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  • - So if you stay off,

  • if you just stay right here on Face Street y'all,

  • the box you asked for is comin'.

  • Everything on my vision board I get.

  • I put, I build on my house one time,

  • my wife wanted a special kind of car,

  • and I built the garage, the extra garage on the house.

  • She came out there and saw,

  • she says Steve what are you doing?

  • I said I'm building an extra garage.

  • She said Steve, we got enough cars,

  • what do you need with another garage?

  • I said don't worry about it.

  • Two years went by,

  • I had been looking for this car.

  • I went to dealerships, they said sir,

  • there are none in that color.

  • I said she want a white one.

  • I said, so I went to the dealership

  • I said so I want you to get this car in for my wife,

  • she said sir, there are none in the country,

  • and none being made.

  • I said okay, but when the car come in,

  • could you accept it into your dealership

  • and call me when it get here.

  • He said sir, I done told you,

  • I can pull it up on the computer,

  • there are no cars in that color,

  • that make or model, do you want another color?

  • I said no, my wife want white.

  • She said sir we don't have that.

  • I said I already built the garage,

  • I've already built the garage.

  • All my garages have chandeliers in 'em.

  • I don't have doors that go over.

  • All my cars have chandeliers hanging over 'em,

  • and I have marble floors in my garage

  • because I like stuff like that

  • 'cause I saw it one time.

  • So I said I've already built the garage.

  • He said sir, there are no cars like that

  • anywhere in the computer base.

  • I said I just need for you,

  • when the car come in.

  • So a year went by, I said any word on the car?

  • He said no, I've called the factory,

  • they're not even making anymore in that color.

  • I said okay, I'm looking for this color right here.

  • He said sir we don't have that.

  • I said I'm gonna give it to her for her birthday

  • October 10th, 2016.

  • He said sir, that's impossible.

  • I said no it's not, no it's not,

  • it's just a car that I'm asking for

  • in a particular color, how's that impossible?

  • He said sir, I can't find the car.

  • I didn't ask you to,

  • I asked you when it come through

  • would you accept it into your dealership call me?

  • That's all I asked you for.

  • Two weeks before my wife's birthday I got a phone call.

  • It was Perillo from Gold Coast in Chicago.

  • He said Steve Harvey, he said are you sitting down?

  • I said no I'm standing up what's happening?

  • (laughing)

  • He said you're not gonna believe this,

  • a guy bought a car a year ago,

  • it's been sitting in his garage,

  • it has eight miles on it.

  • He brought it to me to turn in to me

  • and ask him how much would I give him for it?

  • I said what is it?

  • He said it's the white car you've been looking for.

  • I said I'll be up there to get it.

  • He said this is unbelievable.

  • I said that God I serve,

  • he's an unbelievable God.

  • (applause)

  • I don't listen to what nobody tell me.

  • Once I write it down,

  • I write the vision and make it plain,

  • it will come, surely it will come

  • at in a point in time.

  • It doesn't matter that nobody sees it.

  • It doesn't matter that it's visible to other people.

  • All you gotta do is write it down

  • and believe it.

  • God is greatness man, all day long.

  • What he's done for me, he'll do the same thing for you,

  • but you gotta write the vision.

  • Go down and read Habecca Two and Two,

  • go home and read Bible verse Habecca Two and Two,

  • read what it say,

  • if you do that it'll change your life, appreciate you.

- So if you stay off,


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他提供了|與史蒂夫-哈維一起激勵 (He Delivers | Motivated With Steve Harvey)

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