比。 So, it brought out the po-po's island-wide to prosecute citizens. 所以它備齊警力,在全島各處起訴民眾。 This is the notorious Armed Police Incident. 這就是著名的「治警事件」。 However, the Taiwanese were known for their tenacity. 不過臺灣人是以韌性聞名。 The more tricks the Governor-General played, the more repulsive the Taiwanese got. 總督府越是發出爛招,民眾就越發反感。 So, after the Armed Police Incident, the Taiwanese were even more active in social movements. 因此,治警事件以後,臺灣的民眾就更積極地參與社會運動。 Hmm, sounds kinda like the situation today. 嗯,聽起來跟現況有點像。 After all these stories about Taiwan's social movements, we now know a little bit more about the first stage of Taiwan's democracy. 講完臺灣過去社運的這些故事後,我們對臺灣追求民主的第一階段有多一點的認識了。 But social movements in the 1920s also had a lot of problems. 但 1920 年代的社會運動也有很多問題 。 For example, the objective of the Taiwanese Cultural Association was to promote Taiwanese culture. 舉例而言,臺灣文化協會旨在推廣臺灣文化。 However, it excluded certain cultures at the same time, like Taiwanese folk opera from Ilan was seen as low-class and vulgar. 然而卻在同時排斥某些特有文化,像是發源於宜蘭的歌仔戲就被視為低級與鄙俗的東西。 The prosperous period of social movements did not last long. 這對輝煌的社運時期並未持續太久。 Rolling into the 30s, under the rise of militarism in Japan, voices rooting for democracy disappeared. 進入 1930 年代後、日本軍國主義日漸抬頭,各種支持民主的聲音漸漸消失。 The New Taiwanese Cultural Association, Formosan Peasant Union, Taiwan People's Party, and all other radical organizations were banned or dismissed. 新文化協會、臺灣農民組合、臺灣民眾黨等各種激進組織都難逃被禁止或解散的命運。 Even the most moderate one, the Taiwan Local Government Association, dismissed itself due to the circumstances. 連最溫和的臺灣地方自治聯盟也被情勢所逼而解散。 So, did the efforts over this period of time go back to square one, or did they plant seeds of hope for Taiwanese after all? 那個,這十幾年間的努力是化為烏有,還是的確在臺灣人心中埋下希望的種子呢? Alrighty, after all that talk, I'm a bit thirsty. 好啦,說這麼多,口也點渴了。 Let me down this Sake, and we'll see you next time. 讓我喝完這清酒,我們下次見囉。 Bye! 再見!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 臺灣 taiwan 臺灣人 運動 社會 議會 動畫臺灣史:『日治時期的社會運動』 (The Biggest Social Movement in Taiwan ⏤ History of Taiwan) 12460 383 Courtney Shih 發佈於 2022 年 08 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字