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We build confidence by facing our fears and taking progressive steps towards our goals.
Here are some tips to help you.
Build your confidence by stepping outside of your comfort zone in small increments.
And if you tell yourself you're capable, you will indulge behaviors that will enable you to be.
Make a habit of saying yes, even if it means increasing your workload because that's how you will develop your skills.
Network with everybody, even those in other departments, that way, you'll feel more at home, which will aid your confidence, and they'll be there to help you when you need them.
Clear, precise goals help us to take clear, precise actions towards them.
Write down your goals in a specific way with dates set for achieving them by.
That way, you'll know what you need to do, when you need to do it, so it becomes part of your routine, like brushing your teeth.
SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
SMART 是由 Specific (明確)、Measurable (可計算的)、Attainable (可達成的)、Relevant (相關的) 和 Time-bound (有時限的) 所組成的縮寫字。
So, for example, I'll check my emails between 11 and 11:30 a.m. and 4 and 4:30 a.m., Monday to Friday.
舉個例子,週一到週五我都會在早上 11 點到 11:30 之間、下午 4 點到 4:30 之間查看我的電子郵件。
Break large goals down into small stepping stones so that you don't feel overwhelmed.
We can achieve anything if we just break the job down into small, manageable tasks.
Research shows the brain builds new neural pathways when we do something for the first time and this applies whether we do it in real life or simply imagine ourselves doing it.
Neural pathways give the brain a blueprint to follow, if you like.
So, for example, you can rehearse in your mind doing a presentation for your boss and your colleagues, and doing it brilliantly from start to end, so that when it comes to the real occasion, it's as though you've already done it before.
This will help you to be confident and succeed more.
Confident people achieve more, and remember, by using your brain to your advantage, you can increase your confidence with purposeful planning, preparation, and practice.