字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Red means you're deeply focused. 紅色是表示你的專注力很高。 Teachers at this primary school in China... 這所在中國的小學老師… Blue means you're distracted. 藍色是走神了。 Know exactly when someone isn't paying attention. 會知道哪位同學沒有專心上課。 White means you're offline. 白色就是你可能跟網路還沒有連接好。 These headbands measure each student's level of concentration. 這條頭帶測量每位學生專心的程度。 The information is then directly sent to the teacher's computer and to parents. 資料會直接傳送至老師的電腦和給家長。 China has big plans to become a global leader in artificial intelligence. 中國計劃著要成為人工智慧的全球引領者。 It has enabled a cashless economy, where people make purchases with their faces. 中國已經開始進入無現金經濟,人民可以用人臉辨識來買東西。 A giant network of surveillance cameras with facial recognition helps police monitor citizens. 龐大網路的人臉辨識監控鏡頭有助警察監察市民。 Meanwhile, some schools offer glimpses of what the future of high tech education in the country might look like. 與此同時,一些學校讓人們得以一窺中國高科技教育的未來。 Classrooms have robots that analyze students' health and engagement levels. 教室裡有機器人會分析學生們的健康狀態和參與程度。 Students wear uniforms with chips that track their locations. 學生的制服裝有可以追蹤他們位置的晶片。 There are even surveillance cameras that monitor how often students check their phones or yawn during classes. 甚至還有監視器可以監控學生們在課堂上看了幾次手機和打了多少個呵欠。 These gadgets have alarmed Chinese netizens. 這些裝置使中國網民感到震驚。 But schools say it wasn't hard for them getting parental consent to enroll kids into what is one of the worlds largest experiments in AI education. 不過學校表示,要家長同意讓小孩參與全球最大人工智慧教育的實驗並不難。 A program that's supposed to boost students' grades while also feeding powerful algorithms. 此計劃本意為改善學生成績,同時又提供強大的演算法根據。 If it's for our country's research and development, I don't think it's a problem. 為了國家研究發展,我覺得沒有問題。 The government has poured billions of dollars into the project. 政府已經投放了數十億元於這個計畫裡。 Bringing together tech giants, start-ups and schools. 把科技巨頭、新創企業和學校聚集在一起。 We got exclusive access to a primary school a few hours outside of Shanghai. 我們得以拜訪距離上海市區幾小時車程的一間小學。 Good morning everyone. 同學們早上好。 To see firsthand how AI tech is being used in the classroom. 現場直擊人工智慧科技如何在教室裡應用。 For this fifth grade class, the day begins with putting on a brain wave sensing gadget. 五年級的班級,他們的一天由帶上偵測腦電波的裝置開始。 Students then practice meditating. 學生接著就會開始冥想。 Now, imagine a warm light glowing between your eyebrows. 現在,想像你們眉心有一點柔和的光芒綻放。 The device is made in China and has three electrodes, two behind the ears and one on the forehead. 這個裝置是中國製造的,裡面有 3 個電極,2 個在耳後 1 個於額頭。 These sensors pick up electrical signals sent by neurons in the brain. 這些感測器能接收大腦神經元所傳達的訊號。 The neural data is then sent in real time to the teacher's computer, so while students are solving math problems, a teacher can quickly find out who's paying attention and who's not. 神經系統數據會即時傳送至老師的電腦,所以當學生在解答數學題時,老師馬上能知道誰專心和誰不專心。 During this period, this student is a bit distracted. 這段時間,他是有點正在走神的。 A report is then generated that shows how well the class was paying attention. 有一個報告會顯示班上學生在課堂上的專心程度。 It even details each student's concentration level at 10 minute intervals. 甚至每隔 10 分鐘會詳細說明每位學生的專注程度。 It's then sent to a chat group for parents. 之後會傳送至家長群組聊天室。 Here, you can check every student's score. 就是它可以看到每一個人的評分。 The reports are detailed, but whether these devices really work and what they exactly measure isn't as clear. 報告很詳細,但這些器材是否有用以及實際測量的東西還不是很明確。 Red means you're very focused. 紅色是很集中的。 We were curious if the headbands could actually measure concentration. 我們都很好奇到底這些頭帶是否真的可以測量專注程度。 So one of our reporters tried on the device. 因此,我們有一位記者戴上這個裝置。 But I don't feel particularly focused. 但我沒有感覺自己特別集中。 This headband works...when you're thinking. 這個就是靠你的意念。 This is a new technology with, still, fairly little research behind it. 這是一項新科技,但相關研究有限。 Therodore Zanto is a neural scientist at the University of California San Francisco. Therodore Zanto 是加州大學舊金山分校的神經科學家。 He was surprised to learn that this tech, called electroencephalography, also known as EEG, is being used in the classroom on children. 他對這種稱之為腦電圖,又稱 EEG 的科技,在教室裡使用的現象感到驚訝。 It's usually used by doctors in hospitals and labs. 通常都是醫生於醫院或實驗室裡使用。 EEG is very susceptible to artifacts and so, if you are itchy or just a little fidgety or the EEG wasn't setup properly, so that the electrodes didn't have a good contact, affects the signal. EEG 很容易受到假影的影響,如果你覺得癢癢的或有點坐立難安,又或者沒有設定正確,電極就會接觸不良,影響信號接收。 Despite the chances for false readings, teachers told us the headbands have forced students to become more disciplined. 儘管數據可能有誤,但老師告訴我們頭帶使學生變得自律。 When the students answer my questions during class, they are louder than usual. 上課回答我的問題,他們的聲音會平常更響亮。 Teachers say the students now pay better attention during class and that has made them study harder and achieve higher scores. 老師表示學生現在會更專心上課,更用功讀書並考取更高的分數。 I've become more attentive in class. 上課認真聽講。 All of my assignments come back with perfect grades. 作業做的基本上都是全對的。 It hurts. 好痛。 But, not all students are as enthusiastic. 不過,並不是所有學生都熱衷於戴上這頭帶。 When we first wore the headband, it felt like it was controlling us. 我們第一次帶上的時候,感覺它會控制我們。 I feel pressure here. 我感覺這裡有個印。 The headband is tight. 是緊的。 This fifth grader, whom we caught dozing off in class, told us his parents punish him for low attention scores and that kind of data adds a new kind of pressure for students. 這位被我們抓到上課打瞌睡的小五生,他告訴我們他的父母會因為專注力分數低而懲罰他,而這些數據對學生來說是一種新的壓力。 Imagine there's an exam and everyone gets a score of 95 or higher. 就想啊,如果在一次考試全班人都考了 95 分以上。 But you get a score of 85. 就你一個考了 85。 Wouldn't you feel behind? 你會不會感覺你有一點落後? Companies we interviewed said the data can go to government funded research projects. 我們拜訪的公司說這些數據可以用於政府資助的研究計劃。 We spoke to parents who were unclear about where the data ended up and they didn't seem to care too much. 我們也有和家長聊過,他們不太清楚這些數據的最終用途為何,而且好像也不太在乎。 Zanto says, there's likely no privacy protection at all. Zanto 說,根本沒有隱私保障可言。 The classroom if you're trying to make an assessment of an individual student, you really can't anatomize it. 如果要評估教室裡的每一位學生,實際上很難去解析。 Experts and citizens alike are sounding alarms about various aspects of the country's huge push into artificial intelligence. 專家和民眾對中國於各方面大力推動使用人工智慧都開始感到擔憂。 These classrooms are laboratories for future generations and while these new tools may potentially help some two hundred million students raise their grades, just how this all works out won't be apparent until they become adult citizens. 這些教室是未來一代的實驗室,儘管這些新工具可能有助約 2 億名學生提高成績,但也要等到他們成年後才會看得出效果。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 WSJ 學生 中國 教室 老師 人工 中國 AI 科技進入校園!學生上課狀況一目了然!How China Is Using Artificial-Intelligence In Classrooms | WSJ 21947 628 Fibby 發佈於 2019 年 11 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字