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The serial killer's a woman?!
That is one bold woman!
I bet she has a deep-seated anger towards her victims.
- I'm going to school, Tay-- - You're not going anywhere.
Last night,
we went to a bar,
where the serial killer's last victims were last seen.
We spoke to the guard there.
And according to him, the victims went to
a rest house in Bulacan after leaving the bar.
I really hope there will be lots of customers tonight.
Me too! I hope Ronald Serrano comes tonight.
Me too!
Who's Ronald Serrano?
Oh, that's right! You're new here.
You'll meet him eventually.
He's rich. He's the son of Adrian Serrano.
You know? That guy whose death was covered by all journalists?
Problem is, Ronald often uses force
to have his way with girls.
Well, I'm okay with that.
What matters is he gives a hefty tip, right?
I don't go home with customers. My work ends at the bar.
Suit yourself. It's your loss.
Hold on now. Why are we here?
Ronald, I thought we'll be
sniffing some good stuff at your rest house?
- Relax. - Alright.
We'll get there.
But before anything else,
we'll get ourselves a whole bunch of girls!
we'll get ourselves a whole bunch of girls!
Hey, Irene!
You have a stain right there.
Oh! I'm sorry.
It's my second day today so I've a heavy flow.
Clean yourself up, will you?!
Okay, I will. I'm really sorry.
Hey, Maureen. Are you okay?