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  • [Mordecai] What are those?

  • [Donut Shop Worker] Uh no,

  • those apple fritters were double-glazed by mistake.

  • [Mordecai] Double-glazed... [Rigby] Double-glazed...

  • [Mordecai] We'll take 'em.

  • [Worker] Actually, I gotta throw them out, bruh,

  • 'cos they're not safe for human consumption.

  • [Rigby] We'll give you ten bucks.

  • [Worker] Uh, you want those for here or to go?

  • Hey, what's up guys? Welcome back to Binging with Babish,

  • where this week I've just hit 5 million subscribers.

  • This is not the 5 million subscriber special (that's coming soon),

  • but tradition dictates I make something from Regular Show.

  • And that clip always gets me in the mood for appleoh geez!

  • So, most of the recipes I found on the internet are [for] a quick baking soda-based fritter,

  • but since our heroes purchased their donuts from a donut shop,

  • I wanted to make a real deal, yeasted apple fritter.

  • So we're gonna start by combiningcups of milk, heated to 110°F

  • withteaspoons active dry yeast,

  • ¼ cup sugar,

  • and 2 tablespoons of honey in the bowl of a stand mixer.

  • Give it a little tiny whisking and let it sit for 10 minutes

  • after which it should have gotten nice and foamy.

  • To this, we're gonna add 3 eggs, lightly beaten

  • as well as our all-purpose flour, 22⅓ ounces, to be precise.

  • You might notice that I only measured the flour by weight, rather than volume,

  • and that's because it's the only ingredient that can vary wildly when measured by volume.

  • Unlike, say, unsalted room-temperature butter

  • which we're gonna cutsticks into

  • before affixing dough hooks and administering a beat-down on our dough.

  • We're gonna start nice and slow to make sure the flour doesn't fly everywhere

  • and then we're gonna mix on medium-high speed for 6 minutes,

  • scraping down the sides of the bowl once halfway through

  • until we're met with an ultra-soft, ultra-sticky dough.

  • At this point, you might be saying: "Oh my god, I need to add flour,"

  • but why don't you just trust me for once in your life?!

  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl one last time, cover with plastic wrap

  • then let rise at room temperature for 1 hour.

  • Just enough time to negotiate our apple filling

  • for which we're gonna need 4 large Granny Smith apples.

  • Now, there's a number of ways to peel an apple

  • but only one tests your cooking prowess, your finger tenderness,

  • your empathy and your inner strength.

  • And that's to try and peel it all in one single spiral.

  • Can I peel this apple in one uninterrupted ribbon?

  • Of course I can; I'm like a warrior poet with a vegetable peeler.

  • I might not be able to, say, throw or catch a football (or an apple, for that matter)

  • but when it comes to peeling, I am your champion.

  • Anyway, no matter how you peel an apple

  • we want to then core it and cut it into half-inch bite-sized chunks.

  • We're then gonna toss these in a medium bowl with the juice of one lemon,

  • which is not only gonna flavor but prevent the apples from browning

  • as we make our way over to the stove top.

  • Into a large non-stick pan goes ½ stick of unsalted butter

  • which we're not only going to melt over medium heat,

  • we're going to lightly brown it.

  • Once you see the milk fat separate and start to change color

  • add the apples, give them a toss,

  • before adding a whole bunch of brown sugar, maybe like ½ cup's worth,

  • along with some spices:

  • ¼ teaspoon of cloves, ½ teaspoon of ground ginger,

  • a teaspoon of cinnamon, and ¼ teaspoon of allspice.

  • Simmer, tossing ocassionally, for about 4 to 5 minutes

  • until it's nice and thick and gooey and complete,

  • and the apples are just about cooked through.

  • We don't want our filling to be too liquidous, however, so we're gonna thicken

  • with a teaspoon of corn starch whisked together with ¼ cup of warm water.

  • Cook for an additional minute until super thick and then set aside to cool completely.

  • Because as you can see, it's been an hour

  • and our dough has nearly doubled in size.

  • But it's still super duper sticky so I'm gonna coat our worktop

  • with what I would call an uncomfortable amount of flour.

  • Scrape every little last bit of dough out of the bowl

  • and then we're going to convince it to form a rectangle by...

  • ...stretching into a rectangle,

  • on top of which we're going to dump our freshly cooled apples.

  • As you can see, I put mine on a rimmed baking sheet just to get them to cool a little bit faster.

  • And then we're gonna spread them out across the dough

  • and fold the dough over on itself like a pamphlet,

  • effectively laminating the apples and their accompanying sauce into the dough.

  • We're just gonna coax that back together into a ball, make sure that the apples are evenly dispersed,

  • place back in the bowl, cover,

  • and let rise again for one hour at room temperature until re-doubled in size.

  • Then out onto a—againgenerously-floured worktop

  • we are dumping this messy, doughy, apple-y kinda thing.

  • A bunch of apples are gonna spill out;

  • don't worrythis is a natural part of the fritter-making process.

  • Just liberally flour the top of the dough

  • and then we're going to roll it out to about a one-inch thickness

  • and then bust out your favorite biscuit cutter

  • with which we shall cut rounds out of the dough.

  • Just keep cutting 'til you can't cut no more

  • and then we're gonna pull away the scraps from outside the rounds.

  • Place the cut-out fritters onto a well-floured baking sheet

  • and then we're gonna re-roll the scraps back out

  • and this is such a soft dough that it's not gonna make tough donuts once you re-roll it.

  • Once everybody's all cut out, we're headed over to the stove top

  • where we've gotquart of vegetable oil heated to 375°F

  • into which we're going to drop our donuts.

  • They're also a little thick so I'm patting them

  • and stretching them out a little bit before dropping them in the oil

  • because they're gonna puff up significantly after about 90 seconds of cooking.

  • We're gonna flip them once, let them cook for another 90 seconds

  • and then once they're golden brown and crisp all over

  • we're gonna evacuate them onto a wire rack in a rimmed baking sheet so they can drip dry.

  • Rinse and repeat with the remaining fritters until everybody's cooked

  • and then finally it's time to talk about the star of the show: the glaze.

  • All's you need to make donut glaze is a whole lot of powdered sugar

  • and just a little tiny bit of milk.

  • Tiny whisk with conviction until it's nice and smooth and no lumps remain

  • and then we're ready to get dunking. Pun intended.

  • As that nice Jamaican donut shop employee specified, these were double-glazed apple fritters.

  • So I'm using a very thin glaze here

  • to ensure that we get a nice, smooth, shiny coating on our donuts.

  • But Pops was able to see his reflection in these fritters so they definitely need a double dunk.

  • Once the first coat has hardened, we're gonna dunk them again.

  • resulting in perfect donut shop-style apple fritters.

  • But I was curious to see if I could get the same results with a thicker glaze.

  • So, with maybe, double the powdered sugar and the same amount of milk

  • let's see if we can get similar results in one step.

  • And the result were more like a convenience store honey bun

  • which you're not going to hear me complain about; I love honey buns.

  • And while it doesn't have the mirror sheen

  • that we were looking for for the show-accurate recreation,

  • it makes a very handsome fritter.

  • And no matter how you glaze it, these are some picture perfect apple fritters.

  • Light and fluffy on the inside, golden-brown and crisp on the outside,

  • with plenty of pockets of warm spiced apples dotted throughout its twisty interior.

  • It makes you wonder how anyone could ever want something like a whole wheat donut

  • that is, until you eat like three of them for your cooking show

  • and things start moving in slow-motion.

  • And with that I am off to the gym, after a quick nap.

  • Subtitles by Spotted Metal

[Mordecai] What are those?


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與Babish一起乒乒乓乓。定期節目中的蘋果餡餅 (Binging with Babish: Apple Fritters from Regular Show)

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