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  • what if i knew what would you do

  • what if you bit off much more than you chew what if you left me to die

  • but i grew living a life

  • not much different than you finding the clues

  • lie's on the news wondering how i survive in my shoe's

  • look to the skies like they taking a snooze guess its on us..the strong and abused

  • some are amused most are confused

  • most are still broke after paying their due's some will sell dope..

  • slowly they choke some choose the rope

  • the terms when you loose losing our hope,

  • no it's no joke they tell you to vote, the outcomes excused

  • count it again brothers and friends

  • the actions of few are more than a trend

  • while the poor get sent to the war while the corporations soar,

  • from the gas & the oils that are offshore own the whole damn world

  • cause they want more, lost in orchestrating greed like a hot whore

  • like the truth coming down in a hot poor run your city's with a nuke, fukishima core

  • you can see itstill bleeding on the seafloor hope its messing with your principles

  • seemore..nL

  • pay attention..

  • what would you do what if you kept it inside-but it grew

  • started affecting the lives that you knew addressing the mess and perception you view

  • terrible two's parables cue's

  • see through the lines like dividing of spins

  • climbing the ladder you'l reach it in time how will you know... these tree's with the

  • Pine seak and you'l find

  • deeper than minds reaching the peak inner secrets confined

  • taking a leap to the East is a Sign sowing your reap

  • secrets in rhymes knowing your beat,

  • and look where you leap watch how you speak

  • reaching divine try it again

  • mice into men riding the tides

  • rising of when opponent with swords, would die by the pen

  • now its just wars, according to men what would you do

  • now that you know will you just hide

  • where will you go if i survive

  • then im alone dying inside

  • sittin at home all of my life

  • pain as my wife end of the night

  • history's shown..nL

  • are you listening ?

what if i knew what would you do


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B1 中級 美國腔

無頭鳥編曲 +字幕 (Orchestrated by NoLeads +subtitles)

  • 64 1
    penny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日