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who looks like a Viking, Nicky. 4
You look like a Viking. 5
You also look like a clean-up hitter 6
for the Boston Red Sox. 7
Okay. 8
Yeah. 9 00:00:19.225 --> 00:00:20.058 line:15% What? 10
Oh, you can buy a gun here? 11
But there's no gun violence here. 12
(audience laughs) 13
Wait, you walked for three days? 14
Yeah. 15
What are you, Johnny Appleseed? 16 00:00:42.026 --> 00:00:43.970 line:15% What are you -- (audience laughs) 17
Well you don't need to. 18
It's a very funny reference 19
and people in my country will laugh, 20
and people in your country won't see this. 21
Yeah. 22
Here's the point, 23
you walked for three days, why? 24
(audience laughs) 25
So next time you go for a walk for three days, 26 00:00:59.847 --> 00:01:02.138 line:15% do you think you'll-- 27
Sure, I'll come. 28 00:01:02.971 --> 00:01:05.388 line:15% Do we bring any food with us? 29
And just eat it raw on the side of the road? 30
Have you eaten a raw deer? 31 00:01:20.470 --> 00:01:23.303 line:15% You ate a raw liver of a reindeer. 32
Well, yeah, you're not an animal. 33
(audience laughs) 34
This is incredible, you are, you have true Viking blood. 35
Oh, you think I would pass for Viking? 36
You think I seem manly enough to to be a Viking? 37
(audience laughs) Fix what? 38
When I'm talking about me now? 39
Why fix something? 40
What do you mean? 41
(audience laughs) 42
Soon after my arrival I was interviewed by KNR, 43
Greenland's biggest and only television station. 44
Hi, how are you? 45
How are you? 46
I'm good, I was just wandering in these rocks. 47
Yeah, isn't it beautiful? 48
Beautiful and I saw you doing a story 49 00:02:27.130 --> 00:02:29.463 line:15% and I thought I'd come over. 50 00:02:39.550 --> 00:02:40.960 line:15% Well it felt like a really fun opportunity 51 00:02:40.960 --> 00:02:42.970 line:15% to come here and meet everybody, 52
and if I come here as part of my show, 53
I don't have to pay for it. 54
(audience laughs) 55
The show pays for it. 56 00:02:48.844 --> 00:02:50.788 line:15% So this is a free trip for me, yeah. 57 00:02:50.788 --> 00:02:53.621 line:15% (audience laughs) 58
It's the first country to sell for that much. 59
The golf course. 60
You have a golf course. 61
It's called the Golf Klub. 62 00:03:14.708 --> 00:03:16.374 line:15% (audience laughs) 63
(audience laughs) 64 00:03:28.712 --> 00:03:30.348 line:15% (audience laughs and cheers) 65
Who do 66
inspired the most? 67
Wow, it's hard to say. 68
I mean, I've been inspired by so many people. 69
The Kellogg Family. 70
I think his name is William Kellogg. 71
You know he was the first person to make breakfast cereal. 72
I had not a always happy childhood, 73
and one of the things I took solace in was sugar cereals. 74 00:03:49.790 --> 00:03:52.420 line:15% Your Cocoa Krispies, your Captain Crunch, 75 00:03:52.420 --> 00:03:54.677 line:15% your Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries, 76 00:03:54.677 --> 00:03:55.638 line:15% (audience laughs) 77 00:03:55.638 --> 00:03:58.767 line:15% Cocoa Puff, anything with chocolate in it, 78
and Marshmallows Lucky Charms, Kellogg's did a lot of that, 79
(audience laughs) 80
and so they actually influenced my childhood, 81
and they're one of the reasons today 82
that I can't lift things above my shoulder. 83
(audience laughs) 84
Because it's not good for you, yeah. 85
The next stop on my Greenland press tour 86
was an interview and photo shoot 87
with the CEO of Greenland's biggest and only airline. 88 00:04:29.980 --> 00:04:32.300 line:15% Jacob, thank you for having me to your wonderful country. 89 00:04:32.300 --> 00:04:33.800 line:15% Thank you for coming here. 90
I very much enjoy your airline. 91
It has long been my dream 92
to be in an in-flight magazine. 93
Yeah? 94
I've always wanted to be in an in-flight magazine. 95
And I've tried and tried and tried, 96
got very close with Virgin Atlantic once, 97
and then they found out that I was a virgin. 98
(audience laughs) 99
They thought that was bad publicity. 100
What's been your impression of Greenland 101
and the Greenland people? 102
This is a stunning country, absolutely beautiful. 103
Also, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here, 104
but I'm gonna say that no country I've ever been to 105
has better dried fish. 106
You guys kill it with dried fish. 107
(audience laughs) 108
I don't know what you do, 109
but no one dries a fish like you guys. 110
And what a great way to experience fish. 111
Yeah. 112
You know, you can keep the fish in your wallets. 113
You can keep then in a fanny pack. 114
(audience laughs) 115
You can use the dried pressed fish as a bookmark, 116
and then when you're done with the book, 117
you can eat the bookmark, the fish. 118
It's amazing. 119
I see people walking around. 120
They trade them like old baseball cards. 121
(audience laughs) 122
I don't know who's out there 123
with a blow dryer on the beach, 124
but I think you're just doing an amazing job. 125
Oh, excellent, thank you, Conan. 126
And before I knew it, I was back at KNR Studios 127
to lend a little star power to their nightly broadcast. 128
Please keep in mind, this really aired 129
all across Greenland. 130 00:05:54.661 --> 00:05:56.650 line:15% Good evening, I'm Conan O'Brien, 131 00:05:56.650 --> 00:05:59.581 line:15% and I'm bringing you the latest weather report 132 00:05:59.581 --> 00:06:00.449 line:15% (audience cheers and claps) 133 00:06:00.449 --> 00:06:01.437 line:15% for Greenland. 134 00:06:01.437 --> 00:06:05.320 line:15% I will give the report in the Greenlandic language 135
'cause let's face it, how hard could it be? 136
(audience laughs) 137
(audience laughs and cheers) 138
There's cold stuff coming. 139
(audience claps and cheers)