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  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.Com.

  • What should you do to become a fluent English speaker?

  • Let's talk about it.

  • I'd love for you to be able to speak English confidently, fearlessly, and fluently.

  • Wouldn't that be great?

  • I'd also love to be able to do a pull up, just one, that's all I ask.

  • Or be able to run a 10K.

  • But all of these things take slow and steady work day, by day, by day, by day.

  • Do you think that I could do a pull up tomorrow?

  • No.

  • Do you think that I could run a 10K tomorrow?

  • Probably not.

  • I need to practice little by little every day.

  • It's the same with speaking English confidently, fearlessly, and fluently.

  • There's no get rich quick scheme to help you learn English fast.

  • Of course it doesn't need to be boring and monotonous, but you need to have daily practice.

  • So today we're going to talk about the top five habits of fluent English speakers.

  • So if you want to speak English confidently and fearlessly, fluently, just follow these

  • five steps.

  • Number one, assess how much English you use now and what you're doing to improve.

  • Maybe you could take a notebook and write down, can I understand Vanessa?

  • 90%.

  • Can I understand TV shows and movies?

  • 90%.

  • Can I talk comfortably about my family and my job?

  • Can I talk comfortably about cultural, societal problems in my country, or generational differences?

  • Those are just some general questions to help you assess how much you currently know.

  • Where do you currently stand?

  • The important part of this is looking to see what you are currently doing to improve from

  • where you are right now.

  • I want you to write down everything that you currently do daily or at least weekly to improve

  • your English.

  • Do you watch a YouTube video every day in English?

  • Great.

  • How much time do you spend doing that?

  • Do you occasionally speak with your German coworker in English?

  • Great, write that down, and write down what you usually talk about, because those topics

  • are repeated again and again.

  • When we assess our current level and also what we're currently doing to improve, one

  • of two things happens.

  • Either you feel like you're not doing a lot to improve, but in reality, when you assess

  • it you realize, "Oh, I am doing a lot to try to improve.

  • I'm doing pretty well."

  • Or, on the other hand, you think that you're doing a lot to try to improve, but when you

  • assess that you realize, "Oh, maybe I'm not doing that much, and maybe that's why I'm

  • not improving."

  • So this assessment stage is the first step and it's vital.

  • The second habit of a fluent English speaker is to be positive about your progress.

  • Your mindset is really important.

  • My most successful English students are the ones who say, "Oh, I just made a mistake.

  • Oh well."

  • Or, "Wow, a year ago it was really hard to understand my American boss, but now I can

  • understand her a little bit better."

  • Even small wins you can be positive about.

  • "I had a really busy day at work today, but I listened to an English podcast on the way

  • home from work.

  • I did it.

  • I spent some time to improve my English."

  • Even those small things you can feel positive about.

  • Having that positive mindset is the key to helping you become a fluent English speaker.

  • You need to make it a habit.

  • The third habit of a fluent English speaker is to fit English into your daily life.

  • Everyone is busy.

  • If you're busy, you're not unusual.

  • I'm not saying it's good to be busy, but it's at least normal.

  • So it's important for you to fit English easily into your daily life because you probably

  • don't have two hours free every day.

  • Here are a few suggestions, there are many others on my channel.

  • You can change your device to English, change your phone to English, change your computer

  • to English.

  • That way you're just constantly surrounded by English as you're looking at your phone

  • or as you're using the computer.

  • If you are a list-maker like me, make the list about what you're going to do that day

  • or what you're going to do that week in English.

  • That way you're having to think about the best verbs, the best way to explain things.

  • It's another way to fit English easily into your daily life because it's something that

  • you were already going to do, but you're just going to do it in English now.

  • You could sing to English music.

  • You could even make a playlist of four or five songs that you really like, print out

  • the lyrics, read the lyrics as you're listening to the song a couple times so that you feel

  • comfortable with them, and then listen to the songs a lot, eventually you'll be able

  • to sing out loud with them.

  • And we can listen to music in the little bits of time we have during the day while you're

  • driving, while you're making breakfast.

  • This is a great way to have natural English sentences in your mind.

  • If you don't know where to start with English music, I made a video about 11 songs to learn

  • English that I recommend, you can check out this video up here, and it's just a good way

  • to get started.

  • This is a beautiful way to become a natural fluent speaker.

  • You could listen to English podcasts.

  • When you're busy, this is something that's really easy to do.

  • It's easier to listen than to sit on the couch and watch a video.

  • You can listen to something and do something else at the same time like household chores.

  • For example, when my husband Dan, every time he does the laundry, every time he folds the

  • laundry, he's always listening to a podcast.

  • In fact, I think it's impossible for him to fold the laundry without a podcast, he just

  • wouldn't be able to do it.

  • Or whenever I do the dishes, I like to listen to a podcast.

  • I'm multitasking, but it's not too hard because doing the dishes, folding the laundry, it's

  • a mindless task so you can also listen to something, have a good time listening to something

  • at the same time.

  • If you want any recommendations for podcasts to help you learn English, I made video about

  • my top nine recommendations.

  • Also, some other people in the comments left some other great podcasts for learning English,

  • but you can check out this video I made up here about my podcast recommendations.

  • These are just a few ideas to help you easily and seamlessly fit English into your daily

  • life.

  • The next habit of a fluent English speaker is to speak English at least once a week.

  • If you don't speak English regularly, you'll lose what you know.

  • It's just a fact.

  • If you don't run regularly, you'll lose your endurance.

  • If you don't do pull ups regularly, you'll lose your muscles, your muscles will weaken.

  • Fluent English speakers speak English regularly.

  • If you don't feel like you have any native English speakers who live near you, or you

  • don't have time to find them, I challenge you to check out this video I made up here

  • about how you can successfully learn English from home, learn English without traveling

  • to an English speaking country.

  • There are a lot of tips to help you get started speaking now because there is no time to waste.

  • If you're not practicing, you're losing it, so make sure that you speak English regularly.

  • The final habit of a fluent English speaker is that fluent speakers will take opportunities

  • when they come.

  • Do you have the opportunity to go to lunch with a British representative from your company?

  • Go!

  • Go to that lunch, speak English with them, listen to English.

  • Take that opportunity.

  • Do you have the opportunity to watch English cartoons with your child?

  • Do that, listen to the English cartoons.

  • Turn on the subtitles if you need to, but that's a great way to take opportunities.

  • Sometimes we feel like we don't have a chance to do something, but it's often because an

  • opportunity came, we might even say an opportunity came knocking, and we weren't listening.

  • So make sure that your ears are open for opportunities, because fluent English speakers take opportunities

  • when they're available.

  • Let's do a quick review.

  • The five habits of fluent English speakers, which will hopefully be you very soon, is

  • to number one, assess what you know and what you're doing to improve.

  • Number two is to be positive about your progress.

  • Number three is to fit English into your daily life.

  • Number four is to speak English at least once a week.

  • And the final fifth tip is to take opportunities when they come.

  • And now I have a question for you.

  • I want to know, what do you think are some other habits of fluent English speakers?

  • Read the comments and get some ideas from each other, because it is a great idea to

  • speak English confidently, fearlessly, and fluently.

  • You can do it.

  • Thanks so much for learning English with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new

  • lesson here on my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • I'd also love ... I'd also love ... The next step is to download my free ebook, Five Steps

  • to Becoming a Confident English Speaker.

  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Bye.

Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.Com.


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語流利者的5個習慣 (5 Habits of Fluent English Speakers)

  • 172 11
    Courage 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日