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Hi, guys. This is Katie. 嗨,大家好 我是凱蒂
I'm now at Sinshih District. 我現在在新市
Here you can find 在這裡你會發現
a lot of public art installations 許多的公共藝術
as well as precious ancient relics. 與珍藏的考古文物
Let's go check it out! 跟著我一起去看看吧!
This is the famous Nanke Archaeological Museum in Sinshih. 這裡是新市著名的南科考古館
You can see 能看見
the history that this place has been through. 這片土地經過的歲月
Do you want to know more about the history of Sinshih? 想知道新市曾經有什麼文化嗎?
Let's go check it out! 走吧!我們一起去了解
Nanke Archaeological Museum was founded 南科考古館創立的原因
because when the Southern Taiwan Science Park 是因為1995年開發
was constructed in 1995, 南部科學工業園區的時候
a lot of relics were found 在這個地方
around the construction site. 發現了許多遺跡
Afterwards, people decided to establish the museum. 因此就成立了南科考古館
The relics here 遺跡最早
can be traced back to the prehistoric period 5000 years ago 可以追溯到5000年前的史前文化
and all the way to 300 years ago. 最晚約300多年前
The place has the highest density of historical sites 是臺灣遺址分布密度最高
as well as the most complete cultural sequence in Taiwan. 文化層序最完整
It is also the largest excavation on the island. 也是挖掘面積最大的地區
Wow! Here in the archaeological museum, 哇!考古館裡面
you can see the High Speed Rail pass through. 竟然能看到臺南高鐵經過
More than 20 years have passed 你知道從開挖到現在
since the excavation began. 已經20幾年了
Right here in this corridor of time, 在這個時光廊道上
you can feel both the most ancient culture 能感受到 從最古老的文化
and the symbol of modern civilization – the High Speed Rail. 到現代文明的高鐵意象
The advancement of human beings 歲月的累積
unfolds with the accumulation of time. 讓我們感受到人類的進步
In Exhibition Room 1 in the museum, 在南科考古館的第一廳
you can see a lot of historical relics. 你能看到許多考古文物
We know that every place has its own treasures, 話說每個地方都有招牌名產
and the museum is no exclusion. 而這邊當然也有
Let me invite my friend 考古館的鎮館之寶
to tell you more about 我就請我的好朋友
the greatest treasures in the museum! 來為我們介紹吧
Hi! It's been a long time. 嗨!大家好久不見啊
Let me show you 我現在就為大家介紹
the greatest relics here. 這些文物裡的招牌明星吧
Ceramic figurines 人面陶偶
are the most iconic artifact in Nanke. 是南科考古的代表性文物之一
This ceramic artifact 這個用陶土做成的作品
came from the Niaosung Culture. 來自蔦松(Niaosung)文化
People made these vivid ceramic figurines 在幾千年前就能捏出
a few thousand years ago. 立體的五官和表情
Aren't they cute? 是不是非常可愛啊
In addition to ceramic figurines, 除了人面陶偶
there are a lot of ancient artifacts. 這裡還有許多歷史悠久的文物
For example, there are knife handlers 有用鹿角做的刀柄
and dices made of antlers. 還有用鹿角做的骰子
I don't know people had dices long ago! 在早期 人類竟然就有骰子了
Isn't it cool? 這是不是很酷呢
Even if you don't know much about history, don't worry. 要是對歷史不瞭解別擔心
There are animations that teach the history. 這裡有介紹歷史的動畫
Besides, there are little and cute models 還有非常可愛的小模型
that can help you know more 能讓你對這片土地
about this place. 有更多的認識
Wow! Look at here. 哇 ! 你看看這裡
It feels like we have traveled back in time. 簡直來到了古代一樣
Here you can have a thorough understanding 在這裡你可以充分地
of how life in the past was like. 感受到前人的生活
Hunting, fishing, and farming 從狩獵、漁獵到農耕
were the essential source of food for people back then. 都是他們不可或缺的食物來源
Walking through the full-scale models 1:1的仿真造景
are just like passing through a time tunnel 讓我們像是掉到了時光隧道
and travelling to the past. 回到了從前的生活
Here you can know more about 在這邊你能了解
how people in the past ate and drank 古人的飲食來源
as well as their ways of living cultures. 還有生活文化
If you look into the detail, 如果你仔細看
you can see that 還能夠發現在當時
there were even hunting dogs in the ancient time. 就有獵犬了
Ancient wisdom is indeed inspiring. 前人的智慧真讓人感到佩服
Here you can observe 到了這邊你能夠直接觀看
how researchers at Nanke Archaeological Museum 南科考古館的研究人員
perform their daily tasks. 工作的過程
Can you believe it? 而且你相信嗎?
You can actually talk to the researchers directly. 你還能夠直接與他們對話
This is the only place in Taiwan 這種現場與研究人員交流的方式
that allows you to talk with on-site researchers. 是全台唯一
Don't miss the chance. 也是難得的機會
At Nanke Archaeological Museum, 南科考古館
you can see not only introductions of the relics 不只著重文物的介紹
but also how archaeological investigation is conducted 你還能夠看到許多考古的過程
and how ancient artifacts are preserved. 與文物的保存方式
Do you know? 你知道嗎
The oldest fossil of domestic dogs in Taiwan was found here. 臺灣發現最早的家犬化石就在這裡
It can be traced back to 4,800 years ago. 距今已經4800年了
Back then, humans had a close relation with dogs, 當時人類與狗狗關係密切
and there was a custom of dog burial. 還有家犬墓葬的文化
You can see the strong bond between humans and dogs at that time. 可見當時對狗的深厚情誼
Nanke Archaeological Museum 南科考古館
is a great place for families with kids. 也是非常適合小朋友來的地方
There is an exhibition room for kids. 這裡設置了兒童廳
There are interactive game facilities that 用互動性的遊戲設施
help kids experience cultures of the past. 讓小朋友體驗古人生活的相關文化
Also, don't miss out 還有記得不可以錯過
the hands-on activities here. 這裡的體驗活動
Isn't it fantastic to become an archaeologist? 當個小小考古員是不是很夢幻呢
Nanke Archaeological Museum 南科考古館是一個
is a place for both children and adults. 非常適合大人與小朋友的地方
Here you can be more familiar with the place 除了能夠更了解腳下的這片土地
and enjoy experiences of ancient cultures. 也能開心地體驗古代文化
When you come to Sinshih, don't miss out the museum! 來到新市一定不要錯過這裡
Do you remember the first dog in Taiwan 你還記得南科考古館的
in Nanke Archaeological museum? 臺灣第一狗嗎
The public art installation behind me 在我身後的公共藝術
is a model inspired by the dog. 就是以它為參考做出來的
Here in Sinshih, 在新市這個地方
you can find many public art installations. 你能發現許多公共藝術
They help bring energy and vitality to Sinshih. 這為新市區帶來了活力
From public art installations 新市區從公共藝術到
to street lights, at Sinshih 平常隨處可見的路燈
you can see a lot of local features 都能看到他們將許多在地特色
that are incorporated into the daily life of local residents. 融合到了生活中
When you come to Sinshih, 來到新市區
remember to pay attention to the roads and streets here. 不妨看看路邊的風景
You may be able to find some cute surprises. 或許你能找到一些可愛的驚喜
This is why this place 而這也是為何這裡
attracts so many young people. 受到年輕人喜愛的原因
These cute public art installations 可愛的公共藝術
infuse vitality and energy 為這片科學工業園區
to the science park. 注入了一股年輕的靈魂
We've just saw a lot of local public art installations, 剛剛看了許多在地的公共藝術
but the installations at this park 但這個公園的公共藝術
may seem especially familiar to you. 你可能會覺得有點熟悉
They are all characters 因為這些都是來自於
from the picture books of 臺灣著名的藝術家
famous Taiwanese artist – Jimmy. -幾米,他所畫的繪本角色
They are so cute! 是不是很可愛啊
Jimmy has started his creation of 幾米從20幾年前開始
adult picture books since more than two decades ago. 開創了成人繪本的風格
His books have become memories that many Taiwanese share. 他的作品也是許多臺灣人的共同回憶
The installations here at Jimmy Park 來到幾米公園看看這些作品
remind us once again 讓我們重新感受到
the vigor Jimmy's characters all share. 這些作品角色的生命力
This place is so beautiful. 這裡非常漂亮
It's a must-visit place for many tourists 也是許多遊客來到新市區
when they come to Sinshih. 必來的景點之一
If you come here, 如果你也來到這裡
remember to take some pictures and check in on Facebook/Instagram. 記得拍個照片、打個卡
The park which is full of childhood funs is definitely worth remembering. 充滿童趣的公園值得讓你留念
There are a lot of art works here in Sinshih, 新市真的非常多藝術作品
and they are all lovely. 而且它們都很可愛
Kids will definitely be happy to come here. 小朋友到這個地方一定會很開心
These works serve as mascots of the Sinshih 這些作品如同新市區的吉祥物一樣
and inject vigor and enthusiasm to the place. 帶給這地方活力與熱情
In addition to art works, 在新市區除了藝術作品
there are lots of historical buildings here in Sinshih. 還有許多歷史悠久的建設
Behind me is the 80-year-old Ke Family Mansion. 在我身後就是有80年歷史的柯家古厝
Sinshih is such a lovely place where 傳統文化與現代藝術共存
traditional cultures and modern arts coexist together. 這就是新市區迷人的地方
In addition to the Ke Family Mansion, 除了柯家古厝
there's another place worth noticing 在新市區
in Sinshih District. 還有一個非常值得介紹的地方
Buffalo farming is an essential part of Taiwan's agriculture. 水牛文化是臺灣農業重要的一環
Due to advancement in farming technologies, 但因為農耕技術進步
the demand for buffalo farming has decreased. 水牛也逐漸跟著退休了
At that time, people here wanted 而當時為了給
to give the last buffalo a place 這邊的最後一頭水牛
to live after retirement, 一個退休後可以休息的地方
so they built a house for the buffalo. 新蓋了一個水牛的家
Although the buffalo died less than one year after the house was built 雖然水牛在完工後不到一年就去世了
and the house was later damaged by natural disaster, 水牛的家也因為天災而受損
we can see that the house is symbolic 但當時人們的這個舉動
of the affection and appreciation people had for the buffalo. 可見他們對水牛的喜愛與感謝
The buffalo was buried under the statue after it died, 去世後的水牛也就葬在石像下面
and this statue is a memorial to the buffalo tradition in Sinshih. 為新市區留下了一個文化紀念
I'm now here at Yingsi Lake. 我現在在迎曦湖
You can find the largest public art installation 這裡有著新市區最大的公共藝術
and the most beautiful scenery of Sinshi here. 還有最美麗的風景
After an entire day's hustle, 經過一天的行程
you can come here and take a walk. 可以來到這邊走一走
Enjoy the lake view and relax. 看看湖邊景色、散散心
You'll feel a sense of serenity 讓心沉澱下來
and leisure. 好好地放鬆
There is a gigantic public art installation at Yingsi Lake. 迎曦湖有件超大的公共藝術
It looks like a yellow python 遠遠看過去
from afar. 就像是一條黃色蟒蛇
The installation is inspired by yellow ribbons 它的設計理念是黃絲帶
and serves as a welcoming symbol 主要是要歡迎
to people coming to Sinshih. 來到新市區的民眾
If you stand below the installation, 要是你站在下面看
you will find it spectacular. 會非常壯觀
Originally, Yingsi Lake was created 迎曦湖原本是為了
to solve flooding problems. 解決水患問題而設置
Now with the new built hiking trail and art installations, 現在加上了步道和裝置藝術
it has become a place for people to take a walk and relax. 很適合大家來走一走、看一看
You can come here and enjoy the sunset and public art installations, 來到這邊享受夕陽與公共藝術
as well as enjoy the vigor of Sinshih District. 能感受到新市區的生命力
I often come here to relax and walk my dog. 平常會來這邊散散心、遛狗
It's a relaxing place. 在這邊很放鬆
The sceneries here are beautiful, 景色很漂亮
and the lake is quite large, 迎曦湖的範圍又很大
so it takes quite some time to finish my walk. 不用擔心一下就走完了
When you visit Sinshih, don't miss out here. 來新市遊玩一定要來這邊
You can come here with your family and friends 帶著家人、朋友
and enjoy a leisure afternoon. 享受悠閒的下午時光
This is also a good place 這裡也是一個
for dating lovers! 約會的好去處喔
When you visit Sinshih, 來新市區
don't forget to try out the local dish - 當然也不能忘記這邊的美食
stinky tofu. 臭豆腐
It's a famous snack in Sinshih, 是新市有名的小吃
and the restaurant is nearby the main road 它就在大馬路旁邊
and is easy to find. 位置並不難找
You can come here get refreshed! 快進來補充一天所耗費的能量吧
The stinky tofu here is 100% handmade 這裡的臭豆腐都是純手工製作
and doesn't use any artificial chemicals. 不添加化學藥劑
Besides, the restaurant changes its oil every day 每天使用的油也都是新油
and never reuses oil from the previous day. 不使用回鍋油
Looking at the hardworking staff, 看著老闆們努力工作的畫面
you can feel their 能感受到他們
insistence and pursuit of the best stinky tofu. 對臭豆腐的要求與堅持
This one is small portion stinky tofu, 在我面前的是小份的臭豆腐
and as you can see, it's already large enough. 你可以看到份量非常多
It's unlikely you'll feel hungry after finishing it. 完全不用擔心吃不夠
Let me check this out. 現在我就來試吃看看
The stinky tofu here 這個臭豆腐
is quite different from that of other restaurants. 與一般外面的臭豆腐不一樣
The skin of the fried tofu is relatively tender, 它的外皮口感偏軟
and normally the skin of stinky tofu is crispy. 不像一般臭豆腐那麼脆
But after you dip the tofu in the sauce, the tender texture and the sauce 偏軟的口感沾醬後變得很順口
go perfect with each other and keep the tofu juicy. 不那麼乾
The seasoning is quite strong. 味道又很足夠
It tastes so good. 太美味了
Stinky tofu in Sinshih 新市區的臭豆腐
is a must-eat delicacy 是很多在地人
to many local residents and tourists. 還有遊客必吃的美食
Many people working nearby 許多在這邊上班的人
come here during lunch 中午休息或下班後
or dinner time 都會來這裡吃上一道
to enjoy the delicious stinky tofu. 美味的臭豆腐
In addition to stinky tofu, 而這邊除了臭豆腐
the restaurant also sells other dishes and drinks. 還有販賣其他小吃、冷飲
If you come to Sinshih 來到新市區遊玩
and feel exhausted after an entire day's trip, 如果消耗了一天能量
come and enjoy the local cuisines 就來這邊享用在地美食
and get refreshed! 補充滿滿的活力吧!
Sinshih District is a place full of vitality. 新市區是一個充滿生命力的地方
From the historical relics 從這片土地上的歷史遺跡
to the contemporary arts and cultures, 到現代的藝術文化
you can feel the infinite creativity of local people. 都感受到了無限的創造力
When you visit here, 來到這邊
you can definitely get recharged! 保證能給你滿滿的活力