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Most people don't reach their dream not because of failure
most people don't live their dream because they give up
you see it's not the failure that stops us
but that most stopped at their first failure.
Those who succeed don't stop at one failure
they don't stop at ten failures
they don't stop at a hundred or a thousand or a million
they say "this is my goal, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
I will learn the lessons from any failures
I will learn faster, I will work harder, I will work smarter
and I will not quit until my dream is a reality"
That's the difference between success and failure.
Failure is a massive part of being able to be successful
You have to get comfortable with failure, you have to actually seek failure
failure is where all of the lessons are
you know, when you go to the gym and you work out
you're actually seeking failure, you want to take your muscles to the point where you get to failure
because that's where the adaptation is, that's where growth is.
Successful people fail a lot, they fail a whole lot more than they succeed.
They extract the lessons from the failure, and they use that- the energy
and they use the wisdom to come around to the next phase of success.
Gotta take a shot, you have to live at the edge of your capabilities
you gotta live where you're almost certain you're gonna fail
the reason for practice, practice is controlled failure
you're getting to your limit, getting to your limit, getting to your limit
you can't lift that, you can't do that
until you get to the point that all of a sudden your body makes the adjustment
and then you can do it.
failure actually helps you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve
so fail early, fail often, fail forward.
Failure makes winners stronger, failure makes winners hungrier
but it makes most give up
it makes most feel worthless.
Winners don't enjoy failure
but they would never let failure stop them.
next time you encounter failure
you got to remember every great thing on this planet is here
because the creator learned what did work but learned more from what did not work.
When we are kids, we don't stop at failure
when we first learned to ride a bike, it's failure after failure
we get knocked down time after time
but we get up and push forward, It's so we'll achieve our goal of riding the bike
but then, we get old and most of us get weak
we are too soft to get back on the bike.
We come up with excuses
it must not be for me!
No, you just soft
no, you just lazy.
Tell yourself the truth
get back on the bike
learn why you failed
and make sure you don't fall again
make sure you are stronger for having the lesson.
You know it's always a little bit frustrating to me
when people have a negative relationship with failure.
Fail early, fail often, fail forward.
You're here right now at this moment
because tomorrow you want to be somebody greater than the person you are today.
You see yourself succeeding
you have a vision
you have a dream
Congratulations, you're already ten steps ahead of 95% of the world.
Imagine if Michael Jordan was scared of missing
he would have never taken a shot.
Imagine if Steve Jobs was afraid of people not liking his product
there would be no iPhone.
So, ask yourself this, do you want to be a person who fears failure?
or do you want to be a person who loves success?
which one?
you gonna have to pick today
and I'll tell you one thing
one is a failure, and one is a success
and If you love success, there is nothing that can stop you
all those negative things people say will mean nothing.
They're gonna talk about how only 1% make it to the top
big deal, wanna know something else?
Only 1% stick with that fitness program long enough to see results
only 1% of nerds stick with that video game long enough to get good at it
only 1% of relationships stick it out to the end.
That doesn't mean you have a 1% chance
it just means you can't behave like the 99%
you'll have to do something better than giving up a month from now
those are just numbers.
You want to talk about numbers
take a look around you and take a good look around you
are you like 99% of the people around you?
If you are, then you're in the wrong video my friend
You have to love success just as much
because that's gonna allow you to get up and go for it.
Being scared to fail won't do anything
in fact, when you love success and you start going for it
guess what happens?
You're gonna fail, you're gonna fail ten times, a hundred times
maybe even a thousand times, but that's okay
failure isn't permanent
falling isn't permanent.
You get right back up and keep going
and this time you're gonna be stronger, wiser and you'll be more driven than ever
and for every ten failures, you'll land one success.
You have to love success so much
that you're willing to fail ten times before you can succeed once
that's how a winner does it
I wanna explain the biggest myth that most people think leads them to success
and here's the myth
You might believe if you're scared to fail you won't fail.
Lies, biggest myth ever
and I believed it.
You see, I always thought that being scared to fail in life
would literally keep me from failing
I would look at the losers around me and I would say
" sheesh, I never want to turn out like him"
I really believed this train of thought would help me succeed
until one day
I was walking down the street and I saw an old man
had a hat, suspenders and a cane
was about 80 years old.
This old man was barely walking, he could walk but the cane helped a lot, he was struggling.
So anyway, he was walking across the street and he ended up falling
so I went over to go help him
and he gets up says “thank you” and we introduce ourselves
had a little conversation, told me his name and I told him mine
his name was Robert by the way
and right as he walked away I told him, this is what I said
“Robert, you should stay inside where it's safe my friend”
and Robert turns around and says to me
“I love walking, and I love walking way more than I'm afraid of falling”
So, I asked him well
"what about your safety? don't you want to live?"
and he told me this, these are the exact words he said, he said this
“Solo, living means doing what you love to do
and if I have to fall here and there to do what I want to do in life, then so be it”
and he just walked away, never saw him again, that was it.
But that statement really had me thinking and it had me thinking hard
because I learned something that day.
That's when I realized the true key to success
you see, I always thought if I could just fear the act of failing and if I fear it like crazy
I will succeed
because I thought the fear would magically motivate me to get out there and start taking action
but after that day uh-uh
I realized something
I realize it's the love for success that will lead me to succeeding.
So, just imagine if Robert feared falling
would he even start walking?
of course not
he wouldn't even do what he loved to do
he would sit at home and take no type of action
but he loved walking
wasn't even scared to fall
it gave him life
that's what allowed him to get up and do it.
He loved walking so much, he was willing to fall 10 times a day just to do it
and you have to be the same
So the next time someone tells you “you're gonna fail”
you know what you tell them
Tell them they're right
but you're not afraid to fail, you're not afraid to take action
you're not afraid to jump
you're gonna fail 10 times but you know what
It's cool because on the 11th time you'll succeed
oh, you'll succeed alright
and it will feel good
and while you're over here living the life of your dreams in complete happiness
guess where they're gonna be?
That's right, they'll be failures, the real failures
over there where it's safe, scared to fail
ironic, isn't it?
You know
a lot of people come up to me and they ask me "Marco
what is it that motivates you most?”
and to answer their question, I reply back with a question
I say “what if I told you that you had one week left to live?”
would you regret not pursuing your dreams, passions and desires?
would you regret not living your life to the fullest?
would you regret not spending as much time with your family, friends, or loved ones?
You know Steve Jobs said in a speech one time that
he used to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and ask himself questions like this
and he said that if the answer was yes for too many days in a row
then he knew that he had to change something
and that should go for all of us.
If you're living a life that you would not be okay with losing
because you weren't able to do things you wanted to do
then now you know that you need to change something.
Life is simply too short and unpredictable
to not live exactly the way that you please.
It is ridiculously unpredictable
it is possible that on any given day to die at any point throughout that day
without ever being able to see it coming.
you know when I was 13, I had this teacher who was an absolutely amazing person
I'd known him for several years then
and he had two kids, a loving wife, he was a man of God
contributed to the community, he gave us everything that he had
and he would bike to school every single day
I always remember him coming to school on his bike
and one morning on his way to school, It was early in the morning
he was crossing an intersection, a reckless driver comes out of nowhere
hits him, he dies on the spot on the moment of impact.
His death taught me so many valuable things in life
and one of them being that it went on to show
that no matter how much you don't deserve to die
and no matter how good of a person you are
and no matter what your situation is, no matter anything
it goes to show that death is inevitable and random
and it will eventually consume each and every single one of us
whether it's in 50 years, in 10 years, next year, or even tomorrow.
You cannot control it
the people around you cannot control it.
As long as you're at the wrong place at the wrong time
your whole life could disappear in the blink of an eye
along with everything you wished you could have done
whether you're walking down the street
whether you're stepping into the elevator
whether you're walking down the stairs
whether you're, whether you're just existing.
Listen you'll see people from nowhere die of a heart attack, gone
no family history, no symptoms, no cause, nothing
it happens and that's the cruel life that we live in
and it's something that we cannot control.
So, what I wanna make clear
is that regardless of the path that you take in your life
at one point death will consume you
it doesn't care whether you floss your teeth in the morning
whether you raise a family or not
whether you go on to be rich, poor, a success, a failure
whether whatever, you are still going to die at one point, it is that simple
and knowing that you're going to die soon should be the biggest motivation
to both make the difficult decisions in life
and to get your ass out of bed in the morning.
So, now the question becomes, what is it that you truly have to lose?
If you pursue your dreams and you fail
sure you might be a little bit more financially unstable
you might experience stress or other feelings you wish you never had to experience
but either way, even if you fail you will end up back to where you started
which is where you are now.
So, what do you literally have to lose?
some of you right now, you're thinking about maybe starting a business
you have a great idea that you wanna incorporate into your lifestyle
maybe you're thinking about pursuing your dreams to the fullest
maybe you're thinking about putting in the work
to become a doctor, an engineer, a firefighter, a professional athlete
but some of you won't follow these ambitions because you're afraid
you're afraid to fail, you let the fear of failure dictate your actions
and you're afraid of what mom or papa thinks
you're afraid of what your sister, your brother thinks
or your grandpa, your grandma or your cousins or whoever.
But what truly matters is, is you
you are in possession of a gift
you have a talent and whatever that talent is
you can make yourself and the people around you a stronger and better place with it.
But sometimes the only way to do that is to take a risk
at one point, you have got to take a leap
if you wanna make that gift that you have become a reality
otherwise, society will gladly accept you as a nine-to-five slave
working just to pay off your rent and to stay alive and to live for the weekend
which is the absolute worst way to live.
If you don't jump believe me, if you don't pursue your gift
you will live a life full of regret
and your gift, your dreams, everything that you ever had to offer to the world
will die with you.
From firsthand experience, I am pissed off at myself
I'm pissed off and I regret so much in my life, I can't even fathom explaining it.
Not about, not about what I've done but what I haven't done
all the opportunities that I turned down and all the chances that I never took
just because I was afraid or because I was worried about what other people think
and I officially decided to sit down, I sat down for weeks
I didn't, I didn't just think of what I'm saying right now, I didn't think of it overnight
this is months, this is months of thinking and I just sat down and I just wrote
and after comparing the randomness of death
versus the chance of you failing while relentlessly pursuing your dreams
versus the chance of you living a terrible life because you failed at pursuing your dreams
versus just calling it a day right now and living a traditional western world lifestyle
versus everything you can think of, versus absolutely everything.
And I can gladly say that right now, as of this moment right here
I would rather live each day as if it were my last
and take every risk possible in these sacred moments that I have on earth now
to make myself as successful and happy as possible
than to be sitting in my deathbed when I'm 90 years old regretting not taking a chance
and thinking about what my life could have been if I had just jumped when I was 18
or when I was 15 or when I was 22, because tomorrow is not a promise
I would rather die trying to live my dreams
than to live a longer life filled with regrets.
Life is too short and too unpredictable to live it safe
I've seen it firsthand, It is not worth it to live it safe, basic and traditional
but do you know why most people choose to live that safe life over taking risks in their life?
I mean there's a pretty good argument not to
but why would you- why would you take a risk
that puts you through stress, puts your family through stress
makes you lose sleep, makes you lose time, makes you put in the extra work
makes you take ridiculous chances that are 1 to 1,000
you know, but before I even continue
the fact that I'm even sitting here and talking it is astonishingly ridiculous on its own
the chance of you being born is 1 to 400 Trillion
that number is so big you cannot even wrap your head around it.
But okay, what what I wanted to say was that
the reason why people don't want to take these risks
is because right now they feel like they got a lot to lose
and that their current situation is relatively nice
and most importantly right now, they are comfortable.
They got used to living basic within society standards
being with their friends every now and then, being more rested
they got comfortable, and when you get comfortable you don't wanna move
and that comfort zone, I like to call it the danger zone
because this comfort zone will persuade you to stay in there for as long as possible
and it is -I know, I know how it is, I know the comfort zone-
It is so convincing, it is so hard to escape comfort, I know
and as it persuades you to stay in there, you will literally unconsciously
-see I'm so serious when I say this-
you will literally see your whole life go right by you
and the main reason that I'm serious about this now
is because I am pissed off for greatness.
I wanna move mountains and like Ray Lewis once said
“if you're not pissed off for greatness then you're okay with being mediocre”
and I am definitely not okay with being average and I don't think anyone should be.
But anyways
to address why I'm even talking about any of this at all in the first place
is because I recently got an offer to move out to Los Angeles, California
to live with two other entrepreneurs as a content creator and media influencer.
And it makes me sad because
it's opened up my eyes to see what I truly have in store for me
what's waiting for me out there in the future.
And it's just a tiny glimpse of what I'm capable of achieving within my short life.
However, I doubt that I could get the right legal paperwork done in order to move to the U.S
to work for a job such as YouTube which is really not in the control of the government
and the last thing that I wanna do is to go to the U.S. to work an illegal job as an illegal immigrant.
So as of this moment, I feel like I have to pass up yet another opportunity
and it makes me feel like I just keep letting my dreams slip from my hands once more
and now that I've seen the reality of what is possible
this house in LA next to the beach in California with the huge city
great weather and working a job that I would absolutely love and live for
with people who share the exact same dream and vision.
It has me thinking like hell yeah, I would gladly die chasing this dream relentlessly
then never chase it at all and play it safe
and being trapped within my own mind of thinking about what my life could have been.
I hope to do more videos like this where I speak
because they're really like a therapy for me
and it helps me get my mind off things
and hopefully some people can be influenced by what I'm actually saying.
I would also like to say that I think education is extremely important
and plays a crucial role into bringing success into your life and that knowledge is power.
The best thing in life is to always have a back-up plan
and take into consideration, what if something goes wrong?
and it's something that every role model that I look up to tries to enforce.
But I feel like education will always be here for me to come back to
whether I'm 20, 25, 40 or whatever
and I think that I have an amazing idea, vision, passion and drive
now in my peak and that I'm able to capitalize on
which makes me feel like I'm throwing it away if I don't pursue it
and the biggest response that I've been getting recently is
Marco, what if it fails?
which I mean yeah like, what if it fails?
but that's the whole point of taking a chance with things like startup companies or entrepreneurship
it's ridiculously high risk
like, what if I get hit by a car? what if I lose my wallet?
or better yet, what if this succeeds?
you know, it's easy to be negative or to be close-minded
but I think it's easier to be optimistic and to be open-minded.
and please do yourself a favor which is a separate topic on its own for another time
but try to surround yourself with people who impose and promote positivity and good vibes
you will notice the tremendous effect that it has on your lifestyle.
Starting your own business or being self-employed although preferable
doesn't exactly require any kind of diploma or degree.
And I think that with a proper business plan
and with the drive that people like you who are watching this video, fuel me with
I feel like I can accomplish anything.
If you're still listening, I love you, mad respect, that's true loyalty right there
nevertheless, this has been Marco.
I hope you all have a great rest of the day
and goodbye
I had a lot of fail, I fail for funny things
that I failed a key primary school test for two times
and I failed like a three times for the middle school
you know for three years I tried to fill into the universities
so I applied for jobs, for thirty times got rejected
I went for police they said “no, you're not good”
I went to even the KFC, when KFC come to China, come to my city
You applied?
24 people went for the job, 23 people accepted, I was the only guy.
And we went for police five people, four of them accepted, I was the only guy didn't receive it.
So, to me being turned down, rejected
Oh, by the way I told you that I applied for Harvard for ten times rejected
I know I'd be rejected, I just wanted to see
they are sorry now
One of the things you got to understand my friend
is that you're supposed to fail
you're supposed to fail, because failure is the stepping stone to success
you need the logical reason why
Because failure is an experience that lends to wisdom
that ultimately makes you a stronger version of yourself.
Maybe you got test anxiety, I don't know
but the worst thing you can do is quit talk to your professor
I'm not a 100% sure but I know that you cannot quit.
Just because you fail doesn't make you a failure.
Another one of these cliches or cliches stories
is about Thomas Edison right
when a reporter asked him
you know “what is it? how did you feel about failing a 1000 times?”
And he said “no, I didn't fail a 1000 times
I just found a 1000 different ways that it wasn't gonna work”
And that's what, that's what's happening with you.
But every time he found a way that didn't work he was adding to his journey
he was growing stronger, he learned something, discovered something
you're discovering something about yourself
and you're exercising your character
every time you get up and try something, move in the direction of something.
Even if you don't get the thing, it's not about the thing
it's not about making the basketball team, it's not about making million dollars
and it's not about the light bulb.
It's about what you learned along the way
who you become along the way
and you're on the journey, guess what the journey is hard
the journey is riddled with failure and that's why most people don't do it
most people aren't willing to get on that journey because they're afraid to fail.
You my friend have failed congratulations
It's the greatest thing that ever happened to you
because it shows that you're alive, it shows that you did something
and it shows that you're growing stronger
now go and fail again
I hope, I hope you guys who watch these videos, I hope you gonna fail a thousand times
Keep going in out there and failing.
You know what that means, every time you fail it means to me
it tells me that you're doing something.
See a lot of people because they don't want to make any mistakes, that takes us to the next level.
Lot of people don't wanna fail, fear failure, fear of success
and guess what else, fear the unknown.
You know what Winston Churchill said about courage Pat?
he said courage is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm
So you wanna courageously hold on to your dream and not lose enthusiasm.
A guy in Los Angeles all over the front page of the newspaper
he just passed the bar after taking it 48 times
he had more than enough reason and excuses not to take it
his son has a law firm, he could have been a legal assistant, a clerk.
And people all of a sudden used to laugh at this guy
he was a laughingstock, people will do that to you.
You know people talk about John Kennedy Jr, failing the bar.
Did you read in the newspaper that he passed? I didn't see that
but did they make as big of a deal about him passing as they did when he failed?
No, you know why? people like to see you fail
they like to see that, people are like that, I don't know why it's set up like that
I was on the expressway, traffic was jammed up
you know what was happening It was an accident
but people pulled over to the side to get out of their car to go and look
to see somebody else's suffering.
That's why talk shows are so popular, some people like to hear other people's misery
they get caught up in that
then they go and magnify it in their own life because that's all they focus on
who decided it doesn't matter how many times I fail, I'm going to courageously pursue it.
I don't care what people say, I don't care what they think
this is something that I want, that gives my life meaning and value
and you constantly remind yourself after every defeat, after every setback
every time you get knocked down, I've got a saying
“if life knocks you down, try and land on your back because if you can look up you can get up”
See a lot of people because of failure they stop, they stop believing.
Let me share something with you, you will fail your way to success
Yes, eight out of ten millionaires have been financially bankrupt.
You will fail your way to success.
It doesn't matter how many times you fail
it doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do it
it doesn't matter if you don't have a dime in the bank
you will fail your way to success.
There's something about the way we perceive success
that results in one of the greatest tragedies of our time
and that's the belief that successful people
the ones at the top of their game, that talent is what punched their ticket
that destiny brought them to the finish line
and that's wrong
it's wrong because it takes the journey, the struggle, the scratching and clawing
that it took to get to the top of the mountain and throws it out the window
it completely mitigates what's most important.
In the real world, the one we are living in
It doesn't matter who you are, you are never entitled to a result.
Victory is a product of the fight
The biggest favor you can ever do for yourself
as you progress through life's up and downs
through the good and the bad, when things get rough
is know that you are going through what every successful person
every champion, every innovator has gone through in the history of mankind.
struggle is beautiful
it's a sign
that you are in the midst of what separates great from average.
It's a necessary step and it's the most important step you will ever take
because 99% of people can't see past it
right the world sees struggle, sees hardship as a time to pack it up
to walk away, to be intimidated.
But the best, I'm telling you they look at struggle differently.
Just like you can't get fit without blood, sweat and tears at the gym
you can't make deals without the hustle
you can't make things happen if you don't move forward in the face of adversity.
When the word no is staring you in the eyes
It's all a part of the process
Winners walk on
If you want something bad enough, you know that being uncomfortable is an ingredient
if you want to be the best, your mindset has to reflect the best
right, let others focus on the tip of the iceberg
you know, excellence lies in everything underneath the surface in what cannot be seen.
So take mediocrity and make it excellence
Take what's yours and hold it up for the world to see
because what hurts now
in the present is the very same thing that will transform your life down the road