字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, my name is David, and I'm a project manager. 嗨,我是 David,我是一位專案經理。 Hi, I'm Natasha, and I'm a radiologist. 嗨,我是 Natasha,我是一位放射醫療研究人員。 And we've been best friends for 15 years. 我們是認識十五年的老朋友。 I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions that I have about purchasing a home. 我想好好地感謝你願意利用寶貴的時間回答一些有關買屋的問題。 - It means so much to me, thank you. - Of course, I love you guys. - 這對我來說很重要,非常謝謝。- 這是一定要的,我愛你們大家。 We have a tradition, every Thursday night, we do trivia night with our significant others. 我們有個傳統,那就是每個星期四的晚上,我們會帶另一半一起參與機智問答。 I bring my husband, Josh, and you bring your wife, Steph. 我會邀請我的丈夫 Josh,而你會邀請你的老婆,Steph。 Who carries our team. 沒錯,沒錯我老婆是團隊的支柱。 Yes, we... 對... How long was the entire home-purchasing process for you? 整個買屋過程一共耗費了你們多少時間? From when we went to the open house, put an offer, to when we closed took about four months. 從我們看屋到議價再到成交的整個過程,足足花了我們約四個月的時間。 Four months, wow. 四個月! - Yeah. - Wow. - 對啊。- 天啊! We went to a cute restaurant around the corner, and I was like, "The brunches I could have" and I was just, "I have to live here!" 我們去了在新屋附近的餐廳,而那裡的早午餐好吃得不得了,讓我忍不住大喊:「我非住這裡不可!」 That's what convinced you? 所以,那就是你決定要買下那間房子的原因嗎? I was like, all the brunches! 對,我被早午餐迷得神魂顛倒。 How difficult was it to say to yourself, "OK, this is what we can afford." 要怎麼知道自己買屋的預算範圍是多少? Think about your monthly cost. 首先,評估自己一個月的花費。 You know, if you have a certain mortgage, you want to think about what you monthly have that check, you have to write every month. 當你買了新房後,你會需要計算一個月能夠償還多少房屋貸款。 - Great. - Yeah. - 沒錯。- 對。 There you go, writing checks once a month, writing it down. 快點,每個月都要寫支票,快寫下來。 And what your lifestyle is like. 再來,想想你的生活風格。 So, do the realities of, yeah, I go out to eat, I buy coffee, I like to go out to dinner. 並衡量你的生活習慣,例如:喜歡吃外食、買咖啡、到餐廳享用晚餐等等。 These are things that contribute to my overall happiness, and will I not be able to do these things if I have a crazy mortgage that I really can't afford? 以上都是使你快樂的生活習慣,而當你開始承受房貸壓力,想一想自己是否願意放棄那些生活習慣。 So just be honest with yourself with what you really can afford and what you really can do without. 誠實地面對自己的經濟能力,並好好地思考你能夠為房屋貸款放棄多少。 So, during that whole year, what was the hardest thing that you and Josh went through? 這一年來,你和 Josh 買房時所面臨到的最大困難是什麼? Honestly, it was just the anxiety and the emotional journey of being like... 老實說,最大困難就是焦慮感和起起伏伏的情緒... OK, we're going to make the biggest purchase of our lives, that was a big part. 影響我們情緒的主要因素是,這可以說是人生中一場最大的交易。 And also kind of just doing the steps involved to do that. 而買房繁瑣的步驟過程也讓我們感到焦慮。 Like, one of the things we didn't know is like, you have to get a pre-approval before you go into looking for places, before anybody kind of takes you seriously. 像是,我們先前並不知道有「預先房貸審核」這種東西,而在看房子前就必須完成申請,否則仲介會覺得你們沒有真心想買房子。 Pre-approval in the sense of, you know, having all your paperwork ready? 預先房貸審核就代表必須準備好所有書面資料,對吧? So, they kind of tell you what you can spend before you spend it. 銀行會幫你評估你買房的預算有多少。 So, you know, you have a guideline, so you're not like buying completely out of your price range. 因此,在了解自己的經濟情況之後,你就不會買到一間超出預算的房子了。 So, the bank is gonna basically tell you like, this is how much money you could get a mortgage for. 銀行會告訴你,你一共可以申請到多少的房屋貸款。 - Oh. - Yeah. - 喔。- 對。 Now, what's all the paperwork that we're gonna need before... 好的,那麼我們一共需要準備哪些書面資料呢? Ho, there's a lot of paperwork! 要準備的資料多到爆! Oh, there is? 喔,真的嗎? OMG. 我,的,老,天。 We set up an e-mail filter for everything that was kind of coming in that. 我們將電子信箱設定成可以自動過濾所有信件。 He's really taking notes as well. 他真的在做筆記。 Yes, I gotta know! 對,我必須記下所有細節好嗎! We set up an email filter, so everything that was coming bank-related, kind of home-related, kind of was flagged and kept in this special folder. 我們設定了郵件過濾系統,所以所有和銀行和買房有關的郵件都會被標上小旗子的符號,然後歸類在專屬的資料夾裡。 There is a lot of paperwork, but the banks make it really, really easy for you. 雖然有堆積如山的書面資料,但別擔心,銀行會幫助你很多很多。 There's always someone available to help guide you with it. 他們有專員會為你提供這方面的服務。 Oh, I'm all out of paper. 我沒紙可以寫了。 Got any advice for me? 你還有任何有關買房的建議嗎? When you're doing the process, it's gonna feel like a lot, but just stay calm, stay grounded, and have faith that there will be a good place for you. 買房過程相當複雜且使人焦慮,但請保持冷靜,不要慌張,要相信自己一定可以順利買到一件好房子。 Because there will be. 你一定可以的。 To see this place that you and your husband have, for me, it's just motivating. 看到妳和妳丈夫順利買到一間好房,真的深深地激勵了我。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 房貸 房子 房屋 資料 銀行 貸款 第一次買房就上手!那些購屋前你不可不聽的誠心建議! (A Homeowner Shares Tips For Buying Your First Home) 7253 278 Annie Chien 發佈於 2019 年 10 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字