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  • Kid President: This is me, many people know me as Kid President.

  • But my friends and family, they call me, the Robster!

  • [off camera]: No we don't! [laughs]

  • Kid President: This is Brad. Zoom in. What a weirdo.

  • He's my brother, well brother-in-law. But we're best friends!

  • We always made crazy stuff together, but what we're doing now is our craziest!

  • This is behind the scenes of Kid President!

  • [snapping]

  • [off camera]: Kid President! KP: Oh oh, I'm sorry. I never thought anything

  • like this would happen, I'm just a kid! I have osteogenesis imperfecta, if you know

  • what that is! It means that I break easily.

  • Since I was born, I've had over 70 breaks. I'm broken right now! But I still dance!

  • Brad: But yeah, so much of the idea for Kid President came from Robby's resilient spirit!

  • Robby: What does resilient mean? Brad: [laughs] I don't know.

  • We just started making these videos for fun and... are you dancing right now?

  • You're dancing aren't you. Robby: Mhm!

  • Brad: Could you stop dancing for just one second.

  • [laughs] Robby: We posted our first video, our friends

  • and family watched it. Which is awesome! We had a lot of fun making it!

  • I even did a commercial. "Come to Freed-Hardeman Benefit dinner! Condaleeza?

  • Condaleezababa? I can't say her name." Rainn Williams, he invited us to make videos

  • for SoulPancake! [laughs]

  • Now, my and Brad's latest video has millions of views. And we're like "What?"

  • Each episode is us just, just both of us playing around!

  • And we make it up together! Brad makes the footage. He puts it together

  • and makes it even better. He just makes the boring parts, I make the

  • awesome parts. [Brad off camera]: Quit saying that!

  • Robby: I'm just trying to be funny! Brad: The ultimate goal is not for like fame

  • or money. Robby: No it's about, well on that calendar

  • it says "dream with me." Okay that's what we want to do. Okay pretend I'm Martin Luther

  • King. "I have a dream that I can, that we can make

  • the world better but not doing bad stuff and not being famous. We just need to be cool

  • and make the world better. I have a dream that everybody can be nice. Ow!

  • Brad: So it's about a dream! We just want to help spread hope and joy and that's all

  • we're trying to do and it's been really cool of you to watch and help! So what will you

  • create that will make the world more awesome? Robby: Yeah, what will you create to make

  • the world more awesome! Brad: Tell us what, we love hearing what you've

  • been inspired to do. Robby: Keep watching Kid President and you'll

  • get more spirit to be more awesome! Especially you grown-ups!

  • Brad: There's more to come, we got a lot more that we're wanting to do. Thanks for watching!

  • Robby: Wherever you are today... Brad: ...Give the world a reason to dance!

  • [dance break]

  • SoulPancake Subscribe!

Kid President: This is me, many people know me as Kid President.


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兒童總統的真實故事 (The True Story of Kid President)

  • 80 6
    Allyse Ri 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日