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  • (Image source: Digital Trends)

  • Scientists have confirmed the first case of a person infected with an entirely new bird

  • flu virusand it's a 20-year-old woman in Taiwan.

  • The woman reportedly began showing symptoms back in May after contracting what doctors

  • thought was a lung infectionbut turned out to be a never-before-seen strain of bird

  • flu dubbed H6N1. She has since recovered after receiving treatment.

  • An infectious disease expert explains to CTV how this new virus is different from the H5N1

  • found in southeast Asia over the last five years and the H7N9 virus spotted in China

  • last year.

  • "We're not dealing with anyone who was actually killed by the virus. The other bird flu can

  • be quite lethal ... And the other thing is that they have not found more cases."

  • And further investigation into the woman's case has many researchers scrambling to find

  • out how she became infected.

  • So far, there's no evidence H6N1 can be spread between person-to-person contact. KOMU reports

  • the woman previously worked in a deli and had no known connection to live birds.

  • LiveScience reports researchers identified 36 people who had been in close contact with

  • the woman since becoming infected, including those who treated her in the hospital. Six

  • of those reportedly showed flu-like symptoms, but none tested positive for the virus.

  • The Los Angeles Times reports a family that lived near the woman kept a flock of 60 ducks,

  • chicken and geese, but she said she hadn't made contact with any of the birds for at

  • least a year. Researchers tested a few samples of bird stool anyway, and all of them were

  • negative for flu.

  • Researchers from Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control in Taipei and several hospitals and

  • medical schools are continuing to investigate her case.

(Image source: Digital Trends)


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B1 中級

新的禽流感菌株感染了第一例人類。 (New Bird Flu Strain Infects First Human)

  • 356 13
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日