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  • The premiere of season 17, and Kylie has something for you.

  • Well, we have something for you.

  • All right.

  • So we got you a little punch card for season 17.

  • And if you-- So first you could punch off me and my mom.

  • And if you get all of us--

  • What happens?

  • If all of us come on your season,

  • --she has a puncher right next to her.

  • Yeah?

  • Then you got a prize.

  • What's the prize?

  • Mom?

  • Money?


  • Maybe you can go on Kylie's next birthday trip.

  • Oh, that's a--

  • Ooh.

  • Yeah.

  • I saw pictures of that.

  • I went and I had a blast.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • So I have two of you.

  • I just have three to go.

  • That's easy because you're always on the show.

  • Somebody is on the show.

  • Yeah.

  • OK.

  • That's great.

  • But it has to be a different person.

  • I understand what you're saying.

  • OK.

  • I'm not a stupid--

  • I understand.

  • Are you going to jump rope with that hair?

  • What's happening?

  • Honestly, I'm like, I don't even know how to sit with this.

  • I know.

  • I mean, look how long that is.

  • I know.

  • It's not mine.

  • I mean, really.

  • Like little Stormi.

  • Stormi could jump rope.

  • Yes.

  • Stormi was playing with it before this,

  • and I was like, don't play with my ponytail.

  • Well, why wouldn't she want to play with that?

  • I know.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • So I'll talk to you in a second.

  • OK.

  • You're the brains behind this entire organization here.

  • But this is crazy.

  • So Kylie says to you that she's interested in makeup.

  • That's what you wanted to do.

  • So you've got all these sisters who

  • are successful in doing all these things.

  • Suddenly you were here four years ago, just launching--

  • I know.

  • --the cosmetics line.

  • Crazy.

  • Full circle.

  • You were so nervous, like what's going to happen?

  • I know.

  • Four years later, you're a billionaire.

  • It's crazy.

  • It is crazy.

  • I never would have imagined that Kylie Cosmetics

  • would have been this huge and had so much success.

  • But I mean, we work really hard.

  • I'm so blessed to be able to just have fun every day

  • with makeup.

  • It's truly my passion.

  • It's truly what I love.

  • So it's just such a blessing that I

  • could turn it into a business at the same time.

  • You get to do something that you said that you're

  • passionate about, and then it turns out

  • that you're a billionaire.

  • I mean, how much money do you have on you right now?

  • Honestly?

  • I don't really-- I just have my credit card.

  • So you don't carry cash?

  • Not really.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • Like I would think Travis probably like just

  • walks around with wads of cash, right?

  • He always has cash.

  • But like what's the most money that Travis-- is it

  • like hundreds of thousands?

  • I mean-- Like in cash in his pocket?

  • Yeah.

  • No, not in his pocket.

  • He doesn't walk around with hundreds--

  • --It's probably a briefcase or something.

  • But I've seen yeah, I've seen some cash.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm not going to lie.

  • Yeah.

  • Just wads of cash.

  • Just wads of cash sometimes.

  • That's what the rappers do, Kris.

  • They do?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Wads and wads of cash.

  • That's wild.

  • What do you carry around, Kris?

  • Like $100.

  • That is not true.

  • No, in $20s.

  • I have a little stack of $20s just in case.

  • She does.

  • The most you carry around is $100?

  • Maybe a couple hundred.

  • Listen, back in the day I used to carry $1,000 all the time.

  • That was my thing.

  • If I had money, if I didn't have money.

  • $1,000 in $20s.

  • Every time I look for money, half of it

  • was gone because I had six kids.

  • Right.

  • And so it disappeared like that.

  • It just evaporated.

  • So I just gave up and now I have--

  • there's less to steal.

  • Exactly.

  • Well, they don't need to steal from you anymore.

  • Thank god.

  • What is the difference that you feel, honestly?

  • I think people are so fascinated by this because I think

  • everybody thinks that money changes you, and changes

  • your life and changes your world.

  • I personally think it's a wonderful thing

  • and it gives you freedom.

  • For sure.

  • And it obviously is less stress in your life

  • to not worry about money.

  • But do you feel, has it changed you?

  • I mean, do you understand?

  • The concept of billionaire is crazy to me.

  • I actually think that it was the exact opposite for me.

  • It made me realize that I could get new car anytime I want,

  • or this.

  • But that happiness only lasts so long.

  • Yep.

  • So I realized at a young age how important

  • it is to find happiness in my baby now,

  • and relationships and stuff like that.

  • Your mom.

  • My mom.

  • That's great.

  • My mom is my everything, you already know that.

  • I love you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • I love you so much.

  • She's great.

  • Kris is such a good person, isn't she?

  • She's the best.

  • And it's a testament--

  • I can't believe that you're my mom.

  • Aw!

  • Sometimes.

  • I can't believe that you're my baby.

  • You're gonna make me cry.

  • You're my little-- you're my youngest.

  • I'm here.

  • I love you so much.

  • Here I am.


  • All right.

  • So the baby, which I saw backstage, Stormi.

  • She comes everywhere with me.

  • She's adorable and such a good baby.

  • Such a good baby.

  • She's so mellow.

  • She takes more after you or Travis?

  • She is the perfect mixture of both of us.

  • She's definitely like a little rager.

  • She loves music, but--

  • She was dancing in the dressing room

  • to all of you guys dancing.

  • While you guys were all dancing, --she

  • couldn't take her eyes off the screen--

  • --she was back there dancing.

  • It's so cute.

  • It was cute.

  • But yeah, she's the perfect mixture of both of us.

  • You tell me that Stormi reminds you a lot of me.

  • She is like a little Kylie.

  • It's really wild.

  • It's like sometimes she looks at you and you think,

  • I have to remind myself, no, that's

  • my granddaughter, not Kylie.

  • Yeah.

  • For two seconds it catches me off-guard.

  • You're starting to lose it, huh?

  • Yeah.

  • I am.

  • Oh, I told you that.

  • That's the age that's kicking in.

  • Kylie and then Stormi.

  • That's my grandbaby, not my daughter.

  • Yeah.

  • When I start calling her Kylie, we know we have a problem.

  • There's so many times that we're sitting talking

  • and she goes, "what's her name again?" about her child.

  • What you forget--

  • I ask her every time, what's that one's name?

  • And then I have to day.

  • She answers.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah,

  • There's times when she's yelling at me and she's like,

  • Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, Kylie!

  • Like she can't get it together.

  • I'm like, do you even know my name?

  • Yeah.

  • No, she tells me stories.

  • She goes, "What's the one?"

  • And I said, "Kendall?"

  • She goes, "Yeah, that's her name."

  • That's it.

  • Yeah.

The premiere of season 17, and Kylie has something for you.


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A2 初級

凱莉-詹娜談她和特拉維斯-斯科特的 "完美混合體 (Kylie Jenner on Stormi's 'Perfect Mixture' of Her and Travis Scott)

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