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  • The iPhones have always been some of the most complicated phones to take apart. You'll see

  • why over the course of this video, but there's no way we can let this iPhone 11 Pro Max flagship

  • slip by without seeing the insides. This is the most water resistant mainstream smartphone

  • money can buy right now. So it's time to see what helps keep water out and how repairable

  • it really is.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • Since basically day 1 of the first iPhone's existence, Apple has been in the business

  • of trying to keep people out of their phones and this new iPhone appears to be no different.

  • It has the same proprietary pentalobe screws holding the bottom of the screen to the stainless

  • steel frame of the phone. It uses a screwdriver that's pretty easy to find online, but most

  • people don't immediately have it on hand. I'll leave a link for a good tool kit in the

  • description.

  • Looking closely at the screw it has black threadlocker filling the gaps between the

  • threads and the phone body. This helps keep the screw in place as well as helps keep water

  • out. The biggest opening for water to get inside the phone though is the screen. There

  • is adhesive surrounding the whole rectangle. In order to pull the screen off I'll need

  • to use heat to soften that adhesive, and a strong suction cup to pull on the screen while

  • adding some leverage with my pry tool between the plastic lip and the stainless steel frame.

  • As I work my way around either side of the phone lifting off the display, you can see

  • the substantial amount of stingy gooey black adhesive that holds the parts together. I'm

  • taking special care to avoid the ribbon cables hiding along the edge of the right side. These

  • cables are about as fragile as paper and can be torn very easily. You'll get a better look

  • at them as the screen lifts off. They're down there through those gooey strands.

  • At first glance things look pretty standard for the iPhone – a ton of screws and the

  • massive L-shaped battery. Thumbs up to Apple for adding battery life and thickness to their

  • phones this year instead of trying to go thinner. I'm also glad that the ribbons are all off

  • to the side. Last year had a random ribbon cable coming from the center that made the

  • screen removal quite a bit harder.

  • The front camera and face scanner are tucked up in the top of the phone. I'll remove the

  • 6 y triple-zero screws holding the metal plate over the top of the screen ribbon connectors.

  • One of those screws is easier to access from the other side of the screen if you close

  • in and scooch it over a bit.

  • And take a look at that motherboard. It's Lego connector central up in here. Happy birthday

  • to myself. I'll remove another 4 y triple-zero screws that hold the top protective metal

  • plate and side ribbon guide down over the camera units. Then there are two more screws

  • holding down the tiny plate over the battery connector. Before I unplug that battery though,

  • I want to make sure this whole thing still works and that nothing was damaged during

  • the screen removal.

  • Tapping the power button shows the Apple logo, and the phone turns on. Which app should I

  • test to make sure the phone still works? Maybe I should use today's sponsor Audible. That

  • was convenient. Audible is actually one of my favorite apps. The book I'm currently listening

  • to is called The Man Who Knew the Way to the Moon, and is one of the Audible Originals

  • It sounds more like a verbal documentary than a narration. I usually adjust the speed to

  • be a tad faster than normal so I can get through more information quicker. It's a true story

  • about the guy who convinced NASA to use space rendezvous points instead of one gigantically

  • massive rocket. It's super interesting. You can get a free audio book plus two Audible

  • Originals when you try Audible for 30 days with the link in the description:

  • Or text the wordjerryrigto 500-500. The Audible Original titles come from diverse

  • categories like theater, journalism, literature, and the documentary styles like the one I'm

  • listening to now. Even if you decide to cancel Audible at some point in the future, you still

  • get to keep your books. They're yours to own forever. Or textjerryrig

  • to 500-500. And thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video.

  • I'll unclip the battery connector like a little Lego from this smorgasbord of Lego connectors.

  • The battery actually has two connectors, one is found down below by the charging port.

  • So unclipping both of those is a good idea at this point. I just didn't know the second

  • one existed until later. I'll unclip one of the charging port ribbons, and then I'll make

  • my way down to the three main ribbons holding the screen to the body of the phone.

  • The screen is significantly more simple this year than it has been for the previous years,

  • which is definitely appreciated. It only has 3 screws holding the earpiece to the back

  • of the display. Apple throws Phillips head screws randomly in here and there throughout

  • the phone, so for those of you following along at home, this is the third type of screwdriver

  • we've used so far. The earpiece folds down which lets us pry away the front sensors from

  • the glass. Replacement parts will become more common and get cheaper as the phones get older.

  • I'll try to link some in the video description as they become available. Screen replacements

  • aren't super difficult on iPhones. And with the disappearance of 3D touch, the display

  • is actually thinner and leaves more room for the larger battery.

  • Speaking of which, I've had a few requests for a straight up clean video shot of the

  • internalsso feel free to screen shot this, crop it, and use it as your phone wallpaper

  • if you want. Just make sure to tag me on Twitter if you do.

  • Let's remove the front camera and the face ID depth scanner thingy. It's got two ribbon

  • cables to unplug...wait, no, there's three. The last one kind of just snuck in there.

  • This little unit has the front 12 megapixel selfie camera, the one that can film in 4K

  • and do those slowfees, and also has the infrared dot projector and secondary camera for the

  • face ID. It's a pretty cool set up, and I'm glad it's not attached to the screen. It makes

  • repairs easier.

  • The three rear cameras each have their own ribbon cable attached to the motherboard I

  • can unclip each of those and then the whole contraption comes right out of the phone.

  • Apple really has made their design much more modular this year and I'm a fan.

  • Up at the top we get the normal 12 megapixel camera with optical image stabilizing. Down

  • at the bottom we get another 12 megapixel 2x optical zoom camera which also has optical

  • image stabilizing. And over here on the side we have a 12 megapixel wide angle camera with

  • no physical stabilizing I feel like this is the perfect set up and the arrangement I would

  • personally like to have someday when I upgrade from my Galaxy S8. I feel like Apple has finally

  • brought way more features to the table with smartphones this year and are finally competing

  • at the same level of other flagships.

  • Let's get this motherboard out. I'll unplug the charging port ribbon, but before I can

  • pull that out, once again I need to switch back to the y triple-zero screwdriver. There

  • are 3 screws running down the right side, keeping this cable with the metal bracket

  • tucked to the side of the phone. The next three screws are a bit trickier. These are

  • called standoff screws and they hold the motherboard in place. If you don't have a standoff remover,

  • I can usually take a flat screwdriver bit and just twist the screw around in the circle

  • from one side. And as the screw comes out, you can see that a stand off screw is actually

  • a screw that has a screw hole inside. A screw within a screw. They are annoying to work

  • with but Apple uses them to save space and stack things on top of each other.

  • Speaking of saving space, once those screws are out and the SIM card tray is removed,

  • the whole motherboard is ready to come out of the phone. And this, my friends, is it.

  • This is the whole thingthe brains and brawn of the whole iPhone operation is sandwiched

  • between these two stacked boards. One thing I'm pretty impressed with on the iPhones this

  • time around is that all the solder connecting the circuits inside of this motherboard is

  • made from 100% recycled tin. You might be thinking, “Nice work Apple on recycling

  • that tiny drop of tin.” But because Apple is using recycled tin on not only their iPhones,

  • but the MacBook Air, the iPad Air, and the iPad Mini, it adds up to over 29 thousand

  • metric tons of tin ore that they don't need to mine from the earth. It's a pretty substantial

  • achievement and I'm glad Apple's doing it.

  • Let's keep going deeper. The taptic vibrator engine is down here below the battery near

  • the charging port. It's got three little screws holding it in place and I'm going to set those

  • off to the side to help keep things organized. A lot of phones you can take apart and just

  • toss the screws helter-skelter, but since basically every screw in here is a different

  • shape and size, it's very important to keep them organized.

  • With the metal plate gone and the vibrator unclipped from the charging port, we get our

  • first close up of the taptic engine. It's nice of Apple to include their logo in case

  • we forgot what phone we're taking apart. This little guy is also using 100% recycled rare

  • earth elements. Since we don't have an unlimited earthly supply of these magnets, I'm glad

  • Apple is now going through the effort to reuse and recycle parts of their phones.

  • I'll remove one more screw and pull off the metal plate over the microphone hole. And

  • check out all that white adhesive over the hole to help keep water out of the microphone.

  • It's time to remove the battery. Apple once again has added the magic pull tabs which

  • I'm thankful for. Prying out permanently glued batteries is extremely dangerous. And even

  • if a pried and bent battery doesn't spark and start on fire right away, it'll still

  • be damaged internally and it'll start to puff up and expand over time. These pull tabs make

  • battery removal much safer. [Stretching sounds] Yeah, they are still pretty fragile and break

  • every now and then, but it's still much better than what Samsung's currently doing with the

  • permanent adhesive and therbones. [Stretching sounds] Apple has three pull strips at the

  • end of each side of the battery [stretching sounds], and I was successful enough with

  • most of them [stretching sounds] that the rest of the battery can be lifted up unharmed.

  • This is a 3,969 milliamp hour capacity. Which is quite an improvement over last year's 3,174

  • milliamp hours. For real, Apple has come out to play this time.

  • The loudspeaker comes out next with it's two screws holding it in place. You might have

  • noticed so far that while the iPhone seems complex, most components are still modular

  • and come out relatively easily. You can see the substantial amount of black adhesive holding

  • the loudspeaker to the frame of the phone. Like I said in my durability test video, this

  • iPhone 11 Pro Max is the most water resistant smartphone on the market right now. While

  • most manufacturers have water tested their phones to a depth of 1.5 or 2 meters deep

  • for 30 minutes just to get that ip68 rating, Apple has gone above and beyond and tested

  • the new iPhone 11 Pro's to 4 meters deep for 30 minutes. Double the depth of what everyone

  • else is doing.

  • Hold on for a second though. Check this out, the loudspeaker is full of a ton of those

  • little white sound balls. I assume these white balls help fill the space inside of the tiny

  • little cell phone speaker to keep it from sounding like a tiny little cell phone speaker.

  • I'll take out the last 9 screws for the charging port and get back to that ip rating. Even

  • though Apple went twice as deep as everyone else, they still only got the same ip68 rating.

  • You're probably like, “Why didn't they just go up a level to ip69?” And that's because

  • ip69 is a totally different test. Instead of submersion, it's a high pressure and temperature

  • water jet test. And pretty irrelevant for cell phones. Cell phones get accidentally

  • submerged all the time, but getting accidentally blasted by a firetruck is far less common.

  • The charging port is finally out of the phone. That was definitely a nightmare I don't want

  • to repeat. The iPhone has so many intricate components. It's not to much a difficult phone

  • to repair, it's just a very complex phone to repair, and one wrong move or screw in

  • the wrong place could wreck the phone. If you do end up breaking your back glass and

  • don't have insurance, you can either pay Apple $599 to fix it, or just buy a replacement

  • housing and swap over each component individually. Yeah it's going to be pretty extremely painful

  • either way. Apple's still kind of being a big jerk where that's concerned. I think you

  • should just get a case before it breaks.

  • I'm pretty impressed with Apple for stepping up and going above and beyond the bare minimum

  • that they usually do. This time Apple has given customers the specs and features they're

  • paying for, and that always hasn't been true in the past. Of course in my opinion, Androids

  • can still accomplish more. I'm not ready to switch sides just yet. But I am glad that

  • Apple has stepped up with enough performance to match the price tag...and is doing it with

  • recycled and recyclable materials. We can all appreciate and support that.

  • I'll get the camera units put back into their slot. They are all housed in the same metal

  • block so it's impossible to get them out of alignment. And the same thing goes for the

  • front cameras. Finally, the front screen with it's three ribbon cables can plug into the

  • tiny motherboard and I can start throwing down all those metal plates over the Lego

  • style ribbon connectors.

  • The last thing that gets plugged in is the battery and this little metal bracket that

  • covers the top. Then we can turn the phone back on. And once again, I'm just as surprised

  • as you are that this thing still works. I, for one, am glad that Apple has started participating

  • again in the smartphone race. And even more so for using recycled components. Innovations

  • in both areas are good for everyone.

  • I'll be looking into the recycling efforts of other manufacturers in the future, so hit

  • that subscribe button if you haven't already. It's free. And remember that the computer

  • the astronauts used to land on the moon 50 years ago is less powerful than the cellphone

  • in your pocket right now.

  • Don't forget to check out the Audible link in the description for your free audio book,

  • and come hang out with me on Instagram and Twitter. Thanks a ton for watching and I'll

  • see you around.

The iPhones have always been some of the most complicated phones to take apart. You'll see


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iPhone 11 Pro Max拆解 - 小小的主板&大大的電池! (iPhone 11 Pro Max Teardown - Tiny Motherboard & BIG Battery!)

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    Andy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日