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Kris Korhn here and today, me and my real estate business partner, Steven
Miller, are going to be talking about 15 things that poor people do that rich
people don't and instead of a quicker video, we're actually going to step back and
not just talk about the 15 things that the that the rich people and the poor
people are doing differently, we're also going to show you 15 things that the
rich people do and how they think that makes all the difference in the
world so it's a little bit longer but hang in there
because this is the knowledge after all the thousands of people that I've had a
chance to interview over the years and get to know and working with poor people
and wealthy people. I think there are some huge secrets and gems that are
going to be revealed to you in 15 things that the poor people do and also 15
things that the wealthy people do.
This is such a waste of time, okay. We're talking about 15 things that poor people
do that rich people don't and nose flutes is definitely one of those. Don't
you dare put that in your mouth. So I want to do a little shout out here to alux.com,
they've done a great job producing a video really talking about 15 things
that poor people do that rich people don't and Steven and I, over the years
that we've been in business, we've had a chance to work with thousands of people
on their journey of wanting to be successful, some of them make it and some
of them don't and we've gotten some strong opinions and ideas that we've put
together after all those case studies as to the things that poor people do that
rich people don't and alux.com, 8 of their 15 really resonated strongly with
us and then we wanted to bring some additional ideas to the table and what I
want invite you to do is take pen and paper and write these fifteen ideas down
and if you identify with any of these thoughts and ideas, I'm going to invite you
to make the conscious choice to change those behaviors because bottom line is,
they're likely not associated with successful people. - Alright, so let's go
ahead and jump right in. Again, this is the 15 things that poor people do that
the rich people don't and let's start with eating fast food. Now look, I will
say that wealthy people on the go, they eat fast food a lot too, theire fast
food just looks a little bit differently often. A lot of wealth people that I know
eat very healthy, they're very conscious about what they're eating, actually what
they're putting in their body, they are on a go go go, you know, they're getting
after their dreams and their goals, they're creating businesses and
networking with people so as they're doing that, they need to have their bodies in
optimal form and so eating fast food, the typical fast food, I won't throw out any
names here but eating your typical fast food is not good fuel. - It's not good
energy, it produces lethargy, you're not going to be on your A game, you get in what
you get out and if you're putting crap and you're going to get crap out. - Yep,
let's do the second one. - Okay. Number two, they buy clothes or products that are on
sale and there's an idea, there's a mentality here that says, I always need
the best deal, I need things on sale and so what they'll do is, they'll end up
bypassing really incredible opportunities that life has but
they're bypassing them because they're actually just looking for the deal,
they're looking for the sale, they're looking for the least expensive approach,
the least expensive way and again, you're going to get what you pay for.
- Can I talk about this a little bit because this goes into the subconscious
mind. If you're constantly looking for a deal, a deal means that you are taking,
it's almost like you're taking advantage of a system or taking advantage of
somebody or they have to be giving it to you for a low low price which means you
gouge them, you know, it's that negotiation strategy. If you're
constantly looking for that negotiation, you're constantly looking for that good
deal then in the back your mind, it means someone else is not getting
a good deal, that you're taking it away from them and rather than have that
constant at the back of your mind, going for sales and things like that, although
you may think that you're just going out to save money, really what you're doing
could be hurting another business or hurting someone else and like Kris said,
hurting you in the long run so don't always go out and look for the sale,
find what it is that you want and you get after it. - Find what you want, I love
that. Okay, number three, waking up late. Yep, I'm talking to some you night owls,
those of you that aren't burning the candles on both ends, in fact, you've got
the longest candle possible. You might be sleeping in and you might be staying out
late and ultimately what research and studies have found is that the
individuals that are sleeping in, they're not that early bird that's getting the
worm, they're actually sleeping in, they're missing a lot of life's
opportunities and just to do a little comparison here, Steven and I, we've got
habits over the years of waking up early to do our morning power hours, our
routines of waking up our bodies, our minds, our spirits, reading good books,
going to the gym, exercising, getting into our prayers, our meditation and all
that's doing is, often by the time a lot of other people are just waking up,
we've already soaked in so much of the beautiful promise that life has to offer
so here's our invitation is, choose to wake up earlier than you normally do and
just find out how much more effective you are, how much more productive you are
or just how much more conscious, awake, aware and appreciative of life that you
are. - Absolutely. Number four, poor people blame others for their misfortune. Now
look, I get it, it can be hard if you're in a situation where you don't have money and
you may see somebody else who has all this opulence or you know great things
that they've been able to create for themselves but don't ever blame anyone
else for where you are. If you get into that habit, you have completely stripped
yourself of any power to correct it. Rich people, people that are
wealthy, they don't blame other people for their circumstances. If something
wrong happens in their lives, they take full accountability, they pull it on all
into themselves, they say okay, what can I change so that can create a different
result and that puts the power to their hands so if you find yourself blending
others a lot for your misfortune, if you find yourself, you know, sweeping the
accountability off to somebody else then just take it back, take it back and
you'll have the power to create whatever is that you want. - Well, I want to ask this
question. Is it ever rightful to play the blame game? And I'm going to argue that it
is. I'm going to argue that if you try to create exceptions of like, no, but this
person really disadvantaged me or this person used their free agency to do this
thing that hurt me or this person really did something that they shouldn't have
done, every moment you spend focusing on that is in making an investment into
what you don't want so I get it, you know what, life's unfair. Steven and I, we
didn't start in privileged circumstances, we started behind, we started in debt and
as we've allowed ourselves to rise, this is something that we take really
personally is that, in fact, we even put on every month an empowerment workshop
called Limitless. It's a three-day event. You can learn more up here by clicking
that link. Get with us for a few days and we're going to share with you the
mindset of the wealthy, we're going to share with you the mindset not of wealthy just
in terms of riches but the wealthy that are receiving happiness, joy and
fulfillment in their life. That's the greatest form of wealth that I'm aware
of and what we're going to share with you is that you never get to go into that
blame game only because it disempowers you from being able to do anything
productive out of it. - Absolutely. So let's jump into number five number. Five is,
poor people do not save money. Now that may seem like a no-brainer, they're poor,
they don't have money so they're not saving it but really this is a principle
of budgeting and saving just on a very granular level. Poor people don't ever
put any money away, this isn't and I'm not talking about hundreds or even
thousands of dollars, if you have a very small budget or if you have a very low a
little amount of money that comes in every month, you have an opportunity that
you could even just save a couple dollars, even just a couple of dollars
over several months or many years could turn into enough money to get
maybe a bigger thing that you've always desired, you've always wanted, it's that
idea of setting a goal, sticking to it, budgeting. This is kind of going
around that same conversation so poor people don't save money. - If you feel like
you do have a hard time saving money, I want to invite you
read one of the classics. It's a short book it's called The Richest Man In
Babylon. It's a fantastic book that just shares the analogy and life of one man
and choices that he made in basic rules that allowed him to eventually become
very very wealthy and it started with having no money and just starting with a
couple of small rules and listen, even if you're below the poverty level,
trust me, get the book, read it. It's going to help you. Okay, number six,
you're using credit cards or loans to buy things that depreciate in value.
Okay, we're buying useless things, we're buying things that are actually not
building, we're buying things that aren't actually helping us and it's amazing how
quickly the money can flow right out to things that lose value so I go and buy a
computer, well six months from now, that computer's going to be less. Even
this is the first hour that I walk away with it, it's less, two years later, it's
going to be less. Now, you may need a computer but think about some of the
things. Are we buying more car than we can afford? Are we buying other things
and for that matter, it is amazing how much money can go into junk food and to
things that we don't need and ultimately, we're going into debt for these things
and by the way, I've gone into that debt for business ideas that have made me money.
I've gone into debt for things like real estate, I've gone into debt for things
that have made me money and that's a good debt so make sure that you're
learning that poor people are really good at going into bad debt, rich people
are really good at going into good debt. - So this jumps right into number seven
and number seven is about spending money before you get it. Poor people spend a
lot of money before, this is the credit card .. - My paycheck is on Friday, I got 2 days to
go and I already know how I'm going to spend. - Or even going and
getting up a payday loan. How many people are going off and giving these payday
loans?One of these these companies that will give you money for a title or title
loans so that you can have what you want now rather than delaying that
gratification for a while and earning it until you've got enough saved up so you
can get it. Don't spend money that you don't have. - Okay, now this is number
eight of the ideas that we want to share from alux.com. Again, a huge shout out to
them, you guys produced a fantastic video, you should check it out. Never following
through on ideas as number eight, never following through. So you have an idea
and what you do is you become an amazing procrastinator and I'm gonna get to that
someday. Now if that speaks to you, if you know,
oh man, Kris, that totally pricked my heart, I do that sometimes. Here's the
good news, this video is not an indictment on any
of these things that you're doing wrong, it's an invitation that says mount up,
take courage, cowboy up, go out there and do something about it. If you know that
you're bad at follow through then guess what you get to do, you get to develop
the skill of hey, maybe I'm going to start using my phone for a different
purpose. I'm going to take my notepad, I'm going to take
note of every idea that I get to follow through on and then I'm going to put it
where my money is and where my mouth is. Right now, if you want to know what
people are truly committed to, it'll show up on their calendar or it'll affect
their pocketbook and that's what you get to start doing so if you have an idea,
make sure that in the least, you schedule time where you're going to tackle it,
jump in and make that happen. - I want to jump into some of the things that Kris
and I wanted to add to this list now and this starts with number 9 and number 9
is about quitting. People that are poor or have that poor man mentality, they
often quit when things get hard. Now I want to help you understand something
here, this is a principle that if you will internalize this, it will change
your life. Things that you've never done before will always be hard. There is a
difficulty level to things that you've never done before,
it may not be hard physically, it may not be hard just emotionally or mentally but
it's going to be hard in one of those areas. When things get hard, you're that kind of
person that's always just going to quit, throw your hands up and say nevermind,
this isn't for me then you'll never accomplish anything outside of what you
currently have and if what you currently have is poor or what you currently have
is not wealth, what you currently have is something that you're sick and tired of
then you have to continue through, you have to break through that barrier
instead of quitting, you've got to blast through and start succeeding and the
only way to do that is to understand that when it gets hard, you're going to just
keep on going. - The reality is, every endeavor you have, every goal that you
have, every business you want to start, everything that you want to do, it has a
gestational period of time of how long it needs before it can become successful
and you won't figure out what it is until you're in hindsight, you won't
figure out what it is until you got that 20/20 vision looking in the rearview
mirror so you have an idea and it could be that it takes in 90 days for it to
come to fruition become successful but if you have practiced becoming a failure
at day 1, day 3, day 5, day 20 or 89 days, the day before it really was going to pop
then you've never really given any of your ideas an opportunity to bloom and
so one of the things that you get to learn how to do is instead of quitting,
you get to learn how to do hard thing, you get to learn how to stick with it
and ultimately, become the definition of constant, sustainability and stick with
it nests. - Alright. Number ten, entitlement. Wow, this is a big one, Kris.
We've met so many people over the years who kind of came to us, they
started off with this entitlement mentality, we've been able to help them
again take on more accountability. What is entitlement mean? Well, there's
this old school Disney cartoon that I watched when I was a kid growing up and
it was Goofy. Goofy from Disney going up the mountain, singing this song. He's like,
"Oh, the world owes me a living." and that phrase, I sung that tune so many times
but now as an adult where I'm at, I'm like, what a poisonous message. The world
does not owe you anything, the world does not owe you a living. In fact, people in
the world will often use their own agency to benefit you but they'll also
use it to disadvantage you and sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's not
intentional and the bottom line is, here you on this planet, you were born into
the system and what are you really entitled to, in fact, in our government, we
like to talk about the entitlements, the things that I'm entitled to. You know
what, I'm not going to allow the government, I'm not going to rely on the
government to take care of me, provide my medical or do these things, it's great if
it does. The moment it's not providing for me and I start going into the blame
game is the moment I disempower myself to go out there and make it happen
so entitlement says people only thinks the world owes me things, family owes me
things, parents owe me things, the world owes me things, we're just stepping into
a new idea and a new belief that says, I get to take ownership and claim
the things that I want life. I get to step up and make the map and I get to be
a self-made. - I want to talk to also the people that aren't maybe just poor, maybe
even the entrepreneurs right now who have stepped into an entitlement
mentality because I've been here before, Kris and I. Kris, you know, we've started
some businesses before and I got to a point once, I just want to tell a quick
story personal real quick, I got to a point once where in our
business, I was one of the owners of this business and I got into this
entitlement mentality. I thought the business owed me something,
I thought that because I had a title and ownership and all these different things
that I was owed something, that I should be exempt from some different
things from, you know, from ridicule or whatever, I thought I was
exempt from all this. I felt entitled and I'll tell you, it was eye-opening for me
the moment that I actually stopped feeling entitled, the moment that I
recognized that whatever I'm going to have in life with my business or outside of
my business was going to be determined by my results that I was creating by my two
hands, by my brain and that no one had to give me anything, that I had to earn it,
the moment I flipped that switch, everything changed for me and so not
just for poor people but maybe even semi wealthy people or people that are
business owners that are feeling like they're hitting those ceilings, check in,
ask yourself, have I stepped into a space of entitlement because I
own the business or because I'm an entrepreneur or because whatever, because
I have this title? And if so, if you can step out of that entitlement, you'll find
so much more success coming to you. - Perfect. Alright number 11 of 15, poor
people don't do the math and I'm talking about the math of life, what do I need
for retirement, what do I need to get to my goal, what do I need to do in my
budget? Life has some really basic essential math associated with it.
There's so many of us that are on a plan that is guaranteed to get us where we
don't want to be and yet we're following that plan,
it's our directive, it's our mo, it's what we're doing and one of the ways that I
really find this and look at this, Steven, is I got people that for example will be
at a job, they'll be contributing to a 401k, they'll be thinking this is my
retirement plan and yet they haven't done the math. What did you make last
year? Just multiply that by your next 20 years of working and how much will you
have and ask yourself, will $100,000 be enough for retirement?
Will 300,000 be enough retirement? I know that $200,000 sounds like a lot of money
when you don't have it but if you're making and living off of the national
average of $50,000 a year, then $200,000 will last you four years,
that means that you're on a plan, you've chosen to invest in 401K or
that retirement model and what it means is that, when you get to retirement, you
get four years of living. Unfortunately, modern name medicine is allowing us to
live for a lot longer than that so the question is, what are you going to do
with the next decade or two of your life? Do the math and make sure that you are
making a planned commensurate to fulfilling whatever's that you're doing.
Same thing on little things like, hey I want to start a business. I'm going to
start it today, I'm going to be successful tomorrow. Do the math and get
realistic and allow the math to help dictate, some of you are like,
well, I'm not really good at math or how do you do that.
Most of the math I'm talking about is multiplication,
division, plus and minus. - I've been making $50,000 a year and I'm probably going to live for 30 more
years after retirement so what's the math? Just do the math, that's exactly
what you're saying. - That's one and a half million dollars. - Thank you. He does math really well.
So and you brought up something
here in this conversation that is actually number 12 which is not only do
the math but have a plan, right? Do the math and number 12, have a plan. - Poor
people do not have plans. - They don't have a plan, they just kind of float through
life and I love Napoleon Hill and Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill,
great book, he talks about drifters you know and and he talks about people who
kind of just are floating through life, allowing life to happen to them and that
is someone who doesn't have a plan really, that's what it is so make sure
that you do have a plan, get clear on what it is that you want and then get
after it. If you don't know what you want yet, ask yourself, what do I want and then
start writing it down. We're all clear on the things that we don't want which is
why often times, we're creating what we don't want because we're spending all of
our time focusing on the things that we don't want that are outside of any plan,
we just don't have a plan right but if you get clear to plan, if you get clear
on what you want, you put a plan behind it, you'll start putting all of your
energy, all of your time, all your focus into that plan and you'll start to get
that plan. - Boom. Okay, number 13 of the 15, excuses excuses excuses excuses and
excuses beget excuses. I didn't because I'm poor and this didn't happen to
me and I woke up late and then my car got a flat tire and then this person
said this thing to me and my boss didn't do that and that's when I got fired.
- It wasn't my fault, it was raining. - Yeah, and he did it to me and you know and the idea
of excuses is that we always have an external reason why we didn't show up
and do what we did. It's what Stephen said with no plan, you're either acting
or being acted upon, you're either out there claiming life and making it happen
or you're just drifting along like Steven said. So drifters will make
excuses and people that are executing plans, they're not going to make excuses,
they're also going to take responsibility for what they didn't do.
You know, yesterday, I was in a conversation where someone said, hey this
business employee did not respond to the email over the Christmas break and ended up
creating a bad reputation for me. Best thing that that employee can do is if
they didn't do it, sure, they have a great excuse, it was the holidays, man.
It was Christmas Eve, that's true but you also get to take ownership and say
you're right, I didn't do it, okay. Taking that ownership and taking that in,
even though it sucks to eat a little bit of crow or a lot, there's a
benefit that you get afterwards which is you get to step into power, this is whoa,
instead of having all these excuses. I can rise above my excuses and really
take my life back by acting powerfully upon it. - Yeah. Guys, number 14 is all about
time management. This is something where poor people are really really, they're
bad at this and the reason why this is so important is because so often when we
look at our resources, when we look at what our assets to us, we oftentimes will
look at our money as a big resource, we'll oftentimes looking at energy right as a
resource but oftentimes we look at our time and we just squander our time. Your
time is your greatest resource, it is your most valuable resource, it is the
only resource that you have that is limited. Energy you can get more, right?
You can eat food, you can go to sleep and get rest and get more energy. Money, you
can create more, you can create a business and get more money. Time, all of
us only have 24 hours in a day and that's limited by however many years
you're going to live, who knows, right? So time is your most valuable resource,
start treating it as such. Begin today to use every minute of your
day in a way that's going to benefit you and bring you're closer to your goals
rather than allowing those goals to just drift away from you. - We're also in a
really highly addictive society and whether it's Netflix binging or all the
different things that we can invest enormous amounts of time
in, often we get to make a trade of some of those things that were maybe an
access of to produce the extra time that we need for doing the things that are
more required essential or going to actually help us achieve the level of
success or personal fulfillment that we're going after. Alright, this is
number 15, this is the final one, is that poor people have lots of poor limiting
beliefs and a limiting belief is any idea that you subscribe to that holds
you back. Have you ever said the words "I can't do it" "I'm too young" "I'm
too old" "I'm not a good business person" "I don't have
money for that" "Rich people are greedy and there's not enough"
Well, these are just ideas and even though they're your ideas, we have
mistaken our limiting beliefs identity and this is the identity crisis
is that poor people believe all sorts of things about themselves that are only
true because they believe in them and the opposite of a limiting belief is an
empowerment belief, it's a limitless belief and what Steven and I are going to
do right now is we're going to end with the final bonus, we're going to take these 15
top things that poor people do and we're going to create right now 15 new empowering
beliefs that you can write down that will assist you in being empowered.
So the first thing that we covered is poor people eat fast food instead the new
belief would be I eat healthy food. I eat healthy food. Number two, buy
clothes or products on sale and the new belief might be I love
buying the things that I need. - Yeah, absolutely. How about this one, number
three, I wake up late, I'm not a morning person or I wake up earlier. Yeah, I'm a
morning person. - And some of you are like, that's crazy, dude! If you're really
addicted to your sleep, we're not saying get less sleep but you might need to
shift your hours around a little bit in this idea of just sleeping and sleeping
in, something beautiful can happen if you just start with the idea and area say
but it's not true, start with the idea, that's the beginning of change, that's
the beginning of transformation so if you say like Steven just said, I'm a
morning person. Guess what, let that sink in, keep saying
it every single day and eventually this belief is going to take root and it's
going to correct that old pattern of the past and it's not that one choice is
better than another, it's you simply acting upon the world. - So number four,
was blame others for misfortune. How about this? I'm accountable for all of my
results. I take accountability and responsibility for everything that
happens in my life. - Here's number five, instead of I don't save money, it's I'm
an expert money saver, I'm really good at budgeting. - Or use credit cards or
loans for useless things, how about I use credit cards and loans to improve my
life. I use credit cards and loans to do wise investments - and I make intelligent
financial decisions. So instead of spending money before you get it, you
could step into the new belief which is, I'm an expert at managing my financial
resources. - I like that one a lot. How about this on never fall through on
ideas which is number eight, I've never fall through an ideas. How about this, I
follow through on every good idea that serves me. I always follow through with
my inspired ideas, I'm committed to the choices that I make, I follow through
every time. - Number nine. Number nine is I quit when it gets hard, what would
be a new one for that, Kris? - I'm consistent, I'm
constant, I stick with it. - I like that a lot. - Okay, here's number 10,
the world owes me a living, I'm entitled, instead it's, I create my living, I claim
my life, I claim the abundance that surround me, I step in and I'm the maker
of my life. - Yeah, number eleven is I don't do the math. A turnaround for that could
be, I do the math, I know exactly what I need to do. I've run the numbers, I love
running the numbers. - Number twelve, no plan, instead we're going to go with, I'm an
expert planner, I plan for success, I am successful because I'm an expert planner.
- Number thirteen is I make excuses. How about this, I'm accountable and
responsible for everything that happens to me. - Number fourteen, time management
problems, we're going to play with a different idea here, we're going to play
with I'm an expert at time management. Now notice how often I'm dropping in the
word expert. If you've been really bad at it, you're like, Kris, I could tell myself
many things but not an expert. Listen, what do you want to strive for? You got
to speak in a new creation, you got to think it and become it here before
you're going to see it out here so by the way, would it benefit you to become an
expert at managing your time? The answer would be correct, yes. So instead just run
with it, I'm an expert at managing my time and
watch how time management shifts for you. - Now the last one and this is a
little bit of a bonus but the video that we started with and this
whole thing was from alux.com, fifteen things that poor people do that
the rich don't and I would say one limiting belief is that you're even poor.
So try this on, I'm wealthy right, I create an abundance all around me, I
invite it into my life, I am wealthy, I am rich.Try that on. If you start to think
that way, then all these little things that you've identified in your life that
you may need to shift and change and create some new habits around are going
to start to bring you out of that poverty, out of that poor man's mentality
and create the wealth that you're looking for. So instead of 15 things poor
people do this video is 15 things that wealthy people do. - Absolutely. - Really
makes you want to reflect, doesn't it? On your habits, the things that you do
and at the end of the day, you can keep any habits you want but I think it's
worth studying these 15 different things and just asking what's worth fighting
for, what's worth dying for, what's worth changing and I hope that if you found
even just one thing change, it's going to help you be far better
off. I also wanna invite you to click the link and click on the option to come
spend three days with me because I got to tell you right now, we opened the door
at my 3-day live events on how to transform your life with becoming limitless.