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  • Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe?

  • Yes.

  • - Were you in the original trilogy? - Yes.

  • Is there a picture of you in my wallet wearing a metal bikini?

  • God, I hope not.

  • - No, I'm not Princess Leia. - Okay, my turn.

  • Are you in all six Star Wars movies?

  • - Yes. - Interesting.

  • - Are you a droid? - Yes.

  • Do you kind of look like a shiny Sheldon?

  • Yes.

  • - C-3P0. - You got it.

  • That's preposterous. I do not resemble C-3P0.

  • Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered, I just don't see it.


  • Leslie Winkle. Ahem.

  • You've reached Friends with Benefits.

  • For a booty call, press 1 now.

  • What exactly does that expression mean, "friends with benefits"?

  • Does he provide her with health insurance?

  • No.

  • Look, imagine you maintained a friendship with someone you had sex with...

  • ...but you were free to date whoever you wanted.

  • I'm sorry, I can't imagine any of that.

  • All right, back to the game.

  • I believe it's my turn.

  • You may begin your questions whenever you're ready.

  • Are you Spock?

  • I don't like this game.

Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe?


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B1 中級

大爆炸理論 (2007) s02e21 - "猜猜我是誰?" 遊戲 (有英文字幕) (The Big Bang Theory (2007) s02e21 - 'Guess who?' game (with english subtitles))

  • 777 27
    Susy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日