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  • Thanks to Brilliant for supporting this whole week of SciShow!

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  • [♪ INTRO]

  • In a study published last week in Nature,

  • scientists were able to get molecular information from teeth that are more than 1.7 million years old.

  • With it, they determined the sex of the animals,

  • and even found that we'd been grouping ancient rhinos incorrectly.

  • But that's not the most exciting part.

  • The method may allow us to get similar data for fossils tens of times older than that,

  • which could completely change how we study extinct organisms.

  • Today, when scientists want to determine the species and lineage of a creature,

  • they usually try to sequence its DNA.

  • That's because genomes contain the most evolutionary information,

  • they literally contain all of the blueprints to build organisms.

  • But, DNA is fragile, and over time, it breaks apart.

  • The technology to retrieve DNA from ancient samples is improving,

  • but it's just not likely that fossils which are millions of years old

  • have enough DNA left for meaningful sequencing.

  • So for those, pretty much all researchers have had is morphology,

  • that is, the shape of the bones and how similar they are to others.

  • As you might imagine, that has its drawbacks, because looks can only tell you so much.

  • Just ask a paleontologist whether Torosaurus is the adult form of Triceratops.

  • Or, ask an anthropologist whether the so-called hobbit fossils from Indonesia

  • represent a human species or a developmental disorder.

  • But it turns out you don't have to choose between DNA and morphology.

  • There's an option in between that lets researchers get a fuller evolutionary picture,

  • while getting around that whole DNA-doesn't-last thing:

  • they can sequence the proteins instead.

  • Because proteins are built from DNA blueprints, they also contain what scientists call genetic information,

  • it's just a bit less information than DNA because some details are lost in the translation step.

  • It's more information than morphology, though.

  • So much like DNA sequences, protein sequences can be used to test evolutionary hypotheses

  • and more accurately determine the relationships between organisms.

  • And proteins hold up a lot longer than DNA does.

  • Scientists have recovered them from 3.8-million-year old eggshells,

  • and they've even detected amino acids, the building blocks of proteins,

  • in 300-million-year-old fish fossils.

  • And if you can determine the amino acid sequence for an ancient protein,

  • you can compare that to sequences of the same protein.

  • That lets you perform analyses similar to what we do with DNA.

  • Even if you haven't sequenced proteins from other species directly,

  • you can infer amino acid sequences from DNA data

  • because the genetic code which translates genes into proteins is the same for all living things.

  • So you can build a database of proteins from genome sequences,

  • and then compare other proteins to an ancient one.

  • But which proteins you use makes a difference.

  • This actually isn't the first time scientists have gotten protein sequences from really old fossils.

  • A similar thing was done for structural proteins called collagens in an 80-million-year-old dinosaur bone.

  • But, because the genes for those proteins are widespread and similar in many species,

  • the information wasn't super useful.

  • Scientists couldn't figure out whether the creature was

  • more closely related to modern birds or modern crocodiles.

  • And that's why, for the new study, the multinational team tried their luck with dental enamel instead.

  • They successfully extracted protein fragments from 15 teeth from a site in Dmanisi, Georgia,

  • which was dated to almost 1.8 million years ago.

  • Then, they sequenced them using the same approach as that ancient dino collagen:

  • a technique called tandem mass spectrometry.

  • A mass spectrometer can identify molecules in a sample

  • by bombarding them with electrons to make them charged,

  • then sorting the charged particles by mass.

  • Because a molecule's mass is determined by its atomic components,

  • scientists can use mass to identify different compounds.

  • Tandem mass spectrometry takes the process one step further.

  • The molecules go through one mass spectrometer,

  • then get split up into smaller fragments to go through a second mass spectrometer.

  • That helps increase accuracy, so researchers can really reliably sequence small amounts of stuff,

  • like ancient proteins.

  • And right off the bat, the researchers were able to figure out if the teeth were from

  • male or female animals!

  • It turns out the gene for a particular version of an enamel protein is found on Y chromosomes,

  • so the presence of that protein indicates a tooth is from a male.

  • But researchers were really excited by one of their samples,

  • a lower molar which morphology suggested belonged to a member of the genus Stephanorhinus,

  • an extinct rhinoceros from the Pleistocene.

  • It provided so many sequences that the team was able to construct a molecular evolutionary tree

  • that included it, several modern rhinos, and two other extinct ones.

  • That confirmed the morphology was right about the ID,

  • and it helped sort out where the genus fits into the rhino family.

  • You see, there's been some debate about whether Stephanorhinus was an ancient relative

  • of the Sumatran rhino

  • or more closely related to the now-extinct wooly rhinoceros.

  • And the data from the tooth enamel sided with the latter.

  • Constructing such a robust evolutionary tree is a great proof-of-concept,

  • because teeth are everywhere in the fossil record,

  • and dental enamel contains some of the toughest proteins we know of.

  • That means, this method could answer some of the biggest questions in paleontology,

  • archaeology, and anthropology.

  • Like, using this technique could help us construct a better human family tree

  • and answer questions like where did our species evolve and exactly how do we relate to other hominins.

  • After all, almost all of the fossils of our hominin kin, like Lucy,

  • are beyond the reach of ancient DNA, but not ancient proteins.

  • And protein analyses could be tried in more recent fossils where DNA extraction has failed,

  • like the so-called hobbits of Flores.

  • And it might even settle some long-standing debates about dinosaurs.

  • Though, it's a little too soon to say that definitively.

  • After all, the enamel in this study was a little less than 2 million years old,

  • and dinosaur fossils are more than 30 times that age.

  • So the researchers say we can't assume the process will work on something so ancient.

  • But, as we mentioned earlier, protein sequences have been recovered from dinosaur fossils,

  • so there's hope.

  • And wouldn't it be great to settle that Triceratops debate once and for all?

  • Though, when you think about it,

  • it's kind of amazing that we know as much as we do about long-extinct animals without genetic information.

  • And that's basically due to geometry.

  • By comparing shapes and measuring angles,

  • paleontologists can make some pretty accurate guesses about what species a bone came from

  • or how an animal moved.

  • And if you want to understand the power of geometry for yourself, well,

  • that's something that can help with.

  • Their Geometry Fundamentals course gives a fantastic overview

  • of everything from basic area calculations to 3D geometry and more.

  • When you're done, you'll start seeing how geometry is all around us all the time!

  • And you'll be one step closer to studying dinosaurs.

  • And if you sign up for a premium subscription, you'll get access to all their courses,

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  • So there's never been a better time to sign up!

  • [♪ OUTRO]

Thanks to Brilliant for supporting this whole week of SciShow!


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這顆古老的牙齒可能會動搖我們研究進化的方式 | 科學秀新聞 (This Ancient Tooth Could Shake Up How We Study Evolution | SciShow News)

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