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  • This is my older sister.

  • We agreed to meet in Masan during

  • the January-Fourth Retreat but only made it to Daejeon.

  • I've finally reunited with her.

  • (I should have held your hand tighter)

  • We sought refuge separately

  • because it was a time of emergency.

  • I believe I was the last one to leave Seoul.

  • They said we only needed to hide for five days.

  • I followed my sister and we sought refuge together.

  • Our maternal grandmother passed away there.

  • We came here twice to find our father.

  • We lost our father at the January-Fourth Retreat.

  • (They lived apart for years without news of each other)

  • (They lost each other in the crowd of refugees)

  • (KBS "Finding Dispersed Families" Live Broadcast, 1983)

  • (Over 100,000 families applied)

  • (Only 10,000 families were reunited)

  • (At the time, we had no idea)

  • (That we wouldn't see each other for over 30 years)

  • My family defected during the January-Fourth Retreat.

  • At the Yeongdeungpo train platform in Seoul,

  • we were going to ride the train but lost each other.

  • I was sixteen then and lost my sister there.

  • I grabbed all my siblings and my parents

  • and tied us together so we wouldn't lose another one.

  • Thank goodness our parents are alive!

  • (There are still people out there)

  • (Waiting to reunite with their families)

  • (Korean Diaspora: Divided Families)

This is my older sister.


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B2 中高級

[이산가족ng c.c] 헤어짐의순간 The moment of separation(分離的時刻)。 ([이산가족 Eng c.c] 헤어짐의순간 The moment of separation)

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