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  • In this episode of MarieTV, we do have some adult language.

  • So if you have little ones around, grab your headphones now.

  • Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and life you love.

  • Now, if you're anything like me and you love the topic of productivity?

  • Stick around, because my guest today is an expert on how to make the most of those 168

  • hours we each get every week.

  • Laura Vanderkam is the bestselling author of What the Most Successful People Do Before

  • Breakfast, I Know How She Does It, and 168 Hours, among others.

  • Her 2016 TED talk, "How to Gain Control of Your Free Time," has been viewed more than

  • 5 million times.

  • Her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune and other publications.

  • Laura, thank you so much for coming in.

  • Thank you for having me.

  • So I think we share a little bit of a similar DNA.

  • I have been and love talking about productivity and time management.

  • It's just a topic area I can't get enough of.

  • We talk about it a lot on the show.

  • So I'm really curious, where did you develop this love of this topic?

  • How did this start for you?

  • Yeah, well I wish there was a really good story of hitting rock bottom and then, that

  • would make a much better self help book.

  • But I've always been interested in productivity.

  • And it really came to a head when I had my first kid several years ago and I was trying

  • to figure out how I could make the pieces of work and life fit together.

  • And so I started studying people who were making it work.

  • And as I looked at their schedules and ask questions about it, I saw that a lot of the

  • stories we tell ourselves about where the time goes may have some problems with them.

  • And I find that fascinating.

  • So I decided to write about it.

  • Yeah.

  • And so then it just was...

  • Because I know for some authors they could go on to a topic and be like, “okay, I kind

  • of did this,” but there must've been something about it for you that you're like, "I'm going

  • to do it again and look at it from a different point of view."

  • Yeah, well I find the topic fascinating because we all have the same amount of time.

  • Yes.

  • We all have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week.

  • And so when you find people who are doing all these amazing things in their lives, both

  • personally and professionally, it's not because they have any more time than the rest of us.

  • They may have other things going for them, but they don't have that.

  • And so I enjoy studying: what are they doing with their hours?

  • How are they making the pieces of work and life fit together and what can the rest of

  • us learn from that?

  • Yeah.

  • So being Off the Clock, which is the title of your latest book, as you call it, it implies

  • time freedom.

  • Yet time freedom requires discipline.

  • I want to talk about the time paradox meaning that time is both precious and plentiful.

  • I thought this was so fascinating.

  • Why do you feel it's important to really dig into this paradox and like really understanding

  • both where the minutes go and then almost simultaneously not wanting ourselves to be

  • obsessed with where the minutes go?

  • Yeah, there really is this paradox about it.

  • And I mean the whole genesis of Off the Clock came when I was feeling off the clock while

  • on a run this morning in Maine where I was there all by myself.

  • Nobody was expecting me to do anything.

  • I could do whatever I wanted.

  • It was this very sort of liberating sense.

  • And yet I realized in the moment when I was having this wonderful run along the Maine

  • beach that I had to figure out so many logistics to get me to that place.

  • I mean, in terms of making sure I didn't have work at that time, the logistics of getting

  • there, child care, all this other stuff.

  • And so all that time discipline is what had led to time freedom.

  • And as I explored this more with people, I saw that many of the people who do feel the

  • most relaxed about their time are also the people who are most in control of their time.

  • They have figured out where the time is going.

  • They have figured out what needs to happen in their life.

  • They have put the systems in place to make it work.

  • And when you have that going on, well then you can relax.

  • Then you can enjoy time, because you're not vaguely worried that something's not happening

  • that's supposed to, you've got some deadline coming up you're not sure about.

  • So that's when you can really feel off the clock.

  • For me, the more disciplined I am, I do feel that's true.

  • The more freedom I have, and I've seen that in the decades of my career.

  • It's like the more organized I become, then when it's time for me to be truly off the

  • clock, I don't need to check into email.

  • I don't need to pick up the phone.

  • It's like things are taken care of.

  • But so many people, I feel like don't do the first basic steps, which we're going to get

  • into, about figuring out, you know, well where does it all go?

  • So when it comes to things like money or time, for me it's always about, right, you can't

  • measure what you don't manage.

  • And I love the phrasing of Pearson's law: "That which is measured, improves and that

  • which is measured and reported, improves exponentially."

  • So let's talk about time tracking.

  • That's one of your big...

  • I guess so excited about this.

  • And for anyone in the audience, who's like, "No!"

  • Like if they need it, too.

  • Please don't make me.

  • Please don't make me, but it's so exciting.

  • For us, at least.

  • I'm not sure of everyone.

  • But I feel like if we can inspire them to do it because there's so much goodness and

  • benefit and joy that can come from it and the results that can come if you're just willing

  • to dig in there.

  • So first let's talk about you.

  • What inspired you to start tracking your time?

  • Well, I was curious about where my time went.

  • And at the time I started tracking my time continuously, which I did in spring of 2015,

  • so I now know where every half hour block of my time has gone since then, which puts

  • this right out there.

  • Nobody else has to do this.

  • Nobody else has to track their time for three years.

  • Don't worry.

  • But you know, I write about the topic, so I looked at thousands of time logs at that

  • point.

  • I wanted to really see where my time went.

  • And I had kept logs of a week here and there over the years.

  • But I realized when I started tracking my time continuously that I had chosen very specific

  • weeks to track in the past, like weeks that showed me as I wished to see myself.

  • You know, the perfect week.

  • And when you track all your time, of course you can't do that.

  • And so I got a much more holistic perspective on where the time goes.

  • But yeah, I mean if you want to spend your time better, you have to figure out where

  • the time is going now, because if you don't have good data, then your decision will be

  • flawed.

  • I mean, it's the same with any business decision.

  • If you don't know which stores are selling what, how are you going to make right choices

  • of what you're supposed to be doing with that?

  • So that's really what it comes from.

  • And I realized I had plenty of stories I was telling myself.

  • Let's talk about them cause I thought that was fascinating.

  • Like, some of the big lies.

  • And I think that's what's so valuable about being specific and taking the time to track

  • anything, you know, whether it's money or what you're eating.

  • Every time I try kind of a new way of eating and I start to learn something new, I'm like,

  • "Oh my goodness," it shows me so much about how I was kidding myself.

  • I didn't think I ate late at night.

  • It's like, oh my goodness, I snack late night all the time.

  • You start to discover these things.

  • So with your time tracking, what were some of the lies or stories that you were telling

  • yourself?

  • Yes.

  • The equivalent of the six Oreos from the kitchen next to the home office that magically disappear

  • on their own in the course of the day.

  • Yeah, I had thought that I worked about 50 hours a week because the weeks I had tracked

  • in the past, I'd always worked 50 hours a week.

  • And it turned out that I had this story I was telling myself that I'm a serious professional

  • who works long hours.

  • With writing, sometimes people view it as a bit of a dilettante-ish sort of thing to

  • do, so I'm very wedded to this idea of myself as a serious professional.

  • And then when I tracked my time continuously, I realized that the average was a lot closer

  • to 40 than it was to 50.

  • And it's not that I never worked 50 hour weeks because clearly I had.

  • I'd recorded them in the past.

  • I'd worked 60 hours a week.

  • It's just they weren't the norm any more than a week working 20 hours was.

  • And so when I realized, well, the average is 40, not 50, that's 10 hours that even studying

  • this topic very closely, I had no idea where they were going.

  • And what did you discover about those 10 hours?

  • Where did you start to feel like, "Oh, here's where it's sliding off to?"

  • Well, it's interesting.

  • I mean, you know, obviously some of it was going to kid-related stuff.

  • I turned out to spend quite a bit of time in the car, which was just mind boggling for

  • me because I usually work out of my home office, so there's no daily commute and that is where

  • most people's time in the car will appear in their schedule.

  • So, I don't have to worry about that.

  • It turns out I was spending more than an hour a day in the car, listening to really bad

  • music much of the time.

  • And so I realized, I was like, well, I need to be a little bit more intentional about

  • this hour a day.

  • But if I didn't know that, like if I didn't know, I'm spending an hour a day in the car...

  • With crappy music.

  • With crappy music.

  • I mean, I could tell myself all sorts of stories, but it turns out that I'm spending more time

  • in the car, than I am exercising, than I am reading, like all these other things.

  • That was a big one.

  • I loved when you wrote, "Exercise takes a lot of time only in our explanations of why

  • we're not doing it."

  • Pretty much.

  • I was like, "Amen."

  • It was so good.

  • As a woman who likes to go to the gym, when read that, I was like, yup, because the days

  • that I'm quote unquote "too busy," and then I really look, “I'm like, oh, but you know

  • what?

  • You watch the NBC Nightly News didn't you, girl?”

  • Yeah.

  • And I mean it's hard to exercise at night for many people, but that doesn't mean we

  • couldn't have rearranged the schedule in some other ways so that leisure time would appear

  • at a different point in the day.

  • And you know, I've committed to exercising every single day and I've found that's good

  • for me because then it changes the conversation.

  • I'm not like, “am I going to exercise?” which is a whole existential debate.

  • I don't know.

  • Am I gonna exercise?

  • It changes it towhen am I going to exercise?” which is a much more useful question.

  • Yes.

  • So for anyone hearing, okay, I know time tracking is probably the first step, which would you

  • agree, right?

  • Yes.

  • In order to make any significant and substantial changes if we want to.

  • If we want to.

  • If we want to, then a first step is knowing what the hell we're dealing with right now.

  • So for anyone who's resisting this idea, I feel like one of the big ones that you wrote

  • about like, well I don't have the time to track my time, can you address that for them?

  • Yeah.

  • I see all kinds of forms of resistance to this idea and I'm sure some people are like,

  • crossing their hands listening to this.

  • Like, "No, I'm never going to do it."

  • One category of people who resisted is people who have to track their time for work.

  • So lawyers, accountants, or you know, anyone who's punching in and out of something, you

  • may feel like, "I track my time at work.

  • I can't deal with it for the rest of my life."

  • You don't have to do it for three years.

  • Like, that's not expected.

  • Just one week will give you so much insight into your life that I hope you'll find it

  • worth it.

  • As for the argument of being too busy, for me, it takes about three minutes a day.

  • I check in three times a day.

  • Each check in takes about a minute.

  • So, it's the same amount of time I spend brushing my teeth.

  • So if you argue that you're too busy to brush your teeth, then that's fine.

  • But most people find the space in their schedule for it.

  • And they can do it electronically.

  • On your phone.

  • You can do electronically.

  • You can use a time tracking app.

  • Like, there's some that are even intuitive.

  • So like you just go in at the end of the day and correct the record.

  • It doesn't have to take that much time.

  • I think it's more often people don't want to do it because they don't actually want

  • to know.

  • It's the same thing with the food tracking.

  • Like, you don't want to know.

  • The truth hurts.

  • The truth hurts.

  • But then it does set you free.

  • It does set you free.

  • And really, I try to tell people it's not about playing gotcha.

  • Like, I don't actually care if you're on Instagram for two hours every night.

  • Like if life is working for you, go for it.

  • But if you are telling yourself, "Oh, I have no time to start this business on the side.

  • I have no time to exercise.

  • I'm not spending enough time with my family," whatever stories you're telling yourself and

  • you also have this two hour chunk on Instagram every night.

  • That's when we need to start working on it.

  • I am with you.

  • I'm with you all the way.

  • So, I have a question for you.

  • And I know this is a big one.

  • And it's impossible that we'll be able to get into all the nitty gritty.

  • But you do talk about this in your work, specifically in this book.

  • What can we do to clear our calendars of activities that are boring, stressful, or just not the

  • best use of our time?

  • Yes, that is a big question.

  • It's a big one.

  • How do we get rid of the stuff we don't want to do?

  • I'll give you two practical suggestions.

  • The first, and I know you know this, being very careful when you say yes to things and

  • it is so hard to say no.

  • And I find with people that the further something is in the future, the more we are saying yes

  • because it feels like we're assigning it to a completely different person.

  • Yes.

  • It will never be February.

  • I'm sure you've probably had that.

  • No one recently, but it's like there's some times where there's a thing where you have

  • to get on a plane or show up and you're like, "Oh, that's going to be fine."

  • And then the time comes, you're like...

  • Why did I agree to this?

  • Why?

  • Yes.

  • I have so many friends who have this syndrome all the time.

  • Well you know, you figure it'll never be February or somehow you'll be a different person in

  • February.

  • Like, you'll have more time, you'll be more patient with the world.

  • Yes.

  • The future you always seems to have an open calendar.

  • The future you has nothing going on.

  • So the future you could totally do this, except it's not true.

  • I mean future you will be exactly the same as you are now.

  • We don't really change as much as we sometimes hope we will.

  • So you know, the better question to always ask yourself when you are asked to do something

  • in the future is would you do it tomorrow?

  • Would you do it tomorrow.

  • And if you would, you're probably booked solid tomorrow, but if you're thinking, yeah, I

  • could try to move this around and cancel these things because I really want to do this, then

  • you will feel the same way in February.

  • I like that.

  • But if no?

  • If no, no.

  • No.

  • One of my favorite things to teach folks that work with me is I tell them to get on the

  • no train.

  • They get a first class ticket on the no train, because some of us are so habituated to just

  • people-pleasing and saying yes or looking at opportunities like they're the only ones

  • we're ever going to get and we just say yes to things and like what you said happens,

  • the calendar gets filled up with shit.

  • You're like, "I don't care about this and all of my other priorities just can't fit

  • in."

  • So, I like that.

  • What was the second?

  • The second one is, I usually plan my weeks on Friday afternoons.

  • I find this is really good time for it.

  • Uh, not a whole lot else going on on Friday afternoons, kind of drifting into the weekend

  • at that point.

  • But I'm willing to think about what future me should be doing the next week and figure

  • out my priorities for the week.

  • But while you're doing that, take a look at what is already on your calendar for the next

  • week and start triaging it.

  • You can figure out at that point, well, is there anything that just really doesn't actually

  • need to happen?

  • Or anything that I think probably won't happen, but nobody's going to make that call.

  • Like, if that's the case, go ahead and cancel it.

  • Do it ahead of time.

  • Everyone can make other plans.

  • Maybe you see on your calendar that somebody asked for 60 minutes for a meeting and it's

  • like something you think could happen in a five minute phone call, like Friday afternoon,

  • make that phone call.

  • Get it done and then that hour is opened up in the next week.

  • Or maybe it's delegating something that someone on your team could go handle this matter or

  • there's three of you on the same team going to the same meeting.

  • Like, please just send one of you.

  • And you could free up hours and minutes by doing this.

  • I love this.

  • I especially love just taking the time, especially on Friday, because most people are, you're

  • kind of taxed from the week.

  • There's a lot going on.

  • You are thinking about the weekend and it doesn't have to take that long.

  • Just take five, 10 minutes.

  • Just take five, 10 minutes, and you get hours back.

  • I mean, that's about the best investment you can make.

  • Absolutely.

  • So you told wonderful stories in the book.

  • I would love to talk about the Canadian artist.

  • Yes.

  • Because we have many, many creatives in our audience who have struggled or are struggling

  • with a creative block and feeling like they have all of these other obligations.

  • They likely have maybe a day job.

  • Maybe they have two jobs and things that they want to do.

  • So tell us about this incredible woman.

  • Yeah, so Lorraine is a wonderful artist and does fabulous work.

  • She does a lot of paintings of flowers.

  • She lives up in rural Saskatchewan, which has a beautiful landscape but a little bit

  • hard to get around to do things.

  • Anyway, she had written me originally because she was feeling not as productive as she wanted

  • to be.

  • And so I asked her to track her time and share her schedule with me and she sent in a time

  • log, where she was working for about 40 hours of the week, but on various different projects,

  • only 12 hours were on her top priority of actually painting, which is, you know, she's

  • an artist.

  • That's what she wants to spend her time doing.

  • And she wasn't happy about this, so I sort of had various ideas about productivity, but

  • when I sent them back and then she wrote me back a little bit later, she wanted to share

  • a little bit more about this, which is that she was facing this real creative block.

  • Like, she was having such a hard time getting going on things.

  • She's feeling like there was never enough time for art.

  • Like, the world was conspiring against her, house problems.

  • Plumbing.

  • Plumbing goes out and you're trying to get a plumber out to rural Saskatchewan.

  • He's not coming when you want him, he's coming when he wants to be there.

  • And you know, various things going on.

  • And so, we talked about this and how she could deal with this.

  • And the thing though is looking at her schedule, she was complaining about this worst possible

  • week ever.

  • And I saw that she had actually spent 16 hours that week on making art, versus the 12 hours

  • the week before where she hadn't complained about how crazy everything was.

  • And it's like, "Well, wait.

  • You're actually scaling it up.

  • Like, you're doing a good job.

  • It's just that your expectations are unmatched with reality."

  • So a better question, a sort of better way to think about this is to make art when you

  • can and relax when you can't.

  • If you lower your expectations in the short run for what you can get done, I find that

  • that's actually the secret to longterm productivity because when people think that in any given

  • day there are going to, you know, paint 10 paintings and spend 18 hours in their studio,

  • that's not going to happen.

  • And then they get discouraged.

  • You feel like shit.

  • You feel like shit and then you stop.

  • Totally.

  • Totally.

  • And then you don't keep going, and then that's when those voices come in and telling you,

  • you're never going to do this.

  • You're never going to work again, whatever the story is that's going on in your head.

  • And so, we talked about how she could try to get to the studio on Monday just to sort

  • of start the week well, but then the rest of the time, like make art when you can, when

  • you can't relax, see how it goes.

  • And while it sounds like that would be an excuse to like underperform, it turns out

  • not to be the case at all because when you get rid of these extreme expectations for

  • yourself, and say, "Well, I'm just gonna do a little.

  • You know, that feel pretty good.

  • Oh, I could do some more.

  • Okay.

  • I'll just do a little bit more."

  • And next thing you know, she's like got this huge exhibit going on the next year like with

  • many, many paintings because when art feels good rather than a source of stress, then

  • you want to do more art.

  • Absolutely.

  • And it's so counterintuitive.

  • Like I can even hear the part of my brain.

  • I can feel it in the audience, too.

  • "No, if I'm not listening to the drill sergeant who's mean in my head, I will absolutely do

  • nothing."

  • You know?

  • And they think, and I've had this, this is something that my man Josh is actually quite

  • good with.

  • You know, because I'm one of those people who can just drive, drive, drive, drive, drive,

  • and he's like, "You know, you've done a lot today."

  • I'm like, "Not really enough."

  • He's like, "No, you can actually be nice to yourself and you're going to get more done."

  • I could do more.

  • Yeah.

  • I could always do more.

  • I could always do more.

  • But it's so true.

  • And when I do take his advice, your advice, I do find myself feeling just even more light

  • and more restored and just happier.

  • Yeah.

  • And the truth is, you can do amazing things in the long run with very small steps.

  • I mean, if you want to write a 70,000 word book, write 1,400 words a week for 50 weeks

  • of a year.

  • At the end of the year you've got a 70,000 word book.

  • Like 1,400 words a week is nothing.

  • It's 350 words a day for four days.

  • Like, you send that many emails by 9:30 A.M.

  • This is actually where I was going later, but we should just talk about it now.

  • You have that section in the book called, "The Secret of Prolificacy."

  • If I pronounced that right.

  • Katie Cannon.

  • Yes.

  • The UK writer who had just had a baby and managed to write and edit five books, a novella

  • and three short stories in one year.

  • I was like, damn.

  • It was great.

  • And part of what you said, and I'm going to share this and I want to hear more from you

  • cause you wrote the story, but just this simple technique of setting that timer in 20 to 30

  • minute blocks of focus.

  • Yeah.

  • And pumping out a little bit.

  • Just a little bit.

  • Just a little bit.

  • And then a little bit more.

  • And this is how people who are incredibly prolific get it done.

  • I love this woman.

  • She has to write under multiple pseudonyms because so many books are coming out that

  • it can't be managed under like, one name.

  • Really?

  • That's kind of amazing.

  • But what it is, and so if she is writing a 70,000 word book, I mean, she has a bit more

  • of a tighter schedule than a year for doing that, but you know, she can write it in seven

  • weeks.

  • That's 10,000 words a week.

  • She'll set a goal to do 2,500 words a day, four days a week, 2,500 words.

  • That's going to be three 800 to a 1,000 word scenes.

  • Sets a timer.

  • You know, 20, 30 minutes, she can write an 800 words scene, because she knows what she's

  • supposed to be doing cause she's got it outlined.

  • So, she's working from that.

  • Does three of those a day.

  • We're good.

  • Next day.

  • Does another three.

  • Next day another three, you know, then she's got her weekend, relax.

  • Next week, do some more.

  • At the end of seven weeks she's got a novel and then she can spend, you know, two weeks

  • editing it and it's out.

  • I think one of the other benefits that we didn't touch on, but you certainly go into

  • in the book in great detail is how also knowing where our time goes helps us savor the memories.

  • And then extend our experience of how we live our time.

  • Like, I know even from my journals, if I look back at the meal I had in Italy, like, what

  • was the lunch?

  • What was the dinner, what did we do the next morning?

  • Even if we had a fight, like what was it about?

  • It brings me back to a place of this feeling of expansiveness.

  • Yeah.

  • So, savoring time is really associated with feeling like you have more time because not

  • only are you experiencing the pleasure, you're acknowledging that you're experiencing the

  • pleasure and the more moments that you notice, the more time is memorable.

  • And I have a great quote in the book somebody had said that very often when we saywhere

  • did the time go?”

  • What we're actually saying is, “I don't remember where the time went.”

  • Like, when time isn't memorable, then we don't remember it.

  • But when we really savor these good experiences, they become these robust memories that we

  • can then look back on.

  • And that's actually been an upside to me of my time logs.

  • I mean, I did it to see where my time really went.

  • Can I spend more time on X, Y or Z?

  • Which is fine.

  • And I've learned some useful things from that.

  • But it's also provided this wonderful equivalent of a journal for like the past three years

  • that I can look back and see my memories of that week.

  • And with a journal itself, you often even just write about the highlights or the things

  • that were worrying you at the time.

  • I've read some of my old journals and please...

  • The angst is just like, it doesn't matter.

  • You'll forget what this was even about within two years.

  • But I mean the time log, you'll not only see that dinner, the wonderful like lunch in Italy

  • or whatever, but you see like what you were doing immediately before and what you were

  • doing after.

  • It gives you the whole context of the memory and so it's even more rich and so it creates

  • a bigger memory.

  • One of the things that has been really helpful for me, I know you talk about this as well,

  • is why tackling your top priorities both at the top of the week or in the morning is so

  • effective.

  • Yeah.

  • Well, most people have more energy and discipline and focus in the morning.

  • Not everyone.

  • I'm sure people are gonna write and tell me.

  • I get that all the time.

  • That's cool.

  • I get that all the time and that's totally cool.

  • If you are doing your best, most creative work at night, you are a night owl.

  • That is awesome.

  • Rock it out.

  • Most people when they say,” I'm not a morning person”, what they actually mean is that

  • they're tired in the morning, which is often a different matter.

  • That's because they were up too late doing whatever, didn't go to bed.

  • You know, hitting snooze in the morning.

  • It's not that you're not a morning person, it's that you don't get enough sleep, which

  • is a very different issue.

  • Solve that, you may have a lot of discipline in the morning.

  • But the reason to use this time is that that's how we get stuff done.

  • I mean, a project that takes two hours in the morning might take four hours in the afternoon.

  • Because of so many interruptions.

  • Yeah, so many interruptions, like you keep getting distracted, you don't have the energy

  • to do it.

  • Your brain needs a break, but you haven't given it a break.

  • So it takes fake breaks.

  • Like you know, that's when you're reading the same email six times in a row.

  • So, tackle these difficult projects when you have the most energy and you'll get through

  • them faster.

  • You'll probably do them better.

  • But I also think the beginning of the week is a great time for speculative work that

  • life has a way of crowding out.

  • And in Off the Clock I tell the story of a friend of mine, Catherine, who's a writer

  • and she was trying to get a book contract.

  • She wanted to be a book author.

  • And she thought, "Well, I'm going to write some big magazine stories that might lead

  • to a book deal."

  • And so we're checking in with each other every week.

  • She's like, "I'm going to do it Friday afternoon.

  • That's when I'm going to carve out for my pitches."

  • But like week after week stuff would come up and I'm like, oh I had a big client call

  • on Thursday.

  • So that took all my time on Friday or my kid was sick on Wednesday, so all that stuff got

  • moved to Friday or we left early for the weekend, whatever.

  • It wasn't a good time.

  • When she moved that to Monday morning because I said well, that's prime time.

  • You have the most discipline and energy and focus, we'll see if it gets done.

  • And you know, it was very difficult for her to do because she's basically ignoring her

  • clients until 10:00 AM on Monday when she's the kind of productive person who wants to

  • get right to it.

  • But it happened.

  • She wrote these magazine pitches, she got a great magazine story out of it.

  • She got a book deal.

  • She's the same person.

  • She was the exact... she's not more productive.

  • Not a better writer or anything else of trying to do this work on Friday afternoon versus

  • Monday morning.

  • Same person.

  • It's just that using this time at the beginning of the week means it happens.

  • The emergencies have yet to come up.

  • You wait until the end of the week?

  • The time will be taken away.

  • Same thing with early mornings.

  • I know you told a few great stories in there, the one about the CEO who goes to the Waffle

  • House?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, well, he runs a big company and he wants to be the sort of engaged boss that

  • people can come talk to if they have issues, right?

  • The problem of being that person is you have to really truly be that person, because if

  • people come to you and talk about problems and you're like looking like you are trying

  • to do something else, that you really want them to leave, people pick up on that.

  • So to be that person who can deal with whatever comes to him, he had to do his focused work

  • somewhere else.

  • So, he'd go to the Waffle House in the morning and spend an hour, an hour and a half tackling

  • whatever is his big priority for the day.

  • And so by the time he shows up at work, he's done it.

  • He can relax.

  • Every single time that I do that and my schedule changes and sometimes waking up really early

  • doesn't make sense because of how late I work the night before.

  • But when I do, it's always so magical.

  • There's something in that morning time before the sun even comes up when it's so peaceful

  • and there's no emails coming in, there's no nothing.

  • And when that happens for me, it's like by the time I get to 8:00 A.M., it feels like

  • I've had a full day.

  • And like I have had a full day.

  • I can do whatever.

  • Come bring it to me.

  • I can conquer the world.

  • That's right.

  • That motivation will you through the rest of the day.

  • I want to talk for a minute because I think, like you said earlier, you know, if someone

  • enjoys being on Instagram for two hours, God bless.

  • If you know that you're doing it, but if you're complaining that you don't have time to do

  • other things, it may be a problem.

  • Let's talk for a minute about social media and our phones.

  • What have you discovered from all of the work that you've done with people's time logs and

  • all the folks you've worked with?

  • Yeah, so I mean, for Off the Clock, I had 900 people track their time for a day, all

  • very busy people, a lot going on in their lives, had them report how they were spending

  • their time, how they felt about their time.

  • So I could look and compare the schedules of the people who felt relaxed about time,

  • with equivalently busy people who felt starved for time, like time was a source of stress.

  • And I found that the people who felt most relaxed about time check their phones about

  • half as frequently as the people who felt most starved for time.

  • There's been some other research out there showing similar things, that we have open

  • space and then we choose to chop it up.

  • So, an hour of leisure time doesn't feel like an hour of leisure time if you've picked up

  • your phone 10 times and just looked at, people think they're being productive because, you

  • probably looked at your work email for like 30 seconds, but you went immediately to somewhere

  • else, you know, headline scrolling, social media, whatever.

  • And so it's not really work.

  • It's not really leisure, either.

  • It's this weird gray area that could be free time if people chose to make it free time.

  • But you know, often we're telling ourselves a story that we are so busy and so we don't

  • recognize it as free time and then we feel worse about the whole thing.

  • I want to wrap today with something that you have in the book and I think it's wonderful,

  • just about setting really small goals, right?

  • Not setting these huge expectations for ourselves.

  • Like, I'm going to run five miles every single day or like you said, you know, someone saying,

  • I need to do 10 paintings or I need to pump out all this stuff and holding these really

  • high, almost perfectionistic goals for ourselves every day.

  • And one of the things I love that you wrote is, "Done is better than perfect because there

  • is no perfect without being done."

  • Yes.

  • And Marie, you just said what I was going to say.

  • My line, I guess.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • It's beautiful.

  • Well, yeah, I mean, we have this idea that we could get to some perfect thing, which

  • you can't and things become better once they're out in the world.

  • You can get feedback on them.

  • You can at least hear from stakeholders what they like and what they don't.

  • See how people react to it and that's what makes it better.

  • So you're almost always better in getting something out there and seeing what you can

  • learn from it, because it can't be perfect until it's done.

  • That's right.

  • And I know, because I've definitely curtailed a lot of my own perfectionistic tendencies,

  • I don't think people realize how much time they waste.

  • Oh, so much time.

  • Right?

  • It's like if we think about this beautiful life that we have and all of these opportunities

  • to create things and make a difference and have fun, those perfectionistic tendencies

  • just suck the shit out of us.

  • I mean, it's just horrible how much time they waste.

  • Yeah.

  • It keeps you from enjoying the fruits of your labors and seeing what other people think

  • about them and maybe making a difference in someone else's life when they discover them,

  • as well.

  • Laura, thank you so much for coming on today.

  • This was wonderful.

  • Thank you so much for having me.

  • Now, Laura and I would love to hear from you.

  • Again, this is one of my favorite topics of all time.

  • So I'm curious: which insight meant the most to you and most important, how can you turn

  • that insight into tangible action right now?

  • Leave a comment below and let us know.

  • As always, the best conversations happen over at the magical land of, so

  • go on over there and leave a comment now.

  • Once you're there, be sure to subscribe to our email list and become an MF Insider.

  • You'll get instant access to an audio I created called, "How to Get Anything You Want."

  • It's so good.

  • You'll also get some exclusive content, special giveaways, and some personal updates from

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  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really needs that

  • special gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

  • Are you tired of talking into an empty void?

  • Are you ready for more sales, more clients, and more raving fans?

  • Take our free seven day writing class at

  • It

  • takes about three minutes a day.

  • I check in three times a day.

  • Each check in takes about a minute.

  • So it's the same amount of time I spend brushing my teeth.

  • So, if you argue that you're too busy to brush your teeth, then that's fine, but most people

  • find the space in their schedule for it.

In this episode of MarieTV, we do have some adult language.


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勞拉-範德卡姆《世界上最成功的人的時間自由習慣》。 (Laura Vanderkam Time Freedom Habits From The Worlds Most Successful People)

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