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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 267. The title of today's lesson is the difference between look after and look at. Yeah. Sometimes students could mix these two up. In most

  • cases, they're probably using a look after when they should be looking using

  • look at. So let's take a look at the note here. If someone looks after a person

  • they take care of them, help them , make sure they don't get into trouble or hurt

  • themselves. So if you're looking after someone maybe they're sick. Maybe they

  • need your aid. Maybe it's small children. Maybe it's an elderly person that has

  • difficulty to gett around. You might look after them to make sure they're okay.

  • Make sure they don't get into trouble. If someone looks after something, he or she

  • makes sure it is protected, not lost, not damaged , not stolen. You know, so you ask

  • somebody to look after something for you. You want them to mind it for you, make sure

  • just hold it for you. Make sure nothing bad happens to it. So

  • you want somebody to look after something. All right. Now if we say look

  • at. Let's continue here. If someone looks at something , well in this situation, they

  • check it to see what is wrong and try to fix it. Yeah of course you could say, look

  • at me and just directly look at someone too, but that's not the meaning we want here. We want this meaning.

  • So like if you call someone to look at something, you want them to check it out.

  • See if there's a problem with it. See what's wrong with it. Okay, so let's look

  • at the first example where it's wrong. Of course here with the X, this is wrong.

  • That elevator is out of order. You should call someone to look after it.

  • Yeah. So this would be a mistake that a student might make. It would sound

  • very strange, if you say call someone to look after the elevators. You know what is he going to do ? Oh are you okay ?

  • Do you need any help ? Is that what the mechanic is going to say to the elevator ?

  • So of course, you wouldn't really be looking after it

  • you should, the correct way to say it is would be this. That elevator is out of order. You should

  • call someone to look at it meaning to check it out. See what the problem is ? See why it

  • doesn't, why it's not running or operating correctly. What needs to be

  • done in order to fix it. You want him to look at it. Good. Let's look at the second one here . Again with

  • the X. This is wrong. The air conditioner is not working well. Can you call the

  • landlord to send someone to look after it ?

  • Again you don't want someone to like babysit or look after your air

  • conditioner. You want them to check it out. So of course, the correct way is to say

  • it, you know with the check here , would be the air conditioner is not working well, can you call

  • the landlord to send someone to look at it ? To check and see why it's not running

  • correctly or properly. What needs to be done to fix the problem. So in that case

  • you should say to look at it. Check it out. Okay good, and of course , we just give one example here.

  • Where we do want to say to look after. I asked my sister to babysit and look after my children for a couple of days when I had to have an operation. . Yes. You wanted her to

  • mind them. Make sure they're okay. Make sure they're healthy, make sure they

  • don't get into trouble, hurt themselves or something like that. You

  • wanted , she wanted her sister to look after her children. Yeah. Look at means

  • there's usually a problem that you want someone to check. We could use look at

  • to think if somebody has a health problem. They might go to the doctor and

  • you want the doctor to look at it. Maybe you had an infection or a sore or

  • something like that on a part of your body you want the doctor to look at it.

  • So you want him to check it. You want him to see what's wrong with it ? How can he

  • treat it to make it better ? That would also be to look at it. All right. Anyway, I hope it's clear. I hope you clearly see the difference between the two now. Thank you for your time . Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 267. The title of today's lesson is the difference between look after and look at. Yeah. Sometimes students could mix these two up. In most


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英語導師Nick P課程(267)Look After和Look At的區別。 (English Tutor Nick P Lesson (267) The Difference Between Look After and Look At)

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    anitawu12 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日